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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Depends on what you mean by "widely known:" By Era 2, I doubt the number of people who read the actual words of founding is rather low (< 10% I would guess) Compare to "classics" and religious texts IRL Just because people have heard the name "Hemalurgy" doesn't mean they know much about it The Words don't have much detail (they mention steel and pewter spikes, but nothing about how to place them) If the Words of founding had much information, why would it have taken Kelsier and Spook so long working together to figure things out Hemalurgy is extremely difficult (see the bolded section at the end of the excerpt below) Excerpt from the Words of Founding:
  2. Didn't read the whole post, so if this was already covered - I apologize: I would expect this to be like other "different universe" battle speculation. If the confrontation takes place in the Cosmere, the Mistborn wins; if it takes place in a galaxy far far away, the Jedi wins. Example WoB The Force in the Cosmere would either not work, or would have to conform to Cosmere constants (like Fortune, Connection, Identity and the Three realms). Allomancy, in Jediverse, would either not work or conform to whatever standards and limitations that magic uses (Copper, Atium, etc.)
  3. Also, keep the person/POV in mind. Shallan "speaks" with objects when trying to soulcast them. When Manifesting them (such as in Oathbringer when linking beads to get from the gate to the "river" land or manifesting objects on Notum's ship), her experience is more akin to Kelsier's experience in M:SH. Communication with an object's Cognitive Aspect may be a function of the Surge of Transformation more than a feature of Roshar itself.
  4. I can see that, but also consider that the warcamps are very much the exception, not the rule. IRL, if a "staging base" is located in an otherwise low-to-zero population area, then it is also entirely dependant on outside food sources. That doesn't mean the country and culture fielding the army has decreased on the DTM scale. When you except the Warcamps, Alethkar proper has been population stable, as far as we know*, for a while. I know I'm only considering the population aspect, not the technological and medical aspects so it is not a complete picture by any means. And Alethkar is only one of many nations, so I doubt all nations on Roshar are at the same point in the scale (Kharbranth is likely firmy in Stage 3, for example, if just due to medical care and population stability). Though, in my last post I forgot to mention that one major factor that should be considered is how much the Highstorms affect DML considerations. Without a Lait or other formation to protect aganist storms, you probably can't have a new city crop up. Farmer's can't just move and settle an unclaimed area for farming unless they have a way of protecting themselves and crops from storms. A generalization of "most regions are late stage 2 or early stage 3" is probably as close as we can get without culteral/regional/statistical information we don't yet have. *What I mean by this is that there have been indications of large population growth/decline in any interludes or flashbacks - except the random massacre or three. . .
  5. I would lean more toward an in-world version of Stage 3 if only because: (spoilers through RoW)
  6. Agreed, mostly Don't forget that he started with a much higher than normal amount of investiture. It's also possible that the "is [Nightblood] consuming [investiture]" comment isn't about incorporating what's consumed into his form, as BS (when not tired and distracted such as signings) is great at non-answers. This could simply mean that because he only consumes investiture from the person holding him and the "evil" he "destroys" - that one-person-at-a-time is a very slow way for him to "consume" investiture. I think we agree on the relevant portion though - that, if he consumed a form of anti-investiture, it's nature would be changed; whether incorporated into his form or released as black smoke to return to the system.
  7. Definitely not, though I want to wait until we are closer to the release date before I reread Era 2, so I reread Era 1. Next I'll reread Seven Kennings (Kevin Hearne) in anticipation of book 3 (once I am sure the August release date is confirmed).
  8. Nothing wrong with reading slow. Especially when it is enjoyable and you want to milk every last detail. That said, I try to read about 1000 pages a week. I don't recall how long it took on my first read through, but I would say about a week. On re-reads I go a bit quicker than I do on my first read of a book (but also sometimes get distracted cross referencing details, especially if it was something I missed/didn't recall on/from a previous read).
