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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. I don't think more investiture is necessarily required - after all we see Kelsier travelling from the Cognitive to the Spiritual in Secret History. However, since the SR doesn't have a "where" or "when" I don't think a being (or Shadow) can stay there for long. M:SH Part 2 Ch 1: Likely it takes Intent, and there are probably other mitigating factors about trying to travel to the Spiritual Realm
  2. Welcome to the Shard Of course you can. Being a fan of something or somebody does not imply you like every product (book, song, movie, etc.) there is for that topic/person/group - or even that you have consumed all of that media. May I ask if you had a favorite from amongst the stories you did read? Also, may I ask if you intend to ever read any of Stormlight Archive?
  3. Interesting theory. I would guess it wasn;t so much "I want you to do X, Y and Z" as "Hey, a possible wild-card back-up with a possibility of aiding the 'plan.' " And I would note that you might want to check out (again) what Fuzz said when Kelsier was going toward the Well in Part 1 - Ch 1: Sounds familiar to me. . .
  4. Have you read Warbreaker? Sword-nimi's bond is different than the Nahel bond and would not interfere with his Spren Bond. Spoilers for Warbreaker: WoB: Hope that helps
  5. Welcome to the Shard Keep in mind that the Well's pulses were Preservation's Tone and Rhythm - WoB: So, we have seen Preservation's Tone, and even heard Ruin's (Since Vin hears it every time Ruin appears in the storage cavern). Humming the tones, on Roshar, seems to have an effect on Gaseous Investiture (push and pull) or on beings infused with Investiture (push elicits a pain response) - so I would guess it might draw mists to you (like using allomancy does anyway) or push them away (like hemalurgy does). You haven't lurked long if you think this is a long post. . . Ruin's Anti-tone would likely cause a pain response similar to Raboniel touching the sphere with Anti-Voidlight. It is likely, since Seekers can hear the Rhythms of other investiture; but technically RAFOed. WoBs: Partially, yes - but also partially because the power of Preservation had chosen her at birth shortly before Ruin Corrupted the vessel it chose (same with Alendi):
  6. But, do they really have that much more? They are transferring Allomancy and Feruchemy (so it is a Hemalurgic Charge with a big honking chunk of Preservation on the end representing that power in the spiritweb) - but we do see that while they mostly retain Sapience, they also devolve into mere Sentience in certain situations (such as Marsh's messy "birth" and all the other seen examples of "blood lust"). It's not just Violence that devolves them, any extreme emotions make them uncontrolled (by themselves or others). So, to me at least, they are more "on-the-line" than firmly Sapient. Koloss (and likely Chimerae from SoS) are geting Hemalurgic charges without that chunk of Power so the effect appears to be more pronounced.
  7. Well, Atium is tapping into the Spiritual Realm on the very very short scale - only seconds - which is why Atium Shadows are far more likely to be correct (it fractures exponentially the further forward you are from "now") - which is also why once Vin realized this, she was able to "break" Zane's Atium to defeat him. Well, yes, but also a bit more - closer to a Thanatos Gambit + Batman Gambit + nearly a Xanatos Gambit (not quite all outcomes favoring Preservation's plan - but many possible outcomes favored the Plan since Leras accounted for his death favoring the Plan as well as factored in that Ruin would act like Ruin) Elend's Duralumin+Atium was closer to seeing the actual resolution of the Plan because, based on Atium, it was much closer to "now" and therefore much more likely to be accurate (or at least close). While I think you are spot-on for how Rashek dealt with what he learned - which is why he had so many separate (but sometimes overlapping) plans. Well, we did warn you when you first voiced your upset with Ruin after Hero of Ages - Ruin's schemes were much deeper than you could see from the viewpoints HoA was able to show. Hope you are still enjoying the journey.
