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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Well, many of these were pre-publication (Elantris, the first published, was his 6th novel written, but he had finished more than 10 before Elantris sold and was published). Here's a WoB with the list: As for Mythwalker:
  2. I think the point was simply that we were curious which, if any, of the suggestions you employed and if they worked well. Would you suggest others employ the same suggestions?
  3. Why would we need to assume that? All we really know is: Mraize's trophy room had a chunk of (probable) Amberite that did not decay and he cannot use Mraize, at some point, came in contact with some Aether that decays into a liquid, which stained his pants.
  4. We don't have a definitive answer to this, but the best description we have comes from Oathbringer Ch 105: Huge, in this instance, is a useless description since we don't know if the books are handwritten or not; and what size a "normal" book may be. However, the fact that the entire book could be read aloud in only 8 Hours at least shows that the content is on-par with shorter modern novels (compare with other audiobooks that are 8 hours long) regardless of the binding and text size.
  5. I think the closest we have is the Nalthian system symbol (Tears of Edgli). Possibly the Nalthian "Breath" from the Starchart. WoI
  6. Kaladin and Szeth have some similarities; but are not quite the same in what is happening with them. You will get more about that over the course of this book. The symbols for Jasnah and Shallan are not same. If you count the Windrunner Glyph as 1, and follow the larger circles clockwise; their symbols would be 6 and 7 (lower left corner). I'll let you discover similarities, differences, and which-is-which as the story progresses. Words of Radiance has many of these answers. In the non-spoiler food-for-thought category I will say (if you want to peak): You were As well you should be
  7. The "Sel" things mentioned above are from Elantris - so that might not make sense until you have read that as well. I'll skip those topics for now. To clarify a bit about what Quantus was saying, the metal used in the metallic arts are not, themselves, invested (with the exception of Godmetals like Atium, Lerasium, etc.). Instead, the metal acts as a "key" to access the investiture; so without the spiritual makeup to use the "key" a Radiant could not get any benefit from "eating a metal." Conversely, it may be possible to use Stormlight as the investiture source to fuel Allomancy - but that would take an unknown process to achieve. WoB: You wll see a similar "Key" principal in the Selish works - Elantris and Emporer's Soul.
  8. First, can you please verify what works you have read, in case we need to avoid spoilers Here's a WoB about Vasher So, it doesn't seem like he "makes" breaths out of Stormlight - he just consumes Stormlight instead of Breath to maintain his returned nature.
  9. Possibly, but that makes some assumptions:
  10. I don't know that a braided metal rope would be feasible (or just extremely difficult), I found the relevant Words of Brandon: It's also possible that the range and versatility are tied to the number of oaths the Radiant has sworn.
  11. If you mean two normal Shardblades, then we see Amaram do this in Oathbriinger. If you mean one Radiant Spren becoming two different items at the same time, then I would say it is doubtful. I don't know if any conclusive references for or against; but I feel that Kaladin, fighting Szath at the end of WoR, would have done a Shield and Spear if Syl could have managed it (since that is his preferred style) but she becomes the shield or spear as-needed, but not both at once.
