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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Certainly brings new meaning to AHS.
  2. 1. You get Gold and Copper, but with a different color. The Spiritual Change for color does not change the molecular structure of the material. 2. We don't have a good confirmation, but it appears to be through the entire object, dependant on size. For example, the Squirrel that Vasher Awakened turned grey throughout (blood, muscles, etc) - but the God King's Ziggurat only bled to gray to a depth and diameter to meet the color requirement for the Awakening (it was implied to move in all directions from point-of-contact until the amount of required color was fulfilled 3. Yes. For example, a living organic host cannot provide color for Awakening because the <plant/animal/person>'s innate investiture is enough to prevent the color drain. However, it may be possible that a color-drained Metal would no longer function for Feruchemy (or Hemalurgy?). We know that Allomantically, it is the molecular structure that is important (and that has not changed) - but Feruchemy is not using the metal as a path to drawing investiture from the spiritual realm. So, it is possible that Feruchemy would be affected by a color drained metal the same way that Fabrials are affected by color drained gems.
  3. Would it not be better to just have an arm or leg Blade Deadened, then Awaken the "severed" limb? Blood was still flowing, the limb was still intact - it just would have an artificial soul that can be Commanded (and likely be stronger - just as a Lifelss is generally stronger than a normal person).
  4. Actually, Nalthis was planned for AU1, but there was not a short story with which to pair it, and not enough time for Brandon to craft a story for it before his deadline. It was left out and published separately on the website and in the Warbreaker Anniversary Leatherbound (but we are still waiting for Khriss' essay:)
  5. Please see these many Adolin Maya theory threads: Why Maya is healing Deadeye Spren Maya and Adolin's Bond Edgedancer Stoneward WoB: Many have speculated that whatever might be happening there, it could be some new kind of reverse bond - Where in a Normal Nahel Bond, the spren is filling cracks in teh Radiant's Soul - but in RoW Adolin seems to be filling cracks in Maya's soul. . .
  6. The Nicrosil is what makes an Unkeyed Metalmind Unsealed so that anybody can access it (Coppermind) because the Nicrosil is storing the ability to use F-Iron, so you tap that to have the ability to use Iron, then tap or store Iron (in that instance). So, it is like a Coppermind - while tapping you are accessing the stored Manifestation of Investiture. What we do not yet know is how a normal Soulbearer is different, because he has confirmed they are not quitethe same: Hope that helps
  7. Here is what we have so far - they are likely. . . eventually:
  8. Unlikely, Sanderson has said there are some shards with complimentary Intents that would be much easier to merge/work together. WoB:
  9. Whole-heartedly agree, if you read the linked thread (or any of the many other Reading order threads - link has links to many other similar threads), you may notice that I prefer to not actually recommend a reading order to family, friends, and coworkers - I prefer to give them the information on which stories have spoilers or can be spoiled by other stories so they can make informed decisions on what appeals to them (and how many, if any, spoilers they are willing to tolerate). I actually put together my own Cosmere Intro epub - with a list of all of the stories, a short blurb on Shardworlds to help a reader choose where to start, and Brandon's Essays on his "Laws of Magic" which I send to people who ask where to begin (if they have a way to read eBooks and want it, of course). English is my first language, and I still have many spelling errors, don't worry about it and feel free to ask clarification if needed. May I ask what your native language is?
  10. Welcome to the Shard. What I usually recommend to people starting the Cosmere is: There are many Reading Order threads, so it should be easy to search up other thoughts on this topic. As far as "Why" some people consider Elantris "not as good," I feel there are two factors and they be referencing either or both of these based on their own personal preference: Elantris was his first published book, and his sixth written novel overall (see below), where as Mistborn: The Final Empire was his 14th novel written, so he had much more "practice" by the time his other books were published. Elantris is far more cerebral (and politics-based) than stories like Mistborn and Stormlight Archive. Some people simply prefer more action in their stories and therefore prefer those stories and enjoy Elantris less due to that Preference. (Above, I note that Warbreaker is a nice median between the two on the politics/action scale) Publication WoB: Finally, I would like to ask if you are reading the 10th Anniversary edition? If not, you may want to search that out, as there were some changes that needed to be made (which is why a new edition was published for the 10th Anniversary) and the ending can be confusing in the original Edition. There are WoBs about the changes, but since those would have spoilers, I did not post them. Once you finish, if you would like more info on the changes, please let us know (or read this post [spoilers] after you finish which also discusses the changes) Hope that helps.
