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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Nice post and it makes a lot of sense. I had always thought that the Sleepless kept it inside the storm barrier of Akinah for a period of time - long enough that search craft from Steen and Liafor to stop searching the waters around Aimia. So, at the time Yalb finds the ship, it has only recently been set adrift by the swarms, far from Aimia in the Southern Depths. Which is why the scout ship found it while patrolling contested territory near the archipelago west-southwest of Tukur.
  2. Well, Vin's spike was the post of her earring. . .
  3. Right, but I took that to be a Radiant style bond, not necessarily a Form bond in the gemheart (looking for actual quote, since wording may matter)
  4. This is Spoilers (that's when I stopped reading and posted what I did):
  5. Could this topic name please name "Spoilers" in the topic title - some of us are avoiding previews - including (especially) for First of the Sun. Even the title is a bit of a spoiler. maybe something like "Fabrials as seen in Sixth sequal preview [Spoilers]"
  6. Actually, we don't know what, if anything, is in a Fused's gemheart. Fused don;t reside in a Listener's/Singer's gemheart - that was the crux of the lie that Ulim told Venli (that the Fused coming were "just" spren that would give them a new form). The fused Souls displace the Singer soul in the entire body, but we don't know if there is a Voidspren in the Fused Gemheart granting thier "form".
  7. I love how that, on reread, you can almost chart the stages of logic and feeling that lead TenSoon to his proclomation to the Second generation in HoA. And I feel like it all starts in WoA Ch 22: That conversation, and the realization that Vin's anger doesn't have to do with any aspects of being Kandra, but because she saw [OreSeur] as a person that should have tried to save his friend or help the crew try to save him. I think this was the turning point for TenSoon.
  8. Here's some other ideas/options: All of the below are accomplished in Calibre by converting to epub, then opening the book for editing (right click the book > Edit Book) Separate the Introduction from the Prologue: Open the Introduction file (make sure the File preview is on in View > File Preview) Scroll to the Prologue header in the file preview. The third icon on the left (looks like a piece of paper with and up and down arrow in the center) is the split button, click on that The click just above the Prologue Header (you will see a line showing the Split location) Now your prologue is a separate "file" from the introduction Fixing the headers: You can use find/replace (CTRL+F) to remove the book title header portion, collapsing the header to one Chapter Line per file Find: <h1 class="block_3" id="toc_id_[0-9]+">The Aether of Night</h1> <p class="block_4">Chapter Replace: <h1 class="block_3">Chapter You will also need to find/replace the </p> at the end of each Chapter line with </h1> This will allow you to use the next Table of Contents tweak Table of Contents Open the ToC editor (6th icon from right, next to "spell check", looks like a finger pointing at lines of text) CTRL+A (select all Delete Click "Generate ToC from Files" This willl create a Table of Contents based on each file's header and already labelled as that header CSS I retained <body class="calibre"> as the body I changed all of the paragraphs to <p class="calibre1"> I used <p class="calibre1r"> for Right aligned text I changed all of the underlined portions to <span class="ital"> I used <p class="block_1"> for empty lines I used <h1 class="block_3"> for the headers I used <p class="block_4"> for the scene breaks
  9. Nope - but that's probably because a lot of military time has conditioned me to any acronym in the XoX format as being X of X, so the small 'o' immediately makes me think Aether of Night.
  10. Further WoB about the number of Aethers: So i would guess the stain (described as a liquid substance) came from an Aether that was not in AoN.
  11. Concur. Also possible: Hmmm, a Royal that is bad at art. . . Sounds like Serene (Elantris) One member of the noble families has to join the monastary - Sounds a bit like Idris (Nalthis) Corpate - made from beings turning their essense into Metal in the physical realm (Roshar) - sounds like Spren and original Fabrial tech to me. An earlier version of the Five Visions (Nalthis) - a religious creed that eventually calls the magic from which it sprang a heresy Blue wine? Sounds like Roshar. . .
  12. Well, do we have any indications on the timeline for when the diagram was developed in relation to Gavilar's Death? If we know Gavilar had dealings with Nale, and Nale already had Nightblood, then it's possible (if unlikely) that information could have spread through Gavilar's "meetings" - an indirect "interview" with Nalan about the sword. Unlikely, but possible. . . Personally though, I think Nightblood came to Roshar with a third party (the criminal Azure is chasing - possibly Yesteel) - who came from Nalthis with Nightblood (but may not be from Nalthis if it was a Worldhopper who took Nightblood and left for Roshar) - and that third party is who was interviewed by agents of the Diagram.
