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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. It's actually foreshadowed fairly often and also discussed in the Annotations. (Spoilers) Really, I think for most readers, the problem is two-fold: This is a very early Brandon Book, so his skill and ability with foreshadowing and subtle displays of emotion were definitely weaker when this was written. Most people will not know or understand what it is like to be an Aromantic person who is possibly feeling either emotional or intellectual attraction for the first time. As the annotations mention, Hrathen himself could not understand his own feelings as he had never experienced them before. As an Aro myself, I can sympathize with the inability to understand your own state of mind with regards to how you "feel" about somebody else Is it attraction? Curiosity? Affection? - Don't know; don't understand.
  2. The Admins and Mods may chime in with a "best practices" solution, but here's an example I have used. Original (Elantris section - spoilers - Cognitive Shadows) Split off (Cosmere discussion, Spoilers - Cognitive Shadows) Generally, I would use the "Quote" button to make the quote response. Cut that (CTRL+X or preferred method by device). Start a new thread. Paste the quote (add extra blank lines, as needed) and also make a link to the original thread. Up to you if you want to mention in the original thread(s) that you are splitting off a post necro to a new topic - the person quoted should still receive the notification for the post where that quote displays, so they should find it there regardless. You can also "hack" this with an older topic that has been closed for replies. For example (Stormlight Spoilers - regarding glyphs and scripts): Right click the "posted date" to copy the post link Paste the post link Make a generic quotebox, then past the relevant section there: Glyph example: Hope that helps
  3. Please see this post - from when the system was remade and Sharders worked to find them all. Resources collected in another post:
  4. I can't really speak to Audiobooks, since I do not listen to them. However, I can point out that you can read about the "correct" pronunciations on Sanderson's website: Elantris (links to all available resources) Glossary Pronunciation Guide (Spoiler Free) Languages of Elantris (Spoilers) Excerpt: It's very similar to Tagalog actually, where every vowel is pronounced - almost no dipthongs (if the word is Aonic and using a base Aon for the word). I say "Correct" above, because even Brandon says each person's head-canon should take precedence: Hope that helps
  5. Welcome to the Shard. Please find a FAQ in the Introductory Section where you can let us know what you have or have-not read (whichever list is shorter - you can also post it in your profile) so that if you start discussing in the Cosmere Section, we can avoid spoilers, as needed. When did you sign up for the Newsletter? The link was confimed as working in Jan 2024 and confirmed missing in March 2024. The issue has been reported to Dragonsteel. If you have deleted your "Subscription Confirmed" email, or that email falls in that window, then you should use the Contact Us section of Brandon's site to let them know you did not receive the link and request a new email with the link. Also consider checking out this thread about the different White Sand versions (summarizes pros and cons of each, though you can read more than one version, of course).
  6. I can understand that interpretation, and I agree to disagree. However, I think that when it is capital-P Passion - it is referencing the same thing as the Thaylen Passions (or at least a common root - otherwise that is far too much of a coincidence than Sanderson normally allows).
  7. Interesting theory. But how do you account for the Shades (and the Simple Rules) being in Hell before the Evil came to the Continent? SSFH: So, Expeditions left to explore the Forests and found the Shades. Sometime after that the Evil came to the Continent and the refugees that survived also went to the Forests and built the Forts. The Forests are a separate Continent than the Homeland, where the Evil dwells. Threnody Essay:
  8. Should LitRPG be it's own section in the recommendation, or just identified as LitRPG for whatever Genre that the story matches? On the one hand Kaiju LitRPG is very different from something like Dungeon Crawler in setting - on the other hand they are both LitRPG which is distinct experience from their otherwise Urban Fantasy / SciFan settings.
  9. Actually, the WoK reference was Teft trying to relate the Envisagers' Myths about Radiants (and part of why Kal does not think he is Radiant then): WoK Ch 59:
  10. Definitely needs a spoiler tag, since it is non-Warbreaker material being discussed in the Warbreaker Forum. (See policy references below) In fact you should probably spoiler more of what you wrote. (see above example) Spoiler Policy Sharder FAQ First, there is no guarantee the quoted passage is referencing Nalthian Awakening or BioChroma (See WoB Below). I doubt Breaths alone woulc create this affect, as they primarily exist in the Physical Realm (which is why they create teh Breath Aura, and part of the reason they are so easily transferred) and for Sentience or Sapience to develop the Investiture has to be in the Cognitive or Spiritual Realm (See SA Spoiler Below) Unlikely, as just speaking is not enough, they would have to have enough intelligence and congnition to us Command and Intent, purposefully and correctly. WoBs and Spoilers for Stormlight Archive, YatNP, Warbreaker: Hope that helps
  11. A lot can change, I agree. There are no WoBs implying any other properties for Silver (but there is the unanswer question of teh Threnodite Chain) Even the Dagger you mention specifically says (in women's script) "the metal is not Raysium but a silver-nickel alloy and does not affect the dagger's function." True, but the plan for Silver predates everything except Elantris. Because it was created (approximately) during copy edit for TFE after having written Era 1 Draft 1. To be clear, I am not saying your theory is "False" - just that it is unlikely based on currently known information. Possible supporting WoBs: Possible detracting WoBs: Hope that helps
  12. Interesting theory. Unfortunately, it is unlikely to be true, since the SR quality of Silver is to destroy investiture. Since Silver destroys investiture, I think it is unlikely to help Connect investiture with Cognitive Shadows. Though Electrum shows that Silver in an alloy does not always retain the destructive properties. (whereas most Aluminum Alloys retain some level of blocking investiture). Do you have this reversed? Silver Kills Spores, and repels Shades - but I don't think we have seen any instances of Silver Killing a Shade or Spores being repelled by Silver. SfSitFoH and Tress Spoilers: Do you know why Silver is not in the Metallic Arts? (Mistborn Spoilers)
  13. Welcome to the Shard. If possible, please consider letting us know in an Intro post, or your profile, what you have or have-not read (whichever list is shorter). Also, don't forget to check out the Sharder FAQ. Absolutely. As you read around and through old post, you will likely find many people openly discussing these things (such as one poster discussing how they cannot read Kaladin section when they themselves are in a depressed state). Personally (which I have mentioned in other places There is a great anthology that I often recommend called Altered Perceptions (Brandon was a contributer as well). From other posts on this topic: Hope that helps
  14. Uh. . . too many references to quote them all, but here are a few from Oathbringer: Note: This conjecture is made without Preview Material, and no desire for spoilers in response Most (if not all) Fused follow the Passions. Many modern Singers do as well (including Khen, who was an Alethi Parshman, not a Thaylen Parshman). It's implied that almost all Singers followed the Passions in the shadowdays (except the Lost Legion, who became the Listeners). I would not be surprised if the Passions were originally Odium's twist on the Singer's hearing of emotion rhythms when he first started trying to get Humans and Singers to War before/during the early Desolations. Again, can you support this with Canon references? AFAIK this is theory, not Canon.