  9. This WoB may apply: It implies the consumed investiture is not incorporated into Nightblood. So, I would guess that if a reaction were to be a ploblem, it would come if Nightblood were trying to consume and investiture and anti-investiture at the same time.
  10. You may consider: Separate M:SH recap into two parts (separate at Part 6 Ch 7 - when Vin Ascends); as most Kelsier tie-ins to Era two are after that point, and recapping it in light of the recently finished Bands of Morning may be beneficial. Plug in a recap for each E2 novel (AoL, SoS, BoM) after each book but before starting the next (maybe combine BoM and second M:SH - if you split them); specifically to talk about Era 2 generalities, learned realmatics and ways that Scadrian Investiture is changng/adapting. If anybody is interested, I made a reference correlating M:SH chapters/section to Era 1 events (See below). I used this to actually edit my personal epubs and splice the SH sections into the correct locations so that my Era 1 Omnibus now has all 5 stories (I included Eleventh Metal as well - no splicing obviously, but SH is aligned to story time). Nobody really *needs* to go that far*; but, if interested, you can just read the SH chapter at the closest compatible location: Spoilers - because I also reference the applicable E1 event to which that chapter correlates * I did it as a project to work on my xml coding and practice editing epub files
  11. Yeah, it ambiguous. However, while you didn't use spoilers and you don't intend spoilers; the very nature of speculation can easily lead to spoilers (as has already happened in other threads). I'll leave it for the Mods to decide, since they are the ones that can move it.
  12. This probably belongs in the Secret Project section
  13. Well, to be fair while I neither like nor believe her "character arc" (see above): TWoK: Reveals the "Parshmen are voidbringers" and gives us our first glimpse of Shadesmar. Stumbles upon the Ghostblood assassination of Jasnah (though this is mostly luck). Really, I consider Shallan's sections in TWoK to be Jasnah's story - but since telling it from Jasnah's viewpoint would be too many spoilers we needed an outside view. It really makes more sense in that light. WoR: Introduces and links the three of four main "secret societies" (Sons of Honor, Skybreakers, Ghostbloods; except the Diagram is revealed through Interludes and Moash), find Narak, finds the Oathgate and figures out how to work it. OB: Drives away Re-Shapir, confronts Ashertmarn, figures out how to soft-manifest beads into shapes for moving in Shadesmar without the ship, learns to actually manifest items in Shadesmar and acts as the de facto Spren ambassador for the group. RoW: Kills Iali and destroys the Sons of Honor, finds Kalak and gets Cosmere 101 training. She does have accomplishments, but that doesn't make her chapters easier to read.
  14. Similar, yet so different. I also find Shallan to be my least favorite main character(*) in Roshar. Like TCU, I prefer Shallan's chapters from TWoK and WoR. I dislike the Shallan chapters in OB, and RoW was only slightly better. For me it basically it comes down to: Early in TWoK, Shallan really evokes the type of people I knew in the Military - first time away from home (especially an oppressive/abusive home) and really just a bit unpredictable and weird; mostly because they are in the process of trying to find how they interact with others when not under the (real or perceived) social pressures of home. The "Theft" subplot seems much more far fetched on the first read-through than it does on a second (and subsequent) readings after having seen the flashbacks in WoR. If she had the strength to poison and strangle her father to protect Balat, then I can believe she would design such a long-shot plan to protect her family In the first two books, you can almost feel the tug inside Shallan between her instinctual reactions and the learned-supressed-reactions When Veil is introduced, it's just an illusion and "role" Then we get to Oathbringer - supposedly only a week (or less) after the end of WoR. Suddenly, Veil is a competing identity, then adds Radiant for, uh, why? The DID, and Shallan in OB just never felt like a logical progression from the Shallan of WoR. I actually re-read her first few OB chapters (the first read-through for OB) because I was convinced I missed something somewhere. Basically, I find it difficult to suspend disbelief for her situation. Dissociative identity disorder is rare, and DID where all the personalities are aware of all other personalities are even more rare; so without black-outs and missing time or a personality that is cut off from the others, all of her chapters feel to me like somebody trying to pretend they have DID rather than somebody actually struggling with this illness. Besides, BS missed the chance at a great hook of giving us a chapter or two from one of Shallan's personalities without revealing it was Shallan right away (and having "Shallan" experience the fallout from blackout and missing time) *Note: I say main character because I dislike Jasnah and Lirin more, but neither are main characters (yet)
