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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Not definitively, or no WoBs I can find. But notice that in the graphic, it labels the last stage as "Senescense." I think it's important, that two of the various definitions are: If Chulls have a non-sexual reproductive system (and it is hard to tell from that artwork), then it could be the fifth "old age/ripening" stage is the final pupation giving "birth" to multiple new chulls. So, for a "working" chull you would not want it to pupaate a second time into Senescense until and unless you were ready to "breed" your chull. Sure you would have more chulls, but you have effectively lost that "worker" until the new chulls grow enough to expereince their first pupation. At least, that's my guess pending more information.
  2. Interesting theory. Personally, I think another (as yet unnamed) bond is "Emotion" based. Note this easy-to-miss snippet from HoA Ch 61: So, why can an Allomancer continue control of Hemalurgic Constructs without Metals? A Bond. How does the bond form - manipulating emotions (WoB Below). How does Nightblood "test" and "influence" wielders? I propose this is also emotion based - the test is sensing emotions that might come from a desire to "do Evil" (as interpreted by his Command) then "Rioting" those emotions (with a portion of influence that lends an amount of "control") so the person destroys others then themselves. When the "rioting" doesn't have a proper target (because those emotions - hate, avarice, etc. are not present) the side-effect is nausea. But, like an Allomancer controlling a Hemalurgic Construct, once established it remains in effect until the one that created it releases the Bond (and Nightblood probably doesn't even know that bond can be released) or another bond takes it away. Once a person survives weilding Nightblood and he has fed from their investiture, the Bond becomes reinforced with Connection - which allows Nightblood's other "features" such as finding the Bonded person (like a Seon using Connection to find direction or talk through another person's Seon). Interestign theory, but itis not the only mechanic that fits - since we know the Metal is being converted to investiture as it's molecular structure functions like a Command (sinimlar to AonDor Aons) allowing access to Preservation's investiture. WoB. Not saying you are wrong, just pointing out it is not the only possible explanation currently available.
  3. I think I meant "2 nights" (sorry, must have been more tired than I thought) - He left Fadrex, travelled all night, sun came up and started burning things, Vin "spun the world" back to sunset and he travelled that night, then arrived at Luthadel. HoA Ch 77: So, all night travel + enough time after a sunrise (that set in seconds) to feel like afternoon again. Travel time estimated to between 16-20 hours? Which feels very short when we compare to how long it took TenSoon-as-Wolfhound to travel toward Fadrex, pick up OreSeur's blessing, get turned around at the lava and travel back to Luthadel when we know his wolfhound bones can keep up with Vin when she was trying to lose him. I wonder if any of these timing idiosyncracies were fixed for the 10th anniversary release.
  4. I would imagine the metal interaction would be related to (Stormlight archive and Mistborn spoilers):
  5. Well, start with what we know: Gold Shadows show a version of you (likely now) had the past been different Gold Shadows are accompanied by "thinking the thoughts" of both yourself and your Gold Shadow This does not seem to be optional Malatium (which is likely related) shows a Malatium Shadow of somebody else's past Flared Malatium was able to show context to the vision (Kelsier saw the Well's Cave as Rashek entered the Well) Duralumin enhanced Allomancy uses up all available metal in one massive burst in seconds Based on that, it seems likely that A-Nicrosil enhanced A-Gold would add context to the Gold Shadow and probably give an instinctual understanding of what events in the past were different for that Gold Shadow's "history." It would have to be an instinctual understanding, because the burst would not last long enough to "think the thoughts" of both to get that level of detail. I doubt there would be any permanent change, other than better understanding of how events have shaped your reality (and therefore how they may continue to be changed by ongoing events - maybe)
  6. I too prefer to pretend that Ready Player Two does not exist. Actually, I got huge "Lost World" vibes from that book: Long story short (too late) it definitely felt that Cline's heart was not in the sequel but he was obligated to make one (likely because of the movie, though I do not know if that was actually "successful" by objective or hollywood standards). Edit: @SPECTRE120 - updated on Page 1
