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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Like any skill, it takes desire to change, hard work, time, and patience. Dalinar may seem like a good father figure in TWoKs; just remember few get it right the first (second, third) time. You will get more of his backstory in book three - Oathbringer.
  2. Welcome to the Forums What book/section are you reading; or have you completed all four novels and both novellas? Where you are in the character's arc can make a huge difference. Depression is difficult - even by proxy. . . I used to like Shallan in TWoK and WoR. Then OB happened and she went from one of my favorite characters to one of my least-favorite (but I still like her better than Lirin). I hope to one day enjoy her sections more, but for now I just limit my exposure to her scenes.
  3. No Worries But wait, there's more. . . Arcanum Unbounded Mistborn Era 1: Mistborn Era 2: Elantris (10th) Warbreaker (includes annotations): PS: Did you want a search of White Sand Prose and Aether of Night as well?
  4. While not impossible, I don't think that Identity would heal physical wounds, but is probably able to "heal" mental trauma (probably not mental illness that is genetic, as that would be part of the identity). Here's the reference in the coppermind (with WoB link):
  5. It's pretty well implied that Kalak and Jezrien are still holding their blades when they begin their discussion in the Prologue: Which is further confirmed by Dalinar's vision in Oathbringer (Ch 38) and shows what happened after Kalak and Jezrien both departed:
  6. Only in the same continuity. Otherwise, choose what interests you most. First Born (stand alone Short Story) Perfect State (stand alone Short Story) Children of the Nameless (Magic the Gathering Novel) Legion: Reckoners: Cytoverse: Keep in mind the Cosmere can be read in any order, but the internal Chronology matters to some readers in making a decision: Elantris is more Political than action-based (Warbreaker as well, to an extent) Which is why many "reading order" preferenaces place them after Mistborn and The Way of Kings. I usually recommend for Friends: Mistborn Trilogy Warbreaker Elantris Stormlight Archive Then read the others as desired - either after the Current SA books, or in between them
  7. Assuming Mistwraiths use a form of sexual reproduction. However, I think it is more likely, due to that whole shifting skeleton thing, that Mistwraiths us a form of asexual reproduction like budding or fission. That said, there is plenty of countryside and a huge section of Roughs we haven't seen and know very little about. . .
  8. For what it's worth, here are the references from Stormlight Archive. I'll try to search some more if I have time tomorrow (unless somebody else has). I haven't filtered anything except chapter titles and epigraphs on the Shard Mercy, so not all references are the kind you seek. . . but some are. TWoK: WoR: ED No Reference OB: DS: RoW:
  9. Words of Brandon: Note: This was from a Q&A before Words of Radiance released, due to story considerations, Dalinar and Szeth's flashbacks swapped places This is the order that confirmed Szeth's flashbacks in Book five. Another Word of Brandon regarding Szeth's viewpoints and book 5 - I've linked it instead of posting it because of the same reason above. It has some minor spoilers for everything you haven't read - though it also explains why Szeth has gotten less screen time before Book 5.
  10. I'll answer this, but I'll spoiler it because you might not actually want the answer knowing it has spoilers (possibly an idle question)
  11. The Coppermind has what little is known about the reference. My guess is it can invlove the unmade, but is not exclusive to them. The comment about the Deaths occurring outside of a Desolation is important, I think, but it could also be much more esoteric than a "monster" - such as the Thrill driving men to kill one another or (which is tied to Nergaoul similar to how the Midnight Essence is tied to Re-Shephir).
  12. Annotations are free on the Sanderson website. They are also included in some (most, all?) version of the eBook. For this version of the website, navigation is on the right side.
  13. There are multiple Words of Brandon about that
  14. How far are you in the book, so that spoilers are avoided? Also, have you been reading the annotations as you go?
  15. I always felt this was akin to (Mistborn Spoilers):
  16. Very interesting idea. I had always thought that the main reason for Ruin's control was that Hemalurgy was Ruin's metallic art. I hadn;t considered that the soul damage of Hemalurgy might make it possible for any Shard to influence that being. Especially with a spike of that Shard's godmetal granting complete control - but it certainly seems plausible. The discrepancies are present, and seem much more than can be accounted for *just* by Paalm's experience. Granted, another possible influence for consideration. If Trell is Autonomy (or an Avatar thereof), what portion of the effects and discrepancies we see might be attributed to the properties of a Spike of Autonomy? This level of control seems counter to that intent. Just grist for the mill. . .
  17. Thanks, I'd forgotten that. Did it say if it as right after the incident, cause I still had the impressions it was kept hidden until the searchers gave up?
  18. It could also be that the Unmade are more tied to a Surge (and therefore loosely connected to two Radiant Orders through their shared surge) and possibly the Voidbinding version of that Surge. So, using your example, Re-Shephir is likely connected to Illumination; which is why Shallan and Renarin more strongly felt her presence in Urithiru (as they both share the Surge of Illumination).
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