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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Here are the Words of Brandon on Kandra blessings. It does not seem that a single spike of any metal would be enough to keep a Kandra stable. Here is the WoB on how Paalm was hiding IIRC, it wasn't ever the type of spike(s) that made somebody vulnerable to Ruin/Harmony; it was the number of spikes. One spike (like Wax's Earring) allows Harmony/Ruin to talk to the person Two or more spikes allows Harmony/Ruin some level of control over the person, with more spikes making that control both easier and more complete. Here are the WoBs concerning Lerasium Spikes; most notably:
  2. I didn't see anybody mention this when scanning through the thread - but on the "Part X" page (Part 1-5) you should see a list of names. Those are the Viewpoint characters for that Part. When you experience something different (e.g. Cenn's viewpoint) you know not to expect them to develop into a main character (cause "Cenn" wasn't in the list of Part 1 viewpoint characters): At the start of every chapter, you should also see some awesome artwork. The center image is specific to the character whose viewpoint that chapter follows. So, as you go along, if you pay attention to those things it can help give you an idea of what to expect. All of the various "titles" are from various Sanderson books, in this case Mistborn (Era 1) - The Final Empire, Well of Ascension, Hero of Ages.
  3. Short answer - we don't know. It has not been explained, if there is a difference, what that difference would be. . . A lot of discussion on this is happeneing the This Thread (RoW Spoilers).
  4. Interesting Theory, though that's alot to put on one guy. I'm not sure that helping Testament will natually lead to helping a deadeye whose Radiant is dead. Also (see below) we have more than one Bondssmith now, and I think helping Deadeyes just might be mroe in Navani's wheelhouse. But all of those uses of Spiritual Adhesion are connecting himself to something/someone. Trying to heal a Deadeye would be connecting two things external to himself. I'm not saying it can't be done, it is an interesting theory, but i am saying it is unlikely to be as intuitive as the ways he has already begun to use. Also, we should consider that we have another Bondsmith now. In the theory that each order/Radiant Spren is X% Honor/Y% Cultivation; I would posit that either: 1- Navani is the one more likely to be able to work this kind of Connection, since the Sibling is already of both Honor and Cultivation - or - 2 - Dalinar would be able to help Deadeye Spren who are more of Honor than Cultivation, and the spren that are more Cultivation than Honor would need assistance from a Cultivation bondsmith.
  5. For those of you who may read the series, this reminds me of Cold Days (Dresden Files 14) So, it seems like if a strong Connection will form, then ripples of that can be seen before it occurs; because the SR is time/space agnostic.
  6. Still not the book reference, but this is from the Coppermind, and a related quote from WoR Also, earlier discussing who "accepts" an oath, I found this WoB that implies it's not the same for every order: Interesting, but can a Deadeye even receive Oaths? Even if they can, Oaths alone aren't enough for normal dead Shardblades, so I'm unsure if it is enough for Shallan/Test. This implies it might be, but since the question is more about Adolin/Maya, it's interrupted... WoB (regarding Adolin/Maya)
  7. I doubt there would be much difference, unless/except once that investiture is removed. After all, if you have read Elantris:
  8. I'm sorry I was unclear. I did not mean to say Syl wasn't dead - I just don't think she was a Deadeye. I'll search after work when I have time, but I recall a quote (novel or WoB - not sure which) about death for Spren not being a "state" but more of a "range." I'll edit this when i find it. . . [EDIT] I beleive these are at least partially what I was remembering, I'll check teh books next for the "range of death" reference i seem to recall. . . [Edit too] I found some of the book quotes, but not the one I was thinking of (maybe I imagined it) However, looking this up made me realize something. . . I have a new hypothesis to put forward. Not only is there something abnormal going on with the Shallan/Testamant "spren death due to oathbreaking," but the Kal/Syl situation was also abnormal. I now don't think Syl was really dead or a Deadeye, I think the Stormfather was exagerating due to his not liking that Syl had formed a new Nahel bond. If you look at the section I quoted (above) from WoR Ch 68-69, you'lll notice that whatever happened to Syl wasn't due to breaking oaths. Or, at least the bond was not broken that way. She was obviously regressing due to Kaladin's indecision. However, when the bond "snapped," Kaladin was fulfilling oaths. He was trying to protect Dalinar. However, when the bridge collapsed and he fell, he reached for stormlight, for power. He reached too far for what the current state of his bond could support. I think this is kind of like when Dalinar reached for his bond with Stormfather to get through the Oathgate when his memory was returning and he panicked. Dalinar reached for power (because he doesn't have a Sword as a bondsmith) and injured Stormfather in the process. I think Kaladin did something similar, and hurt Syl because his bond was so much weaker. But, the key point I am trying to make is this: he hadn't broken any oaths (even if he was heading down the road to do so) and was in fact trying to fulfill them when the bond snapped. Maybe somebody can eventually ask for a WoB on if Syl was a deadeye for the time that the bond was not functional with Kaladin (or even just ask if Kal's situation was like a normal Radiant breaking Oaths and killing their spren).