  11. The WoB we have on this is not definitive, but does have some implications: While Brandon does say they can "go places," he does not say why. Based on the way he says "escape the Expanse of Densities" implies three primary differences, with either or both possibly being the reason they can "go places." It is unclear if any of these factor, or (possibly) all three together are what allows them to move about. Radiant Spren are of two shards, Honor and Cultivation, only one of which is splintered - while Seons are Devotioin only (and Skaze Dominion) which is Splintered Because the base Investiture is different (Devotion) it could be the nature of their bond to "Follow their bonded mortal" - which is an aspect that Honor and Cultivation's Intent would not share Seon's are wholly in the Physical Realm because of how Odium squished the remnants of Devotion and Dominion into the Cognitive - whereas Spren are mostly into the Cognitive, and the Bond pulls them slightly into the Physical (with increased Oaths pulling them more firmly into the Physical) Which implies that if you can get a Seon through a Perpendicularity (protected from the Dor Plasma) and escape the Sel Shadesmar, then they can Worldhop because they are not split between two realms at once (it's closer to how a person Worldhops). (this is my bet as most likely, if only one reason applies) TLDR: We don't really know, but there are some valid lines for theorizing on which, if any, known differences allow Seons to do what they do.
  12. I think our misalignment here is that I think the pure tone of a shard is independent of the vessel that holds it. Leras and Tanavast have been dead for a very long time but the pure tone of Honor or Preservation have not changed. When Vin / Kelsier / Lord Ruler / Sazed ascended I would think it would be mentioned if the tone had changed. Please re-read what I wrote, then read what you wrote. I'm confused how you got "pure tone" out of "Godmetal." I agree that the Pure Tones of a Shard are Shardic in Nature. Doubtful - because Harmonium, Atium and Lerasium are Metals (Solid Physical Realm Investiture) - Navani was able to influence Lights (Gaseous Investiture - possibly not wholly PR based). Maybe the Rhythms of Preservation and Ruin could influence their respective "Mists" but we already saw that Raysium was not influenced by Anti-Voidlight (it conducted it just fine, despite being the Anti-Tone to the Investiture upon which Raysium is based). Likewise, in theory, the Rhythm of Endowment should be able to affect BioChromatic Breath.
  13. . . . When your 85lb GSD makes "Wayne Trades" with the toys
  14. That is not what I was saying (only you can verify if that is what you believe) - what I am saying is that "godmetals" appear to be based on the Vessel - not the Shard. Or, at least not just the Shard - It seems to be the Shard's power and Intent as filtered through the Vessel; hence Vessel-based naming Which implies that Raysium will no longer be the Godmetal of Odium, because Taravangium will replace it (who knows if they will be similar or not) and TOdium is not quite like ROdium was Wax could not do that with the electric current alone - it always failed. . . until he brought Trellium into the Equation It was not the Lerasium and Atium that cause the explosion, it was Trellium and Harmonium. Trace amounts of Lerasium and Atium were discovered in the residue left behind after the explosion. We have not seen it because it is in the Southern Continent, but it might not be as Violent because it would be in liquid state and Shardic Investiture only becomes metallic when manifesting as a Solid in the Physical Realm (Where most perpendicularities are "pooled" investiture piercing all three realms) Hope that helps
  15. Do you have a reference for this, I cannot find it. All I can find is (RoW Ch 76): So, it is a Rhythm (like the Rhythm of Peace (used for telling time)) but not a Pure Tone. So, I beleive Harmony would have a Rhythm, but not a Pure Tone since it is still separated into the Pure Tones of Preservation and Ruin.
  16. Lots of discussion in this thread and this thread. At the risk of sounding foolish, I'll quote my post from there: I'm not sure that is true (discussed here and here). Harmony holds two shards - but only outside observers sometimes consider Harmony to be a single Shard (WoB below), and we don't know if Harmony was a name Sazed gave to himself, or if the survivors of the Catacendre just started calling him that and he accepted the name: Sazed himself does continue to refer to them as separate. More importantly, he explicitly used the Intent when taking them up that they should be two separate powers, working together (HoA Ch 82): The thing to keep in mind is that Sazed never Combined his shards. He does not hold 1 shard with the intent of Harmony, he holds two separate shards Ruin and Preservation and is trying to do so Harmoniously. The other important note is that GodMetals are derived from teh Vessel, not the Shard. E. .g : ATIum not Ruinium LERASium not Preservatium TANAVASTium not Honorium So, Harmonium is named after the Vessel Harmony, not a "Shard" Harmony (and because both Brandon and Saze hated Sazedium): This is why it is unstable, because Sazed's balance is unstable and because he never (by subconcious Intent - ref above quote where he took up the shards) actually made one Shard out of two pieces. In theory, if he had instead thought "Oh, these belong together. Merged they become <new Shard name>" he might not be having the difficulties he is now, because he would be a Vessel to a Single (larger) Shard with a single Intent - rather than a Vessel to two Shards with opposing Intents that he tries to balance. I would guess there cannot be one "mist" until/unless the powers are properly combined - because the Mist is a manaifestation of the Shard, not the Vessel. We won;t know about Rhythm and Pure Tones until we get confirmation if those change when the Vessel changes. If they are based on the Shard, then it should still be Preservation's and Ruin's Pure Tones and Rhythms. If the Vessel can change a Shard's Tone and Rhythm, then I expect there would be a Harmony Tone and Rhythm.
