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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Emperor's Soul As it comes up in multiple Cosmere stories, all human interaction has some level of manipulation; and the bolded portion here seems the most profound distillation of "live the example you want to see in others" showing the effect and reinforcing that manipulation is inherent (neither good not bad on its own) and it is our motives that matter Mistborn Part of moving on from loss is this - Fake it until you make it A well worded reason for trust and friendship Hammers home the gap from learning to experience Sixth of the Dusk Even without a physical symbol of the complexities of life, the bolded portion should be kept in mind - especially when you think things have been easy lately. . . Elantris Exemplifies how difficult it can be to maintain external optimism in the face of internal struggle And this shows the other side of internal struggle, how sometimes the best you can do for a friend is offer to be there - kind words can hurt even more Warbreaker Just the fact that thinking about giving is so important - even to a physical god Really resonates with why many bosses delegate HoA Ch 56: While this last one is not Cosmere, it is one of my favorite fantasy quotes ever and I would like to share it - Codex Alera, Book 3 Granted, it's mostly an epic "Shut Up Hannibal", but there are so many people that deserve this kind of verbal slap . . .
  2. It's worth noting that even before HoA, while Keepers were generally more connected to Preservation, he already had enough of a connection to Ruin to defy orders and help topple a thousand-year empire. So, to me, his connection was there already but the events of HoA was him learning to make peace with that side of himself.
  3. Welcome to the Forums. . . if you haven't found it already, you may want to start here. That said, I'll do my best: You may want to consider just letting the first read through relax and enjoy this story for itself; plenty of time to delve into the background later - and you'll only ever have a FIrst read of Way of Kings. Not quite on the bold part - Yes to Realmatic Theory concerning the Spiritual, Cognitive, and Physical Realms; but the portion of Realmatic Theory that governs the magic systems is Investiture. Each metal's allomantic, feruchemical, and/or hemalurgical ability differs in how it interacts with the realms. For example when an allomancer burns iron/steel, they are seeing their connection to the metal around them (the blue lines) which is a form of Spiritual Realm sight, but they only affect that metal in the physical realm when the push or pull. If you look at the Allomantic and Feruchemical tables, you will see some that some abilities are obviously tied to specific realms. Kind of correct, an individual's Spirit Web includes their Spiritual DNA (sDNA) and on that strand is encoded what (if any) Allomantic or Feruchemical abilities a person has (snapping would allow those abilities to be expressed in the Physical Realm) Object identity doesn't interact very much with the Metallic Arts, but you should have seen how much it can interact with the Selish arts in Emeror's Soul. No The three Metallic Arts were a Ruin and Preservation thing - other worlds may have 0 to 5+ arts (also depending on how you define an "art") Some worlds have numbers that are more important in that area; you should have seen which number was important on Scadrial during Hero of Ages. Remember above, about sDNA? That is one of the things Hemalurgy can steal; and is in fact how you saw it used in Era 1 (a Spike was used to steal a single Allomantic or Ferchemical Power from the person killed, then that power was added to the Inquisitor gaining the spike (sort of "stapled" a piece of the victim's could to their own to gain that ability). What it really sounds like the issue here is that you don't have a functional definition of Investiture. It's not synonymous with magic or spiritual realm or any of that; it is simply a third state of 'being.' In our world we have Matter and Energy, which can be converted into each other. The Cosmere adds Investiture to that list and both matter and energy can convert to/from investiture - Word of Brandon (WoB): RAFO on the last parts There is much we don't yet know about all of this, but there is a lot of speculation; as well as hope that Lost Metal will answer many questions. We don't know much about this either, but it is mostly assumed that what you saw in M:SH was a specific Elantrian thing due to the way they are affected by the Shaod. Worldhoppers you have already seen in books you say you finished, and in the Way of Kings may or may not have other or similar requirements - but the requirement will be due to their nature, not due to worldhopping in general. Have you read Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell? Those shades are what the Ire feared. . . They just happened to: Depends on the Shard and the Planet. For example - the Metallic Arts were created by Ruin and Preservation (since they created the planet), but we don't know if Breath and awakening were created or just influenced by the Shard on Nalthis. Much of that is stuff we know won't be answers until near the end of the Cosmere. (e.g. All the Adonalsium stuff will be in Dragonsteel - which is planned to be the second to last series (right before Mistborn Era 4). Over centuries, the Vessel's mind begins to change to fit the Shard's intent more perfectly. WoB on Shardic minds:
  4. If there is a year 0, then 1024 years would be year 1023. . . However, analyzing by time elapsed rather than years makes it seem (if I've done it correctly) that the trilogy starts in Spring and four "winters" pass. TFE WoA HoA TFE takes place over about 16-18 months, more than 1 year passes (TFE ending in late summer/early autumn - WoA starting in mid-to-late autumn), WoA covers about four-to-six months (ending in late winter), another 15 months or so pass, then HoA starts in early-spring and takes only two or three months and ends late-spring/early summer.
  5. Fused didn't return before the Everstorm - Voidspren did (granting the Regal Stormform so that the Everstorm could be summoned).
  6. The WoB about that was already quoted above which is why we know that a tweak of some kind is needed to detect kinetic investiture other than Allomancy. Intent is only suggested as one possibility for what may necessary, since we don't yet know what the "tweak" is - but we do know that you cannot create anti0light without Intent (which implies that knowledge that such is possible)
  7. Can we please spin this conversation off into a separate thread so as to not derail the OP? I think the original question was answered (or @Amira) can chime in if her question still needs amplifying data.
