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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Technically speaking, we do not know if Taln will be a POV character or not - we only know for sure that one of the back five will be his Flashback book (but Eshonai Shows that a character need not be active in the current storyline to be a Flashback featured character).
  2. The problem is, that while we know the Blessing of Presence can help with (at least some) versions of madness or mental incapacitation, and that is uses a Copper spike to do so; we do not know what those Blessings have for a Hemalurgic Charge or how they were made. Therefore, we have no idea if a Spren Fabrial could become a similar source of Investiture to replicate the effect. Also, since the Heralds a form of Cognitive Shadow, we do not know if they would react to that kind of spike in the same way that a Kandra (with a physical shell - and - entirely different physiology) can use the Blessing. It's entirely possible that Blessings only work as they do for Mistwraith physiology nd would hove no (or different) effect for a non-Kandra/Mistwraith. Finally, it's been implied that part of the Heraldric Madness is due to the weight of memories in a being not meant to exist so long. It is entirely possible that if they could gain access to breath and learn the technique that Hoid uses to store memories into breath, that could alleviate many of their symptoms. Concur - even if I doubt it could cure anything. . . it might help. If you could find a fabrial design (attractor, augmentor, diminisher, etc) to interface correctly with a Cognitive Aspect.
  3. Welcome to the Shard. You should post in your profile or an Intro Thread what you have or have not read, so we can tag spoilers correctly when answering your question. Here are some tips and tricks of which you may not yet be aware, as each forum is slightly different: There are WoBs for that, but they pretty much amount to RAFO: However, we know that simply wearing the Bones of an invested entity is not enough to grant a Kandra access to that Investiture (OreSeur did not become Mistborn by consuming Kelsier's corpse), but we do not yet know if the actual Steel part of DragonSteel (a biological component of Dragons) would be affected by this or not.
  4. JQ answered, but here are the references:
  5. It's not that it counts as a person, so much as that the proximity to a Soul will offer some measure of resistance. WoBs (Spoilers for Warbreaker/Mistborn): If you haven't read those and need to avoid the spoilers, just know the crux of the information is that a person's Innate Investiture is enough to interfere with Manifestations of Investiture affecting anything in or on a person, making affecting those things much more difficult.
  6. It's not a "fourth" book - it is a stand-alone Novella. Brandon's Website: It may be eBook only (or, at least, I have never seen a physical printing). Though, I think it is planned for his non-Cosmere anthology when/if that gets put together.
  7. I too loved the Legion stories. Absolutely hooked from the moment the last empty seat was filled in the plane in Legion. Just be glad you didn't have to wait for the second and third story like some of us (2012, 2014, 2018 - it was a long four years). Now the Ultimate question:
  8. No, An Avatar is still a piece of shardic Investiture. You want to say he was a Vessel of Adonalsium - or - a Vessel for an an Avatar of Adonalsium. Easy-button Summary (Spoilers): Hope that helps **Note: Nightwatcher
  9. Updated. Though I fail to see how Urban Fantasy applies unless the Blurb does not montion the setting is an Alternate Earth. Urban Fantasy is primarily Like Reality, Unless Noted (though many think "urban" means it takes place in a city modern-for-the-time-of-publishing[1], it really means Urban lifestyle and can also take place outside of large cities). Note 1: Example - The Time Machine was, technically, Urban Fantasy for it's publishing time; but is now generally considered "Classic SF" (SciFi or Speculative Fiction - both work). It's one of those genre's rarely applied retroactively to works from before the Genre was codified, since most of those have already "transitioned" from teh genre under which they were originally published. Thank you again, the formerly bald known novel that became the Ajah that fails to update their signature (I know you now. . . )
  10. Interesting idea. We do know he is a Dawnsliver, and was likely one of the four DawnVessels at the Shattering - so if he gave up the Dawnshard when the other Vessels gained their Shards, he would have "gained his freedom." Did you mean Sliver here? A Splinter is a chunck of investiture (that may or may not have gained independant sentience or sapience) such as Syl. A Sliver is a mortal being that has previously held all or part of a Shard (Rashek, Vin, Kelsier) - it is unknown if becoming the Vessel for an Avatar would make one invested enough to become a Sliver once you are separated from the Avatar. DawnSliver is the fan term (noncanon so far) for a Sliver that once held a Dawnshard (as opposed to an actual Shard (Hoid, Nomad).
