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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. I'm confused by your use of SU in this post. Do you mean actual Status Updates (like the things posted in a person's profile) or are you using this to also mean any normal thread interaction. You seem to use SU to mean both, but it is unclear. Having never really made, read or responded to an SU (with possible exception for new people posting their list of Cosmere works on their profile instead of an Intro post to avoid spoilers in answers - assuming a profile comment is the same thing as an SU), I can't really comment on how that does or does not function. However: This, to me seems like the real problem. Keep rep - make it for (non-RP/non-Game) threads only (non-SU or profile interaction, just like there is no PM Rep) and remove the "win the day" and "leaderboard" nonsense. Rep on a thread post does help many of us identify or acknowledge posts that were insightful, helpful and/or "above-par" in some way (helping find a quote or WoB, answering a quesion, correctly spoilering or helping others to correctly cover spoiler material, etc.) Remove the competition and people that want to earn reputation will need to actually put forth effort to interact and be meaningful when doing so. No, I do not think it is. Having one or many "me too" and "like" posts doesn't really add anything to a conversation except more scrolling. Though, I would like it if, now that negative rep is long gone, they brought back rep attribution (so we know who responded in that manner) Example: It would be good to know if one of the "rep" responses here was the OP (acknowledging the answer) or if that Sharder has not yet seen the response to their question. An example from another forum that I think does this well: Also, please note that we may (in theory) have more reactions than just a heart. Depending on what those are, they make this more (or less) relevant and useful. Reference: This thread and poll
  2. But, it is mentioned in the Coppermind, with what little information we have so far: Hope that helps
  3. Make sure you are spoiler tagging any material from unpublished previews, please. Please try not to Ruin things for those of us avoiding spoilers.
  4. Not quite - Lemmex was being murdered (not quite the same). Warbreaker Annotations to Ch 3: It's more about the age of the breath, with a small side of healthiness (e.g. it's likely the breath of a person with a terminal or congenital illness would be weaker than a normal breath (all other factors being equal). I'm guessing it's a descending S curve graph, with Vibrancy on the Y axis and Age on the X axis, there would be a steady drop the first few years, a near-steady through adulthood, and a slow decline once elderly; and the healthiness of the individual would influence the sharpness of those declines.
  5. Editiing the first post will allow you to change the title as well (and add/remove tags).
  6. It's fine to have fun - but I think it's better to do so without being exclusive. A thread title like this implies to somebody reading it "if you don't like this, then you are not normal. Your opinion does not matter" (yes, I understand you didn't mean it that way, but the laws of unintended consequences apply). . . Whereas a title representative of the Intent (maybe something like "Bands you love and think others should try too" or similar) would be inclusive and help people to speak up about what they like and why (and maybe help people learn about music from other genres, regions, and countries we might not otherwise try) - - - - - 4. Nightwish - a Finnish symphonic metal band from Kitee. Excellent instrumentals, interesting lyrics. Some songs might be longer than many preferences, and the female vocalist's range goes high enough that some people I know are uncomfortable with some of the high notes.
  7. No such thing, as personal preference, comfort level, and musical style differ by era, region, country, etc. For example, I dislike two of the three already listed (though, for one, there are some songs covered by somebody else that I enjoy).
  8. Welcome to the Shard. You may want to consider adding to your profile, or an Intro Post, what you have or have not yet read (whichever list is shorter) so that spoilers can be avoided when we answer questions like this. It's a bit unclear (possibly on purpose) as we have three examples that don't quite match. 1. For any magic that is definitively capable of healing a beheading, the head will regrow from the torso: (Spoilers for Hoid and Dawnshard) This is related to the way Shardplate is regrown - the part that is greater will always regrow the part that is lesser, because the Spiritweb is always throught the entire entity, so the larger part regrows the smaller part 2. The Lord Ruler likely lied about surviving beheadings, because he had reason to make people think they would not affect him. 3. Then we have Miles, who was shot in the head (both by Wax and by himself), we know Wax's bullet did not behead him, but we don;t know how much damage was survived from Miles' own shotgun blast. - AoL Spoilers But Miles was also an F-Gold savant, so that may have influenced how much and how fast he could heal (Not just compounded healing, but Savant Healing compounded) Finally we have this seemingly definitive WoB (but it doesn not match the information about how TLR was exaggerating - and sidesteps if the answer is actually about Compounded gold): So any extreme healing will not care how the body was damaged, but it does not actually say that Gold Compounding counts as this type of healing. Hope that helps
  9. I do not think that is correct, since (Slight Spoilers)
  10. Sanderson tends to be a bit "looser" on the physics with his MG/YA material (especially compared to Cosmere material). That said. . . They use a Power Matix as "fuel" but I do not think the Matrix is confirmed as a nuclear power source (but that was my impression - especially considering Defending Elysium [1]). We do know the caves systems are mostly using geothermal power, though. The Acclivity Stone that allows flight will get significantly more explanation over the course of the series. Note 1: If you were not aware, there was an early novella titled Defending Elysium that has been tied to the current Cytoverse (it takes place at least a few centuries before these stories, and only becomes relevant in book 3) - even then, the story is understandable without having read DE. It contains mild spoilers for Books 1 and 2.