  15. But this is also not definitive. We know that Odium manipulated Ishar into destroying Ashyn, and we know that the Singers believe the Humans worshipped Odium - but only because Odium showed up near Roshar shortly after they did. I have not read (and will not read) any Preview material, but from Canon sources so far, there is no evidence that Ashynites actually worshipped Odium (and WoB implies we will not get that answer until we get Herald flashbacks in the back-half of SA). What is implied by the books is that the Passions were the Singer religion worshipping Odium during the desolations (after their "mutual betrayal" with the Spren) and that humans fighting for Odium also worshipped the Passions back in the Shadowdays before Aharietiam.
  16. Can you source this? It seems more like Fanon or personal theory. I can find no evidence that the Passions originated on Ashyn and WoB says they are not directly related to Odium (and barely related tangentially). Also, the Passions were (at least partially) inspired by emotion Spren (which did not exist on Ashyn):
  17. Not quite - where savantism is a permanent change to the spiritweb (that often reflects in the Cognitive and/or Physical*), overmastery is compared in-world to working out (you lift weights at the edge fo your capability in the hopes that if you do that enough you will be stronger). So, basically you work the bond until you dehydrate and pass out. If you live, when you wake up the bond is slightly stronger and you can do a bit more than you used to do. Fake in-world example: If an Aetherbound could make and control 10kg of Aether mass based on the strength of the Aetherbound's bond - then working that mass until exhaustion, (assuming they live and do not burn the bond out completely) they could probably now make and control 25kg of Aether mass. It is implied that each repetition of this process has diminishing returns (e. g. Kenton's second attempt was only 66% as effective as his first accidental Overmastery) so the number of times one can do this is limited. *Skipping a lot of nuance thta does not matter for this discussion
  18. I'll leave RP comments to those better suited to discuss them . . . However, I did want to chime in on one thing: I do not think that Sand Mastery is an Aether, nor is it mimicking an Aether - but I do think that Sandmastery and Aethers both use the Luhel Bond (and because Sandmastery uses a Luhel bond - stories about that art likely inspired Tress' "Bone Aether" myth because it was a Luhel bond, so they assumed it must be an Aether). That said, White Sand Omnibus does not give direct correlations, but does mention/show that the amount of Mastered Sand exponentially increases the rate of Water Consumption (controlling three ribbons drained Kenton's water much faster than 3x control of a single ribbon). So, I do not think that a single rate will apply, because bond strength*, bond efficiency, work performed, and qty of material all affected the rate of water consumption while mastering sand (e. g. using three ribbons to create a sand doppleganger did not drain water as fast as using three ribbons to lift the rubble of the broken construction site). *Note: Overmastery (if you survive) increased bond strength in White Sand, a similar mechanism was heavily implied with Tress (but obviously was not called "overmastery").
  19. Welcome to the Shard Thanks for including this list. So, if I am interpreting correctly, Your unread list is: Also recommend you put the video link inside of a Spoiler Tag to minimize scrolling required. Editing posts is covered here, should you need it. Music Discussion can also be found here. Something we have learned from Similar Threads (SA and Mistborn Links respectively) - please be directive. If your ruminations are just your interal thought processes voiced externally, let us know. If you have questions you legitimately want asnwered, let us know that too. If you would like the answer available but warned if it is a spoiler so you can skip it and come back to read it after you get to that chapter/book, please make that clear too. It can get confusing trying to parse if a question is idle speculation based on teh chapter(s) you just read or a legitmate concern/question you need to understand/have answered (and different Sharders may interpret this differently). It does not need to be some long explanation - something as simple as "rhetorical" or "answer please"or "RAFO/Answer" or whatever convention you think works best for you (so long as we can understand what you want). If you like Steris now, you have not seen anything yet. Wait until [Redacted] where she really starts to shine.
  20. I could see that being very similar or related. Especially in context of this Annotation (Warbreaker Spoilers):
  21. Edit: Thanks. . . (Warbreaker, Elantris and Mistborn Spoilers)
  22. I think a primary cause (if not the primary cause) is best explained in Elantris (Spoilers): So, any material (stone, gem, etc.) long infused with investiture will become brittle when that investiture is absent. Drain a Gem too fast and <bam> cracked gemstone. The vibrations @Quantus mentioned would be external force breaking the crystaline structure. . .
  23. Or just edit the first post of that one. If needed, you can find post tools explained here.
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