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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. I could almost support this stance, if it weren't all smoke. Yes, there are elements of the addict in Moash, but let's look at his greatest "hits": Attacks Kaladin to get at Elhokar - WoR Ch 84 - Not under the "influence" Kills Elhokar (in front of his child) - OB Ch 84 - Not under the "influence" Assassinate Jezrien - OB ch 121 - Not under the "influence" Kill Roshone/coerce Kaladin to suicide - RoW Ch 8 - Under the "influence" Kill Teft and Phendorana - RoW Ch 104 - Under the "influence" But notably, once the influence is removed, we get this quote - RoW Ch 111: So, only two of five acts of betrayal were "under the influence" of Odium - and we see when the influence is removed he doesn't regret the acts themselves - just "how they made him feel." So, yes, the elements of an addict are there; but he can't/won't recognize his own culpability and doesn't regret those actions taken before and during the Influence of Odium.
  2. There will be more on this from Listener POV in future books. But yes, it doesn't seem appreciably different from inside the POV since you don't have any comparison with a human trying to climb those stairs to meet with the Five. Example: would Kal's spear kata have seemed so extraordinary without the comparison of the bridgeman's reactions from outside his POV? Otherwise it was a simple flow, step, stab, turn. . . For most, this will either make you laugh or cringe. . .
  3. The WoB quoted above implies just that
  4. Not entirely correct. The intent is formed not just from the Shards and how they combine, but also by how the Vessel views that combination. Sazed became Harmony, in part, because he viewed the combination of Ruin and Preservation as Harmony - the forces that created Scadrial But I agree, the Rhythm of Harmony would probably not be like TowerLight or WarLight, a blending of the Rhythms of Ruin and Preservation - just as Harmonium isn't an alloy of Lerasium and Atium. It would likely be a separate, distinct rhythm unto itself. The question then becomes would the Rhythm of Discord be different than the Rhythm of Harmony should the intent change or should there be a new vessel for Harmony that changed the intent.
  5. If you recall Axies' first interlude, he discussed the bigotry associated with his race (Siah Aimian), that was an example from outside of his point of view. You may not remember Axies mentioning the Curse of Kind, and we still don't know much about what that is, but the bigotry that Siah Aimians face is implied to be due to that (at least in part). At the bottom left of the post you will see a "+" icon and a "Quote" link (as well as "Edit" on your own post so you can update it). On the bottom right you will see an up arrow. The Up Arrow is how you thank people or "like" a post The "Quote" link is exactly that, when you click it the quote will be added to the reply at the bottom of the thread wherever the cursor is So, if you have already started to reply before you decide to quote you can then add the quote before or after your text depending on the cursor location when you click "Quote" The + icon is multi-quote. As you read a thread, if you want to quote multiple items you click that for each post As you click +, you should see a toaster pop-up on the bottom right of the browser window showing how many quotes you will have They are added in the order you click the + icon, not in the original post order, so you can set the order of quotes for your reply When you are ready to reply, click on the toaster pop-up and it will take you directly to the reply section and add the quotes automatically Finally, you can also highlight a small section of a post and, when hovering over the highlit portion, click the "Quote" button that pops up. Also note that you can move quotes after they have been added to your reply. For example, you add a quote and realize there are no empty lines below it for you to type - so you can hit "enter" before the quote to make an empty line then when you hover over a quote you will see a 4-way arrow at the top-left that you can use to drag the quote up (or down) and move the quote to before the empty line. . . Hope that helps.
  6. Coppermind Links: Alloy of Law - Set on Scadrial and takes place 341 years after the events of The Hero of Ages. The events from the Mistborn trilogy are now legend, history, and religion. The book follows Waxillium Ladrian, a descendant of Breeze and former lawman who returns from the Roughs to assume leadership of his house in the wake of his uncle's passing, and Wayne - Wax's formidable partner and old friend. The two of them are Twinborn, with both one Allomantic power and one Feruchemical power. Shadows of Self - The trilogy’s heroes are now figures of myth and legend, even objects of religious veneration. They are succeeded by wonderful new characters, chief among them Waxillium Ladrian, known as Wax, hereditary Lord of House Ladrian but also, until recently, a lawman in the ungoverned frontier region known as the Roughs. There he worked with his eccentric but effective buddy, Wayne. They are “twinborn,” meaning they are able to use both Allomantic and Feruchemical magic. Shadows of Self shows Mistborn’s society evolving as technology and magic mix, the economy grows, democracy contends with corruption, and religion becomes a growing cultural force, with four faiths competing for converts. This bustling, optimistic, but still shaky society now faces its first instance of terrorism, crimes intended to stir up labor strife and religious conflict. Wax and Wayne, assisted by the lovely, brilliant Marasi, must unravel the conspiracy before civil strife stops Scadrial’s progress in its tracks. Bands of Mourning - The Bands of Mourning are the mythical metalminds owned by the Lord Ruler, said to grant anyone who wears them the powers that the Lord Ruler had at his command. Hardly anyone thinks they really exist. But now a kandra researcher has returned to Elendel with images that seem to depict the Bands, as well as writings in a language that no one can read. Waxillium Ladrian is recruited to travel south to the city of New Seran to investigate, and along the way he discovers hints that point to the true goals of his uncle Edwarn and the shadowy organization known as The Set.