  11. Thank you. Though, I would like to note that the WoB says "store the need to eliminate waste" which may or may not imply actually storing the waste. Tangential thought: True and sorry. I shorthanded it to "metabolize" because it is easier to write (and grok) than a full statement of "ingest the liquids to be absorbed into the body's hydration mechanism." I understand it is not the same as true metabolic processes on food, I was just being lazy. It could also be that instead of a specific place in the body, it's in a form usable by the body. A liter of water does nothing to help your hydration just sitting in your gut - until the body has processed it (which is why drinking slowly is so important, so the water is not eliminated as waste before absorbtion)
  12. Interesting theory. Just keep in mind that the Everstorm does not give Voidlight because Odium made it that way. WoB:
  13. Can you please source the "storing waste", because the only thing I know of as confirmed is that tapping Bendalloy does not produce waste (since you are getting nutrition directly, instead of digesting matter to extract the nutrients and calories). That's my point. I'm not saying they do not or cannot . . . . . . I am simply observing that if the Aether bond is a Luhel bond, and Sand Mastery is a Luhel Bond (unconfirmed but very likely); then drawing water directly without metabolizing it first would be inconsistent with current known facts. It's is also possible that there is a difference between a normal Spore-Luhel Bond and the version used by the Spore Eaters. Not yet enough information to know one way or the other, just trying to help conversation by mentioning my observations: The version seen on-screen in White Sand is drawing hydration from the entire body, not recently ingested water (Ref Kenton trying to recover from Mastering at Trell's construction project - slow slips of water over minutes while resting until he begins to feel rehydrated. The version seen with Cpt Crow in Tress was "drinking water often to keep her hydration balanced. However, since we do not get a dehydration scene for her, nor do we get a viewpoint for her - so we can't know if is drinking so much at once so that it metabolizes over time (feeding the bond slowly by front-loading ingestion) - or - if the bond is taking it directly from ingestion (which does not seem to fit the sip often, guzzle periodically behaviour - unless the bond's needs and rate of consuming hydration are in flux for other factors)
  14. Are you sure it was BoM? I can't find a reference like that there, but there is this one in AoL Ch 12: Oh, almost assuredly. Just like the Wellid callback in TLM (spoilers for TLM at the link).
  15. Also, please keep in mind that not all dehydration is the same. Dehydrating in a Polar environment (more water, less salts) is very different from a Tropical environment (more salts, less water). If Luhel Bonds are only targeting the water, then a possible "imbalance" issue may swing the other way (too many electrolytes for the amount of water in the cell) and rather than risking hyponatremia ("water toxicity" that's really not-enough-salts and electrolytes in the blood by water volume [1]) upon trying to restore water without electrolyte correction - plain water may be required to dilute the over-concentrated electrolytes (hypernatraemia) developed from Aether-dehydration. [1]: We learned a lot about this after a recruit died in Air Force Basic Training to Hyponatraemia - he had been drinking all the required water for PT, but none of the salts. A friend (after the fact, I met him 2 yrs later) had been a med tech on base when it happened and told me the recruit acually died on the operating table 7 times as different organs failed - they were able to resusicate six times. . .
