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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. I missed it, I guess - I saw this one that only mentioned Mistborn. I'm Sorry.
  2. Out of curiosity, do you know why Silver is not an allomantic metal? WoBs:
  3. Interesting theories. Can't say too much more, hope you are enjoying the story. This is a reference to a story I do not think you have yet read (Slight Spoiler): This is also referencing stories you may not have yet read (Slight Spoiler):
  4. Not disagreeing with you - just pointing out that, in my experience, I have known a number of people who started reading Sanderson with: The Final Empire Well of Ascension Hero of Ages Alloy of Law Hard stop I was not saying that was why it turned into Era Two, just pointing out that a blanket "fans really loved it" is possible hyperbole. Many fans did love it, and other readers who were self-described fans after reading Mistborn Era 1, were turned off by the setting change (likely due to a lack of context). Some of those that I know that stopped reading Sanderson had also read Elantris and/or Warbreaker as well, some did not. Some of those actually also read Urban Fantasy (Dresden Files, Iron Druid, MHI). But of those that I know that "gave up" on Sanderson nearly all left after Alloy of Law (exceptions were actually on this forum and rather different contexts). Granted all of the examples I am referencing are friends and coworkes from long ago (2010-2014 time frame - before SoS and BoM were even out), when AoL was considered stand-alone.
  5. I would qualify this as "many current fans really loved it." I know of a few people that quit reading Sanderson altogether due to Alloy of Law - which is why I always mention in the "reading order" threads" that even if you start with Mistborn, it is generally suggested to read some other Cosmere works before starting Era 2 (and also advisable to warn friends about the Scadrial Plan WoB in advance). There is a non-negligible group of Speculative Fiction Fans that if moving from HoA to AoL without warning or context, will just be put-off by the setting changes and walk away from teh Cosmere entirely (at least, in my experience). Referenced WoB (one example, there are multiple on the same topic): If somebody is potentially put off by "modern" elements in "epic" fantasy, and does not expect that the Mistborn series, as a whole, is meant to show how the work changes through multiple Eras, then they risk being aliented before "getting it."
  6. I think this is an incorrect premise, in case that affects your theory. WoBs: Re: Jasnah turns a human man to crystal and loses no volume in that transformation. Clearly, mass was increased that time. If she had turned him to wood, mass would have been lost. She also turns a boulder to smoke (which is technically a combination of soot, air, and water vapor not a pure substance...) with explosive results; it's not conclusive, but it's implied that mass is preserved, I think intent plays a crucial role here - in WoK we see Jasnah specifically thinking about the boulder's mass (and quizzing Shallan about it), but no indications that she considered mass at all with the alley criminals. Either way, the amount of consumed Stormlight is unlikely to fluctuate much, since it's about applying investiture to the Spiritweb and changing that, so that the change cascades to the Cognitive and Physical. There is a difference between Stormlight Consumption between Fabrial and Radiant Soulcasting (and Radiants in different oath levels of investiture efficiency) and I think the variance of mass/volume is more likely a factor in fabrial soulcasting, since we see Kaza become more efficient as a Smoke Essence Savant (able to change a larger amount alone than was shown in WoR to require multiple fabrials working together to accomplish). It may also be possible, that part of the equation is starting and ending states Gas to/from Solid seems more likely to be mass related, while Solid to/from a different solid more likely to be volume. Shallan's "Goblet to Blood" Soulcasting in WoK also seemed more "mass related" in that the amount of blood created was frighteningly high, but since the description of both the starting goblet size and the actual amount of blood created are both nebulous, it is hard to tell.
  7. Please see the Sharder FAQ in the intro section for more tips and tricks. What positive part? Not all savantism is a good thing (and most are far more detrimental than positive). Look at Kaza, on the plus side she is somewhat faster at soulcasting Smoke, and can affect a somewhat larger area alone (where others might need two soulcasters working together - e.g. WoR Ch 35 - Adolin PoV) and for that "benefit" she is losing body parts that become the Smoke Essence that suffuses her Spiritweb, has trouble drinking and eating, etc. Mistborn Spoilers:
  8. This section requires a Spoiler Tag because your thread is in Stormlight Archive rather than Cosmere discussion (for any given topic, spoilers are required if referencing an outside series (from the forum summeries): As for that comment (Warbreaker Spoilers): Please note, if you are looking at the Arcanum, each WoB will have a "copy" button in the top right, which will copy the contents of the WoB, with a link at the bottom showing the event and date. It is generally best to place these in spoilers to alleviate excessive scrolling. Example: Re: Fused, they are Cognitive Shadows, so their relationship with Savantism (if any) is already abnormal and we don't have much information yet; they also have two abiltites and only one of which "consumes" Light (and may therefore contribute to Savantism). WoB: So, Leshwi is not "using" voidlight when flying - it's inherent to her Brand that holding Light means she can lash herself however she needs, as much as she needs. However, when she lashes others (such as Moash at the begining of OB when he kills her), then she is expending Light. If Fused could become Savants (unlikely - because of the Cognitive Shadow thing) then it would be through excessive use of this "Active" ability. Mistborn Spoilers (E1): I thnk the Heralds are a good example pointing to the idea that a Cognitive Shadow does not normally display the good or bad effects of becoming a Savant. As a Shadow, their body is as False as Thaidakar's; so if Savantism is a warping of the Spiritweb also warping the Physical body - then a CS that no longer has a natural "String" to reflect those changes is unlikely to experience these (good or bad) effects (note - there may be other effects we have not yet seen as Kaza implies she also had Cognitive Warping due to her Savantism - which made her feel "pulled" toward the soulcasting and may have effected her Cognitive emotional state(s) (Mistborn Spoilers): Hope that helps
  9. Scadrial has Electricity now, but as of TLM, they have not yet discovered Electrolysis for Aluminum Manufacturing. Isaac Spoiler:
  10. Foreshadowing for Isaac: I know that's not the in-world answer you are looking for, but I think this is when we will get answers. (Not to mention the placeholder title may have more clues as to what the Kalkis may be, if they are referencing the same thing)
  11. Not so much "far away" as just not in the room for the meeting (RoW Epilogue): Keep in mind Design is stilll only second-oath-sapience (or so) at this time (Circumstantial evidence only, in that Hoid does not summon her as a tool, and she acts similar to Pattern in RoW - so at least first oath to use Rosharan Lightweaving, but not likely to be third oath. . . yet).
