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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. True, but I'd also be surprised if there were a dozen people besides me that actually had an ICQ account. . .
  2. I think that, in the near future (SA5), it is much more likely to be a "cold war" (of the type Jasnah already has going with them). It will focus on "who can find BAM's gem first." If paths cross, something small-scale may occur, but by-and-large it will be more of a race than combat (for now).
  3. Faster than Light (FTL:AE) - it's not only Flying (in space) but protecting the Galaxy and all those alien races from the Rebels. . .
  4. Tanavast is definitevly dead, and merged his Cognitive Shadow into The Stormfather: I expect you'll find this theory devisive. As for me: (unfiltered opinion warning)
  5. While it seems possible, there are other factors. WoBs Below. Note - another Dustbringer was introduced in the Dawnshard Novella (see below).
  6. All we really have so far is a bunch of RAFOs - because Sanderson does not what to make anything Canon until he writes a story using a combination so he is not boxed-in when he gets to those stories. The Mistborn RPG (Alloy of Law Supplement) has a bunch of Twinborn names combos and some Resonances (IIRC), but those are not canon. We don't even know for sure what Wax or Wayne's Resonances were - since Wax's intended resonance was backpedaled (not a retcon because it was never in the books specifically as such, but the direction he planned after Alloy of Law turned out not to be feasible, so he changed directions) and Wayne's has not yet been revealed. Hope that helps. Also, please see this thread by @Koloss17 dedicated to theorizing Twinborn combinations.
  7. Do you mean a dead blade? Unlikely, because that is not just Connection: The Bonding Process for a dead blade gemstone (the reason you have to carry it around to bond it) is because you are storing part of your own Innate Investiture into the gem to create the bond to the dead blade (so really, it's connection to a bit of yourself). For a Radiant, Connection is how Squire Bonds form - but that's not a bond between the Squire and their Radiant's Spren - just the Knight and their Squire (as far as we know so far).
  8. You cannot because each stamp must be "complete." TES: So each fragment stamp is "set" with the setting mark so it can stamp the plate, then the linking stamp is "set" to link the plate to the subject. Each section is completed with the Setting mark that allows no further carving. And, if using Soulstone, that has been hardened to prevent damage (and changes - or somebody would mess with your Forgery by scratching an extra line. . . )
  9. Very probable. . . I knew I had seen it somewhere (since I actually didn't realize there had been a change until after OB released) but I could not find it again.
  10. I cannot speak for @hwiles, but my interpretation of that comment is (basically): In Era 1 we specifically see that Vin drawing on P-Mist acts much like a Duralumin Burn of the metal Since we know that Wax has burned Mist And it was implied this was on of those times (but without any of the known Duralumin like effects) Therefore, it may be possible that it was Ruin's mist - and (unlike Era 1 Atium) instead of seeing actual Atium Shadows, he simply "knew" where and how to shoot to hit Tarson (due to Pure-Atium Foreknowledge) I'm not sure if I buy into that, but we do know that Pure Atium is similar to Elend's Duralumin-Atium in HoA; and we know that when Elend burned them together, he no longer saw Atium Shadows, he instead had a peak into the Spiritual Realm. So we cannot confirm or deny the possibility with current data.
  11. It can be found here, on the Dragonsteel store, rather than the primary website Free Fiction section like WoK Prime.
  12. There are two answers to this, one in-world and one author-based. ^This is the in-world. When he says "unrelated" he means unrelated to the Curse. He knows the visions cannot be his Curse (because he knows his curse is forgetting his wife and being unable to hear her name). That means the visions can only be his Boon (and therefore trustworthy) or unrelated entirely (and therefore suspect, but possibly good). As for the author-reason. WoB: So, for Dalinar to be the character he needed to be, the Strong Leader that Beleived in himself - these worries had to be external. There is even a quote in WoKs explaining this very concept directly reflecting the change from WoK Prime: WoK Ch 22: He specifically offloads worrying about the visions to his son, because part of Honor's visions is the feel that they are an important message.
  13. Yes. Technically. Also depends on dead blades vs live blades. WoBs: Hope that helps
  14. Interesting. However. . . I'm not sure leeching Aluminum actually does anything, as soo n as it is Kinetic, it vanishes. Leeching means as soon as something else goes Kinetic, it vanishes. So to vanish, it needs to be burned - but being burned means it's gone before it can be leeched (at least that's my current understanding). Seems needlessly complex, when you can just have an F-Gold/A-Aluminum Medallion. Hand it to the person shot, and they can burn away thier aluminum, then tap their gold to heal.
