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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. I'll explain this in two parts because in BoM we have two reference examples, and a related example from SoS: So, as an object passes the edge of a time bubble, parts of the object are in different time frames causing a "lurch" that Wax notes induces nausea in people (SoS). This is why a time bubble is stationary unless the Allomancer is on a sufficiently massive object (like a train) to support the entire bubble. This is also why objects passing the time barrier deflect (like bullets) as the change in time reference skews the angular momentum (think of a prism bending light). The smaller the object, the greater the induced change. Partly, this is because (as the WoB notes) energy is either gained or lost (depending on if the object is speeding up or slowing down to match the new local time frame). WIthout a conversion of investiture into kinetic energy, light passing the time barrier would shift the same way physical objects due - inducing redshift or blueshift. . . Red and blue shift is a loss or gain in energy in light photons, inducing a change in wavelength and frequency. IRL, this is usually caused by a Doppler effect between moving objects (at astronautical speeds and distances - lightyears of distance and kilometers per second speeds or faster) or light being bent by changes in gravitational potential. With time bubbles, what would happen (without the induced conversion of investiture to energy) is "stretching" the wavelength as it passes the barrier would decrease the energy and frequency (blueshift) causing the blue part of the spectrum to "stretch" into UV and X-Rays while compressing the wavelength as it passes the barrier would increase the energy and frequency (redshift) causing the red part of the spectrum to "compress" into infrared and microwaves. Basically, the WoB is saying that investiture is converted to photon energy as light passes the barrier, preventing the changes in wavelength, frequency and energy that would result in these shifts (and irradiating the people in the time bubble) - while anything more massive than a photon does not "add" enough energy passing the bubble to prevent the lurching effect. As far as moving time bubbles are concerned, if the bubble moved with the Allomancer, then everything you pass would be lurched and affected as it passed through the bubble's barrier (like the shots that deflect coming in, and deflect again when leaving); or (as in the BoM Ch 17 example) if the coach was in the Cadmium slow-time bubble while still attached to horses not inside the bubble then death and mayhem would likely result as instead of a single lurch of the bubble popping as Marasi was pulled out, you would have an increase in pressure (is this the right word?) as horses not slowed down were killed trying to pull on a coach moving in a different time frame (both objects are moving at a given speed in meters per second, but the coach's "seconds" last longer and therefore are slower and "tug" on the horses trying to pull the bubble). Hope that helps.
  2. The answer was above: Act like Wax Ladrian - use the metal enough in practice and practical applications that you develop new techniques (same as Kelsier in TFE being able to push/pull on the ends of the bars while fighting the inquisitor to make them spin but not push/pull away) but not flare it so much that you actually descend into becoming a Savant that is "addicted" to the metal. Min/Maxing theories (Savants, Hemalurgy, etc.), like a game, disturb me. These are stories and Sanderson's Second Law* applies. I am much more interested in increased nuance than increased power. For example: could Wax learn to tap weight only to specific part of his body? Imagine making just your fist double-weight for a fraction of a second during a punch? Is that all in the subconscious command used when tapping or would that only be possible by a Savant?
  3. The soulcasting Savant in Oathbringer (Kaza - Interlude 4) shows that you can die of savantism. The Coppermind notes that Pewter Savantism often leads to death (but that is more psychological than a direct consequence like Soulcasting Savants).
  4. Yes, that's what the first WoB was about (I excerpted the part applied to your post, but the whole thing is available from the link). The Steel bubble was meant to be a sign of Savantism . . . but:
  5. The Mistborn era's do not equate to a specific real world year in history - they meant to evoke an environmental theme. The main reason they do not strictly correlate is because the science is off-sync. For example: The Final Empire had Steel and Tin Canning (1810s), Limelights (1830s) and was meant to evoke Victorian England (mid-to-late 1800s) - but was completely lacking in Firearms and had very minimal understanding of Chemistry (because the science had been suppressed by TLR). So, Era 2 is meant to evoke the rustic and "lawless" American West circa 1900, combined with the Labor Crises and technological age of the 1920s (Electricity, Motorcars) but distinctly behind in Telephonics (Telephone, Telegram, Morse Code, etc.) and just beginning to explore Radio (as seen in BoM part 2). Hope that answers your query.
  6. I think you mean one of these WoBs (or may be conflating them into one in your memory when they were separate entries): The thing is: Wax is displaying what you are talking about (Savant-like ability without the extreme side effects ref: Steel bubble and splitting steelsight lines into multiples per object not pointed to the object's center of mass) and that is a problem according to Sanderson. The lack of flaws is an incorrect representation of Savantism (or at least its original intent).
