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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Here, "one foot in" seems to be a different ability from seeing into the cognitive realm. It could potentially be like how spren are kind of ephemeral and can only slightly affect the physical realm but in reverse. Unfortunately, Jashah seems to rely more on soulcasting than she does elsecalling, so we don't have more information to go on. Actually, the "one foot in" is probably the "peeking into Cognitive" - as also seen in the WoR Prologue, Shallan's WoK Soulcasting, and Venli's time at Leshwi's tower (RoW). But, also keep in mind that this is "unreliable narrator" and Jasnah's POV, when we know that some orders of Radiant Spren withhold all or parts of a Surge until you reach the correct Oath (ref: Skybreakers and Division) - so it also seems to be a reference that Elsecallers do not have full access to the Surge of Transportation until some specific unknown Oath. Here's the WoB on this scene, and scene spoilers: Also, keep in mind that many Elsecallings (such as spoilered examples referenced in my previous post) are not confined to Physical and Cognitive Realms, they use Spiritual Realm shenanigans (where there is no "place") to accomplish what they do - but, at least, the Surge of Transportation is a very imprecise version of this. WoB:
  2. They are not all on-his-person. WoBs: Well, mostly we only have speculation. I'm sure at least part of it is "artistic liscense," and part is "unreliable narrator." Hoid also had the whole voyage back from the Midnight Sea to question Tress and learn the parts he did not yet know. However, also remember he has tools others do not (such as being Mistborn from his stolen bead of Lerasium), so some of this could be eavesdropping with Tin and other sneaky Hoid tricks (such as - where was Design in this story?). You will find similar conundrums in Yumi, as that is also a Hoid-narrated story (with different explanations). And when you are ready for White Sand, we have a guide to help choose what works best for each individual (enough context to make informed decisions). Sunlit Man is it's own thing. Hope that helps.
  3. We have not seen much on this surge yet, but we have already seen applications beyond transitioning to the Cognitive Realm. The Pursuer is using the Surge af Transportation in RoW. The Oathgates also use an application of the Surge of Transportation for their function (but we do not yet know how a Radiant could implement that). Tangentially, we know that the refugees moved from Ashyn to Roshar through some method using the same principals, and so closely related that Rosharans would term their method "Elsecalling" WoB: Part of it will likely be what applications are re-interpreted/restricted by the nature of the Nahel Bond. Elantris Spoilers:
  4. Are you perhaps thinking of this quote from Raboniel (RoW Ch 46)? I'm pretty sure there is another Raboniel quote about how far human Fabrial science has progressed, but I have not yet found it again.
  5. Not so much "lesser design" as different design, which Humanity had lost knowledge of how they were made or function; and they did not conform to current known Fabrial science. Different is not lesser. . .
  6. Please Spoiler tag the thread title. Example: [SA5] Honor Blades, oaths and their correlation to the Knights Radiant
  7. Please make sure to spoiler tag your non-Mistborn content while in the Mistborn forum. Warbreaker Spoilers:
  8. Also: Allomancy Preserves the Allomancer's strength by granting access to power from the SR Feruchemy requires you to Ruin yourself (Store) before you can Preserve yourself (Tap) Hemalurgy Ruins all things it steals (Hemalurgic Decay)
  9. That is up to you. Secret History is essentially a companion story to things there were happening in the trilogy that could not be covered in the trilogy for various reasons. It's a combination of answers, explanations, and many more questions. If you intend to continue reading Sanderson, then please know that Mistborn: Secret History has spoilers for Bands of Mourning (Book 3 of Mistborn Era 2). If you do not intend to contiue, then reading Secret History may answer many of your lingering questoins. If you don't worry about some consider spoilers, you could also read it soon (I just hope to make sure you are making an informed decision). If you do consider opening up to other Cosmere stand-alone books and/or series then: I was just about to suggest you add to your profile or an Intro Thread a list of what you have or have not read (whichever list is shorter). Please correct me if I am wrong, but if I interpret this correctly - you have only read Mistborn: the Final Empire, Well of Ascension and Hero of Ages. There are many searchable Reading Order Threads (linked one is just one of my answers), but the short version is that Sanderson has a number of book series, and many (but not all) of those series are "Connected" in a shared universe that he calls "Cosmere." While each series has a distinct culture, setting and magic system - the fundamentals on which those things are built are shared (minor spoiler below). Each series is designed to be enjoyed alone[1], so you should not have to feel like you must read everything - but, if you do decide to read it all, you will find easter eggs, connections adn other tidbits that help portray a "story behind the stories." Note 1: As get further along in the Cosmere, there is more and more "crossover" but it is still an attempt to make each independant for now, though that may change. Part of that is reading other cosmere works, but much of that is working to learn more of the behind the scenes to understand the fundamental, and reading Coppermind and Arcanum entries. Non-Spoiler Examples: @mimbele - updated
  10. You'll need to source that interpretation, because that was not the impression I had from the Novella at all. It's explained that ReSealing needs anotomical knowledge to fill the same 'niche' that a Forgery needs to know Origins and History. This is also echoed in Elantris, when Raoden is trying to heal Roial. The Dor being in the Cognitive Realm means there is likely to be a heavier burden on the Cognitive Aspect of healing; but that does not mean that the Spirit Web/Spiritual Ideal is not involved at all - it's just likely to be more significantly influenced by the Cognitive, and the healing needs detailed knowledge to Command the investiture to the right place in the right way. ReSealing is implied to use a stamp to make a change in the physical by applying investiture to the person's SR/CR "self." If it did not interact with the Realms in a similar way, it's unlikely that it would be considered so close to Forgery for MaiPon to call it "Flesh Forgery."