  11. Unfortunately, that is a RAFO so far. We don't have much information on any the the Spiritual Quadrant Feruchemical Metals yet (Aluminum, Duralumin, Chromium, Nicrosil). Lots of theories (many based on the TTRPG. which is non-canon) but very few hard facts or confirmations. Did you enjoy the prologue? It's hard to tell, but I hope you did (as odd as it was).
  12. Glad to know you are enjoying the ride. Have you read any other Brandon Sanderson? You might post in your profile, or an Intro Thread what you have or have not read, in case spoilers become a factor in any other questions you may have. Slight Spoiler
  13. Also, the Korean "Yo" (as opposed to chimdae - which is more like a Western Bed) which is meant to take advantage of Korean Ondol (Radiant Heating in the West - where available). Hope that helps
  14. Welcome to the Shard. Here are some tips and tricks you may not yet know (like hiding book references in spoiler tags to preserve copyright material from internet bots): @Quantus and @Aredor have already answered, but I'll just point out. . . this is Ham. A normal person would probably have said something like "No, unless he has atium" but Ham and he likes to sound smart. This is a verbal tick of Ham's, also used in other places (e. g. TFE Ch 35) Generally speaking, each character's individual syntax is important in Mistborn, there is foreshadowing to be found in the way people speak as well as what they say.
  15. No worries Seems to make sense to me. Feruchemy, as a Manifestation of Investiture is already Connected to metal. BioChromatic breath is not-only not Connected to metal (and is very difficult to work that way) but is Connected to Organic Material (that which is alive or had been alive). So, burning the object that holds the breath would be effectivly the same as "Your Breath to Mine" reclaiming the Breaths (since they can't use metallic structure to access Endowment's Investiture the way Compounding does Preservation's Investiture.
  16. This does not match what we see in TFE (Ch 29): So, she did not get sick and when burning her normal Pewter, she could feel the F-Pewter storage, but could not access it. It is unclear if she was actually burning the Metalmind (she says "your metal" but she also says that she can't touch his metal) or just burning regular Pewter that let he feel the Pewtermind.
  17. Spoiler Policy can be found here, but thread title says it all. If you are adding anything from any preview material it needs to be in a spoiler tag[1] in all forums - in fact nothing more than "SA5 Spoiler" or "SP5 Spoiler" (or similar) should be outside the tag (and sometimes, even the existence of the spoiler tag in a given thread is a spoiler, so be judicious, please. Just because you can mention it, does not mean you should - or consider taking that comment to Private Message) If you are the thread owner (first post) and you see that somebody has responded with Spoiler Tag Material, then please update your thread title appropriately.[2] Also note that spoilers should never be part of the thread title. Even if you think "this isn't much of a spoiler" it's a spoiler - because only people with the context of having read the spoiler material can possibly know how "much" of a spoiler something is, so please respect those of us who really do not want the books spoiled before publication. Please. Note 1: "Eye" icon - you can either type the material, highlight, then click the icon to tag everything, or you can click the eye icon to make a spoiler tag at your cursor location, then click inside of it to type inside the tag. Quote tags are not the same, since they default "open" instead of defaulting "closed." Note 2: Go to the First post. Click on the "three dot" menu (top right of post). Click "Edit." And you should see the thread title and tags also open for editing. Please add something like [SP5] or [SA5] to the title (not just a tag, those do not show in the home page) the same way you would add [Support] and [Discuss] tags. Additional tips and tricks for any that may need the info:
  18. In the US it is defined as "second Sunday in May" - So May 12 this year. . .
  19. Interesting theory. You will get more in this in Stormlight Archive To our current (incomplete) understanding (because Fortune is a Huge RAFO) - Fortune is the term for a Mortal drawing on Futuresight (possibly with a side of "instinct" such as Hoid's repeated "I know I need to be here, but I don't know why").
