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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Don't forget generational pressure. For at least the first (and likely second) generation born post-catacendre; the parents (grandparents) that were plantation Skaa would likely counsel against farming. "You don't know what it was like" "You have so much opportunity that we didn't" "Anything but farming" "Learn an important skill" etc. Also, we don't know what, if any, effects the metallic arts had on Farming in and around Elendel (especially when starting - need crops fast? use Pewterarms and Steelrunners)
  2. Agreed. Also, wasn't she shown to have some attraction to Wax in AoL? Wouldn't that imply she's not Aro? D/R - covered in OP.
  3. Depends on perspective, but I agree. I was mearly linking the relavent information we did have (showing the lack of information directly related to the question). Common parlance hasn't quite encapsulated all the different "why"s and "how"s. Wikipedia: As far as Marasi is concerned, we only have the WoB I quoted above and know that, though cisgendered female, she has not been identified as asexual. We also do not know if BS knows/accepts/understands a difference between the two.
  4. Exactly. But there are unknowns and assumptions here too. How big was the "refugee population," since it seems implied that it was most of the population of Ashyn (though some must have remained, or they wouldn't have developed their new society with the Floating Cities). Combine a population much greater than the current Shin population with a prediliction for war and combat that the Dawnsingers might not have had, and its possible that over the first decade the humans had already started trying to populate outside of modern Shinovar. Also, we don't know that the first/early wars were against all Dawnsingers everywhere. If Urithuru and Oathgates didn't exist, and travel was resticted each time a Human population settled a new area - then fought for the terrirtory - it could have been a localized war rather than a full-scale continent wide war. There's just too much unkown to draw conclusions, so we are left with speculation.
  5. I wasn't doubting your theory or reasoning, just pointing out he was both a King and Emperor (if the wording should matter)
  6. Shardblades can't be taken off of Roshar (at least not through the CR) for the same reason(s) Spren and Heralds can't leave Roshar. After all, that's part of the reason Nightblood was created (something like "Oh, we can't take one of these back - well lets go make our own Shardblade"). . .
  7. Don't forget, Sazed was already a (reluctant) King before that too. . .
  8. If this is the case, then the Heralds would have had to have found some way to extend their life (slow aging or some other means) since they (except possibly Ash) were in the migration from Ashyn to Roshar.
  9. @Eternal Khol Did you not get the PM? I was unsure of the meaning of your "What" and thought you did not know/recall who Phendorana was. As for the quote where I mentioned her; all I was trying to accomplish was to add evidence to support your quoted statement.
  10. Also found this (fragment) WoB: It's halfway through the last paragraph. . .
  11. FTFY - as that is the reason (or primary reason) Thaidakar is being "sketchy." He really wants to bounce around the Cosmere, but can't leave Scadrial (as he saw in Secret History when he felt the increased pull of connection trying to get to the Ire Fortress). As for the question, I think we can't know the answer without knowing how he got his physical body. If we consider of known/suspected Shadows on the Physical Realm: Returned die normally, or when expending the Divine Breath that animates their corpse and making them returned E.G. Blushweaver killed by having her throat slit, Lightsong dying to heal the Godking Heralds/Fused return to the Cognitive Realm on Braize, but that is a feature of the Oathpact so we don't know if they would go to Shadesmar on Roshar now that the Oathpact is broken. Shades (threnody) are just weird because what happened in that system made everything there weird - so they may or may not apply in any of these theories. I think this would be the case for any "flavor" of Shadow or invested being in the Physical Realm (with or without a physical body, as Phendorana's fate shows)
  12. Deposition of physical gases into physical solids is exothermic in that the thermal energy being pulled off has to lower the temperature of the gas enough to result in deposition. So, the exothermic heat removal is the cause and the deposition of gas into solid is the effect. I'm not sure that would translate directly in this scenario. First, investiture is a separate <thing> in the Cosmere (Matter, Energy and Investiture) which would imply that gaseous Investiture is not entirely the same as gaseous matter Here we seem to have the cause and effect reversed. The gaseous Investiture is "condensing" (Brandon's term which does not seem analogous to the state change of gas into liquid) into its solid form [cause], and there is a temperature drop in which water vapor condensation/deposition into droplets/frost (which does seem analogous to the natural condensation/deposition process) occurs [effect]. So, is deposition of Investiture endothermic as you suggest; or does the process merely convert Thermal Energy to help the investiture make a simultaneous physical state change and realmatic change (moving from SR to PR, while "condensing" into gas)?
  13. @Elegy@Duxredux Understood, just explaining why my initial post was off-topic. Seeing the thread title, I thought it was about what goods that weren't shipped between worlds would be funny if they were exported. . .
  14. Here's that scene from Secret History. To me, it implies that Leras is in the Cognitive somewhere, but because he still holds the power he can still communicate Kelsier. Which is another good point - Though Leras still holds the power here up until he fades, Ati has dropped the power by the time his cognitive self shows up.
  15. This is the only Shipping I was aware of when I made that post. Though the Jasnah / Wit thread makes me think I am missing something (though I don't get how the present progressive makes any sense in the context it is being used - 'relationship' isn't even a verb).
  16. The problem with questions like this, is how do you define "powerful?" In what sense? Which situation(s)? Examples: Magics of Sel are probably the most versitile (AonDor, Forgery, etc.) - slow and difficult - but given enough time they can do almost anything Allomancy is probably the most dynamic (especially 1:1 where skill is at least as important as power) Awakening is probably the most diverse (Not only is it open to anybody with enough breath, the applications amongst different types of Biochromantic Entities is astounding)
  17. Replace all the canned food from Scadrial with Allomancer Jak Stories, then try translating them to the destination planet. . . Radiant Jak? Awakener Jak?
  18. Here's the current WoB: I think Jasnah is the only confirmed asexual in the Cosmere so far (not that asexual and aromantic are really the same thing; but most think so), and I don't know if there are any aromantics confirmed in the Cosmere.
  19. Good catch if you didn't see it in the annotations. Did you mean Vivenna? Annotation to Chapter 37 Annotation to Chapter 58
  20. They are all in the Arcanum (follow the link in my post); what they reference is also linked in the Coppermind, if you follow the citation numbers in relevant pages. Example
  21. This has always been the most likely, especially since these WoBs:
  22. Keep in mind we were not in Kaladin's POV for the aftermath of the Second Oath, so we can't know if he heard Stormfather or not. TWoK Ch 67 Great point
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