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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Correct, the ability is based on Species. It is implied the worms become invested in the Shardpool and the birds become invested by eating the worms. SotD about 55% on the ebook So, more likely Mraize's aviar is one of two possibilities: It was a Raptor species brought to Patji to gain a talent - or - It's a normal (if carnivorous/omnivorous) Aviar and MRaize's ability to sense people near him is from Breaths. In fact, it's implied on the Coppermind/WoB that species that hide thought signatures can act as a Coppercloud to other forms of investiture and we know more than one species carries that talent because both Kokerlii and Mirris have that ability, despite being different species. It would make sense for Mraize to want this type of Aviar as well; and SotD is so far after the events we see, this could very well be a normal aviar species that has since died out on First of the Sun.
  2. I just had a thought about all of this: Yes, Ruthar is sexist and a political enemy and threat Yes, Jasnah was obviously manipulating the situation Yes, Dalinar tried to calm things down Maybe it was more of a set-up than it seems on the surface.
  3. Sure, but that's "outsider" hindsight. Consider it in the second person: Spoilers for WoK
  4. Wasn't it already confirmed that the chain Kaladin saw was the same as the chain Raboniel received? Coppermind RoW So, if Kaladin saw a chain from Threnody, and the object Raboniel received was the same as what Kaladin saw (if not the same object, then the same type of object), then Raboniel received a Threnodite Chain.
  5. In this book you will get the flashback to what happens to Tien. In books to come you will learn more about the Roshone and why Lirin was so against Kaladin becoming a soldier. Nice Katniss reference, btw.
  6. Sixth of the Dusk? Do you perhaps mean Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell?
  7. Note that in the WoB you quoted, he said the relationship was backward - so it's more likely the Sons were an offshoot of the Envisagers. Very true, so the Set may or may not be viable, depending on how active and prolific they were before the events we first saw them. Another possibility - Ishar's group. I doubt all Tukari are in on his twisted Spren experiments - so that may count as a secret society if he's built a specific cult to hunt spren in Shadesmar.
  8. Patji may be an Avatar of Autonomy, but he is not Autonomy. Autonomy doesn't have to leave the Taldain system to create an Avatar in another system. In fact WoB says that it is difficult for a shard to leave a system they have Invested (hence no Odium investiture in Sel, despite Rayse going to that system to attack Devotion and Dominion - he never invested in the Selish system)
  9. We know that Autonomy didn't leave the system (Au spoilers) I always took it that, from the dias, Praxton could see what was happening to his Sand Masters, deduced what was happening and sacrificed all of the moisture in his body for one huge effect hoping to save his son (and possibly some of his people).
  10. After the description, I always pictured the Singer heart as a type of quartz (especially since it's SiO2 structure is a component of many beryl gemstones as well) Well, Heralds and Fused are similar beings, and that knife cuts both ways. So, while we can say that the Shanay-Im weren't willing to Rays-knife Jezrien; I don't know that we can expand that to any Fused unwilling to Rays-knife any Herald. It could just have been that that Heavenly Ones would be vulnerable to the same pole stone to which he was vulnerable.
  11. I'm pretty sure Sixteen isn't Shin - Shallan only thought he was Shin because of the lack of epicanthic fold on his eyes. The name implies Scadrial as his homeworld
  12. Well, the right hand appears to be a prosthetic (or metallic hand of some kind - unless it's a glove - but it seems thinner than the left hand) so that could be a clue. The character seems to be talking to or about Kelsier. . . (RoW Spoiler) So, it could just be a character of the artist's imagination; but, if not, we may be able to reason it out with those clues.
  13. "Invested" - there are two under that prompt. SiarexKH - this seems to be a Ghostblood summoning or dismissing a shardblade _castanne - This appears to be the "symbolheads" watching Shallan and Jasnah in Kharbranth
  14. You are not crazy, it was confirmed by WoB:
  15. Vasher did not want Vahr released - the choice was very A or B on purpose. It's implied later int he book that Vasher had already warned Vahr, when he was starting his movement, not to pursue a war with Hallendren (peaceful reform rather than rebellion). I think the reason Vahr does not try to persuade Vasher is because of their very first exchange: If he knew Vasher, then he knew that that answer would have been immutable.
  16. I beleive that is correct - but White Sand also shows us that: It seems possible that some advance in one area (like Germ theory - which could also be an understanding of effect without truely understanding cause - sanitation improves health without having microscopes and being able to "see" microorganisms) could predate when we made that advance in what other sciences have been explored and which technologies are available Non-Cosmere Now I see what you mean. I agree, the way it is discussed seems more advanced that what is discussed and how. Not that half-a chapter before the invasion gave much time to get many details.
  17. Concur whole-heartedly. As for the "Wisdom" I do think at least some of that was passed down (and likely distorted) from when Humans first came to Roshar I also don't think that the Devotary's stance, as presented, is the whole story. If we ever get more information, I expect we'll find that other nations/cultures have more/different ideas in this area. I also expect we'll learn that even when some knowledge/recognition of different mental health techniques were known - they were subsequently lost (due to Desolations, purposely avoided "because that was a Radiant thing and they bretrayed us", or even just the normal Alethi in-fighting). I don't see that Kaladin's made much progress - other than to recognize that different maladies need different treatments - and that people with depression similar to his can be helped with sunlight*, talking, and keeping active (feeling useful). *I say sunlight because if their depression is similar to his - his flashbacks show signs that at least some of his early depression was, in part, Seasonal Affective Disorder
  18. Well, if you go and read the full post (page 4) that was excerpted from there is more explanation and context. @Ta'veren Kaladin summed it up, but it amounts to: - If "Wisdom of the Heralds" has handed down concepts like santitation for regular medicine and that has persisted for 4000 yrs, how are we expected to believe that nobody before Kaladin ever developed any mental health practices in that time (or that the Heralds didn't bring those concepts with them too) It's the values dissonance that the subplot exists only to give something for Kaladin to do while recovering from his own problems and find that "helping myself helps me protect others" I'm not saying I agree with the original post, but I think the points deserve consideration.
  19. Also note, in TWoK ch 67: If you have read Mistborn: then you can connect these events to realize that expending large amounts of investiture (either slowly over a long time, or large bursts all at once) take a physical toll. If you are already exhausted, it will only be worse. Not only do you experience the physical impact, but you also no longer have the investiture propping you up.
  20. Glad you are still enjoying the book. Overall, for me, the flashbacks were less about "what will happen" than "how did <this> become what I know to be the present." Kal's flashbacks in TWoK are second only to Dalinar's in Oathbringer to me. If you feel less tension about this, maybe you should consider why he might choose what you think he chooses. . .
  21. Before going more in-depth, can I please inquire if you have read any other works from Sanderson (in case of spoilers) Here are the two I posted in another quote thread: Just the fact that thinking about giving is so important - even to a physical god Really resonates with why many bosses delegate
  22. Thanks for that. Kind-of off topic, so I will spoiler tag this:
  23. That's why I chose "other," not only is she a wonderful Gadgeteer Genius; but I love her no-holds-barred honesty (in deed and word) and really wish we saw more of her in the series.
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