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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. I just want to say, I think Brandon meant for us (the audience) to find the scene distasteful (in varying degrees based on our sensibilities). If I understood the whole context, Jasnah chose this method of dealing with Ruthar because: Jasnah also finds duels like these distasteful She intends to help steer the Alethi culture away from this type of conflict resolution She is using the misogyny against them; because if they don't want to fight a woman, but she has now set a precedent that females *can* duel, then calling for a duel when you might have to fight a woman becomes a worse option She does feel the need to make sure the leaders on the campaign remember she is Radiant first, a Monarch second, and (merely) female somewhere far further down the list Like slavery, just passing laws without trying to impact the national culture won't really solve the issue(s) All that said, I won't say this was my least favorite scene in any Cosmere novel, but it may be my least favorite scene in RoW
  2. Ahh, I can see that as another option I hadn't considered because she had been grabbed from behind and wasn't looking at Kar (except the glance at his healing leg) while burning the metal.
  3. I would guess the Cause/Effect relationship to go the other way around. Since we don't have the canon way that Returned can procreate, I would guess that the "method" is (with Command and Intent) using a piece of the divine breath to have a child. Once the child is born with a portion of divine breath, it would likely be passed down like other sDNA.
  4. True, with the possible exception that: That said, I agree both ideas have merit. However, I always thought the Siah were refugees/immigrants like the Iriali, Sleepless, and humans.
  5. Shallan captured it perfectly, way back in TWoK (ch 29) - though she wasn't talking about Jasnah then - the irony is how it applied to Jasnah after all:
  6. That minstral is in a few other places (I think at least once per volume of the graphic novel) if you look around.
  7. Two separate (but possibly related) things: RoW I-1 Dalinar denied her request to let her feel Kal's despair. That was her remembering having been in pain, but she (at this point) doesn't really even remember what drifting and pain felt like, just knows she felt them. However, after having been separated in the tower; then having the loss of Teft piled on top (the first of Bridge Four to be killed in such a fashion after she returned third-oath level sapiance): RoW Ch 102 RoW Ch 106 RoW Ch 107 RoW Ch 108 RoW Ch 114 Maybe I'm reading too much into this series of exchanges, but it seems to me that the fallout from the separation will continue.
  8. I always just took this to be that Laral started to think of Kal as more than a friend, but he was still oblivious. . .
  9. They talked about this in Alloy of Law (at least about the Northern Roughs, but it could apply to other regions): AoL Ch 13 So a mine is opened and workers either volunteer or are voluntold (if Miles' rant of criminals being sent to work in the mines is to be believed) to move out there and work the mines - Shanties become villages, become towns (as IRL) and you have a spreading "community" in the roughs centered around the mine. Even if the mine was exhausted and closed, some of the community would likely stay where they have settled and if it lasts long enough you get places like New Seran where a large city grew up to be the "hub" for a hub-and-spoke mining operation in a larger area.
  10. As for Gold Savant; I like the idea of having more control of from which braching point you are seeing an alternate version. There is only one shadow with Gold (two with Malatium) - though the allomancer experiences two identities (who they are and who they could have been) Gold Malatium (Nalatium?)
  11. Except that Syl shows signs of PTSD after the event you mentioned (but, can now kinda-understand Kal's depression) and because it was so close to the end of RoW we don't know what other fall-out the separation will create. Seem's like Veil and Pattern's version of infiltrating the Sons of Honor was a better method. Stay close enough to act normal, but far enough to not be directly tied. Also allows the partial-second Shardblade "summon" to help the Spren know where and how far away their Radiant is from them (since they are still in the PR and sapient). Not that people with Breath enough to sense Spren are that common; neither are Sighted Unkalaki.
  12. For me (inpo): Eshonai riding the Storm Vin and Elend in the field of Marewill Flowers Gaotona and the book Sixth of the Dusk showing his "lesson" plume and stepping into the Merchant Company fortress Silence trying to save William Ann Sebruki's story etc. Double that when we realize that most of his "paranoia" problems are from seeing his cryptic the way Shallan did in the hallways of Kharbranth. If only Shallan had shared that story before or during the trip to Kholinar. . . TWoK Ch 58
  13. Also, aside from starting the reply then scolling up and quoting a different post, you can also use the "+" next to the "Quote" button to add "Multiquote." You should see a toaster popup in the lower right (at least on a computer) showing how many "Multiquotes" have been added. When yo uhave linked all the items to which you want to reply, click that pop-up and it will take you to the reply field and fill in all of the quotes Note: they add in the order you clicked them, not the original post order - so if you (for example) quote post 4, then 2, then 5; that is the order they are added to the reply (not 2,4,5). But you can also move them in the reply by grabbing the "four arrow" icon in the quote (or spoiler tag) top-left and dragging it up or down.
  14. Just for the record, here it is: WoR Ch 41 Oathbringer Ch 120 RoW Ch 54 WoB
  15. I apologize if I caused you distress, I was just trying to find the quote so I could put your original comment in context.