  7. I certainly hope not. If the Book 10 flashback character is not a Herald, it should be Renarin.
  8. Sja-anat wants freedom and is a manipulator. I don't think she was specifically planning to kill Rayse or Odium; as much as she was politicking to get herself in a position to take advantage of whatever situation would arise around Taravangian. I don't think Renarin was involved directly, except as the vehicle to deliver the enlightened spren she promised to Taravangian as a way to draw Odium's attention.
  9. This is not entirely accurate. The Spiritweb is not just a spiritual realm copy of the person - it is the network of connections and investiture which make up a person's spiritual component (a web, you might say); of which the Ideal Self is only one node. The Ideal Self does not change based on wounds (or any other factor), rather healing uses investiture to try to make the Physical self as close as possible to the Ideal Self as seen through the lens of a person's Cognitive Identity. I can;t find where I read the analogy (and will update if I do) but I recall BS describing it as (paraphrased) "if the SR is the Sun and the PR is the ground, the Investiture is the light and the CR is the atmosphere it passes through to get there." It's not a direct analogy (because investiture does not have to physically pass through the CR when entering the PR) but it expresses the component that all uses of Investiture are "filtered" by CR components. The ability to heal a wound has nothing to do with time (nor even being wounded*) and is only restricted if the aspect being healed (or not) is seen as part of yourself by your Congitive Identity. Kaladin still considered his brands as part of his identity and Rysn had already begun to consider herself paraplegic - so their respective "injuries" did not heal. However, The Lopen never considered himself disabled (and still pictured himself with both arms in his thoughts and dreams) and the Reshi King always considered himself a man even long before becoming Radiant - so Lopen regrew his arm and the King started healing transgender. Hope that helps
  10. Sorry, yes; As far as I know there has been no on-screen "acceptance" of a Lightweaver's truth. But since they use Truths instead of Oaths; this may be a feature, not a bug.
  11. Part of this is who must accept the Oath. Note that it is not the same for each order: - Bondsmiths: the words are accepted by the Bondsmith's "spren" since Stormfather accepted Dalinar's words - Edgedancer: It's unclear in the Interlude if Lift is just remembering her second Oath, or if that actually when she said it. Same with Edgedancer, where she "said the words in her heart" - so neither time do we hear the words accepted; but this could also be because Lift is such a special case. It also seems that the "voice" accepting the words can only be heard by the Knight saying them. - Windrunners: It seems Stormfather must accept the words. (Though maybe he has taken over this duty from Honor) - Kaladin hears his third oath be accepted in WoR Ch 84, but in TWoK we see the words accepted by Stormfather (as indicated by the crack of thunder) through Teft's viewpoint; but Teft did not hear the "voice" (TWoK Ch 67) - In Dawnshard, Lopen sees Huio's third Oath be accepted, but also does not hear the "Voice," but from Lopen's viewpoint he does hear the voice when his Second and Third Oaths are accepted (WoR and Dawnshard respectively). So, it comes down to Lightweavers - AFAIK the words were not "accepted" in any scene; unless in TWoK Ch 45, when Shallan hears "This is true" is an indication that only the Spren has to accept the "Oath" from a Lightweaver. this seems in line with Skybreakers: - When Szeth swears his third Oath (OB Ch 121), snow crystalized in the air and he felt acceptance (possibly from the HighSpren), but didn't hear a "Voice."
  12. Most everything known is in the Coppermind page. . . Some brands can use abilities that don't consume light (light is still required, just not consumed) - for example The Heavenly one can Lash themselves and others (as well as the healing they all can perform) Lashing themselves (passive effect) does not consume light, but healing and lashing others does. I think the only other confirmed passive effects are the carapace growth of the Magnified Ones and the Cohesion used by Deepest Ones (at least with stone - possibly active when melding with other substances). I don't think that is confirmed as not consuming light (passive)
  13. I don't think the size of the metalmind, nor the quantity of investiture stored has anything to do with how you tap that storage or how it compounds when tapped at a ratio greater than 1:1. Here's the WoB: So, if you store qty X in Metalmind A and Store qty Y in Metalmind B. Because B is larger y=2x (for the purposes of this example) When you tap either A or B you will still get either 1:1 qty and duration; 2:0.5 qty and duration (with some loss); 4:0.25 qty and duration (with greater loss); etc. until the metalmind is exhausted. The smaller will simply run out first.
  14. Most likely, the breaths are gone and have returned to the pool of investiture in the Spiritual Realm. I say this because we know: Breaths are lost upon death Becoming returned happens long enough after death that the body has gone cold Warbreaker Ch 54 So, Stennimar drowned, and died. The storm ended and the body washed up on shore; then was discovered. Then Returned as Lightsong. I'm sure the process could happen faster than the example in-text; but the information we have so far shows the breaths leave as soon as you die and the process of seeing the visions and being chosen to return is unlikely to be fast enough to happen before the breaths are gone (unless Endowmnet intervenes specifically for a different result - if that is possible).