  7. I waffled between Oliver Platt and Nathan Lane
  8. There may be some element of the Cryptics watching Elhokar were hiding from Syl when Kaladin was around. But if the King was still eventually chosen by Design, then she obviously didn't drive the Cryptics away entirely. Also, Elhokar had not yet said the First ideal (much less said it and meant it) so he couldn't have been too close to forming the bond.
  9. There are definitely bird species other than the Chicken East of the Misted Mountains. A parrot is seen in the menagerie in WoR (Ch 45 and 55), and both Shallan and Lift refer to Mraize's Aviar as a chicken. Felt points out the sparrows found near the Valley of the Nightwatcher (OB Ch 114) The Koala simile was meant for *why* they would develop an incorrect (or less accurate) verbiage for avian species. A better simile for why that would go unchanged so long miight be the word "bug" - despite centuries of taxonomic classification the general populace will still use "bug" to refer to everything from flies to spiders to worms (the latter two not even being insects). And while we have the vocabulary to be more distinct many people don't bother. Additionally, you might see "bug" referring to something like a solifuge - which is also not an insect (being a type of arachnid related to spiders and scorpions) and I would bet only a low percentage of population would know the term at all (because of it's rarity and a lack of exposure or desire to learn the difference). Another example that linguistic vocabulary results in distinctions and generalities based on a exposure and cultural need is the word "uncle." Many cultures and languages (including English) only have the one word - but in a culture where the distinctions are more important the language accommodates the distinction. Korean has six words for "Uncle" - they roughly translate to: Father's older brother Father's younger brother Mother's older brother Mother's younger brother Spouse's parent's older brother Spouse's parent's younger brother But really, the only point is that Sanderson is using it as a part of worldbuilding - just as the Alethi call all alcohol Wine when we would call the various wines Vodka, Whiskey, Rum, etc. Shin Wine is the only variety that would also be called Wine by the readers. WoB
  10. Please do not double post. I think Quantus meant increasing the percentage going to the Trust. Example: If pre-disturbance 75% of Atium collected at the pits went to the trust, 15% went to TLR in Luthadel and 10% was released to the economy; then post-disturbance, they used the distraction to make it 80% to the Trust, 15% to TLR and now 5% to the economy. . .
  11. Well, a Spren that Navani thought might seem to be a Radiant Spren. But that leads to another question. Is there a "slumbering Syl body" in the cognitive anytime Kal uses his Shard Spear? If no - then it could be one or more spren in the Physical Realm in the shape of the Soulcaster working with/controlled by a slumbering Radiant spren in the cognitive. Also, would you expect that only an Inkspren or Cryptic could make a Soulcaster (since they have access to the surge of Transformation)? If yes, then how do they also attune to essences other than Oil and Blood? Or could an Honorspren become a Soulcaster attuned to Air? If there are spren-as-metal making up the physical metal of the soulcaster, then it could still be as I said above - just with the "Radiant Spren in control" aspect this implies. Any way it goes, we still have pieces of the puzzle missing but I think you are onto something that, if not exactly correct, is at least close and parallel to correct.
  12. Roshar has a number of bird species - non-Shin cultures use the word "chicken" to name them all because they don't have a vocabulary of the differnt species (similar to how the Koala was called a "bear" when first discovered by the west when it is not a Bear at all - simply because early Colonizers had no concept or understanding of Marsupials and they visually reminded them of Bears). Note that when we get scenes from Szeth's point of view (because most birds are still in Shinovar where they can survive highstorms) you get similes like "He soared up, then dove again, causing the others to dodge like sparrows before a hawk." (OB Ch 98) - showing that the Shin do recognize the different avian species and have a vocabulary to match. Roshar has no native Bird species because of it's divergent evolution - so all birds are transplants, presumably coming with the first Human settlers. Patji information is included in the Epigraph letters in Part 2 of Oathbringer. The timeline for the story in Sixth of the Dusk was confirmed in a WoB and is discussed in the Coppermind.
  13. Exactly, I'm not sure I understand either. If all (most) fabrial soulcasters use three gems, but can only access one or two of the three modes; then there is something we may be missing. Most likely a factor of Intent by the Spren when it assumed the soulcaster form (which begs the question - if you could communicate with the Spren that forms the soulcaster, could you convince it to make another Mode active). Alternatively, is it possible that a soulcaster could be more than one spren working together? If there are three - then if all three spren working together are the same type of spren, you get a soulcaster with one mode (but really good at that mode) - two types (say two Lifespren for Emerald and one Logicspren* for Zircon) you would have a primary mode and a secondary mode. A soulcaster than has 1 ea of three different spren might, theoretically, access all three modes - but finding three different cousin spren that will work together to make a single fabrial might be difficult - which may be why three-mode soulcasters are unknown (or hidden by those who know). *Based on the guess that Elsecaller Shardplate is formed of Logicspren
  14. It's not about oxygen's combustibility; it's about how flame behaves in a high oxygen environment. Afterall, that's why we have things like Oxy-Acetylene torches - to take advantage of higher concentrations of Oxygen causing a fire to burn hotter and faster. Also noted in Khriss' essay: As far as firearms are concerned - note that the "flash" in "muzzle flash" is fire being ejected from the barrel along with the heated gases (that actually propel the bullet). That may or may not be affected by a high oxygen environment - discussed in a stack exchange here.
