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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. I don't think we know enough about Dakhor to answer this, but I suspect that if you stole the ability to use Dakhor with Hemalurgy, it would do nothing to your bones, nor grant you any abilities - except the ability to "chant" bones into growing into the shapes that provide the abilities. Remember, the bone form is analogous to a character in AonDor. Hemalurgy wouldn't steal "Aon Ashe" (for example) from an Elantrian, it would steal the ability to access the Dor via AonDor. Likewise, from a Monk it would steal the ability to access the Dor via Dakhor Chants - not steal the bone forms themselves.
  2. It would depend on the metal of the sword and where/how it pierced the target; but yes, spikes can be made from regular people with no allomantic or feruchemical traits. That's how Koloss and Kandra spikes were made (e..g why would TLR waste 4 allomantic spikes in 1 Koloss, when those could go to inquisitors?). In the book they say it as "the strength of five men" because it's the person being spiked and 4 spikes that stole physical strength from normal people. HoA Annotations - Human: Excerpt from the Words of Founding: Another reason TLR put down rebellion after rebellion, each 5 Skaa in the rebellion made a new Koloss for his armies. . . Also, note the reference to the Blessing of Potency - so if two spikes from normal Skaa, stealing physical strength created 1 Blessing of Potency, then it is likely that the other blessings were also created from using spikes on regular people stealing awareness (tin - Blessing of Awareness), Intellectual acuity/memory (copper - Blessing of Presence), and emotional fortitude (zinc - Blessing of Stability).
  3. Miles did not see a Gold Shadow every time he tapped healing (F-Gold). The one time we see him experience the Gold Shadow (A-Gold) he deliberately burns non-metalmind gold (AoL Ch 15):
  4. Please don't double post. If there hasn't been a new post since your last post, just edit the last post (Edit button on the bottom, next to the Quote and Multi-quote buttons).
  5. If Honor (or any other Splintered Shard) were to be reformed, I would expect it to be during/near Book 10 of Stormlight Archive (or after that for any Shards outside of Roshar). Reforming a Splintered Shard would be too huge for the SA5 "pause" finale I can see this happening, if not in SA5, then either btwn 5 and 6 or in SA 6. Furthurmore, I think it will be a Singer/Listener. Not sure what you mean by "Mantle." Do you mean that you think TOdium will kill Koravari, but another vessel will pick up the Shard before it can be Splintered? (as done in Secret History) Sibling already knows how to make non-Spren Fabrials; but didn't realize that Humans had lost that knowledge. So, I expect Sibling to teach Navani about it, but I also expect Navani to maybe consider a volunteer version of creating Spren Fabrials if they can't duplicate the Spren Fabrial mechanics with the older methods. I would expect that TOdium's plans will be entirely different than ROdium's plans (other than getting free from the Rosharan System), but until ROdium's Oaths that bind him are fulfilled or removed, he will have to play the script. By the end of SA5, I think his plans will significantly differ from ROdium's previous goals. Since TOdium was all about preserving Humanity, I think he might not be against a Roshar where Singers and Humans can coexist - but only if they all answer to him and help his plans to leave Roshar. . . Adolin's arc has been all about what to do with himself in a world with Radiants. I expect that to continue. I also expect he will continue to try helping Maya - and that will be the purpose he has been looking to find. I doubt he will become an Edgedancer in TKoW (though possibly in the back half) - more he will devote himself to "remembering" the "deadeyes" and helping, not just Maya, but finding a way to apply what he learns with Maya to helping as many Deadeyes as possible.
  6. Please, for Ado's sake, stop the insanity.
  7. I guess I can see that. It would make this WoB make more sense: Also, when you consider the other magics of Sel (ChayShen, Forgery, Dakhor, Resealing, Bloodsealing, etc.), they all seem open to anybody willing to put in the time and effort to learn. So, if AonDor used to be like that but they built Elantris to concentrate that power into fewer people, then it would explain why AonDor is the only one we have seen so far that requires an external method to gain access to the magic. Of course, the follow-on questions then become: Did Aona help them do this, or was it done after the Splintering once the Dor was in the Cognitive realm? If the latter, could some of the other magics do something similar to increase potency by decreasing access?
  8. I think this is a misinterpretation of the original WoB: The question is biased and assumes a mechanical means, that BS at first doesn't address, then RAFOs. (see below) City Age: Building Elantris So this shows that AonDor was used to build the city; which means the people that would become the modern Aonic peoples had to experience the Shaod to gain the magic. Timing We know that the Shaod is linked to the city, but correlation =/= causation. So, if AonDor existed first, then the Shaod had to exist first. But if the city may have been built before the Splintering of Devotion, then I think it's likely that the Shaod was used by Aona to select people that exemplified Devotion (and therefore had a connection to her**). I think that after the city was linked to the post Shaod state to provide the amplified power; so when the land changed (and therefore the magic changed) the amplification from the city became a reduction instead because the Connection was broken. However, I don't think the city actually had anything to do with continuing the Shaod selection that started with Aona. I do think it was possible that after the splintering the city was modified to ensure a continued Connection to the Dor that suddenly shifted to the Cognitive Realm. **Note: Examples we see in Elantris:
  9. Exactly. We must remember that Sazed is an unreliable narrator, since he was trying to obfuscate certain facts about many things. So, in the Words of Founding, when he says: He isn't "lying" per se, but the use of the term "developed" seems intentionally misleading to imply he made them with the power; rather than learning/understanding how to make them once the power was comsumed.
  10. But, the wounding of Ambition and the disaster on Threnody was before the Splintering of Devotion and Dominion, which was well before Mistborn Era 1 (since that is only ~300 years prior to the Stormlight Archive, and Odium has been trapped in the Rosharan system for at least 4000 years).