  15. Anything regarding Lost Metal belongs here until the spoiler period has passed.
  16. Jasnah would have been under Gavilar's Crest. We know Dalinar's is the Tower and Crown and Elhokar's Crest is the Sword and Crown; we do not know if the Sword and Crown was used by Gavilar as well or if he had a different iconography for Khokh and Linil than either of those. We also know Navani would have been under Gavilar's crest as well. By the time she and Dalinar wed, the Kholin princedom has moved to Adolin (we do not yet know if he retains Dalinar's Iconography or if he makes any changes) and both Dalinar and Navani are now the monarchs of Urithiru. That leaves a few months after the wedding and before the Battle of Thaylenah for the Tower and Crown to refer to Navani (or them both, as a couple). All that muddiness is why I thought Occam's Razor applied, and it was a simple call-back to Dalinar's youth. Sounds like a good question for a future Sanderson Q&A or AMA.
  17. These aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. I would imagine an instinctual knowledge of things relating to the Vessel's Shard applies, while a "questing" knowledge can be learned of things relating to other Shards has been demonstrated. However, you make a good point @Isilel, though I will approach it a different way. Ruin spoon-fed TLR - and likely included disinformation (getting TLR to make the puppets Ruin wanted, but not enough to learn on his own). While Kell gleaned a small bit objectively, and without Ruin's help/interference. I think that is why Kelsier was able to extrapolate and learn more with Spook after the SH Epilogue.
  18. But, they aren't. King T collected them because some of the rattles could have an element of prophecy or forshadowing. I've linked the list; but, for example: I'd be surprised if more than 50% of Death Rattles were prophetic - knowing that we only saw a small percentage of rattles collected by the Diagram and we probably saw >50% as prophetic because it's part of the foreshadowing for the series.
  19. Hope that helps. The Tower and Crown of Dalinar's Glyphpair as a shout out to the Breakneck "Butcher" roll certainly seems to fit Dalinar's backstory, but I doubt it applies to Navani. I always thought this referenced the Singers/Listeners; as there were a number of references to flame and smoke/soot that traced back to their red and black marbled skin/carapace.
  20. Well, Brandon summed it up nicely in this WoB: Aside from that, everybody (fictional or not) grows and changes over time. When you have a single book you only have a finite glimpse to say <this character> was <this role> in <this story>. Kelsier was a hero/anti-hero/Sociopathic Hero for the Era 1 trilogy. Possible spoilers if you have not read all of the Mistborn books/novellas and short stories:
  21. I’m confused on how he’s steadying himself Newton's Laws of Motion. Similar to pushing against a large object in one direction while pushing something in the opposite direction. Since Allomancy transfers force with pushes and pulls according to second and third laws - a simple pull would transfer force to the Lurcher in proportion to the mass being pulled. By pulling a larger object, what force is generated is translated to the larger force allowing the allomancer to pull more strongly without affecting themselves. Note: (Spoilers if this isn't a re-read then you should ignore this part)
  22. Spoilers are allowed as long as the spoiler period is passed and unless the OP asks to avoid spoilers (such as the "Reading first time thread") I think the initial tag was because @Odiumiumium was posting before the OP answered if he had finished through Book 4 yet. These three threads have a lot of dialog on what people think of Moash and why. I'll re-iterate what I said before: Moash (Vyre) is a depiction of the Nietzsche quote: I think Moash's arc is well conceived and executed. He's just a moral sinkhole who has decided to avoid any responsibility for his own choices and actions through excuses and escapism. Any chance he had at redemption, I think went out the window when he killed Teft and Phendorana.
  23. It was explained in the annotations; more specifically, this one:
  24. Keep in mind that some of the events are, as yet, unknown; and that differing time standards for different worlds can alter the interpretation (such as a Rosharan year is approximately 10% greater than Cosmere standard, and Scadrial having two calendars) of a timeline. So, for many events the best we can say is that X came before/after Y; without ascribing definitive timing to the events until we get more data.
  25. Concur. I would say that physically, it is nowhere near the same level as Sadeas' betrayal at the Tower. However, I would put the mental/emotional impact to Kaladin on-par with the mental/emotional impact to Dalinar at the Tower. I am also curious for your thoughts on this Amara. For me, I liked the interludes (generally) for the glimpse they give of other regions/cultures and thought they helped make the book feel "shorter." By that I mean it seemed more like reading a series and taking a short story break between each book for a slightly different pace - as opposed to something like Wheel of Time where it's just a straight 1000 pages nonstop of the same thing . . . I've done a re-read skipping the interludes and it did feel different to me without those short chances to "catch your breath" (but then, I've also done character rereads - going through the first three books only reading Kaladin or Dalinar/Adolin chapters).
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