  15. Well, the coppermind notes: So, even if the spren forming the soulcaster would have covered all Oil, Blood and Grain; it might not have access to the Blood mode - or just not have a Garnet in one of the three spots (if, perhaps, during the fight at the Rift it had 2 Emeralds and 1 Zircon). Also, note exactly what Navani says (OB Ch 109): That could mean: No Soulcasters make Blood (and other soluble liquids) The Alethi Nation does not have any Garnet Soulcasters The Alethi at the Shattered Plains did not have them The forces at Urithiru did not have them Also, the way she says "were able to use garnets to make any liquid that was soluble in water" implies that they might not know how to use Garnets in a soulcaster - so the one at the rift might have been able to make use of a Garnet, if the user knew how to utilize that mode. I would imagine actually using such a Fabrial in the same way that Jasnah soulcast Shallan's blood to remove the poison would be very difficult and require a different-than-normal technique and command (since you are only soulcasting a portion of a body rather than turning object A into substance B).
  16. It's a bit more obvious when seen together. WoR Ch 57:
  17. Not all Allomancy breaks the crystals in an Atium geode. WoB: TFE Annotations to Ch 28: Though unstated, we can also infer that this included the other prisoners escaping. By the time operations resume, they probably couldn't keep a "one nugget per prisoner per week" quota until the number of prisoners grew and stabilized enough to return to that level of "production."
  18. Welcome to the forums and glad you enjoyed it all. By this, do you mean all published materials? All novels? Including some of the unpublished works that have been made available? Some other qty of Cosmere works? Just asking in case of spoilers should you have questions or join some discussions. . .
  19. Kind-of. . . presumably, it's more about inheritance order:
  20. I would actually consider depression as a Passion. Especially if you consider "The Passions" (both as shown by the Fused/Singers and as the Thaylen's religion/philosophy) as describing an emotion that promotes or provokes an action. Anger you might complain via internal monologue, Hate you go out and stormin' do something about it. Contrition might have you feeling a twinge of guilt, Remorse has you apologizing and making amends. In this context Depression might fit since it forces a lack of action. . .
  21. Does that mean bangs aren't as bad as you thought?
  22. For a Windrunner, longer hair is likely a benefit. Think about long hair on a person driving a convertible - the wind naturally keeps it out of your face. This makes the most sense. A Rosharan mullet - short up front, long in the back. Washed with every highstorm during the Riddens. . .
  23. I, too, always thought "anyone pierced by metal" implied that the metal wasn't just Hemalurgy, but any invested metal piercing an individual. Also consider that Kelsier was able to communicate with Spook more easily than others (post Catacendre) because of Connection. He was able to influence Spook into making an earring of a former Hemalurgic spike to facilitate the communication - but the influence was there before the spike. To me, this implies that Rashek's Connection to Ruin's prison would also facilitate some level of communication/influence by Ruin. It might not be just one reason - it could be multiple small reasons, each slightly increasing Ruin's ability to influence Rashek. Edit: Also, consider the madman in SoS that Bleeder spoke to and convinced to try shooting the Governor and also convinced to hide a metal coin inside his arm. (SoS Ch 8 and 9) We don't know if what Bleeder was doing was similar; but, if it is, why would she waste a hemelurgic spike on a pawn meant to get captured? There was nothing about descibing it as an unknown metal or alloy, so I doubt it was Trellium. So, if that implies that any metal (or invested metal - not specifically hemalurgy) allows the conduit for communication/influence then that supports the idea that Rashek's metalminds may have been a factor in Ruin's influence and likely one Rashek dismissed by thinking/being convinced it didn't matter because it wasn't hemalurgic
  24. Why would you think they were weaker? There's no evidence I know of that says the Mist-Snapped were weaker than other Mistings. Granted, without an understanding of Allomantically correct alloy ratios and metal purity; as well as lack of understanding of the powers themselves they would undoubtedly be less capable and effective Allomancers.
  25. While I concur Mistings were rare pre-Rashek; thanks to his media spin and history purge we can only guess at how rare.More likely, since it was poorly understood, the mist-snapped of Alendi's time simply never knew they could be a Misting.
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