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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Where was this? As I recall Enlightened Windspren were in RoW three times: When Shallan lies about seeing one on the barge in Shadesmar (she said they were spying, but it was a lie) Mraize furhter propagates the lie that Enlightened spren are acting as spies When Sja-Anat sent two to Urithiru as cover for the Enlightened Mistspren that was supposed to look at Mraize, but bonded Rlain Again she said they were going to look at the tower, but it was a diversion When she sent two in spheres to Taravangian to lure Odium there In none of those instances are Windspren actually acting as spies, so we have no evidence that they can. Sja Anat implies she can see their memories when they return to her (by saying Odium would unmake their memories) - but all evidence so far for Windspren (enlightened or not) was that their memories and attention are fickle and short at best. Did I miss something else?
  2. I don't think Savantism is involved. As Raboniel explains - humans (not native to Roshar) leak light. However Singers (native to Roshar) do not leak - so as long as the investiture stays inside the body (Lashing yourself to float, Melding Axi to the floor), it isn't consumed - except when spent to "change" such as healing. That's why the Pursuer uses so much light he can only use the Surge of Transportation three times before needing more light (light consumed to leave a husk and move elsewhere). Same with the Masked ones, where light is consumed in the illusion; but for a Heavenly One, light is only consumed when lashing something/someone else, using a reverse lashing, or healing.
  3. Welcome to the forums. . . Please avoid double posting. Even if a few hours/days have passed, if your post is still the most recent then simply edit the post. Also, if you want to quote and reply to multiple people/posts then use the "+" (lower left, next to "Quote") on each post to which you plan to reply. When ready to reply, click the toast pop-up (lower right - will say "Quote X Posts" where X is the number of posts you clicked the plus symbol. Here's the relevant WoB: Note that it is not really about "is this hereditary" - the question was much more specific (which probably drew the RAFO). Also this about Heterochromia. Since, in a mundane fashion, eye color is still a normal genetic trait, I'm sure that over the millennia the Vorin nobility has been "breeding" for eye color. That said, *if* Shards affect the genetic make-up for eye color in a way that is inheritable, I would guess that only applies to living blades, not Deadeyes (since there is no Nahel bond with a Deadeye, just a fabrial based false-bond)
  4. Here is the WoB that deals with your specific question, as answered by @Dunkum For example, if a Steel Runner tried storing 100% of their speed, heart and lung function would stop (anything with muscle movement). . . with the predictable result. More Here
  5. Looks like I had Edgedancer wrong - I found in the Coppermind: But you were right that Abrobadar's blade that Moash receives has a vine pattern: So either the Edgedancer "clear" color manifests as a lightening effect with Deadeye blades, or Moash didn't have the blade long enough for his eyes to finish changing color. Unless, of course, non-CultivationSpren blades also sometimes have vine patterns.
  6. This is unlikely. The bond changes eyes based on the blade's spren: Kaladin has dark brown eyes (faintly amber when glowing with Stormlight) until the third ideal, when they become blue because Syl is an Honorspren. But the always revert backif he goes too long without using the Sylblade. Moash, whose brown eyes become a light Tan after bonding his blade also has his eyes revert after the blade is taken from him. Note: they become tan not because they are lightened from brown, but because the blade is a deadeye from whichever order is associated with that color. Likely Stonewards and Topaz AFAIK, the only confirmed Connections are: WoB
  7. Warbreaker Annotations Ch 3 I would guess this is a RAFO, but there do not seem to be any indications that investiture other than breath would be transfered when receiving a breath upon which to feed. As far as "consuming more" is concerned, the act of consuming a breath to maintain "life" does not seem to be voluntary so I can't see how they would consume two (or more). Also, there is no indication that the consumed breaths affect their spirit web or total investiture. I see it more as: Person A has a normal breath, Person B might be in great shape (runs marathons, eats right, whatever) and has a vibrant breath, Person C has allergies and some health problems and has a less vibrant breath. On any give "feast day" when each (in successive weeks) donate that breath (they all only have 1 breath - the breath just has a quality in addition to quantity) then the Returned receiving that breath feels the same (or similar) as the person who donated it (before dontation of course). That "quality" becomes the Returned's breath "quality" until the next week when another is consumed - but that quality is not actually changing any investiture levels or spirit web attributes.