  16. Alloy of Law takes place 341 Years post catacendre (PC). This assumes that many of the survivors became farmers PC. However, look at who the survivors were: Terris (who already had a herding/husbandry background) and Luthadel citizens in the caves complex. Urteau Citizens in the Urteau Chamber (few if any farmers or plantation Skaa) Fadrex Citizens and Luthadel Soldiers in the Fadrex Chamber (few if any farmers) Statilin Citizens in the Statlin Chamber (no information, other than Felt was there - may have had farmers/plantation Skaa) Vetitan was evacuated, and we don't know if any that went to the Kredik Shaw chamber (which would have been under the ruins after Vin's fight, but might have held some Luthadel Citizens before the fight that would have survived the keep's collapse if in the chamber) Also, @Duxredux makes a good point - just having some farming experience may not have been much help. It seems the majority of survivors would already have had an industrial inclination (since TFE was already an industrial society with factories). I can imagine Lord Mistborn would have had to provide heavy incentives to get people to read the words of founding to learn about traditional (pre-Lord Ruler) farming methods and take up a farming lifestyle. I think the industrial age simply grew from what it was in TFE, and as exploitation rose, this is the start of Scadrial's industrial revolution which, unlike earth, wasn't a migration of farmers toward city life - rather just a population that mostly never knew rural life so the urban industrialization just built from what the survivors already knew.
  17. Wow. I had read Sphere (Micheal Crichton) 6 times by my senior year of high school. I hope you enjoy the experience; I have found that in rereads of many of my favorites books, I notice details and foreshadowing I missed on previous reads.
  18. Battalionlord Teofil might object to that statement. RoW Ch 40 So it took a Darkeyed Battalionlord and a Lighteyed Queen to get the storming fools to act against an invasion (because you obviously can't trust a Darkeyes without a corroborating lighteyes; nor can you trust a female without a corroborating male - <sarcasm drips in background>) I can't find any version of "not all lighteyes!" in Oathbringer. Did you mean RoW, or perhaps this quote: OB Ch 70 --- For the record - anti-slavery and anti-discrimination are not the same. I do not recall any evidence of Jasnah doing anything against discrimination or the class-divide. I would expect that the anti-slavery thing will be Jasnah's (supported by Kaladin) and the class divide/discrimination thing will be Kal (supported by Dalinar-maybe Jasnah).
  19. Well, it is a bit confusing, especially since there hasn't been a whole lot released about Spiritwebs or how they work. This is my (likely flawed) understanding: The Spiritual Realm is made up of Investiture and energy (kind of how the Physical Realm is "made up" of matter and energy. So, in the item you quoted "Connections and Investiture" is because the SR is made that way "Innate Investiture" is a quality, not a quantity e.g. Vin had Innate Allomantic Investiture. Which is why I was confused in my first reply - AFAIK you can't heap "innate investiture" you can invest an object/person on in the Cognitive or Physical realm and , as they become heavily invested, their spiritweb will expand (as the Identity changes to confirm the level of investiture) It would depend on the magic system. As you mentioned, Awakening Breaths are primarily in the physical, but so is Stormlight. Ultimately, if your question was "would adding unkeyed/unaligned investiture to the Spiritweb form into capacity for random Invested arts" then I would say no. Any capacity that developed would be shaped by Identity and Connection, and most invested arts require something else (Metallic Arts - genetic, Surges - Nahel Bond, etc.) that would not be covered by just a quantity of investiture. My first answer included the only known "abilities" that are based solely on how "invested" something is - rather than in which realm or how the investiture was added.
  20. Concur. Disagree. I don't want to derail the thread discussing Wax. My only real point was that F-Savantism without compounding is nearly, but not quite, impossible.
  21. First, I'll restate that we know: The Iriali migrated to Roshar, but not from Ashyn The Sleepless and Siah also likely emigrated from somewhere other than Ashyn The Natan people are Human/Siah hybrids Unkalaki and Herdazians are Singer/Human hybrids We also know: 16 is the number of Preservation (maybe Scadrial) 10 is the number of Honor So, I noticed this on a Row Reread (Ch 69) I wonder if that indicates they either migrated from a Shardic system affiliated with the number 12, or are hybrids with immigrants from such a location. This WoB notes:
  22. Not quite. . . Coppermind - WoB Very difficult is not impossible. Wax could be a Skimmer Savant with how much (and how dextrously) he manipulates his weight.
  23. He probably also knew Sibling no longer had Tower Light, and it was nigh uninhabitable. He probably also knew Midnight Mother was settled there (and probably had no way to know she was rousted - but that was after Dalinar and co arrived). By the time it was discovered, he was already happily making his little cult-kingdom and more focused on whatever experiemtns he is running on Spren. Since we can guess he needs his cult of humans to go to Shadesmar and capture spren for him, living alone in Urithiru wouldn't let him accomplish those goals; and I doubt he thought he could care for a cult in Urithiru without the Sibling. PS: He should have his own honorblade, based on his displays of surgebinding so he could unlock a gate on his own (if nale unlocked the Urithiru side); but would he really want to be activating Oathgates in public. IIRC, all but the one on the Shattered Plains and Aimia are in large cities/public areas; and he thought the SP gate destroyed and could not access the Aimian one either. . .
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