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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. From where do you get that? None of his descriptions include a mustache. In fact, the only mustaches mentioned in the trilogy are Felt, Lord Renoux, and the Smoker killed by Marsh in HoA ch 34. Sources:
  2. Isn't that Dox? He's the only one with facial hair (half-beard a.k.a. goatee)
  3. Danke. Wasn't aware that Spook wasn't Eland-esque. I always though AoL was about his lineage having a higher proportion of mistings because of the way he became Mistborn.
  4. Well, to be fair the genetics in AoL was about lineage to Spook (Lord Mistborn) which puts the "lerasium" heritage only 300 yrs past, not 1300 yrs. . . probably a statistically significant difference. Granted Spook became Mistborn the same way Rashek did (directly from the power of Preservation, without a Lerasium bead - but I doubt the power and it's physical representation differ from an sDNA perspective).
  5. TFE Ch 4: TFE Ch 24: WoA Ch 11: WoA Ch 35: HoA Ch 4: SoS Ch 19
  6. True, but the gene was also present in the general populace before Rashek's meddling and, since Sazed returned everybody to the state before Rashek's tampering, presumably after the Catacendre. Alendi was a Seeker before anybody found or used Lerasium. . . Noble blood could likely still show a higher percentage, but should no longer be a requirement for a Misting (and was never a factor for being a Ferring). My ponit was simply that the qty of noble blood after this much time should not be a major factor to Wax's abilities (which seem to me to be much closer tied to being a Crasher - and using his abilitied so much). Also note that Shan did not seem to be appreciably stronger than Vin despite have a full Noble pedifree to Vin's half-skaa heritage.
  7. Wax's strength in Allomancy mostly comes from being a crasher and using his Skimming to manipulate his steel pushes. He is also extremely skilled with manipulating both (so it's more about finesse than raw strength) and may be on the path to being a Steel Savant (WoB - Annotations) As you can see from the Annotation, BS was implying that Wax was (or was becoming) a Savant, but the WoB since then shows that he is rethinking that stance. This shouldn't be a factor. Neither Breeze nor Allrianne had Skaa blood, and after the Catacendre there was no longer any difference since Sazed reversed the changes between Skaa and Noble.
  8. In case you were not aware: At the bottom left of the post you will see a "+" icon and a "Quote" link (as well as "Edit" on your own post so you can update it). On the bottom right you will see an up arrow. The Up Arrow is how you thank people or "like" a post The "Quote" link is exactly that, when you click it the quote will be added to the reply at the bottom of the thread wherever the cursor is So, if you have already started to reply before you decide to quote you can then add the quote before or after your text depending on the cursor location when you click "Quote" The + icon is multi-quote. As you read a thread, if you want to quote multiple items you click that for each post As you click +, you should see a toaster pop-up on the bottom right of the browser window showing how many quotes you will have They are added in the order you click the + icon, not in the original post order, so you can set the order of quotes for your reply When you are ready to reply, click on the toaster pop-up and it will take you directly to the reply section and add the quotes automatically Finally, you can also highlight a small section of a post and, when hovering over the highlit portion, click the "Quote" button that pops up. Also note that you can move quotes after they have been added to your reply. For example, you add a quote and realize there are no empty lines below it for you to type - so you can hit "enter" before the quote to make an empty line then when you hover over a quote you will see a 4-way arrow at the top-left that you can use to drag the quote up (or down) and move the quote to before the empty line. . . Hope that helps.
