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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Leverage - cause re-reading Mistborn Era 1 and their Annotations deserves some great modern Robin Hood media accompaniment, and this show is soooo underrated. Great cast, great chemistry and timing, great character arcs. For those unfamiliar:
  2. I was not saying an invested art could not get there, I was saying that the OP needs to define why and how, because "just pumping a ton of investiture into the body" is not enough without a Manifestation of Investiture to define what the effect will be. How can that possibly be a purely physical change? Can you name any Biologic being (Cosmere or IRL) that has diamonds as a biologic component of their body? A biologic entity with hair made of metal? Again, I am not saying the result is impossible, I am saying that the OP asked for feedback, and my feedback was "you need to define why and how you think this works - because based on current Cosmere canon, just pumping a ton of investiture into your hair or nails will not be enough to make this effect." Even known applications of healing would not generate this effect.
  3. No, you can't. Forgery could not accomplish this (nor ReSealing, nor Bloodsealing). AonDor and Soulcasting maybe - but I doubt the person would survive being partially soulcast even if the Radiant or Elantrian could make a partial change work. TES Day 3: Maybe in Era 4 Cyberpunk Space Opera, it could be plausible for somebody to have undergone surgical implantation of diamond-hard fingernails. Before then, the closest known similar example is the one I mentioned above, where Herdazian's fingernails are like carapace and strengthened with crem to be like stone (which is still far short of diamond). I attempted to interpret your post (edited above), so please let me know if I have mis-interpreted anything. A-Pewter still requires a a method. In this case it is pushing on your body. Feruchemy is also a controlled methodology, where storing allows you to convert attributes to Investiture to store them, then re-convert them when you tap them. It is still not "just raw investiture makes me buff." That said, it's your fan-work so please follow whatever plan you want, I just tried to provide feedback because you asked for feedback. It's not a power cost issue, it's a methodology issue. All I was trying to say (at risk of quoting myself): There is no currently know realmatics version where "investiture = diamond hard biologic material" (pending more info on Tension and Cohesion); But there are plenty of "Investiture powers this process that results in that effect." I was merely recommending you reconcile the process on why the power you want is creating the effect you want.
  4. It is a Culture thing. Though we have not yet had the origin of the practice revealed yet. Definitely before the Ice Death (BoM Epilogue): We have not yet had a Malwish viewpoint to learn more, so we only have Allik's quotes and Marasi's suppositions. BoM Ch 30: While she may think they have a 'Political cause' the original cause may be something else, and the politics of calculated reactions may just be a cultural adaptation after-the-fact.
  5. That's my point. Nothing in the Cosmere is "durable only due to investiture." There is always some process, fueled by investiture, that causes the change. There is a possible tangential exception of "Investiture resists investiture" - but then the durability is not a physical trait of the object - the object's Cognitive and/or Spiritual traits (invested) are resisting damage from an Invested Source (shards, nightblood, etc) that would otherwise damage more than just the physical realm. A-Pewter might be closest to what you are describing (raw investiture adding resiliency, increased healing, and increased physical attributes), but then A-Pewter cannot get to "diamond Fingernails and metal hair" levels of resiliency either (and there is a process, as Pewter Pushes on your physical attributes). In fact, the resiliency added was so slight, all that A-Pewter did was to dampen many blows from bone-shattering, to bone-cracking-with-massive-bruises.
  6. Yes. But Riino was also an experienced Elantrian before the Reod and would likely have known both how to transition, and how to survive the Dor in Sel's Shadesmar.
  7. Can you tell me the particular point that you feel violates in cosmere rules I mentioned an example in my previous post: So, in your list: You are not going to get "diamond fingernails" or "Metal Cord Hair" through a version of healing or regrowth. I wasn't so much pointing out "violates" as I was pointing out that the details beyond your one-line synopsis will need to conform. Example: "Strengthen" won't change a biollogic material like the fingernails, unless there is some version of changing density of the material, soulcasting the material, etc. It's okay to want that kind of effect, as long as you are grounding the "why" in realmatics.
  8. Did you mean "specific"? This sounds very Selish - since it seems to require Initiation and Study. While many Selish Manifestations of Investiture rely on language (AonDor, Forgery) the influence and connection does not have to be a direct use of language (Dakhor, Hrovell Potions (unnamed), ChayShan). We still know nothing about the Third Continent/Empire (other than the teaser WoB that implies it's existence - see below) Very stereotypical and tropey. Which is not necessarily a bad thing (as many Brandon Annotations discuss - you have to decide when to follow one trope to allow originality in another, or subversion in a third). Just keep in mind that if "all" healing is feminine restricted, you will likely warp the culture and society accordingly. Also, your branch abilities do not seem to follow known Cosmere Physics, as described so far, so be careful how you develop those and make sure the realmatics are consistent. (For example, Herdazians have "hard fingernails" because they are partially Carapace from their Singer heritage - and like Chull Carapace, they absorb trace amounts of Crem to harden to a stone-like density) Selish WoB:
  9. Please spoiler tag these and/or fix the font (preferably both to reduce scroll requirement): Here's my summary and analysis of this link (the other one is just an image and quotes AFAICT)
  10. That could be part of the Envisagers
  11. Well, I think that's a Vorin thing (and most Alethi are Vorin) but I could see Vorin men getting any script that interested them. . . it's not significantly different than getting a foreign language you don't read (anecdote below) - though culture and individual piousness may also play a factor; so I can see some being offended by tattoos of (recognizable) writing.