  12. Welcome to book two - and the needlepoint looks great. Am I correct that, so far, it's pine trees near a lake? There will be plenty of Kaladin. As far as the prologue is concerned, you are noticing important things. As for Ash - if you want a reminder from Way of Kings: Well, part of that would be terms and definitions. For example, if by "magic system" you mean Kaladin's abilities - then yes, you find out a whole bunch more in this book. Are you reading the hardcover? Have you seen the "endpapers?" TWoK Chart:
  13. There is some discussion about this topic here. . .I'll summarize my thought from that post: What we really know is: - The perpedicularity at the Pits helped facilitate off-world trade - Felt was involved to some extent and became Cosmere aware (and a Worldhopper) through that exposure - At least some Worldhoppers knew the Pits could be used to access the Physical Realm on Scadrial - Scadrian Canned foods have been seen off-world (Oathbringer) However, we also know: - Off-world trade on Roshar happens in Shadesmar - but without being anywhere near a perpendicularity - Travel in Scadrial's Cognitive realm is . . . difficult for physical beings (especially if they have no means of applying investiture to cognitive aspects to make them solid enough to manipulate - like "Spanky" and the oar) - Drifter said "mercantile ecosystem" (which does not imply actual trade on Scadrial's CR - just that some "goods" from Scadrial were important to Cosmere-aware merchants and off-worlders) From this, I would guess that the pits were used to move "goods" from PR to CR (likely by Felt and a few other intermediaries); but the "market," if there was one, was probably on the solid part of Lake Luthadel (or similar location - more friendly to trade). Since we expect that Scadrian Metalurgy is more advanced than most of the Cosmere, I would not be surprised if refined ores and ingots were exported along with canned foods (and possibly other goods). I'm not entirely sure TLR would have known about any trading through the Pits (it's possible of course, but just as possible that he would have killed the people involved if it was happening without his permission. . . if just to "keep secrets"). I find it unlikely that more than a few WHs (like Hoid/Khriss) would have actually traveled all the way to the pits to access the perpendicularity themselves. This also implies that while knowledge of the perpendicularity might be fairly well-known off-Scadrial; there was not likely to be many with that knowledge on-world that could connect Perpendicularity = Pits = Atium (assuming they even knew enough about the metallic arts to know/care what Atium was or why it was important).
  14. Congrats on the read-through, glad you enjoyed it. We all feel that way, and you will learn more in every book.
  15. These? They seem the most relevant that I could find quickly.
  16. The "Eye" icon in the toolbar is for spoilers (as edited above) It's heavily implied (both in WoR and in the Row flashbacks) that they had a few Shardblades when Gavilar was killed. Doing this is how they lost them all (since their concepts of war, strategy and tactics were primitive - as shown in the Flashbacks) and they don't want to risk losing their last Shards, which is why Eshonai fights in person so rarely.
  17. For A, there is much more to learn here, enjoy the ride. For B, it is discussed early in Words of Radiance. I think that list, in varying orders, goes for most of us. Though I would add "Kaladin commanding Dalinar's troops and Adolin on the Tower" to that list. Glad you liked the chapter. . . and are looking forward to Words of Radiance Oh, absotively posilutely. You should have enough information to determine this. . . wording matters. I don't know if this is "venting questions" or a real request for possible minor spoilers - so I will tag it and you can peak if you want
  18. Sound like anybody else you know doing things they shouldn't be able to do?
  19. Yes, as mentioned/warned way back in Page 4 of this thread:
  20. I thought the same whn I started looking it up. . . probably the natural result of all of the "looming" and "rigid spines" going on. I also didn't realize how tall everybody seemed to be until I looked up the quotes. Sazed was the understandably obvious one; but, for the others, it may have been a subtle clue to mistings' half-noble blood (or just that everybody is tall compared to Vin). I concur, there is likely some physiological changes going on; just probably not quite as extreme as first impressions indicate. Also (as above), consider that if most/all pre-marsh inquisitors were Noble, then they would have started taller even if the process only "stretched" (tall and lean) them a few inches to half-a-foot.
  21. Like I said, welcome to the start of the avalanche. . . <Grin> Well, it's not like he never needed practice. You may not recall these Tidbits from earlier in this book: I took that to mean that even though multiple people were running wearing the bone armor, they remembered that Kaladin did it first, and he was the reason for all of the others.
  22. Glad you are still enjoying the start of the Avalanche Small quibble - Kaladin is refusing to spar because of the trauma (and associated hope/false hope). He fully intends to fight. Don't forget the best Kal quote we discussed back on page four of this thread:
  23. Not quite - Sazed is 7 ft tall, and Marsh is a bit shorter than Sazed (even after becoming an inquisitor - see below) There could definitely be some physical changes - either because of the spikes themselves, or because healing reaches toward the spiritual ideal - and that ideal has been warped by hemalurgy - possibly making Inquisitors Taller and Leaner. Here are all of the references I could find: Hope that helps
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