  8. Here are some ideas for which I can provide recipes and/or links - though most can also be easily searched on Wikipedia or cooking sites Women's food Kabuli Palau A version of Rice Pilaf named after Kabul Afghanistan. Basmati rice (preferably Afghan Rice) is soaked for an hour, then rinsed to remove excess starch before cooking in stock. Then, what sets this apart, raisins are rehydrated in stock, then cooked with carrot and almond slivers in oil and sugar/honey. The rice is put into a dish and topped with the carrot mix and finished in the oven. Qorma Can use any preferred meat, but mutton/lamb is how I learned the dish. It's a type of curry where the meat is seared on high heat, then you add the vegetables, fruit (raisins or dates if desired),a minimum of liquid and yogurt and braise to desired doneness. Mild Tom Kha Gai Thai coconut curry soup. Gai means chicken, and you can make with other proteins (e.g. Shimp is Tom Kha Goong) but the soup is primarily galangal (which you may approximate with ginger), lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves and coconut milk. Pumpkin Cookies Moist, slightly sweet pumpkin cookies, with or without additions (nuts, chips, etc.), make a good desert option Men's Food Katsu Curry A Japanese curry that can be made as spicy as you want; typified by a fried cutlet (usually pork or chicken) in a curry sauce (with or without vegetables) and topped as desired (diced hard-boiled egg, or fried garlic are common). Served with rice. Spiced Wings/Nuggets Bone in or boneless; either way you start with a brine that has a citrus with garlic and whatever chili you want (based on desired heat level). After brineing, rinse and cook in the oven until cooked through (can be done a day or two before). On the day of the party you season and deep fry the wings crispy if bone-in - or - bread and fry the nuggets (boneless) (this two-stage cooking lets you fry at a higher temperature to get crispy outsides without worrying about being raw in the center). The boneless version could also be used to make a Chouta if combined with pita/flatbread and a curry sauce. Chili Any version of chili should work, but I suggest layering the spice. First, whatever your hottest chili will be (habanero, serrano, etc) is used in the meat marinade and in the soaking stock for the beans. The second spiciest chili (serrano, jalapeno, etc.) is used to make the chili base (caramelized onion sauteed with garlic, chili, bell pepper, tomato - then pureed smooth). The weakest chili is used in the final product - this should let the heat build the more that is eaten without being so hot as to blow out the palette on the first bite. Mole Brownies Traditional brownie recipe, but the milk is steeped with chilis (type depending on how spicy you want it), and the flour is seasoned with cinnamon, clove (and other mole spices, if desired). Can be baked as cupcakes (or a muffin-top pan) to make individual servings.
  9. That's where I was going - experimenting with sound might lead to the idea of "Sound over Distance" - which might lead to a Fabrial that could receive Lightwoven Radiowaves
  10. Also, I think applications of Lightweaving would differ between somebody sightless from birth, and somebody who used to be sighted. To quote your previously referenced Dardevil:
  11. While not directly related to blindness, I found this WoB that implies that Lightweaving would still work, but may work slight differently Probably if you tried to fill a whole room, but a clever application** could probably consume the same or less Stormlight (depending on if complexity increases the rate of Stormlight expenditure) **Codex Alera Spoiler Lightweavers can already hide their glow by crafting any illusion: From the Coppermind Well, another interesting implication is that Kriss describes the Surge of Illumination as "The Surge of Light, Sound, and Various Waveforms" and this WoB Which makes me think that if a blind Lightweaver really experimented with sound illusions, could they work with radiowaves (A sound illusion that propagates much further than ordinary sound)? Maybe have an easier time imagining/creating IR/UV? Well, just like the Lopen/Rysn pairing, healing blindness would depend on how they view themselves.