  12. Brandon has RAFOed Saolin's fate: We do know that at some time after the events of Elantris, New Elantrians (Non-Ire) learn how to use the Perpendicularity (Grump in WoK is Galladon in disguise in the Pure Lake), but we also know that Hoed did not know how to make use of the Perpendicularity at the time of Elantris, and correctly changing Realms via a Perpendicularity requires Intent. There are valid interpretations both ways - Saolin may have been destroyed by the Dor, or the same voice Raoden hears when he enters the pool may have helped guide Saolin to survive. . .
  13. Not really. Leras was dying, but he was not dead. Ati was imprisoned but not silent. Remember, both still influenced the world while imprisoned or dying. The shards had vessels, even if they were not at their highest capacity. And, more specifically, they were not Splintered. Spren are self-aware Splinters, Seons and Skaze are Self-Aware Splinters. Honorblades are Self-Aware Splinters. A bead of Atium or Lerasium is not a Splinter, it's just a portion of investiture in a Physical Solid State. Purified Dor is not a Splinter, just a fragment of investiture in a Physical Liquid State. Being without a Vessel (left alone) is only part of the equation, the piece of investiture has to be Separate first, then being without a Vessel matters. Brandon. It's pretty much the definition of Perpendicularities. HoA (Epigraphs and Epilogue): Had new Vessels not taken Preservation after Leras' true death, and Ruin not Splintered Preservation while there was no Vessel, then Preservation might have gained Self-Awareness with enough time. But the Well was not separate from Preservation, just a collection of Preservation's Invesiture.
  14. Well, the tattooist working on Bridge 4 was female, so it's either Feminine or, like raising horses, it is not specified in Arts and Majesty and is therefore open to both. WoR Spoilers: Also, we know the Oldbloods have a face tattoo to show their lineage, so there is some of that going on. I feel like the region might be a huge factor, both due to culture and biodiversity (for example, a Babath's prominent blue veins might be something they do not want covered with a tattoo - while the The Pure Lake and Reshi Isles, where less clothes may be worn, might be more open to displays of personal expression via tattoos). I think most traditional fare would carry over to the appropriate Rosharan Equivalent, including: Religious Symbology Flora Fauna Mythological Creatures Writing Glyphs or other forms Especially those foreign to the region (people tend to find foreign words and phrases more "artistic" for tattoos - even when they do not speak the language) Personal references (something specific that is reminder of the person who inspired the tattoo) Ancestry and lineage references Really, the only major styles of which I am aware that I don't see an equivalent for would be "tribal" and "knotwork," at least so-far.
  15. Did you conform to the image size and maximum number of line requirements? Did you enable "show signatures?" Have you tried "cutting" the signature (so it is in your "paste queue") and replacing it with a single word or letter? Save that to see if it shows - if it does, then it is likely that something in the signature does not meet the requirements. You should be able to go back and paste the original contents in the window after the test (successful or not).
  16. Unknown, but you could try using the website Contact Us page explaining what you are doing and why and ask the question directly. I don't know that attachments can be added, but you can offer pictures, or add a link to where the pictures are posted here. Worst case: You'll find out that you have to wait (which you are doing anyway). Best case: They allow you access (with or without a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)) or allow the images to be released early (probably restricted by publishing requirements). The only versions I have encountered in the wild were Fans trying to estimate the sword-glyphs by stretching the normal image (which is not quite how they are constucted, but can get close - sometimes).
  17. Of note, in case you have not read the Annotations (Please see below), Brandon actually discusses this in the Annotations to Elantris (Ch 6):
  18. Not entirely accurate. Splinters can become self aware. Honor made the Honorblades to be Splinters with some Sapience (but not Sentience - unlike Radiant Spren). Godmetal beads are not Splinters - they are simply power of Ruin and Preservation in the Physical Realm in a Solid Matter state (as opposed to the Mists - Gaseous Matter, and Ruin's Smoke (WoA Ch 58 - Gaseous Investiture), etc. Also compare the Raysium Daggers which (to our knowledge) are also not Splinters, and not Self-aware (since Raboniel believes she can reconstruct the one she blew up if they can find enough Raysium fragments - RoW Ch 97). Also note that Avatars can gain Self-awareness and personality, but not true independance - which is one of the primary differences between a Splinter and an Avatar - one is separared from the Shard and the other is not (even if they think they are).
  19. I think @MidThunder means that Vedel and Pailiah's elongated Sword-shaped glyphs will be revealed in SA5, since we do not yet have those images in the fundamental glyph table or their respective Herald gallery.
  20. Well, it can be a factor - the capacity for change and growth is more important that being "broken." MIstborn Slight Spoilers and WoBs: So the important part are cracks in the spiritweb - which do not have to originate in madness or pain. And some Spren can make their own cracks.
