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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Since I haven't seen it mentioned yet, I'll add that my personal take, with the data available, is that Sadeas was the one backing Tanalan (though I doubt Gavilar's involvement) since the rift both 1) borders Sadeas lands - and - 2) Sadeas was the chief "negotiator" on behalf of His Majesty while Dalinar was making the shows of Force. Basically, Galivar sent Sadeas to the Rift, and Dalinar to the Border so each could do what they do best. Sadeas "backed" Tanalan (either for the reason described above, or because he was preparing for an eventual Coup of Elhokar - though that chance came decades sooner than expected). Conversely, I think the "ambush" was all Tanalan's doing, as a way to use the situation in an attempt at revenge. To Tanalan (who could not have foreseen The Blackthorn's Obvious Overkill Retribution TM) either Dalinar would be dead, or he would have succeeded in driving a wedge between Sadeas and Dalinar.
  2. Here is the section from the WoK Prologue: This sounds like rumor based on the research into what eventually became the Half-Shards, to me.
  3. Is there any data on what the Digital rewards will include? The Kickstarter page has very little information (other than STLs - which I am guessing by context is for a 3D printer?) and the FAQ has no information. Will they not have Art packs and/or Wallpapers? If these are the first "official depictions" of characters, some digital reward(s) would be nice.
  4. Can't comment on the Kickstarter until you back - but I'm trying to find out if printer files are the only digital reward. No Art packs, wallpapers, etc?
  5. Technically, there are a number of different American accents. But what I was discussing was the change in a second language when it is altered by the grammatical and phonetic influences of a non-related first language. Also notice I said "unnecessary" accents. A well cast actor, who happens to have an accent, is one thing - casting for specific accents or having actors use a specific accent is quite different. Even when they are great at the different accents (Nicole Kidman, James Marsters), asking them to portray an accent is an attempt to influence the work, and I don't think it would be appropriate for Scadrial. Here we have an Empire, formerly comprised of many nations (that likely had regional dialects, if not different languages altogether), a millenium after the unification. A hodge-podge of accents and dialects would be, in my opinion, more appropriate than any attempt at a unifying lingustic style. It represents the intermixing and cultural shift imposed by TLR over the course of the last 1000yrs.
  6. Here's the WoB: Personally, I always thought it was Beldre, mostly because: The Founders were those alive during the Catacendre Tindwyl was not (and already had the Mother of Terris appellation) Beldre would have been the wife of the "Lord Mistborn," and we have no other appellation for her Truth and Allrianne seem to be antonyms to me The other possibility I considered was Mare, since she could be considered an Originator (if not a Founder) and her vision of returning Scadrial to blue skies, green foliage and flowers became truth. SoS Ch 19 BoM Ch 13:
  7. Yes, both. The names of N. Scadrial have both Franco and Germanic Influences. Much like Earth, I would expect some people to "mispronounce" any given name that deviates from their perceived norm. Absolutely no unnecessary accents - just because some words in-world may have roots to real-world languages like French and German does not mean that an accent is appropriate for the whole of Scadrial. A lot more goes into an accent than a specific pronunciation of a few words - including, but not limited to, the grammar and phonetic structure first learned as a child (and when learning a language). Having some French inspired names where there is no other Franco or Latinic phonetics or grammar structure would just make the whole project come off more as a parody if they were to attempt to French accent the whole cast (or even some cast). Aside:
  8. No worries. That yellow arrow on the lower right of a post is how you say Thank You. Also, when you read Warbreaker, I would recommend that you leave the annotations until after you finish the book (or for the first re-read of the novel). On Sanderson's website, the Warbreaker annotations have spoilers hidden when he's discussing things later in the book - but the eBook does not. Also, it can be a pain to back after finishing to uncover those spoilers, so it's just easier to save all of the annotations for the end (then it's almost like a review with extra goodies). Both the book and the annotations are available free on his website (linked above).