  13. TWoK Ch. 60 Here's the WoB: My guess is that what Venli saw Dawnsingers accomplish (in the stone of Urithiru) were forms granted by Sapient Spren before the arrival of humans, but because that bond did not fully pull the Sapient Spren in the Physical Realm (just the gemheart, like other Form Bonds), the Spren did not retain/regain as much memory and understanding as they do through the Radiant Bond with humans. I think the surges granted by the Dawnsinger bond are the same (or very similar) as how we see the Fused use surges now (meaning that was the original version of the Surge on Roshar, and the Radiant Bond with Humans "evolved" the surge based on human perception). But since Singers can fully see Spren (as shown in the Eshonai Flashback where she describes the Gloryspren including the wings, body and tail), they had a mode cordial relationship with the Spren in Shadesmar (which accounts with Leshwi having Honorspren friends before she was Fused) especially if bonded with one of their number.
  14. From Khriss' Essay: So, it seems likely they are not in physical bodies while on Braize; though they may "experience" it similarly to Kaladin's "visions" of Braize in RoW.
  15. Unfortunately, logic doesn't really touch on much of Hemalurgy. Also, it seems to have been changed by Harmony during the Catacendre (though we don't know how much); and I'm sure Sazed's feelings and attitudes colored some of that (if it did occur).
  16. RIght, but that's due to changes made by Harmony during the Catacendre. now that Koloss are a breeding species, they have a chance to inherit Allomancy or Feruchemy in the sDNA, like anybody else. I think of Hemalurgy like a recipe. If you change 1 ingredient (Allomancer instead of Human before spiking) the final result will not turn out the same. Sometimes you can ge other ingredients to get a similar result (type of spike(s), placement of spike(s)) and sometimes the change will not lead to useable results (like TLR's millium of failures). If the WoB said that there is a way to use Koloss spikes on a Misting and still end up with a Koloss that may (or may not) have access to their original Allomancy; then his comment "build them right" seems to imply (to me at least) that either something about the type of spike or its placement would need to change to get that result. And while we know WoB has said that a Hemalurgic spike might be burnable with allomancy to incorporate the changes, wo have no indication of how or if that would affect the power of Ruin from controlling the person doing so. One one hand, the spike's absence may indicate less control; on the other hand permanently adhereing those changes to your spiritweb may make the control easier and more complete. Without more information, it seems it could go either direction.
  17. Good to know - but note his final clause. It seems like you couldn't spike them in the normal way either.
  18. As long as you are enjoying it, that's what counts.
  19. Welcome back. Two whole chapters in one week. . . it's a streak. You are asking good questions.
  20. @Elegy I'm sorry if I offended you, but the way you said "pretty bad reputation" seemed to take for granted that everybody thinks the same way. If you had said "reputation on this site" I might have had a better idea of what you meant. So, for the record to the OP - many people (but not all) on this site are less than satisfied by the White Sand Graphic Novels; both for the reasons Elegy mentioned, as well as a few other quirks (most of which can be easily found and delineated on Coppermind or other threads in this forum). Amongst my friends that read Sanderson, but are not (yet) so invested in the Cosmere that they are aware of things like 17th Shard and Coppermind; White Sand was very popular (except the whole "buy out" nonsense - but that's a different story). My experience is that those who enjoy that medium have found it to be an acceptable "first attempt" (not horribly bad, not amazing) with a good story that is mostly well told in the adapted script. Amongst those who generally dislike the medium, the mistakes stick out more and general consensus is lower-than-average. For my part, I would say it is better than the Ender's Game and Anita Blake adaptation Graphic Novels, but not as good as the Dresden Graphic Novels.
  21. White Sand Graphic Novels are based on the White Sand Prose (Unreleased - noncanon - second attempt); which was based on White Sand Prime and Lord Mastrell (the first two books of the original planned trilogy). If you're just not a Graphic Novel fan, then you can probably just read the Coppermind and Arcanum entries to understand the differences. If you normally do like Graphic Novels, they will be re-releasing all three volumes as an Omnibus (since Scalpers bought out Vol 1 before Vol 3 released so they could overcharge on Amazon and EBay), they are worth reading.There is some world-building detail lost, but it is offset by details gained in the visuals. From where do you get this? Or is it just your opinion (though reputation implies more than one opinion)?
  22. Consider the WoR Epigraph on this topic: This may indicate that for Odium's intent to be channeled for good, it would have to be held with another Shard (Harmony-style) to give it the context that is lacking.
  23. I don't think putting Koloss spikes in a Lurcher would create a Koloss either. You aren't starting with a normal human spiritweb - so you likely won't create a Koloss spiritweb.
  24. Koloss spikes come from regular humans. Using other spikes would not create a Koloss, it would either fail or create something else. From the Words of Founding: Koloss are Humans with 4 spikes that each stole human strength from non-metalborn regular people. Change the spikes and you will change what they create when added to a host.
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