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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Well, since we know that dividing the guilty is a "divine skill" of the Skybreakers "...for which no specific Surge or spren grants capacity," why can't "seeing" be the divine skill of Truthwatchers. Just because Renarin's visions are different from how a normal Truthwatcher might experience it does not mean that Truthwatchers, in general, do not have some capacity. When Tanavast's Shadow is explaining future sight, he compares it to a shattering window. What if what a Truthwatcher "sees" is one glimpse of one shard of that window. It's not sop much foretelling the future as it is getting a hint of a possible outcome of a current situation. Where as Renarin is possibly having a strong vision of specific events that exist in most/all possible outcomes of the current situation (he seems to have seen the coming of the Everstorm, but not that there would be an out-of-season Highstorm at the same time that crashes into it.). It would also seem to me that the visions are tied, in some way, to Renarin's epilepsy. Either he has fits because he has visions, or his visions are different (stronger?) because he has fits.
  2. So, I just finished reading this whole thread (whew). I have been working on some ideas and may post some soon if I can flesh them out. First though; I just wanted to throw out one thing I noted, having lived in both Korea and Japan, in the last couple pages: If there is such a relationship, then I would venture to say Thaylen is the Hangul (maybe BoPoMoFo is a more accurate analogy) and the Glyphs are Hanzi. It seems unlikely that an entire pictographic form was developed for glyphs, but sections could certainly undergo a similar simplification process (either in the form of Character to Radical simplification or Long to Short form simplification). This might account for the comment that Writers approach a glyph differently than a reader does. In the attached example, Su is the character for Water and the Red portion of Ho is the Water radical (simplified Su for use in other characters). The other example is Guk (국) - Country in both the Long Form (used in Korea and other areas where Long form is common) and the Short Form (used in PRC and Japan). Just an observation to prompt discussion and to give you all an idea of the angle I am going to approach from as I try to analyze some of the glyphs. ---- Another "food for thought" is that there has been discussions of Alethi vs Vorin vs Veden (etc) glyphs. I think it's possible that when Shallan mentions Major vs Minor vs Topical glyphs; if the Topical glyphs are those merchant glyphs stylized for illiterate customers, then it is possible that the Topical glyphs are universal where the Major and Minor glyphs may be where regional variance is encountered. I know there is no evidence of this, it is more a hypothesis based on extrapolation. If there were a set of glyphs that had become standardized (or were more resistant to regional changes) it would make sense that those glyphs were considered a "separate" glyph type - and Topical glyphs seem to fit that type.
  3. Hello everyone, Just a note to say I've been reading furiously and hope I contribute something worth while to this wonderful community. Thanks for having me. And I make my own cookies. They are Pumpkin spice with Chocolate Chip, if anybody wants some. Great end to a wonderful Lamb Curry with Kabulli Palau, maybe some banchan (Korean side dishes) in the meal. Oh, and a cup of Tom Kha Gai as a starter.
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