  7. I think you have a skewed recollection of the timeline. Details Here with Secret History Cross References Here, but the crux is: Preservation died and Kelsier Ascended in SH P6-C4 / HoA Ch 55. Kelsier gets a thought through to Vin in captivity sometime later (HoA Ch 60 / P6-C4. Kelsier spends time waiting and finds Spook (P6-C5 / HoA Ch 58). Roughly a week after Preservation died, Elend returned to Fadrex with the new Koloss Army (HoA Ch 61 - based on time to find the army, take more than twice as long to walk back and Ham's reports of activites done in Elend's name in his absence), Elend decides to "attack tomorrow." Sazed meets Tensoon in Urteau and they depart for the Homeland (HoA Ch 63) days after Spook and Urteau burned ("Beldre—sat at Spook’s side. She came every day to spend time with the lad. More time, even, than she spent with her brother, Quellion"). Kelsier meets with Spook to send the message (P6-C6), and Spook sends the message with Goradel days after Sazed left (HoA Ch 64 - implying a little time overlap between viewpoints as this is likely around the time of Elend's return). Elend decides to not attack (HoA Ch 65). Vin/Marsh/Yomen scenes happen (HoA Ch 65). Vin Escapes. Sazed arrives at the Homeland (HoA Ch 66). Vin Leaves for Luthadel (HoA Ch 67 - a trip we know took Elend at least 2 days by Allomancy, but we don't have her timeline for travel). Kelsier prepares his double-blind with the message (P6-C7) and Goradel is intercepted by Marsh (HoA Ch 69). Elend and Yomen talk (the armies are integrated and Yomen wants to work on sanitation problems, implying it has been at least two days since Vin's escape and the Koloss attacked - but are now in-siege); Elend makes the Misting realization (HoA Ch 70). The Koloss renew the attack. Sazed is still meeting with the First Generation (and implied to be many days of doing so, as they reference previous conversations that were off-screen - HoA Ch 71) Vin arrives in Luthadel (HoA Ch 72) Vin Ascends. The mists disappear and Elend leaves Fadrex (HoA Ch 74) Sazed is captured by KanPaar's rebellion (HoA Ch 75) Kelsier recovers from Giving up Preservation to Vin "hours and hours" after she took the power - and starts wandering since he was flung "far from Luthadel" (P6-C8) Elend arrives in Luthadel, leaves for the Pits (HoA Ch 77) Sazed is "rescued" by TenSoon and MeLaan (HoA Ch 78) Ruin finds KanPaar and the Trust (HoA Ch 79) Elend arrives at the Pits and the Terris Refugees, then finds Sazed (HoA Ch 80) Elend realizes the Mistfallen are Atium Mistings* (from his PoV - HoA Ch 81) They fight the Koloss. Sazed Ascends (HoA Ch 82 / P6-C9) Time passes while Sazed changes the world (but we don't know how much - at least a day for Spool to fall asleep burned and wake up healed - and enough time for Kelsier to "wander" the changing landscape - but there is also a lot of implied SR time shenanigans like Sazed's converation with Kelsier. The survivors find the Words of Founding (HoA Epilogue) Kelsier speaks to Spook at least weeks later (long enough for them to build his "home" while everybody else is still sleeping the Caches (SH Epilogue) So, the appoximate timeline is that Kelsier was Preservation's vessel for 1-2 weeks and Vin for 2-3 days. Vin spent the majority of the time fighting or making mistakes (but some time just evalutating the world and Preservation (HoA Ch 79)), While Kelsier "left" Fadrex and spent time exploring what little he could of Preservation before going to Spook in Urteau (he even admits he might have "learned" more had he known the right questions to ask while holding the power (SH Epilogue). @Ale the Metallic Conjurer - post update: Note: The timeline for all of Era 1 is weird, which is why I put together that data in the first link above - here was my summary from that post: Hope that helps.
  8. Also note, that teh Chasmfiends we have seen are primarily second and third stage of life, with corrolaries to the Chull lifecycle art I would guess that before the War of Reckoning, Chasmfiends pupated on the plains and moved on. However, once the fighting was going on, they found so many corpses in the chasms, they started staying in the chasms longer and longer (why travel for food, when it's right here). Then, of course, extinction-level hunting began in earnest too. . .
  9. True, but that was not a "slow down progress" so much as a "I want to stay separate." The lack of Worldhoppers, shared information or access to Silverlight had a tangential effect on Taldain's tech level in comparison with other ShardWorlds (which is, presumably, why they opened the borders again when they realized the deleterious side effects).