  12. I don't know that they agree that Dalinar can't feel it, since we never get Renarin's reply to Shallan's statement (Ch 29) But it's important to note that Dalinar's chapters up to the confrontation are very focused on the politics, with far less rumination on his surroundings. Also, note that Kaladin wasn't in the tower for any of this, but definitely senses the unmade in Kholinar. Ch 4 Dalinar senses the feelings Ch 12 Dalinar in Urithiru Ch 22 Mraize sensing the Unmade: Ch 33 - Shallan Aftermath Ch 60 - Kaladin at Kholinar
  13. What Elhokar really needed was a session or three with Tindwyl
  14. Here's the relevant Song (WoR Ch 32) I took it to mean that prior to the arrival of humans, the only bond between Singers and Spren were the bonds of forms; which are (as far as we know not done with Sapient spren**) not enough to meet the needs of the sapiant Spren. The humans came, then the first Nahel bonds were formed. Then the rift and wars came, but singers never tried to form Nahel bonds the way humans did - this verse was about comparing the Form bond and the Nahel bond, as used by Singers and Humans respectively. Only now, finally, Timbre started trying for a Nahel Bond with a Listener (well.... two). Since Timbre communicates with Rhythms, we don't know if she is gaining Sapiance the same way that, for example, Syl did. We also don't know if Venli's ability to understand is due to the Nahel Bond, Envoy form's abilities, or the combination of both. When we see other Listeners forming bonds in book 5, that should clarify - not to mention Rlain's experience contrasted with Renarin's. This was also foreshadowed in Ch 33's next stanza: **Note:
  15. I could see Whimsy's system being a more open system that can appear soft. For example: similar to Mortal Magic in The Dresden Files So, could see Whimsy's investiture being like this - some core "rules" but very open to interpretation and belief; causeing it to manifest slightly differently for different people.
  16. I would posit they could all "sense" her, as viewpoints from Kaladin, Adolin, and Dalinar also mention the "wrongness" and gloomy feeling in the tower. As for linking those feelings to the deduction that an Unmade is behid them, I would suspect that it has to do with Connection (like Dalinar and Nerghaoul [the Thrill]) but I don't think a canon "reason" has been released.
  17. Well, Raboniel does imply that soul damage is the cause (or primary factor) of insanity in the Fused. RoW Ch 113
  18. Do you mean this quote? WoA Ch 12 What does that have to do with Yoda? It's a Hyperbaton, specifically a derivation of one translation from Aristotle: More specifically: Amazing strength - Subject Did not make - verb Warrior - Object Where the object phrase is pushed forward to give it emphasis. ***** Conversely, Yoda's speech is known for putting forms of "Be" at the end - but more often puts the object before the verb Central verb Ending Verb:
  19. AFAIK, what is happening is this: The Dor fills the cognitive realm of Sel The Cognitive is already location based 1/2 of the Dor is Dominion, which further strengthens the population tied to region connection which means: AonDor is tied to Arelon and Arelish people Dakhor is tied to Fjorden and Fjordell people ChayShen is tied to JinDo and JinDo people Forgery is tied to MaiPon and MaiPon people The Dor is the source of power for all of the above - only the region dictates the form the investiture can be expressed
  20. Here's a WoB saying the same thing: So, you can't become an A-Gold savant burning F-Gold
  21. Moash (Vyre) is a depiction of Nietzsche's quote: As far as the bigotry goes (it's not racism, since lighteyes and darkeyes are the same race - Alethi); its important to note that Moash was not the victim (at least not more than any other darkeyed male), his Grandparents were the victims. He himself is as bigotted, or more so, than the lighteyes he "fights" against. To me, he's even worse, because when he's telling the Singer's that their way is better (or convincing them to be better when he sees them punishing Sah and Khen's group in OB Ch 48) he's essentially saying that he thinks all leaders in humanity are *just like* Alethi Ligheyes (which is already heavily stereotyping). Let's face it - stereotyping is essential to human survival (these red berries killed my friend, so those red berries might be dangerous too); what people need to realize, teach, and espouse is that while sterotypes exist - you should not judge an Individual exclusively on a stereotype. That's what Kaladin has started learning - such as his interactions with the tenners in OB (realizing how similar they are to his previous darkeyed spear squads - and - how they treat Adolin without knowing anything about him because they assume he's a middle-dahn lighteyes and a dandy based on his dress; but Kal is torn between agreeing and sticking up for Adolin then thinks he should feel guilty for thinking about defending a lighteyes). I don't think Moash would allow himself a redemption arc. He's far too selfish to ever allow himself to change that much. . .
  22. and What exactly is the root of this disagreement? I'm not sure I can follow what is in contention - whether or not that scene was really a "duel" that could result in Ruthar's exile?
  23. I think this is a false assumption. Do you have any reference that says there is "more" Dor near Elantris than other areas of Sel? The Dor permeates the cognitive for all of Sel. AFAIK the Elantris "Fabrial" only makes AonDor used near it more efficient at pulling the Dor from the Cognitive. So, I could see a time dilation for all of Sel (as opposed to outside the Selish system), but not just near Elantris.
  24. Indications so far are No (which does not preclude you from swallowing both regular Iron and an Ironmind so you have access to both) WoB (partial)
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