  16. Welcome to the Shard. Please consider adding to your profile (or an intro post) what you have or have-not read (whichever list is shorter) so that we can also avoid spoilers in our answers. Here are some tips and tricks you may not yet know (as each forum is slightly different): Within their respctive forums (such as Mistborn) you do not need a spoiler warning unless the material is from a different series or from a new release still in its spoiler period. That said, warning for spoilers is never wrong, and better to err on the side fo caution than not. Thank you. As for the question, the Mists were not pulling away from Vin (unreliable narrator, that's her perception, but she is wrong). Mists are repulsed by Hemalurgists while they use powers from thier Hemalurgy (We see it happen more often to Vin in WoA when she is burning Bronze regularly. Here's the scene and more explanation. TFE Ch 38: Hope that helps
  17. . . . When you have the Shard and Coppermind open on three different computers, and never close it on any of them too (Work, Telework (living room), and personal PC (bedroom)).
  18. FYSA, when you are in a thread, the search bar at the top will change to "search this topic" which lets you search a single thread for information. Here is the previous answer (note that you can click on the curly arrow on the top-right corner of a quote box to jump to that location in the thread): Hope that helps
  19. I think this makes an assumption that undigested water in the stomach would be available, but that does not fit with the rest of what we have seen (not saying it is not possible, just not consistent). A sand master can't draw on water to master sand as soon as it hits their gut - the bond draws from their body's hydration (the whole body, which is why Vitreous fluid in the eyes is the first sign of overmastery - the eye is far more sensitive to fluid levels than any other organ in the body). Also, Lift has to start metabolizing what she eats to convert to it Lifelight (signifcantly faster than real digestion - so it can't require the entire digestive track - but also not instantaneous). WoR I-9: It seems fast because of how few sentences are used, but at each junction they are waiiting the chandeliers to be raised and/or lowered, plus walking at least two hallways. Likely 5-10 minutes, maybe? Either way, I expect when we get to Era 3, we'll find that F-Bendalloy stores and taps Nutrition and Hydration, not simply food or water as you eat and drink it. Withdrawing the moisture and nutrients from your cells when storing, and returning them in-kind when Tapped.
  20. That is actually not what Vasher says, or what the WoBs imply. I'm not saying it is not possible (because too much RAFO for book 5), but it is also not a clear "yes." RoW Ch 15 and WoB: Not investiture on it's own, because without Command and Intent, the investiture won't do anything (or know what to do). You need some Manifestation of Investiture to direct the process (such as Regrowth). Instead of posting too many book quotes, I'll just spoiler a list of references (spoilers for Misborn, Secret History, Elantris, Warbreaker, SA3):
  21. Doubtful there is much on this topic, besides the Logbook and Kwaan's Plate - as both names were new to Sazed when the Logbook was found in TFE (Kwaan), and the Plate was found in WoA (Alendi). However, if you meant TLR's time as Conqueror after visiting the well, the Keepers did have some records from the first and second centuries of the Final Empire (before they had been refounded), but not enough to know that the Ministry teachings about why he made people Mistborn was false (not his friends and supporters - it was bribes to rival kingdoms to subjugate them) - WoB (technically HoA Annotations to Ch 62): Not True. The only parts shown on-screen in HoA during the ascension were the Religious bits, but even the epigraph has: There are at least 80 Volumes in the Words of Founding (but the total count has not been revealed - Vol 80 is just the highest reference so far), including science, math, history, etc. They have been quoted or referenced throughout Era 2 (e. g .SoS Ch 13, BoM ch 24). Much is being reserved for future use. WoB: Throughout Era 1 he is shown accessing his Coppermind for medical knowledge, and in HoA he accesses them to learn enough engineering and hydrodynamics theory to understand the reservoir and the mechanism used to fill it from the canals in Urteau. Depends on your definition of "alchemy" - Scadrial has a rich heritage of experimental metalurgy, but if you mean potions and elixers, then no. (Elantris Spoilers)
  22. You may just want to check out that section in the Coppermind. Koloss are made with Iron Spikes (H-Iron) and physical strength (not allomantic or feruchemical strength). It is unlikely that any other metal would still produce a Koloss, but you might get something similar-but-different. Kandra and Koloss spikes are not interchangeable as-is; but could be made to work. Sazed does remark that Koloss spikes are similar to blessings (2 pairs of two spikes each, but both are the Koloss equivalent of the Blessing of Potency - HoA Epigraph to Ch 40):
  23. Please see this (old-ish) thread for additional ideas
  24. This reminds me of a great section from Iron Druid (spoilered for those that do not care - quotes sub-spoilered)
  25. I think it's actually the opposite. Mistborn Era 1 Spoilers:
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