  15. Keep in mind, we don't yet know if that was due to: Radiant heeling Progression/Regrowth (due to being a Truthwatcher) Something about having an Enlightened Spren changing his healing
  16. BS is being very close-hold with pretty much all of the spiritual quadrant Feruchemy, because it is spoilers for Era 3. WoB:
  17. This has been mostly debunked But mostly the timeline doesn't add up: the False Desolation occurred around the same time as the Recreance--about 2,000 years prior to the present day Hoid's story tells us “Those are the events we focus upon, the ones men know the best. To speak only of them, however, is to ignore the history of three hundred years that led up to them" so Vo and the foudning of halandren was 300 years before the Manywar (Warbreaker Ch 32) The Manywar was a global conflict on Nalthis that involved the nations of Hanald (the original name of Hallandren), Kuth, Huth, Pahn Kahl, Tedradel, and Gys.[2] It occurred about three hundred years before the Pahn Kahl rebellion (Coppermind excerpt) “Five kings,” she said. “In three hundred years?” (Warbreaker Ch 32) Siri mentioning how long it has been since Idris split from Hallendren at the end of the Manywar So, if it has only been 600 years since Vo, the First Returned and Vasher returned sometime between that and the Manywar (300 yrs ago); then Vasher could not have visited Roshar before the Recreance (2000 yrs ago).
  18. The corollary here is that he could also be nudging his shots to hit correctly. Given W -> B -> T, if that is a direct straight path from his center-mass the bullet would have no change in trajectory; but if there is, for example, a 1 degree shift in his center mass down, then the bullet trajectory should shift 1 degree up. So his bullet pushes may not just be to push them faster, but to compensate any target shifts with minor changes to bullet trajectory.
  19. Understood. I wasn't trying to say Shardplate was ineffectual, I was just trying to point out that it might not be as resilietn as the first response implied. After all, normally armor that is good against sharps and blunts is notoriously bad at pretecting from firearms; and armor good at prtectign against firearms (kevlar) is notoriously bad against sharps and blunts. My first response was simply an instincual response (no math) that, for example, if a spear shaft cracked plate (Kaladin breaking Elit's helm), even if it was a Stormlight backed strike; then it seems logical that a bullet would at least crack plate as well. Just trying to add data to the discussion.
  20. Isn't that what I said? "two or three [with a possibiity] of one, with the right shot, the right bullet, in the right moment" seems about the same as "would at least crack plate, if not push through entirely" to me.
  21. Well, I thinkthat living plate and dead plate would also have differences. Also, the amount of stormlight in the gems of dead plate may be a factor (since it should add resiliency - which implies the question "Does plate need multiple hits to crack, not just because of how strong it is but because the light has to be leaking before it will break entirely?").
  22. Unless, of course, that while breath itself is unkeyed/unsealed the traits being added to one or more breaths may still be keyed and sealed. It may be that traits can only be passed to Awakened ojects (and possibly Lifeless) who, by their nature, should share the Awakener's signature. Not disagreeing, just adding considerations for discussion.
  23. I'm not sure that's true. If Roshar's freefall accelleration is 6.86m/s^2, and Kal using a triple lashing (so approx 20.58m/sec) "fell" about 1-2m into Relis and cracked his plate, then it's possible that the "firearms" (depending on bullet mass and speed achieved) would at least crack plate, if not push throughit entirely. If it did breach the plate, it would probably lose so much speed and energy that it would not pierce the other side (if it did pierce the entire body) which could cause even more damage.
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