  9. There is one fundamental flaw to your post: Interesting as a thought experiment, but I would expect Temerant to be mono-Shardic (rather than di-Shardic like Scadrial) or, if two shards than it should have more than two magic systems. E.g. Scadrial - Two Shards, Three magic systems | Sel - Two Shards (splintered) and may more than two magic systems (that are mostly variations on a theme)
  10. Aluminum, sometimes called Ralkalest*, is investiture innert and can have some weird properties interacting with the investiture of different worlds. If you have read Stormlight Archive and Mistborn Eras 1 and 2; then you have seen it: Mistborn Allomantic properties are to wipe an Allomancer's metal reserves Used as a lining in hats to block uses of Brass and Zinc Used/allowed to make metal items that cannot be pushed or pulled with Iron and Steel Stormlight Archive Used in Sword-nimi's sheath to contain his effects when sheathed Said sheath was used to block a Shardblade Used to line the chamber where Azure was using the Soulcaster to make food (so the Secretspren can't sense the Fabrial) Discussed in RoW between Navani and Raboniel Brandon decided to use Aluminum in this role because, when you look at it IRL, Aluminum was more rare and more expensive than Gold and Platinum until electrolysis was invented and it made extracting/processing Aluminum much easier and cheaper. This meant that in the Cosmere, he could play with how it's effects were rare and misunderstood when Aluminum was hard to find, but as technology developed it would become more common and easier to manipulate, study and learn. WoB When you read Emperor's Soul (which you really should - it's awesome and though it takes place on the same world as Elantris (Sel), you do not need to read Elantris first as they are quite separate) you will learn more about Ralkalest
  11. What Syl asks at the end of the chapter is your clue. . . No spoilers - just used the boxes in case you wanted to nug it out yourself
  12. How much Cosmere have you read? M:SH spoilers
  13. The scene in Urithuru? Good catch if you missed it on your first read-through - OB Spoilers
  14. The quote is certainly ambiguous (WoR ch 86)
  15. Except that we already know (RoW Spoilers):
  16. You seem to think these are mutually exclusive. I'm not sure that they are. I think of it as more of a Venn Diagram - that Odium has sway over not just "hatred" but those things that intersect with the concept and can be influenced at the points of intersection. e.g. - not just Bravery, but specifically combat bravery as expressed by the Thrill (including bravery in the execution of violence). After all, (Mistborn spoilers)
  17. I always had the impression that Rayse "doth protest too much." His claims of being "all passions" are a long con he's playing on himself, along with a barely recognized scam he is playing on others. Viewpoints from Venli and Leshwi support this, but the most direct evidence is (RoW Ch 114): Sure, there may be elements of "passion" and "emotion," but it seems only in how they connect to violence and hatred (such as the Rhythm of Anxiety becoming the Rhythm of Agony).
  18. In world, it is entirely possible "Origin" is simply a recognized name for "in the ocean to the east" since weather science is not developed enough to understand how a storm develops over water and may not correspond to a single specific physical location. I feel like this was already addressed in WoR when Stormfather caused the "Origin" to make a new Highstorm out-of-cycle to match the Everstorm. I also think that is one difference between the Everstorm and a Highstorm: The Everstorm is every nine days (except when Odium interferes) because it is one storm circling Roshar Highstorms are a non-random, non-regular cycle because the develop over the ocean before moving over land
  19. Yes, Stormlight heals a surgebinder. You may like the next pair of Shallan chapters
  20. Well, we have this WoB: So, we know that the Fifth Heightening grants Agelessness, but what we do not know for sure is: (Mistborn/Stormlight spoilers included)
  21. While I would never suggest a new-to-the-Cosmere reader start with Stormlight Archive, I've known a few who have done so and it usually takes a few re-reads (or time on the Coppermind after finishing the published works) to find most of the connections/interactions. Also, while posting in the Stormlight Archive forum, just mentioning no spoilers for RoW should suffice (as spoilers for any other series should already be under a spoiler tag based on the Forum Spoiler Policy). Keep in mind though, that if you post in the Cosmere Discussion thread, you will need to mention what series you have or have not read if you want to avoid other spoilers. Thaidakar is the leader of the Ghostbloods. You will get more information on that individual in RoW Restares is the leader of the Sons of Honor. You will get more information on that individual in RoW. This is commonly believed to be about King Taravangian, leader of the Diagram. This is beleived to reference the god-priest Tezim, leader of Tukar. You will get more information on that individual in RoW.
  22. Thanks for the reference, and true. I guess I wasn't clear - I meant that since we know large amounts of Investiture, left alone, can develop sapience (or at least sentience) we don't know that there was a Vessel (like Leras, Tanavast, etc) that was killed - or just the mind of Adonalsium that was Shattered. Good catch
  23. They were never all bodyguards. Even in Words of Radiance, only Bridge Four and the first crews trained after that became bodyguards. The rest were training for other guard duties (patrolling the market, patrolling the wastes outside the Shattered Plains, hunting the slavers and bandits - such as the group that attacked the caravan Shallan joins in WoR, etc.) In OB (ch 122), it mentions that the men of Bridge 13 become Teft's Squires
  24. Not precisely correct. Your statement implies the Dawnshards were weapons; like a knife wielded to kill the deity. The quote is (Ch 19): So, the Commands were a part of the creation of reality, and were somehow used in the Shattering. Was Adonalsium killed? Possible, but not definite that it was even a being that could be killed. For all we know Adonalsium is like Gaea or the World Tree - a personification of reality but not *actually* a discreet being. We just don't have enough information. We only know that holding the Dawnshard seems to give Rysn effects at least similar to the Third Heightening. She does not seem to have breaths, nor can she Awaken.
  25. Unlikely, Sazed-as-Harmony made specific changes to the Koloss while remaking Scadrial during the Catacendre, and specifically made them a breeding species. We have no indications that this would apply to other hemlurgic entities/races. From the Coprermind: Sometimes it is the fault of the browser, not the user. Simply click "report post" on the top of each post and list the reason as "Duplicate post" and the mods can sort it out.
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