  17. We do not yet have confirmation of how Malatium is alloyed (see below), and the composition would matter. Also, consider that the expanded conciousness of Atium is a "required secondary power" to make use of the Atium - and we also see that Electrum, as used in HoA does not confer the same effect either. So, it may be as simple as: "Atium expands the mind because you are tracking dozens of Atium Shadows outside yourself - Electrum only tracks your own (barring conflict with other's use of Atium/Electrum, which renders both moot) and does not. Therefore, Malatium also does not when you are only seeing one or two Malatium Shadows at a time (as seen in TFE adn M:SH)" But, we do know that there is at least some Mental component, because all Allomantic metals have at least seem mental impact. We know Malatium is Atium + Gold, but what we do not have confirmation on is: Era 1 Atium (already Atium+Electrum) with added Gold - or - Era 1 Atium (already Atium+ Electrum) with the silver removed leaving only Gold in the alloy WoBs: As far as i can recall, the only time we see somebody witness two separate Malatium Shadows is with Vin in TFE, when she sees the Malatium Shadow for both Rashek and Kar (but does not yet understand the metal, and misinterprets what she sees in the Malatium Shadow). TFE Ch 36: So, she sees Rashek's Shadow next to him, then sees Kar's Shadow next to her (since he is holding her from behind).
  18. I'm a big fan. Well, Silverlighters/Silverlitians/Silverlish all sounded wrong, so I figured if the big draw of Silverlight was the University, then the moniker would fit. . .
  19. This is, as yet, unclear. The WoBs: can be thought to imply the possibility, especailly as they are compared to chasmfiends, which we know to have a Gemheart (Axehounds as well - See below) but since it is likely they are decended from Shin Horses (themselves descended from horses brough from Ashyn) it also seems unlikely. Afterall, herdazians and Horneaters are both half-breeds and neither race is known to have a gemheart adaptation. TLDR: There are hints that Ryshadium may have developed a gemheart; but there is not yet any confirmation for any "immigrant species" having developed a gemheart, including (potential) half-breeds like Rhyshadium (assuming parallels between their stone hooves and herdazian fingernails mean a similar "evolutionary" path).
  20. Maybe? However, I can't see it having much information besides "We Don't Know". . . Yolenians - Created by Adonalsium (? - maybe) Scadrians - Created by Preservation and Ruin SoScads - Moved by Rashek (assuming the evolutionary changes don't make them a new species) Selish - Unknown if they Worldhopped or were created there Ashynites - Unknown if they Worldhopped or were created there Rosharans - Worldhopped from Ashyn, but unknown how they got to Ashyn Nalthians - Unknown if they Worldhopped or were created there Threnodites - Unknown if they Worldhopped or were created there Beaconites - Worldhopped from Threnody Komashians - Unknown if they Worldhopped or were created there Drominadians - Unknown if they Worldhopped or were created there Taldainians - Unknown if they Worldhopped or were created there Lumarians - Unknown if they Worldhopped or were created there Eggheads - Residents of Silverlight - Worldhoppers or descendants of Worldhoppers As far as nationalities and part-humans (Horneaters, etc.) - all of that is on the specific Shardworld's page (as applies).
  21. When you see somebody wearing all grey and think "Uh, oh - Awakener, watch out. . . "
  22. Please see this thread: Ookla was Peter's Forum Name for the Time Waster Guild (Archive Link) Forums, which were the predecessor to these forums. Example WoB: Hope that helps
  23. I am unsure if you are asking about Person A using nightblood to kill a Nicrosil Ferring who is filling their storage, or a Nicrosil Ferring storing while weilding Nightblood to kill Person B. For the former, dead Ferring. It won't matter if they stored, tapped or did nothing; if they get hit, they will poof just like any target Nightblood strikes. If the latter, Nightblood will feed on any Kinetic investiture the wielder is accessing, including investiture being tapped from metalminds; and once that runs out, Nightblood will feed on the wielder themselves until the sword is dropped or the wielder is dead. WoBs: Hope that helps
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