  9. You might be able to delete a post if it has had no replies, or you can click on "report post" and in the description as a Mod to delete the post for you. Did you have any specific questions? Also, another technique (besides the Coppermind) is to go to the Arcanum to look at Words of Brandon (Compilations of essays, blogs, annotations, and answered questions/RAFOs) about a specific topic. For example, if you wanted to look up information on Dakhor you would search the Dakhor Tag. You can organize by oldest, newest or relevance (though that is more for keywords than Tags - more below) - and what I did when I was worried about spoilers was start at the bottom and scroll toward the top because the bottom of each post in Arcanum lists the tags that apply at the bottom. In this way, if a post had a tag I was avoiding spoilers for, I would not read it and continue to the next one up. If it is a tag with a lot of posts, like AonDor (62 posts) you can then further refine by adding a keyword (such as Chasm Line) to get the posts that deal specifically with that intersection of topics (2 posts with AonDor tags reference the Chasm Line)
  10. Why would you think that? It states right in the beginning of M:SH Ch 6: Unless you mean the ash as it is falling? In which case, it's the same reason that distance is shortened in the CR - objects' CR aspect is a reflection of how they are thought about, and how they think of themselves. Before Ruin's release, ashfalls were far less frequent and ash was mostly thought of as how it piled up and had to be removed. Sure , people noticed ash flakes while they fell (and possibly those had a CR aspect, if you could even discern microscopic mist flakes against a misty background); but by the time Kelsier gets back and we see the massive ashfalls from his POV - many people are dead already (such as when he noticed the city that fell into the ocean) and those that remain are much more concerned about the mountains of ash (again reinforcing the "ash on ground" as a cognitive identity strong than "ash falling").
  11. May I ask if you have read Stormlight Archive? It's not so much that there are mists in Scadrian Shadesmar - it's that things in the Cognitive realm of Scadrial appear to be made from Mist. If you have read Secret History, you'll recall that in Ch 1 the mists weren't in the air at all (that was a impression Kelsier had as he transitioned): Stormlight Archive:
  12. Soulcasting the ship may not have been the best of ideas. As for Jasnah, you should enough information to reason it out - but it's also not very relevant until you RAFO (so I wouldn;t recommend spending too many brain cycles on it, unless you really want to do so). Yes. One of those
  13. This is a key facet of leadership (at least in my experience and studies). Not everybody can be helped through expectation management and mentorship, but finding those who can, and nurturing them on a path to self improvement is one of the keys to good and effective leadership. However, I see the Spren version as more of a consensual reality situation, possibly best compared to Linguistics. (Note: the following example is just that - an example, with no intended emotional connotation - set in a spoiler tag so people that don't care can skip it easily ) So I view Spren as similar: those traits, ideas, and concepts that have the most "weight" (as a balance of time and number of minds contributing to the concept) are the ones that will be most strongly expressed.
  14. We can't know the truth of this. All we really know for sure is: He attempted to escape a total of ten times He did not actually manage to escape all ten attempts He had at least six "owners" (including Tvalkv) The last time, he was the sole survivor Which is when Shash was added to his brand At least once, he was the sole escapee There is no data on the other 8 escape attempts other than that they happened.
  15. This should probably be in Cosmere Discussion, since it is about a comparison with other series. Doubtful. (SA and Warbreaker spoilers)
  16. Hope you had a great weekend and glad to see you back at it. Keep in mind that the Interludes are not necessarily lock-stepped chronologically when you read them. For example, back in TWoK - you read about Szeth's attack on the King of Jah Kaved in Interlude 9, but it happened concurrent with Ch 46 when Kaladin sees the start of the attack while riding the Storm in the dream. I'm not sure you really want that answer so I'll say first that there is information you do not have yet (but get in this book) that clarifies Kaladin/Szeth. If you really need a slight-spoiler peak/fft:
  17. Most orders get their Blade with the Third Oath* - some orders gain access to their Surges at different times. For some Orders, it's because the Surge is dangerous if misused (Skybreakers don't have access to Division until the Third Oath) or requires a stronger Connection (Edgedancers have both Growth and Abrasion at the start, but the combination power - Regrowth - isn't available until the Second Oath) Not a spoiler, per say, but I'll tag this in case you are avoiding spoilers as it implies information from RoW: *Ref:
  18. OP asked for no spoilers on Oathbringer and RoW - you may want to spoiler tag the rest of that comment, please. Yes, it was a Parshendi "thing" - you get minor details in Way of Kings and Words of Radiance. Prologue to Oathbringer gives more information, but you don't get the whole reason why until Rhythm of War Flashback sequences. RoW:
  19. Actually, Kaladin was first nicknamed "Stormblessed" back in Amaram's army; long before his use of Stormlight. Not that it was based on luck; since he: Trained very hard after Tien's death Spent almost all of his time and money protecting his squad Developed the skills and tactics needed to "read" the battlefield and adjust his strategy However, all of that combined to confer the nickname since his squad always had the fewest casualties - hence "Kaladin was lucky". . .