  9. Good points all around, and something to consider. I'm not sure that what happened in TWoK was "truths" being accepted as oaths, since the words were not "accepted." But, that also comes down to how, and by whom, words must be accepted. It seems to vary, probably by order. We do know that: - Bondsmiths: the words are accepted by the Bondsmith's "spren" since Stormfather accepted Dalinar's words and the Sibling accepted Navani's. - Willshapers: Unclear, as Stormfather accepted Eshonai's first Oath, but a "famalen voice" (possibly Cultivation/Nightwatcher) rejected Venli's second Oath the first time, then accepted it later in RoW. - Edgedancer: It's unclear in the Interlude if Lift is just remembering her second Oath, or if that actually when she said it. Same with Edgedancer, where she "said the words in her heart" - so neither time do we hear the words accepted; but this could also be because Lift is such a special case. It also seems that the "voice" accepting the words can only be heard by the Knight saying them. - Windrunners: It seems Stormfather must accept the words. (Though maybe he has taken over this duty from Honor) - Kaladin hears his third oath be accepted, but in TWoKs we see the words accepted by Stormfather (as indicated by the crack of thunder) through Teft's viepoint and he did not hear the "voice" (TWoK Ch 67) - In Dawnshard, Lopen sees Huio's third Oath be accepted, but also does not hear the "Voice," but from Lopen's viewpoint he does hear the voice when his Second and Third Oaths are accepted. So, it comes down to Lightweavers - AFAIK the words were not "accepted" in any scene; unless in TWoK Ch 45, when Shallan hears "This is true" is an indication that only the Spren has to accept the "Oath" from a Lightweaver. this seems in line with Skybreakers: - When Szeth swears his third Oath (OB Ch 121), snow crystalized in the air and he felt acceptance (possibly from the HighSpren), but didn't hear a "Voice."
  10. I think you are missing one fundamental difference between the situation with Kaladin/Syl and Shallan/Testament. Kal wasn't a windrunner of the thrid oath. . . A deadeye is the CR fragment of a spren whose oath is broken and whose form is still a shardblade on the physical realm. Shallan still has the blade bonded, though her oaths were broken and Testamant became a deadeye. Syl mearly regressed to earlier levels of memory/intellect (first acting as she had when Kal only had the first oath, then acting as she had when he was in the slaver carts, before the first oath) until she finally could not remain in the physical realm at all. Otherwise, how would she have had the presense of mind to argue with Stormfather when Kal tries to redeem his oaths (but before they are restored). So, Testament is a deadeye because the oaths were broken after the Third Oath and was already a shardblade. Thier bond was already too stong to survive the separation. Syl was never a deadeye, likely because of a combination of how "slowly" their bond was strained and the fact that kal was not yet third oath and so her form could not be trapped in the physical as a Shardblade.
  11. Where did you get this? The only reference I know of crossing Nightblood and Hemalurgy is: Keep in mind that we don't truely know what aspects of Nightblood's awakening were a "feature" and which were a "side effect." Vivena's awakened rope is easily cut by Denth and rendered harmless (two pieces too small to "grab when thrown"). I would guess that the resilience (and soul severing) is part of the amount of breath used in awakening a Type 4 Sentient entity - so even if you used materials other than metel/stone; you would still probably need to be 9th Heightening and use a lot of breath.