  10. Almost everybody in the Cosmere has something a "little extra" (above what we would consider normal IRL) - but Breath itself is a Nalthian thing (that others can obtain). On Roshar, it's being born and growing in an environment saturated with investiture (HighStorms), on Scadrial it's the piece of Preservation and Ruin in everybody, etc. WoBs:
  11. A. k. a. Dinner Fork. While a Salad fork may also have four tines, it is usually three tines, because the broader tine is better for holding leafy vegetables. Dessert and ice cream forks are also three tined. Etc. et. al.
  12. Welcome to the Shard. Here are some tips and tricks of which you may not yet be aware (since each Forum is slightly different): I'd ask you to elaborate, but . . . well. . . . . You may be interested in these threads. This may help make a decision when you get ready to tackle White Sand. Does this mean you have also not-read Mistborn and SA related items from AU (Eleventh Metal, Secret History, Edgedancer)?
  13. Yes, that's White Sand from Taldain, you may have noticed that it was how he found Shallan in the crowd in that scene (OB Ch 67), it was also refereneced in RoW (Ch 84/89):
  14. Tanya Huff - Wizard of the Grove (Omnibus of "Child of the Grove" and "The Last Wizard") 1989 Kinda interesting (but maybe wierd by modern plotting) in that the first book has a few timeskips and protagonist shifts, ultimately settling on Crystal as the primary Series (Duology) Protagonist. I am about halfway though Book 2 and it's mostly good so far with interesting world-building and a very Reckoner's feel to Wizardry. Slight Spoiler It's a soft magic system, but with some intuitive rules that are not explicitely stated, but prevalent none-the-less.
  15. They are very definitively not related. M:SH It's understandable that it is confusing, because Kelsier himself confuses the Spiritual Realm and the Beyond until he ascends and learns the difference (repeatedly calling the SR "Beyond" while trapped in the Well - because he is trying to fingure it out. . . unreliable narrator). Note the WoB where Brandon says he will never answer the question about the true nature of the Beyond or the God Beyond because he believes it is up to each person (and character in-story) to answer that for themselves. However, he has confirmed that a "spiritweb corpse" persists in the SR after whatever goes to the Beyond has left. Hope that helps
  16. It's not a decision, it is based on WoBs: So, based on the current understanding (which, of course may be incomplete or change): Any Scadrian can burn Lerasium and Pure Atium because every Scadrian has ties to both Shards based on how that world and it's population was made. Not any Rosharan could "burn" Tanavastium because they do not have any Allomancy in their Spiritweb allowing them to "burn a metal for an effect." Hoid could burn Tanavastium because he does have connections to that inverstiture through his Radiant bond as well as being a Lerasium Mistborn. Lerasium may be burnable by non-Scadrians - but it's unclear because of Hoid - since the effect of Lerasium is making a Connection to Preservation. Otherwise, an Allomancer would have to have a tie to the investiture from which the Godmetal is formed, in order to burn that Godmetal. Hope that helps He is shown as burning Iron in Ch 25. That was the point of Harmony's prepared vials - to have wax unconsciously test if he was a weak Mistborn due to his experiments: Well, it seems that easy with the 16 Allomantic Metals (Vin did not know the effects of Aluminum when Kar made her burn it, either) - but I think it is a stretch to say that would pply to Godmetals of Investiture entirely unrelated to Allomancy.
  17. Could you please post (here, profile and/or an intro thread) a list of what you have (or have not) read (whichever list is shorter), so that we can avoid spoilers as needed? Scadrial Spoilers:
  18. Emperor's Soul, if done right, would be awesome, but I think they would have to add some more Gaotona scenes outside of Shai's cell room to flesh it out for a full movie. The best part, though, would be the subtle set changes to her room between each scene (oh, the desk is different. . . now the chair is different. . . is that hearth?!) Especially if they leave most of the changes unremarked by the actors, so fans can watch-for and pick-out the changes scene to scene.