  11. On the one hand, a good guidline is that most books taregt-age is within a year or so of the protagonists age. Joel is 16. However, the "violence" is implied and mostly blood free. The "curses" are in-world and benign (except possibly by timing - based on personal values). The action is well-paced, and interesting. I gave this book to my 10 yr old nephew, and he loved it. This. The "Romance" is closer to how you would expect elementary school "romance" to play out. The boy and girl both annoy each other, and everyone other than them can see it is because they like each other, but the kids don't "get it" and wouldn't admit it if they did. It's closer to Antagonistic Allies than Vitriolic Best Buds, but is "less romance" than Percy Jackson (closer to the first two books of the first series, maybe).
  12. Well, F-Gold is still going to have to work through the Cognitive Lens. I could see some differences being possible, but not likely to be significantly different. But then, a Bloodmaker, invested since birth, is unlikely to have genetic maladies of that nature. The problem is that we don't know much about ReSealing (up to and including if it is just a branch of Forgery, or a truely separate art). On the one hand, we know Forgery can make significant changes, but they will last only a day or less, unless you continue to be restamped. And we know sweeping physical changes can be undone in seconds when a Stamp is removed or expires. On the other hand, we know that ReSealing can make permanent physical changes, but only if they are in-line with the patient's Spiritual Ideal for healing the physical self. But, we also have never seen it in action on-screen.
  13. More like an Ice Age era mammal - I have not yet retired. . .
  14. Even older, since I was in college at the time and became exposed to Animaniacs (Show and Music CDs - there are three if you were unaware*) by babysitting my niece and nephew for extra cash and that was their current obsession. *Or, there were three at that point and I am unaware of any others released since then
  15. No, I did not need to look that up. Yes, I could finish the song (memorized it in 1994 on a bet).
  16. I do not think that your condition would become worse than it was when you developed the bond, though it may progress after the bond instead of healing it. However, if what you mean is "Potential Radiant knows they have it but are not yet symptomatic - would "Healing" make them symptomatic" then I would have to say no. While Healing is IAW the spiritual ideal - it is directed by the Cognitive Lens (Identity? it's been called both) and your Cognitive Lens, at the time of Bonding would not show you as more symptomatic as you were at the time of bonding (though it likely includes the disease progressing through further stages - unless your self-perception changes). I would guess that psychological conditions (Munchausen, Hypochondria, etc.) would be far more likely to produce negative physical affect from healing than a normal Chronic Disorder.
  17. . . . when you are watching "How the Universe Works" ('Dark Secrets of the Moon' episode) and they say "Every time the scientists peel back the layers they find another secret" and your first thought is "even documentaries quote Kelsier."
  18. While that is possible, also consider that we don't know how practiced he is with Seeking. Also, he would need bronze for Seeking; which means he would need to know that he has a reason to Seek. White Sand just sits there all of the time, and changes color in the presense of Investiture. Though, it is possible that after seeing the Sand he did use Bronze to "refine" which person in the crowd had caused it to change.
  19. While what Ale said is a primary reason, even without the Secret History details there were other factors that also inhibited her ability to Ascend in Fadrex. She's inside a building, where only a tendril of mist can reach because her earring broke a hole in the window when she hit Marsh with it She's trying to Sooth Marsh, and when she draws on the Mists she get's distracted by: The Mental "crack" of breaking through The Vision of Ruin's plan Marsh's screams as both of those happen The Koloss attacking the retreating soldiers Intent is vital in the Cosmere, and while she learned most of the rest of the puzzle in this scene, she still did not have an Intent to Preserve in this scene nor the time to think it through. HoA Ch 65: Hope that helps.
  20. WoB (there are many, but this one sums it up):
  21. There are quite a few Healing WoBs, but not this exact question. However, based on the content of those WoBs (too many to copy paste - hence the link) it seems like the primary question would then become "what are you trying to heal." Investiture on it's own seems to boost the immune system, but for healing things like wounds, your SpiritWeb needs to have some aspect that directs healing toward your Spiritual Ideal (through the Cognitive lens). For more complex healing or healing others, you need some way to direct the investiture in what to heal and how (WoBs ref AonDor, ReSealing, Regrowth, Etc.) with the exception of Breth which acts like the former - healing the recipient according to thier Spiritual Ideal (through the Cognitive lens).
  22. WoB Referenced (Slight Spoiler):
  23. Yes, confirmed as Flashback characters:
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