  21. I feel like you missed Alder's post (likely posting at the same time). More specifically: Also discussed: Where are the missing Shardblades? Missing Shardblade Theory
  22. Sorry, I misrememebered Navani's RoW quote (ch 76): I should have looked it up before posting because I thought Navani felt warmth in the touch, not the gem's sphere growing warm from body heat. Then that is the part we disagree upon - I think they are similar but not the same. There are qualities exibited by each that are not present in the other. There has to be some fundamental differences. I posit that the primary difference is that it is in the nature of the Mists to be partially Gaseous Matter, while Stormlight is Investiture without matter.
  23. I feel like we are talking passed each other, but saying similar things. To clarify what I am saying - Stormlight is investiture that sometimes appears as a gas and sometimes acts silimiar to a gas - but it is not a gas because it has not been converted to Matter. Mists act more like a gas because they have been partially converted to gaseous matter. All I am saying is that there is a difference between PR Investiture that appears gaseous or liquid, and PR Investiture that is in a Gaseous Matter State. Yes, WoBs refer to the former as Gaseous Investiture, which is why in the portion of my post you quoted I specifically called out this difference: Really what we need are terms to differentiate between Investiture in a non-matter state, and investiture that is partially or wholly converted to a state of matter. Similar, but not the same. You are refering to the "outgassing" investiture that leaves the container (body in this instance); whereas I was referring to how the Investiture acts inside the body - more specifically Stormlight held by a person (or gem) Glows - but Vin holding the Mist does not Glow because the mist has not become a partial energy-like state (it remains the partial gaseous matter state that is then converting Vin into investiture as she Ascends (see the burning pool example above, since the process is at least similar if not the same). Stormlight, contained, seems more like a Plasma - giving off light and faint heat (and can be seen moving like a storm inside) and only seems like a gas when not contained. That was the quality that Mists did not present which is why I was trying to identify the differences. I think we mostly agree, but the wording is at cross-purposes (or, maybe I am wrong and you do not see a difference between Investiture that appears Gaseous and Investiture that actually has become (at least partially) a gas (in the matter sense)).
  24. Also discussed here - it is, essentially, just this site's version of "like." Back before the Shattering, we actually had both positive and negative Rep, so a given post could add or remove your reputation. Negative Rep was removed when the system was revamped and the number of member titles increased to incorporate new(er - at the time) Cosmere work references. It's been a while so we may, with luck, get another update with some references between then and now (but not likely soon, as it is alot of work for the Admins). Slight Spoilers: The theory is two-fold: Seeing a member title and rep level gives an indication to newer Sharders that a given person has had their contributions to the site recognized by their peers (answering questions, coordinating games and RP, looking up references) - that's kinda what this whole tread is about: polling the community to see how and why people like to give and recieve an upvote like heart reaction (or whatever it's called now) When looking through older threads, the amount of Rep on a given post is an indication that that given post was acknowledged by their peers (Example 1 - Cosmere [Stormlight Archive Spoilers]; Example 2 - General Community) - and since Notifications happen for awarding Reputation (unless the individual turns them off) they will know that somebody has given them a metaphorical pat on the back (it's anonymous, unless they go check the thread and see you sill reading it. . . ) From the other thread: Hope that helps
  25. Actually, it's Stormlight that is not Gaseous Investiture (or, more specifically, not Investiture that has been converted to a Gaseous matter state). It may have the appearance of a Gas, but like Breath, it is not affeted by Wind, Air Movement, etc. The Nature of the Rosharan Essences is that Stormlight - as Investiture - acts as Energy when trapped (in a body, in a gem, etc.) and acts as gaseous matter when in the air (Breathing in, Condensing into a Shard Blade/Plate, etc.) but it is not a Gas, nor is it Energy. Trapped Light responds to sound (unlike sunlight, electricity, etc.) and flowing Light does not respond to air or vacuum. Breath is similar in that it is Investiture in a mostly energy-like state, that appears like gaseous matter when not bound in a physical vessel, but does not act like gaseous matter when free-flowing (famously demonstrated by ignoring Vivenna's arm waves when she was trying to not receive Lemex's breath). However, Mists are partially in the Physical as a gaseous matter Investiture - and are shown to both respond to physical movement, air movement, Manifestations of Invesititure as well as moving on their own when the air is stagnant. They also cannot be confined in a Physical Vessel (repeatedly said "will not enter buildings") unless directed to do so by some Connection or Command (Fuzz pushing Mists into the room where Vin fought Zane, even though they were repelled by his Hemalurgic Spike - Annotation below) It's one of the aspects we still don't have fully explained, but is shown repeatedly over many books that Investiture in the Physical Realm may become Energy or Matter (Solid, Liquid or Gas) - but it may also not convert and only appear similar to Energy or Matter (but behaving differently, despite appearances). Example: When a Shardblade is forming, the Stormlight Mist condences, and is unaffected by weather or wind conditions - but when it Converts to Metal, the energy consumed in the conversion lowers the temperature and causes Condensate to form on the blade (much like DewPoint in aviation)
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