  19. Well, another primary difference for Scadrial, is when he was naming the magic systems, he specifically sought out science-based linguistics because Scadrial is the Cosmere world about seeing how Science and History change with the magic system over time (originally - Fantasy Trilogy, Urban Fantasy, Space Opera). You can see it in the WoB about Naming Feruchemy: So, while most arts* are "named" by "something <person> does" - these were named to help imply how the Scientific Method will be portrayed in the world's understanding of the magic. I say most, because one of your examples - Awakening - is not actually the name for that art, it's only one aspect of BioChroma (more akin to Steel Pushing as one aspect of Allomancy), which also includes the Heightenings, Divine Breath, BioChromatic Entities (some of which are Awakened), etc. However, "Awakening" itself (and the state of being "Awakened") is becoming a Cosmere world-generic term for anything Awakened to Sapience or Sentience through Investiture - even when no Breath was involved at all (likely seen TLM, Tress, Yumi, TSM - Where Yumi is confirmed as not-BioChroma; and the other three would be possible by means other than BioChroma - but are not yet confirmed for or against).
  20. Well, part of it is because of how the Manifestation of Investiture is divided. Just as Kaladin does not Gravitationed himself (Lash), an Allomancer would not Coinshotted or Steeled themselves. The known Canon verbs for the Metallic Arts are: Pushed (Pushing metals, including emotional allomancy) Pulled (Pulling metals, ditto) Burned (The act of activation a Metal to access the associated investiture) Stored (saving a Feruchemical Attribute) Tapped (accessing a F-Attribute) Spiked (Hemalurgy, the act of taking or granting an attribute) Charged (The intent of ripping an attribute to be stored in a Spike) Hope that helps
  21. I would guess that it is less like the Well or Kel/Vin/Sazed's ascension, and more like Kelsier in SH:
  22. ^This. Elend's Durlumin+E1Atium is very close to the effect of pure atium. WoB: I don't think there have been any instances showing Pure Atium being burned on-screen, since even the Atium Harmony provided to Marsh was changed back to resemble E1Atium. WoB:
  23. I did not say it prevents them from trying. I merely indicated that I think their priorities were elsewhere and that I doubt the "logical leap" is as easy in-world as you seem to think it would be. Not a Scadrial WoB - but related tangentially: Look at the history of Science IRL - humans knew lightning was conducted by metal for centuries (or longer) before somebody thought "hey can I make this flow through a copper wire to make that filament glow." It's about challenging assumptions and really exploring possibilities. Ironically, had the Set shared some of their studies, the chances these would have been found increase exponentially - but, like an "corporate/government" funded science you end up with executive meddling. . . . . . And, in this case, I took that to be "The Set wants Hemalurgy, we are paying you to study Hemalurgy and make <this> work. Now do what you are told." From an assumption stand-point - it seemed like the Set "knew" There is only metal that can be allomantically burned by a non-allomancer, and those beads no longer exist There is no such thing as a Metalmind that can be tapped or stored by a non-ferring (at least until they meet the SoScads in BoM - which still implied limited to known metals but using tech tricks) Hemalurgy is all about giving power to a Non-MetalBorn - that's the art we want! Why would they challenge those assumptions? It takes a certain mindset to challenge millenia old "knowledge" (of course the world is flat - just look in any direction) and even when a subset does know something (The Vikings discovered North America centuries before Columbus, who didn't even find the continent - just the Caribbean Islands) that knowledge has to be shared before a society as a whole begins to advance their understanding. I'm not saying you are wrong to think as you do, I'm just trying to help explain why I do not think as you do (on this topic). From a narrative perspective, it's likely because much of this was always intended for the next trilogy. Another tangential WoB (Resonances rather than GodMetals): Scadrial is barely starting their Scientific Revolution and actually exploring and learning about what is and what can be. I would guess Brandon is saving GodMetal stuff for Era 3 and 4.
  24. Why would they know this? It's not in the Words of Founding and while Sazed mentions the bead and how it changed Elend, he never calls it Lerasium or montions that any Shard Metal should work for anybody (in fact, it reads to me like he's implying only this one type of bead works for normal people - by granting Allomancy). We don't know if they did or did not try those things, we only know that the Protagonists never discovered such records. However, it felt (to me) like they were laser focused on Hemalurgy, because (as Edwarn says) they felt powers should be held by those that deserve them (BoM Ch 27): But I'm not sure they even know about Era 1 Atium not being real Atium, since Harmony is possibly hiding that information even from Marsh. WoB: Other WoBs: Hope that helps
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