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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Since the Obligators hid what Atium went to Luthadel in Ministry treasury chests, they would have Boxings and Clips that could be shaved for some metals (I don;t recall if they ever mentioned what Metals they were stamped from). Also , there may have been tin or pewter utensils/plates/cups that could also be shaved for basic metals.
  2. This is very much a YMMV* question, as it at least partially depends on how much you enjoy alternate versions and/or seeing "could-have-beens." If you are unsure if that is something you might enjoy, may I suggest possibly taking a look at Altered Perceptions - an anthology that supports Mental Health Charity and was put together by Dan Wells (in support of his brother Robison Wells - and others struggling with mental illness). Sanderson was a contributor - and excerpts from WoK Prime were his contribution (CH 1, 3, 5, 12, 17, 22), so you can read some excerpts and see if it is something you might enjoy or not. Excerpt from the Introduction: Contents: *Your Mileage May Vary
  3. That was confirmed to be Kelsier later in the prologue: As for Allomancy, I think if he used anything, he used Zinc. If he rioted fear, then it would only have an effect if Tresting felt the fear to begin with (as per Breeze's later explanations on reading peoples moods because you can only dampen or riot what they already feel, not force an emotion that isn't there). In my head canon he did use Zinc and the smile was because it worked and he saw Tresting take a visible step back. . . While he didn't go there to kill Tresting initially, he did go there to stir the pot and influence the Skaa toward rebellion (or at least plant the seeds of teh idea). I don't think that he would see some increased harsher treatment as a bad thing to work toward that goal.
  4. No worries - the first feast was the first one I mentioned where Adolin says Renarin has decided to avoid talking in front of Wit to avoid mockery.
  5. It's on the Greatshell hunt in TWoK Ch 15: There was also a scene in Ch 12, but that was when Renarin was trying to avoid Wit.
  6. Possible. . . But remember that Sazed wasn't there when Vin was experimenting with aluminum alloys, he was with Marsh and didn't return until after she discovered Duralumin. Also, while I know absence of evidence is not, itself, evidence - we get no indications that he is surprised at either Aluminum or Duralumin as Allomantic metals (no "Hey, wonder if I can use this as a metalmind") which, to me at least, means it is possible the keepers knew they could be a Feruchemical storage (even if they didn't know/understand how to use them). After all, don't they say the Terris are still experimenting with the Spiritual metals in Era 2 - but then they've had their keepers killed off twice by then. . .
  7. I'm guessing you mean this part: I won't spoil anything, I'll just remind you of some of your previous posts. . . and let you ponder possible similarities.
  8. Well, that's the debate. . . . . . but to my mind there almost had to be. We know that at the end of TFE, the Synod sent keepers to all dominances to start spreading the knowledge they had kept safe for a millenium. We know Tindwyl berates Sazed for not doing this duty mid-way through WoA and not long after we know the inquisitors have killed the Synod in Terris. There is no reason to think they would have rrecalled those keepers sent on education expeditions between the end of TFE and the inquisitor attack. There almost had to be some keepers "out and about" after the scouring of Terris. . . at least until Ruin was freed. Which is why I theorized above about the feruchemical storages being "metal piercing a man" that might have allowed Ruin to find the others but miss Sazed because he stopped wearing his storage minds (going so far as having the rings surgically removed after WoA). It's possible they already knew. Sazed alludes at the end of TFE that the keepers knew of storages they didn't use much because (without compounding) they either weren't very useful, or they didn't know how to use them.
  9. Source Another thought - He may not have wanted a Feruchemist-as-Inquisitor if some of the spiritual abiities (such as F-Aluminum) would have made it possible to throw off his control (or even just the "not-actively-controlling" stasis). Why risk it (assuning it was possible) when the slaughter was nearly complete before he was free and continuing what was started is more fun anyway. Also, it makes me wonder if, after he was free, the remaining Feruchemists were sacrificed via control. Don't trust anyone pierced by metal! Even the smallest bit can taint a man. Was Sazed the last surviving Feruchemist because he stopped wearing his earrings and other jewelry? Does it have to be a Hemalurgic charge in the spike? Could the other Keepers' Feruchemically charged "spikes" have let him assert some level of control (similar to Penrod)? If yes, then there's no need to make them Inquisitors, he already has control (or at least influence) there.
  10. I took it to mean "can't or you die" with a possible side of "When a Divine Breath is used with a command, it is expended" (people healed with Divine Breath do not gain the Divine Breath) - so 80% "die if you do" but possibly "Could do it, but the object awakened would not gain the Divine Breath - just any effects of it's being expended." Stormlight Spoilers:
  11. Take that first sentance further. . . The Divine Breath keeps a Returned alive. If the Divine Breath leaves (either being consumed, expended for healing, spiked away - or - used to Awaken) the Returned dies. I very much doubt a Returned could Awaken with a Divine Breath and survive; if it was just a matter of having other breaths to consume then Vasher could have done so in the Prologue (he had enough breath to Awaken the straw construct and the cloak). Since he could not have used the Divine breath to Awaken then, it follows that a Returned cannot use a Divine Breath to Awaken. Do you mean then, that a Divine Breath spiked away might be used to awaken by a Hemalurgist?