  20. You go to Arcanum (or the Coppermind page, which has links to relevant Arcanum posts), find the Word of Brandon then either copy the data, link or both into your post. My preferred technique is to search the major topic, click on the tag at the bottom of the first post so you are seeing everything for that tag, then use the filter to search within that tag. E. g. Type "Allomancy" in the search bar, click the #allomancy tag in the first post, then in the "search for text" field of advanced search at the top of the Tag Page, search "Savant" and the post below will be in the results. I tried finding what you referenced, but the closest I found was this: Anything less would not achieve lift (you are pulling against your own body and gravity), anything strong enough to achieve lift is likely to break the Lurcher.
  21. BLUF: Likely not possible - Iron and Steel do not make you Magneto - you can't levitate something you are standing on because it moves in relation to yourself (not in parallel) so if you flared Iron, you would only crush your legs pulling it to your chest. Well, I would consider it a percentage change. If diluted Metallic Arts at the time of TFE are 100% (base=weight); then Lerasium Arts (before dilution) are likely about 150% (push has more oomph) - and 1000yrs ago it would still have come down to each Misting's relative size/weight. But during TFE, only Elend was an undiluted Mistborn - so the difference was more pronounced. I would also posit that a Misting + Hemalurgy is 180-200% (since Vin + bronze spike could pierce Copperclouds; but undiluted Elend likely could not). From a physics standpoint, even with flared Iron you are only pulling toward your chest (and your chest down toward the metal), so if you pull hard enough (especially without Pewter to reinforce your bones) then your legs are simply n the way of the moving metal. Either your pull or your bones would give way first. WIthout pulling on something above you, I don't see how it could resist gravity to get airborne (you would essentially have to pull with double your body weight to both move your weight and counteract gravity).
  22. The thing about Fugu is that you have to get a small amount of the poison. The whole point is the get the tingle and numbing sensation - just in small enough quantities that the adverse effects are minimized. Kinda like spicy food: Capsaicin, the chemical responsible for the spicy heat of chilis is, technically, a poison. It's just that the small quantity found naturally in chili peppers is survivable (the tingles, sweating and heat is your body's response to the poison). If somebody was already Immune to poison, then they would not get any of these reactions. So, then, what would be the culinary benefit to eating them? Extreme snobbiness (I eat this because I can and you can't)?
  23. I think most of your reasoning is sound; but I don't think it requires Bavadin to have had DID prior to becoming a vessel. Also, you seem to equate Autonomy with "Alone" a few times, but I don't think they impact each other at all. From Wiktionary "Alone" (at least to me) implies Solitude; whereas Autonomy (to me) implies independence. After all, this WoB Shows that avatars of Autonomy don't require Solitude: I think the nature of Autonomy would push that for any given representation of Autonomy that has enough Cognitive "presence", an Autonomous Avatar would develop to house that representation. For example, I think the Sand Lord is an Avatar - but I don't think that Bavadin, as vessel, was behind the development of that Avatar. As the Sand Lord grew in the hearts and minds of Dayside, I think an autonomous Sand Lord Avatar became almost Inevitable. I think that sometimes a new Avatar is a conscious decision (Obrodai) and sometimes it is how the Shard "needs" to manifest.
  24. Well, to be fair - look at how most of them ended up in Bridge Four. Many do have their own reasons to distrust the Lighteyes. Though all involved need to learn the lesson that stereotypes are an average - while each person is unique and should be judged for themselves (not the average).
  25. Interesting theory You will get more information here. . . If you don't have a writer's group, or just want an expanded circle, you could try here on the Forums. The Reading Excuses section summary: A writing support group where you can trade critiques with other writers who intend their work for publication. All genres and skill levels welcome. Beginners encouraged. I have used Fanstory (external link) for a number of years for my short fiction. I know they accept novels (usually chapter-by-chapter) and you can trade giving reviews to make member dollars instead of it being an all-paid service.
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