  12. Yeah, I was waffling a bit mostly because of this line:
  13. I searched, but did not see this covered anywhere on the forum, Coppermind or Arcanum. After rereading Dawnshard this weekend, I have an idea on what Huio's third oath was: My first inclination was "me" but "others" seems to make more sense in the context of an oath. Ideas, comments, BGCs?
  14. I don't think they decay, if just because of Hobber: So, with at least a month passing we do know that there was never any mention of decay in Hobber's deadened legs. Absence of evidence isn't proof, but I think its a strong indiecator in this case. Also, while thinking on this, I find it interesting that when color is used in Awakeneing the object turns grey* - like a Blade deadened limb. I wonder if anyone has ever asked BS if it is the same shade of grey. It might indicate that when color is pulled from an object, it loses some "quality" that is similarly lost when a limb is severed. [Edit] WoB *Note: obviously excepting H10 - Perfect Invocation
  15. If severing the limb with the shard blade is actually severing the spiritual connection of the limb to the individual, then Breath might restore that connection. In Warbreaker, we see indications that Breath creates a connection between the awakener and the awakened <object>.: So, if the breath creates a connection to the severed limb, then I would guess that the correct intent and command might be able to just restore the limb entirely (since we already see some investiture "heal" the severed limbs).
  16. If the point is speculation, maybe the more relavant question might be: What do you think the Spren would be like if one or more Shard(s) other than Cultivation or Honor had gone to Roshar (E.G. "if Ruin and Preservation had settled on Roshar instead of creating Scadrial - what would Spren and Surges be like now?" or "If Invention had come to Roshar instead of Honor?")
  17. Since we don't have a good timeline of how long after Vo the five scholars returned, nor how long they were studying Awakening before visiting Roshar, nor how long after visiting Roshar that the manywar blew up; it's difficult to say which innovations were simply discovered Commands and which were inspired by the Rosharan experience (TM - coming to a theme park near you). "Protect me" could very well have been either. However, I always thought that storing breath with an inactive Command to recover (breathe) it later reminded me of Radiants breathing in Stormlight. . .
  18. Spook: Foreshadowed nickname 'cause I see dead people (well, a dead person) Shai: conflicted Forger - more stable version of Shallan (I'll become the version of me that can deal with this) Moash: (Elhokar alive) Revenge > Friendship / (Elhokar Dead) maybe not. . . oh well - in for a chip, in for a broam Dedelin: (Subconciously) Most families have the one person you still love, they are family after all, but you don't really like. Fortunately I can send mine to die in Hallandren Sixth: Must not share trapper secrets. "You're doing it wrong, let me help. . . " Concur. So I fixed the quote (the description is accurate though).
  19. I think it would imply that the rhythms are a type of Cosmere Constant, even if the "pure tone" of each shard is unique
  20. True. What I was curious about was if the emotion rhythms on Sel and Roshar matched. . .
  21. Along with "When a Seon pulses in emotion, would a Singer recognize those rhythms?"
  22. Very interesting theory. I'm not sure "quantity" is the defining factor here though. Is Cultivation better with Fortune because she accesses more Fortune; or is it, like Brandon has described Kell's iron and steel, a matter of facility/dexterity with the attribute? In which case, Investiture isn't ruled out because of parity in qty amongst the shards - the defining criteria would be more about how that investiture is shaped and utilized (diversity, complexity, etc.). Example: Endowment (also probably a "Fortune" shard, due to the nature of Returned and visions) manifests investiture as an end-neutral art (Awakening) and the process of Returning (can be argued as end-positive or neutral) which are fairly straight-forward at least compared to the Surges or Metallic Arts. Note: there also seems to be a connection between the number of Shards in a system and the complexity of the local investiture, as the "simpler" arts (Sand Mastery, Awakening) appear in mono-shardic systems.
  23. I tried searching, to see if this has been discussed yet, so I apologize if this is an old idea. So, I'm re-reading Elantris for the first time since Rhythm of War, and I realized that Seons might be tapping into a "Cosmere constant" that, on Roshar, manifests in the singer rhythms. More specifically, there are a few instances of Seon's emotions being reflected in the pulsing (rhythm) of their inner light. Example: I don't know if anybody has ever asked Brandon if the Seon rhythms are similar/connected to the Singer rhythms; but this does not seem like a coincidence to me. (searching Arcanum only showed the "Selphone" pun) I thought I would post here, if just to start discussion. . .
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