  11. I think you are reading more into this WoB than is present. BS likes creative misdirection in his answers, he agrees that Sens can go off world, and he agrees that to do so requires the Seon to move into the Cognitive Realm, survive the conditions there and leave the area of Selish Shadesmar. However, he neither states nor implies that those are the only requirements (because that was not the question, so he could be misleading if he wants). This is not actually the case; in Secret History we see the guards worry that a Threnodite Shade can leave their system and e see that Alonoe disagrees. However, since we never actually see a Shade leave the Threnodite CR, we have no data on which was correct.
  12. Don't forget the other half of that transformation. Rashek turned all of the world's living Feruchemists into Mistwraiths (probably leaving bones from all of them), then restored his companions to sapience with blessings and creating Mistwraiths. It was never said if the second half occured while he still controlled the power of the well (it's an assumption in context, but could be "unreliable narrator" - especially if Gen 1 had a hole in their memories like TenSoon developed post-Catacendre. Likely, having remodeled the continent, we know he moved the well to Era 1 Luthadel but he probably moved a city there too (why build from scratch?). so he left the well and killed the first people to try standing up to him to make the spikes with the knowledge he gained while holding the power and returned his friends' minds.
  13. Okay. I could have sworn we saw a Skybreaker (Szeth?) use a reverse lashing in Edgedancer or Oathbringer; but maybe I was mis-remembering. I see the coppermind now says it is a combination of Gravitation and Adhesion (Since RoW makes that point with Kaladin). Doesn't affect the point of the post though - but it does make me curious if the Magnified Ones expend light for their carapace transformations. . .
  14. Probably accurate (or at least in the ballpark). WoB: What @Frustration said, if you meant getting the perk while not burning Copper. I didn't interpret the question that way.
  15. I don't disagree. I was merely adding the WoB to your statement about how Continental Drift applies to the continent when plate tectonics are absent.
  16. Was it this one? This doesn't work:
  17. Except for the whole "Continental Drift due to Crem deposits and erosion." WoB
  18. This could very well be a "reference" to the Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks
  19. @Tamriel Wolfsbaine - I doubt that bolded section is true. I'd bet that while consuming and forming a body, they create a spiritual Connection to the bones. Just as they would need to have a Connection to true bones to form their Identity around them. And I'd bet that @Stormtide_Leviathan's comment is how that Connection is formed.
  20. Please see here and here. Not Precisely the same, but also not significantly different
  21. There's a third option that, while I am unsure of the viability, should at least be considered: That all participating soothers gain a connection to the Koloss and may control them. In which case the relative strength of the soothers would probably only matter if they were trying to give contradictory orders to the same Koloss. Well, in that case it was Ati stealing control (as opposed to cooperating to gain control), which is likely how an inquisitor felt when Vin or Elend stole control of a Koloss they had. *** Some Relevent Era 1 sections: WoA Ch 47 - Vin Controlling TenSoon WoA Ch 54 - Vin Controlling koloss HoA Ch 65 - Shows how an inquisitor can be controlled HoA Ch 69 - Implies Marsh led the Koloss to the Village that Elend defended in Ch 51 So, with Koloss Vin feels them in her mind and feel's their bodies as extensions of her own. With Kandra, she feels all of that, but also sees through their eyes and experiences "being in two places at once" (similar to Gold Shadows, maybe). With Inquisitors, she can glimpse their thoughts and gains an understanding of their mental/emotional state I think this progression shows how with more spikes, the act of gaining control becomes more difficult; but the quality of control becomes more complete, and likely more difficult to control multiples (though we never see an allomancer control more than one Kandra or Inquisitor at a time) which may be why TLR didn't just Sooth/Riot control all of the inquisitors - having to see through scores of eyes and think the thoughts of scores of minds would likely have been beyond anyone but a Shard. Even a fullborn compounding sliver has limits - or at least a limit on what can be tolerated for long.
  22. Your head-canon; your rules. Nobody can say how the powers would interact in such an environment. Futuresight(FS)/Atium may play out how you thought on Page 1 (which is when I realized it was four pages and skipped to the end); but since Force FS has never had to deal with an opponent that can alter the future based on Fortune and Glimpses into the spiritual realm, it is just as likely that Force FS would fail to work or even cause damage to the Jedi trying to sense information from a realm to which they have no Connection and cannot possibly understand (Ref: the 10 seconds that Fuzz showed Kell Fortune that left him pained, gasping and unable to think). Which is why speculation like this is useless, because it will always come down to: Realm A - A wins Realm B - B wins Realm C - cannot be determined, so the thread will drag on in arguments and flame-wars as people just blindly try to "reason" a way to make their favorite the victor.
  23. Well, where is the fight? I understand that you are very pro-Jedi; but location is a thing, and with the Cosmere, location matters.
  24. Depends on what you mean by "widely known:" By Era 2, I doubt the number of people who read the actual words of founding is rather low (< 10% I would guess) Compare to "classics" and religious texts IRL Just because people have heard the name "Hemalurgy" doesn't mean they know much about it The Words don't have much detail (they mention steel and pewter spikes, but nothing about how to place them) If the Words of founding had much information, why would it have taken Kelsier and Spook so long working together to figure things out Hemalurgy is extremely difficult (see the bolded section at the end of the excerpt below) Excerpt from the Words of Founding:
  25. Didn't read the whole post, so if this was already covered - I apologize: I would expect this to be like other "different universe" battle speculation. If the confrontation takes place in the Cosmere, the Mistborn wins; if it takes place in a galaxy far far away, the Jedi wins. Example WoB The Force in the Cosmere would either not work, or would have to conform to Cosmere constants (like Fortune, Connection, Identity and the Three realms). Allomancy, in Jediverse, would either not work or conform to whatever standards and limitations that magic uses (Copper, Atium, etc.)
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