  20. I believe that, technically, He wrote all three (first draft) before editing and publishing The Final Empire. Then he revised Well of Ascension and that was published and it was during revisions of Hero of Ages that the Atium-Pits-Misting thing was altered to fit the new plan. There are subtle references to it in the HoA Annotations as well, and those were written while doing the Copy Edit (last draft) of HoA before publication.
  21. Homemade Cheesecake is always good
  22. It's older than that (at least early 2009), as shown by this WoB:
  23. Mother's Day (US) is Coming. . . Anyone else planning anything special for their Moms?
  24. I'm guessing you mean this one: I'm guessing that our interpretation of the word "annihilate" is different. Shardblades cut through in animate objects by converting a small amount of the cut matter into investiture (which likely re-enters the investiture cycle in the SR - because the Shardblade is cutting in all realms - otherwise the converted matter would be causing a "flash" in the PR as it is converted). So, if by annihilate, you mean "converting matter into something that is not matter" then I think we are saying similar things. I take "annhilate" to mean "ceasing to exist in any form" and that was what I disagreed with. Allomancy is converting the metal into investiture, that molecule size piece of converted matter is used to open the channel to the SR so that Preservation's investiture in teh SR can flow through the hole to power the Allomancy (with the metal's "key" shaping the hole into how the investiture functions when it arrives) there is no "bond" (in the Luhel/Nahel sense) anywhere in that process - that is simply how that Manifestation of Investiture functions - Metal (as a key) is burned (converted to investiture) and produces an effect based on the type of metal (Command), that is powered by Preservation's investiture. The bond I was talking about was the one formed by an Allomancer controlling a Hemalurgic Construct, which was specifically named to be a bond (of some type) and persists even when no metals are available or being burned. Summarized: Nahel Bond - the bond of Realmic Transition (a cognitive entity bonds to a physical entity and is pulled closer to the PR in echange for <effect>) Radiant Bond Singer Bond Rosharan Lifeform Nahel Bonds (Skyeels, Greatshells, Rhyshadium, etc) Luhel Bond - Bond of Physical Transition (an entity in a Luhel Bond receives "matter", likely through a version of Elsecalling that transitions that matter through some unknown SR shenanigans, in exchange for <effect>) Sand Mastery - The Sand received water from the Sand Master thorugh the bond (but no water is seen moving between them in the PR, hence the SR Elsecalling theory moving the matter without crossing intervening space) and the Sand Master gains some control of the sand and RSPs RSP - RequiredSecondaryPowers - as seen after Kenton overmasters the second time Sprouters - a Luhel Bond with some spores (e. g. Midnight) trades control for water Unnamed Bond - The proposed third bond occurs when emotion is lapped against a cognitive Identity resulting in a measure of influence (up to and including control when the bond is strong enough); but is not maintained by kinetic investiture or matter transference after the bond has been formed Seen in Allomantic control of Hemalurgic Constructs, as well as Ruin's influence and control with mad/spiked people Possibly (at least part) of the mechanism on which Nightblood influences bonded people Possibly part of the bond used by Father Machine to control the Nightmares, since we see that Liyun's bonds force her back to her role each time she gets free as a Nightmare
  25. My point was not the "investiture key" it was that the metal is not being "annihilated" it is being converted: Matter, energy and Investiture are all the same thing and convert from one to another. Investiture becomes matter (Shardblades) Investiture becomes gas (Mist), etc. In metals, the metal is itself oconverting into Investiture one-molecule-at-a-time and being supplemented by Preservation's investiture being released from the SR into the effect specified by the molecule's structure. However, in a Luhel Bond, the matter (water) is being sent through the bond to the other end of teh bond - there is <something> passing in both directions of the bond. This is easiest to see in White Sand where the Mastered Sand turns black (just like when water is poured on it) because the physical water is pulling from the Sand Master, transporting through SR shenanigans and infusing the Sand with physical water. In bonded Spores, the Sporouter is conveying water from tehir body to the Spores to faciliate growth, movement, etc (just as the spores "grow" with water poured on them). All of your examples are actually Conversions - Shardblades are pulling the Deadeye into the Physical realm, as it enters it converst from Cognitive Investiture into Physical Metal (Godmetal) and the laws of thermodynamics show that the consumed energy for the conversion lowers the temperature causing condensate to form on the metal.
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