  8. Don't forget that the Fused Return does not immediately follow the Heralds' return to Roshar. A Herald would break, they would all be sent back. Then some years later the Desolation would start as the Fused began to return (and not all Brands returned at the same time). That's why Taln's statement at the gates of Kholinar talks about the Heralds having some time (but not too much) to teach humanity medicine, forging, leadership, tactics and strategy.
  9. Glad you enjoyed the chapter and implications. I particularly like this quote: You can almost smell the smoke from their brains when faced with a Bridgeman who can think Well . . . (Ender Spoilers)
  10. External Reading and comments - I'm going to spoiler this, not because of the traditional reason, but just so people who don't care can easily skip it: If anybody is interested in my personal beliefs, I am willing to share them in private message; but I am unwilling to debate them. Part of my belief is simply that faith and belief is very personal. As well you should be. If you may pardon the pun - it's a Bridge Chapter. . .
  11. I guess it is two-fold, not only finding the harmony between the Rhytms of Preservation and Ruin (Which may, or may not, be th esame as the Rhythm of Harmony) and intent (SA Spoiler): That was why I said "variations on the Rhythm," but also consider this: If you look at a song it will be made up of notes in a pattern that may change tempo and timing. What if the sixteen metal pulses were made up of 8 sets of notes (doubled with 1 each of the spiritual componenet of pushing and pulling*) and those 8 sets of pulses together are the Rhythm of Preservation. So, a Seeker "hearing" a bronze pulse is only hearing that measure from the rhythm that corresponds to the active kinetic investiture being detected.
  12. So, in the interest of Brainstorming, what if: We consider that A-Bronze defaults to work on the Rhytm of Preservation Bronze pulses are all variations on that Rhythm Ferchemy is a balance between Preservation and Ruin Therefore: Intent, plus attuning the Rhythm of Harmony should result in hearing Feruchemical pulses SA Spoilers:
  13. You may want to check out this old post - but if you like linguistics the whole thread may be long but is worth reading. Note: @Harakeke includes an analysis of Shash in the images.
  14. BLUF: You can. . . Here are the references from WoB and Coppermind: The key there is the phrase "They don't yet know how" - so in BoM if the Set had figured this out then W&W would have been in a bit of a pickle.
  15. I don't think those are mutually exclusive - hidden foreshadowing for Father and future foreshadowing for Son. While I do not think Alalan is Radiant, I do find some of his dialog interesting; as well as the fact that he has a Lighteyed name* . However, my 20 Yen says he's a Worldhopper. . . *Similar to TWoK's flashbacks when Kal is whinging about his name being too lighteyed, and preferring Kal because it sounds like a Darkeyed name.
  16. Please do not double-post. If nobody has responded, simply edit your original post to add the new information. Edit is found in the bottom-left corner of the post; next to Multi-quote, Quote and Options If you have read all of the Cosmere novels and are not avoiding spoilers for published materials, please read about Realmatic Theory and Shards; it may help you understand the concepts you are discussing here. Have a great day
  17. Szeth. Please see this thread
  18. First, Basic Lashings were the ones he could not use during RoW - he had access to Full Lashings and some limited access to Reverse Lashings (Ars Arcanum excerpt): Keep in mind, each order is slightly different in how/when some abilities are manifest. For example, Windrunners have access to both surges from the beginning, but a Skybreaker cannot access the surge of Division until after the Third Oath; and in the Interlude Wyndle tells Lift that while she had access to the Surge of Progression with the First Oath, she didn't have Progression's Regrowth ability until after the Second Oath (WoR I-9): While we don't have all of the details yet, the phenomena seem to be linked to the Order Spren's consensual reality. In other words, if the majority of Highspren believe (consciously or subconsciously) that the Surge of Division is too dangerous for Skybreakers below the Third Oath; then the Order of Skybreakers is bound to that belief. Honorspren (and Windrunners) simply don't have those fetters, possibly because so many applications of lashings require Intent (and therefore training) and the Squire system they use is the mechanism for teaching and limiting Surge access (or the lack of such self-limits based on bond and the individuals involved - as we saw with Kaladin and Syl).
  19. The size of the anchor will determine how far away you you can push on it. Also, as shown in Kelsier's FIght with the Inquisitor (M:FE Ch 34), a skilled allomancer can select anchors at the edges or corners of larger objects (allowing the force to be distributed). In this case, consider what happens when a 5 ft Vin tries to push on a coin that is not physically connected to a 12ft stone door. It would likely slide right off, since the spacing can't effectively get a push against the direction of movement at both corners (if lined up to the bottom anchor, the top anchor would be tangential to the plane of movement).
  20. IIRC, the books never actually mentioned a height in feet/inches (just a "very tall eunuch"); but I thought BS said in a WoB that he was "around 7 feet tall," like many eunuchs. I haven't found that WoB again yet, but this is from the Annotations:
  21. Here's the references in CH 52 and 53 of WoA So Sazed clearly undergoes muscular changes with F-Pewter, but needs his Pewter to halp him move his F-Iron body to block the gate (since he is tapping so much) Sazed would not have been a 12 foot tall monster (he should not have gained any height at all as there is not skeletal change with F-Pewter, only muscular). Here's the section in Ch 52 (when combined with the section above): So, if the Koloss that are 10+ feet tall are jumping the wall to clear archers, then the Koloss that came through the gates is < 10 ft. At 7ft Sazed (with a few hundred pounds of F-Pewter muscle) could conceivably be considered "a creature nearly his own size" - especially when it is possible the "lead koloss" was only between 8-9ft.
  22. Many Interludes are worldbuilding. . . but that does not preclude hidden foreshadowing. That was the Axies the Collector interlude IIRC - he's great!
  23. It might depend on which Printing of the book you have (or eBook version), as it was probably something fixed after the first printing. My eBook shows that passage as:
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