  15. But do you recall the reference? (even people who have read the series tend to not remember this one, for some reason) Spoilers:
  16. I was all excited about the cookie. Then I'm warned about the cookie. I am sorely vexed. From another thread: They have hemalurgic spikes. You can eat it if you want, but you will get spiked. I beleive it is a Role-Play/Guild thing, but I'm not sure. . .
  17. Unfortunately, we do not know for sure (and likely will not know until the sequels are released: That said, I would imagine that it may work either way, and simply be more effective/efficient for whichever one would actually be "best." PS: Your Thread title is already a spoiler (by naming the Chasm Line) so I am not sure why you put a spoiler warning. . .
  18. Here's a collection of good-to-know items. Please suggest more if you think of something I have forgotten. SPOILERS WHAT ARE ALL THOSE ACRONYMS FORUM ANATOMY AND BASICS POSTS REACTIONS (a.k.a. Reputation (Rep), Likes, Upvotes, etc.) REPORT TOOL HIDE TOOL MENTIONS QUOTE METHODS EDITING POSTS SEARCHES COPPERMIND AND ARCANUM Both are available from the pesky helpful blue bar at the top. The Coppermind is the Shard's Wiki where you can look things up for all of Brandon's Books (minimal Wheel of Time content as they have their own sources, like TarValon.net). The Arcanum is a collction of most (all known, new pending sometimes) WoBs, Q&As, Etc. Basics of finding what you are looking for are detailed below. COPPERMIND ARCANUM Hope that helps, and please feel free to suggest how we can make this better.
  19. Here's to hoping I can bond my imaginary friend - then maybe they would be pulled into the Physical Realm and I can get powers. . .
  20. We don't know for sure, though he likely built a short wall (like the outer cities' border wall) to continue this function. However, not just anybody would be able to undo the Chasm line anyway, only an Elantrian with the intent to end or change an Aon would be able to affect it once it was completed (possibly another Manifestation of Dor - like Dilaf's could also do the same). WoBs: Hope that helps
  21. I think that if they had flags, they would probably use the Planet Symbols that are already in use. WoBs: The easiest place to find them is on the star charts in Arcanum Unbounded (tiny symbol on the planet), with some being released on the Leatherbound editions. We don't know them all yet, though.
  22. I was looking at this thread (Ruin Changes SA). Which made me think that the changes might have been for the 10th Anniversary Leatherbound. There are many WoBs about the Elantris 10A changes, so I went WoB Hunting - but I can't find anything there about text updates for Anniversary. Then I thought to myself, Coppermind book page should mention if text was updated for different versions/printings. Nope, no mention (not even the WoR Climax change, which I could have swon was in the trivia section of the book page) Long story short (too late) - I'm wondering if there should be a section on each book's page to mention changes between versions. Probably not the content of the changes - just the fact that "changes to chapter x, y, z" with the WoBs (if any). Or even just a simple "typo changes in this version" or "error changes in this version" etc. Something as a reference that says "this has changed." It might help newer fans when they get confused talking with others, but don't realize they may have read different versions. There's a thread I can't seem to find right now that was the Sharder discussing how he and his friend both read Elantris at the same time only to realize one had the original paperback and one had the 10th edition trade when they tried comparing information. The one that posted here was trying to confirm "who was right." Similarly, I just had to mediate a disagreement about a different series (Iron Druid book 9) at work for the same reason, one coworker just finished and was discussing with another one who had read it some time ago; only to find out it was a change between the hardcover and mass market versions. I'm not sure this would be useful, but I thought it might merit discussion.
  23. Ditto - my TWoK also says Year and Amber - but my epub is a decade old at least, and not on any active account since I keep them in Calibre. However, checking the new version I bought a year ago (hoping for better resoluton chapter header images - Brandon's books are worth buying multiples) I see both of these changes. "Eight months" in Ch 9 and the Ch 38 stops with "they leaked light too." (Amber clause removed). So, it does seem to be a version update thing, though I am not sure when those changes were implemented. Likely they happened when editing for the 10th anniversary edition (just like the Elantris Changes). PS: WoK Typos on TWG start here
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