  12. Nope - WoB (Technically Warbreaker annotation to the Prologue pt 3): It's not the whole story (because Nightblood is unique), but there was a hint of an answer in Warbreaker (ch 21): But I would guess that you are at least close to correct. It might not be lifesense per se, but most Cosmere investiture has "Secondary powers" that enable it to achieve the investiture's intent; so I would guess that Investiture+Command conveys enough Connection for them to "see" their surroundings. Another good example was when Vasher used the straw constructs to find the thieves' tunnels in Ch 49. Spoilers for SA and Mistborn
  13. Keep in mind, we don't really know that was what Maya meant to say - only that Adolin thought that was what she meant We don't know it was Surgebinding - or, if it was, that is was the same or related to how Surgebinding functions on Roshar. We know that it was a form of investiture, and likely paired with a Dawnshard that increased the scope and range to cause the damage on Ashyn. Also, it's entirely possible that the "void" of Odium is different for Humans and Singers, since Singers have gemhearts and are connected to the Rhythms. While humans like Moash have an emotionlessness about them, Singers lose normal access to the normal emotional Rhythms of Roshar (which are replaced by Odium's versions) and struggle to access those less-violent emotions without intervention (such as Timbre).
  14. All of the allomantic metals have Cosmere-wide properties, as seen in the RoW Epigraphs Example: True, that's why Tin replaced Silver as an allomantic metal. It does not explain why silver has other (mostly unknown) cosmere properties. WoBs: I doubt I'm correct, as this is just WMG - but I thought it an appropriate example of a possible metal that is common, is known to have Cosmere properties (even if those properties are largely unknown), and could easily be overlooked when looking for a pre-shattering metal.
  15. Well, Brandon did say Silver has Cosmere significance and is not an Allomantic metal. . . . . . and it does have an effect on the Shades on Threnody.
  16. Thanks for the clarification. . . . . . I mentioned Vo as an example of "incomplete explanation" since we don't know how he learned enough about being a Returned to procreate during his 8 days of Return (assuming that part isn't fabricated) And we don't know that Tao doesn't have Cosmere wide significance, since in an Empire that worships 80 suns, he appearantly was Cosmere aware enough to have functional understanding of the Three Realms
  17. Please, for Ado's sake, don't double/triple/quadruple post! At the bottom left of a post you will see a "+" icon and a "Quote" link (as well as "Edit" on your own post so you can update it). On the bottom right you will see an up arrow. The Up Arrow is how you thank people or "like" a post The "Quote" link is exactly that, when you click it the quote will be added to the reply at the bottom of the thread wherever the cursor is So, if you have already started to reply before you decide to quote you can then add the quote before or after your text depending on the cursor location when you click "Quote" The + icon is multi-quote. As you read a thread, if you want to quote multiple items you click that for each post As you click +, you should see a toaster pop-up on the bottom right of the browser window showing how many quotes you will have They are added in the order you click the + icon, not in the original post order, so you can set the order of quotes for your reply When you are ready to reply, click on the toaster pop-up and it will take you directly to the reply section and add the quotes automatically Finally, you can also highlight a small section of a post and, when hovering over the highlit portion, click the "Quote" button that pops up. Most importantly, you can combine these methods For example: Multi-quote two or more posts, then place the cursor at a desired point and highlight part of another post and add that as well (if you don't want to use multi-quote and get a copy of a long post) Also note that you can move quotes after they have been added to your reply. For example, you add a quote and realize there are no empty lines below it for you to type - so you can hit "enter" before the quote to make an empty line then when you hover over a quote you will see a 4-way arrow at the top-left that you can use to drag the quote up (or down) and move the quote to before the empty line. . . Hope that helps.
  18. Keep in mind that the scouring of Terris wasn't Ruin controlled Inquisitors - it happens during WoA before Ruin is freed (when, at best, he can only nudge). So, it seems to me that a bunch of Inquisitors seeing TLR dead wanted more power (and possibly to make themselves into a new TLR) and started slaughtering Feruchemists to gain abilities TLR had denied them. Ruin likely just continued to follow that line after being freed.
  19. Sure we have, that's what happened to all of the people affected by the mists in HoA (including the Mistfallen). The mists caused* a sort of seizure that Snaps the person; which is followed by a sickness as they recover from being Snapped. Afterward, they have to test metals to determine what type of misting they have become (with the length of the sickness indicative of the type of Misting - shortest for physical metals, longest for temporal metals). However, I agree we can't be entirely sure that Snapping through a physical beating also includes the sickness portion (though I would expect that it does, since it seems to be an effect of the change to the individual's sDNA). *I use the past tense because we know Harmony changed how Snapping works, so Era 2 will have at least some differences.
  20. Just claim they are should anybody ask
  21. Don't forget the Epilogue is also a callback to the Prologue:
  22. Think of it a bit like snooty aristocracy. . . there is a "proper way" to duel (and battlefield tactics aren't "proper"). Plus, the Lighteyes need a "show" and turn their noses up at "bar room brutality." The picture becomes more clear with subsequent duels (minor spoiler)
  23. Book 5's flashback character is Szeth (originally boook 3 was Szeth and book 5 Dalinar, but they were swapped) WoB (edited):
  24. Do you want little-to-no data or just unfinished explanations (or both)? Off the top of my head. . . Vo Vo's wife - founder of Hanald (maybe based on her name?) Forton (and his unnamed alchemical investiture) Teullu (peoples - ref. Shaizan) Tao (Shai's mentor) Sixteen (from Lasting Integrity) Ten Fools
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