  12. BUT If ur not radiant, then you'll end up like whatshername that girl that traveled to amina or whatever to heal herself then got poisended by the sleepless. Darn, I rly need to reread, You mean (Oathbringer Spoilers): PS: I'm Radiant though (for now) Really, more of a dull glow . . . at best
  13. Possibly, but please note that my comments above were less about theorizing for the intended topic, and more about explaining to the other Sharders reading this thread who may not know much about paragliding, hang gliding and other aerial sports. In the theory category though, what would be truely epic is a Skimmer that learns to selectively remove weight (such as, while under canopy, reducing weight on the left only to create a right bank for turning with no movement required at all). Clever manipulation of CG (center of gravity) could have a ton of implication for any use of metallic arts in aviation.
  14. Glad you enjoyed The Martian - one of those rare stories where both the movie and book shine by each focusing on their strength (even if I missed some subplots removed to save time for the movie). I would definitely recommend P:HM over Artemis though. Edit: I'm currently working on Book 1 of Dungeon Crawler Carl (in addition to other rereads), my first attempt at LitRPG recommended by a coworker. Not bad so far, though the formatting has irked me enough that I am making massive changes to the ePub just so I can enjoy the story. Granted this is not likely to be a problem most would experience; but, to me, if the formatting is off or detracts from readability, then I have problems enjoying the story as the format itself pulls me away. Also, since one of my hobbies is ePub editing, I find it hard to accept poorly formatted works as-is, when I know I can make my personal copy flow better for my reading style. Not sure how this (or any LitRPG) would look in print, but I would hope it was not like the ePub before I started "fixing" it. Edit 2: Finished both the changes to the ePub and finished Book 1. Interesting, in a "Star Trek version of Hunger Games" kind of way. With a splash of the game Munchkin (in book form). From the Goodreads summary: I'm not sure if I'll continue the series. . . it will partly depend on if it is Amazon-only (though it seems there are, or will be print copies, so maybe I can find mass-market editions).
  15. I guess it depends on your defintion of cool, but I highly recommend Shadows Beneath (first Printing of Sixth of the Dusk). From my other post about this:
  16. I'm not sure you would want to store much weight while piloting an Hang Glider. The Pilot's weight and center of gravity is basically how you manuever the craft (not to mention providing enough ballast to not hit the mountain side with light winds - at least the version I had my test light on in CA in 1996 - moving the bar control is a combination of changing the aerodynamics and shifting the pilot's center of gravity to execute the turn/spiral/etc.). From the Other Wiki
  17. Here's an overview Comparison (Time.is), but to summarize: Just predicated on Global Internet usage, for any given time zone the majority of usage occurs late afternoon and evening. Granted this is not based on any metrics for this site specifically; but, in general, the most affected Time Zones with this timing would be those time zones East of Afghanistan and West of Hawaii.
  18. Actually, House names aren't tied to symmetry nearly as much as feminine first names. Highprincedom names are derived from the respective glyphs (where the symmetry lies). For example: Kholin is derived from Khokh and Linil. Sebarial is derived from Sebes and laial (we do not yet know from where the "ar" bridge syllable was derived). Please see this Coppermind Page
  19. Spoilering for other readers who may not want this much info: Slight Spoilers for everything (term definition only + WoBs further spoiler tagged). No Comment. RAFO Glad you seem to be enjoying the story so far.
  20. All I have been able to find is not conclusive, but implies that weakened breath is less able to follow Commands as well (which only matters if all the breath used inthe awakening is weak, or the awakening uses few enough breaths that 1-2 weak ones is a significant percentage of the Awakening). Most references were the lifeless squirrel chapters and annotations to those chapters (I'll update later, if needed).
  21. Those are not about Plate or Identity - that is simple Investiture blocks Investiture. Plate, being Spren in Physical Form, is highly invested, and therefore resistant to Lashings. Dead Plate, as shown in RoW, is content as-it-is and does not require Connection to use (but does form a small Connection during use, which is how it molds to size and allows the face plate to be 1-way translucent). Make one wonder if the Deadeye Blades would be in so much pain if that stupid bonding gem were removed and they were not constantly going back-and-forth. Szeth, not being able to use Plate in teh WoK Prologue was part of teh foreshadowing that he was using an Honorblade, and not Radiant Surges. A Radiant's Plate would not block them; but plate can (and does) block Honorblades and HB Surges (which is likely why Heralds never used Plate).
  22. Technically speaking, Oaths are required for the Radiant Bond, which is a version of a Nahel bond, but not the only version. I doubt it, because the point of the Gem Bond is to pull through something that is part of you (same identity), not a Null object (no Identity). If you could somehow Tap a copy of their identity. . . maybe. Also, Shardplate may be possible, because that does not have any Identity associated with it (I can add references if you need, but it's stated a lot that anybody can use a set of Plate; and, after the Tower (WoK), they even mention that capturing a large enough piece would allow you to "steal" it by regrowing it from your piece. Dalinar was happy that his helm had been destroyed and the only captured piece was his gauntlet, which was not large enough for the Parshendi to use this way) .
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