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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. How much time do you think passes over the course of TFE? I outlined the first era timeline in this post - but, for example, three months pass between chapters 6 and 9 TFE takes place over the course of about 15-18 months. I'm not sure why you say it didn't count - the fact that he martyred himself to inspire the Skaa to revolt very much mattered. And if he hadn't "survived" becoming a Cognitive Shadow, then Scadrial would be gone My biggest quibble was the Eland/Yomen interactions (or lack thereof). We don't see the initial attempts at diplomacy (only an after-the-fact comment that messages were turned away), and it always made no sense to me that at the first Ball in Fadrex, Elend didn't just lay out the facts to Yomen ("Hey, this is what we have calculated will be the only irrigable land in 3 three months, we found the other four caches, we need to work together to save the people - because your city will die off if we don't work together"). I would have rather seen him try that and fail (if that's what the story demanded - because Yomen's hatred due to TLR's death certainly could have him ignore the facts presented that way or assume it's a ruse) than the awkward side-step that occurred.
  2. Short answer - yes you are likely reading too much into the comment. Long Answer:
  3. Congratulations - much better than Serene (but that's Elantris. . .) Not at all - the first impressions (good and bad) and great to see and compare to how I (we) felt. Keep both coming, please. I had a similar reaction . . . . . .for about 90 seconds. Then I realized that if he thinks the abilities are part of the curse that Killed Tien - then it makes sense that the first reaction would be "get rid of this" (physical ability seeming insignificant to emotional pain, and he's reacting emotionally at first) - and only after consideration would Kaladin be able to realize "I can't change the past, but this might help me save Bridge 4 in the future." You will also get some more insight into his thoughts and fears throughout this book and the next. <holds breath> Hmmmmm. . . could be
  4. Interesting, but doubtful, if only because we have seen that in Oathbringer:
  5. The diamond is likely a perfect gemstone, like the King's Drop, and still holds it's illumination. Also, it could possibly be reinfused by other stones (as seen in RoW) or by Radiants before the Recreance. Here are the descriptions from WoK
  6. And, as you finish the series, you can re-read your own thread and check them out (without needing to hunt them down or remember where you "read" something). . .
  7. One of the main differences between Way of Kings and WoK Prime is that in the original Prime Merin (the character who became Kaladin) took the blade. I don't think Amaram was in that story. As for bonding a blade, you will get more information on that in Words of Radiance. I think there's a quiz for that Why indeed? Might be important. . . We are still learning implications from this.
  8. Granted it is all perception and opinion, but here was my thinking: Based on what Kal knows and thinks to this point (before turning them down), and knowing that because of what happened to Tien (WoK Ch 67) we see part of the massive psychological shift that led him to collecting "his squad" and trying to protect young soldiers like Cenn. He is firmly in the role and mindset of a protector. He's doing his soldier's duty to train recruits, hold ground and protect his people and his Companylord (Amaram). Then he sees the Shardbearer. . . So his only impression of Shards, aside from myths/legends/stories - likely exaggerated (as he discussed with Laral), is their use in utter destruction. Not just being a soldier or warrior, but randomly cutting down unarmed kids that are running away - just because they are within reach. To pick up the Shards would have been to turn his back on his past, his brother, and his role as protector. Basically to sell himself for fame and position to become a destroyer. That's why I said picking them up would be hypocrisy EDIT: Here's the mindset reference from WoK Ch 47 (snipped for length) I can't wait until you get these answers. . . soon Sorry Amira. . .
  9. I think you accidentally clicked quote instead of spoiler. I disagree on the avoidance of responsibility though. I think Kal was absolutely right to walk away from those shards. To me, it's about living your principles. Knowing how he felt long before he fought and defeated the shardbearer (even if it was all internal and he shared those feelings and beliefs with nobody else); I think if he had picked up the shards he would have been a hypocrite - no matter how he justified it as duty or responsibility to himself or others.
  10. Also, we see two instances of something like this: Vin was already "taking" Preservation's Shard from Kelsier when he voluntarily gave it up so she could claim it - mostly because he was a poor vessel for it anyway Taravangian killed Rayse and took (stole) the Odium Shard So, I would guess the answer would be "in specific circumstances" and "not through physical theft of an object."
  11. I'm not an audio book person, so I can't speak to that. What I do, is I have both the physical and the eBook (I use a Kobo Libre), and my ebooks go everywhere with me. I read whenever I have to waste time waiting - in line at the store, waiting for an appointment, before bed, in rush hour traffic (probably a bad idea - but only in stop-and-go while stopped). I don't try to rush, per se, but a chapter here, paragraph there adds up. It probably helps that I don't have a cell phone, so all those times you see people wasting time on their phones - I'm reading.
  12. Animated might not be bad, but I think it would really depend on the type of animation and portrayal style. Anything in the Simpsons/King of the Hill/Futurama/etc. styles would be beyond horrible (to me). Also, I think most Computer Animated movies are just too cartoonish (even things like Beowulf just seem "wrong"). Maybe something more like old school Crying Freeman/Ninja Scroll or I don't know a good modern example (Witcher 3?). South Park shows that being animated has no bearing on if color and movement is tacky or not.
  13. It's not really a spoiler, just a reference from a book you may not have read yet. . . but it would seem Sanderson's personal motto was uttered by a certain thieving crew chief: if you hang around the forums a while, You'll see that referenced fairly often. Nice simile
  14. Much of my response was for King of Nowhere (but they went together), but if you are considering Lirin's POV/Frame of mind (non-specific spoilers for Lirin's characterization):
  15. Interesting and plausible theory. Heightened emotion (along with strong sensory input) has been shown to improve memory. Also, if Tapping not only releases emotion, but the specific emotion stored; then that would be highly useful for actors, politicians and grifters (not that those aren't all the same thing really). . . PS: your title has "when" misspelled - but you can fix it if you edit the first post.
  16. You'll have to supply the quote, I can't find it. Here's what I found: TWoK Ch 52 - Feverstone Keep descriptions: WoR Ch 4 - Pure Lake Vision
  17. Did you mean "near" <Feverstone keep is hear Rall Elorim> Where did you get the "lake" part All we know is that it is near Rall Elorim It is in a valley and some buildings are built out of the valley sides with raincatchers on the roof because of the need for fresh water Since RE is in the middle of the mountains, it could be a valley in any direction from that point.
  18. Concur - with the caveat that I think BS might not have been trying for humor. I think it's possible (probable) his goal was to make the scene as uncomfortable for the reader as it was for the bystanders witnessing this in-story.
  19. From TWoK Ch 51: Also, I don't think Kaladin was given to a Slaver. All we really know is: So, if he had six slavemasters before becoming a Bridgeman (with the last being Slaver Tvlakv), it seems likely that Amaram either sold him directly to an owner at the next town, when stopping for supplies, or put him in a slave auction at that time.
  20. Sure, according to modern sensibilities. In an environment that is pleasantly cool where no hard labor is being performed (so you don't sweat much, if at all), while living in a time and place that doesn't nearly have the tendency to daily (weekly/monthly) bathing that modern society does; it's not so strange. Also, keep in mind that this is the most unreliable narrator (Shallan) and she does not say "he doesn't bathe" - just that nobody she spoke to knew how/when/why. (Ch 75)
  21. From Wiktionary: Harmony synonyms include: Accord Concord Union Agreement Discord Synonyms include: Tension Strife Dissension
  22. F-Bendalloy (Subsumer) stores calories and nutrition. In fact, if he was a compounder he could not need any food (and therefore not produce waste).
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