  8. Keep in mind that Allomancy is a by-product of the extra bit of Preservation. When Preservation added a bit "extra" to make humans on Scadrial it was so that they would Sapiance (HoA Ch 54 Epigraph* note - Sazed says "sentient" right before "awareness and independent thought" so he meant Sapient): Which is likely why creatures like Era 1 Koloss, who do have more Ruin than Preservation due to hemalurgy, lose Sapience and fall back to Sentience - acting and reacting based on emotion rather than reasoned thought (and Sapience starts returning - like Human - when they start reusing the spikes and their hemalurgic charge has been depleted)
  9. The example was illustrative, not proscriptive. I really dislike the idea of fans having any vote in what gets answers - the core of the idea is Brandon being able to answer the things he thinks deserve answers and will not be covered in future Stories (RAFO). Also, that's why I said "team," For example: And I really think 20% for those first three cuts are probably very low examples. Also, it need not be tied to a Crowd-Funded project (just the easiest example I could think of to spread the word) - any "collect questions - sort - choose - answer" model would be great since it provides choice of topic(s) to discuss; lots of time (unlike signings); and the ability to wordsmith answers.
  10. True, but you can also wish somebody a happy birthday there and @ thm to make sure they are notified of the well-wishes.
  11. At least we know we will get those answers eventually - many of the questions that I posted in the linked thread I have no hope of ever getting answers; since there is no planned sequel that would cover the information, the chances of BS over having an event at the local military base is slim to none, I'm caring for a disabled parent so I will never get to travel to a signing or Q&A, and I'm so rural my only internet is DSL - so I can't "stream" anything to attend virtual Q&As (reddit is off the table for moral reasons). In my "magical happy christmas dream-land" Team Sanderson would add a Q&A Blog to the "Kickstarter" projects. Each backer gets to submit 1 question after the window closes (as part of the backer survey) and as part of the rewards he publishes a Blog entry answering, say, 50 non-RAFO questions from the collected submissions. It would allow him and the team time to find the questions he wants to answer and craft the answers exactly how he chooses; while offing hope to those of us that don't have much chance to ever ask a question directly. . .
  12. Hoid is not currently a Dawnshard, he was a Dawnshard some time in the past long before the events of Stormlight Archive - WoB: Probably not: (Stormlight Archive Spoilers): But could something like this help Nomad (or csomebody else)? I think that is likely (or would at least lessen it the way Nomad did with the Sunheart).
  13. It is possible (theoretically) to bond two spren (and technically it has already been done - details RoW Spoilers). WoBs: Most likely, if it were to happen, it would have to happen early in the Oaths, I think the Bond with the first spren would be too much at 4th or 5th oath to then try to bond a different order's spren at 1st oath. TSM Spoilers:
  14. Yeah, I didn't bother mentioning any of the things we are already expecting to be part of future novels - and Brandon's already indicated we won't get much (or anything) from Radiants Pre-Aharietiam/Recreance until we get Herald Flashback scenes in the back five. Ditto with information about other areas of the Fjordell Empire, since that is expected to be in Elantris 2 and 3; or information on Vasher and company that's expected for Nightblood. Though, I do wonder if/when we will learn more about the Third Selish Empire (if it will be in Elantris 2/3 or a separate story). WoB
  15. Arcanum Unbounded 2 WoBs: I would like stories that try to answer some of the questions left open:
  16. Not quite-WoB (slight Stormlight Archive spoilers): They are not always in the form of Pools (though that is most common) - WoB: Not quite. . . You will get more on this interaction over the rest of the story. To avoid spoilers I will wait for later in case you still have questions. You will also get more information on this as the story progresses, with examples of what happens when that Connection is . . . lacking. Yes, that was the end of WoA when the Mist Spirit enticed Sazed into going to Kredik Shaw, only to have him run into Marsh preventing him from getting to Vin in time. That is the current concensus - though BS did originally plan for that the be a whisper from Kelsier (until he realized it wasn't possible) - WoB: Just to be clear, Snapping isn't something Preservation added to Allomancy - it is a fundamental part of some kinds of Investiture and similar mechanics will appear in other Cosmere stories. It sounds like you are enjoying the story so far and learning that there was, indeed, more depth to Ruin (as you had hoped) than we could see in Hero of Ages (because the viewpoints to show that depth were not available in that story). You will get even more great Ruin scenes as Secret History progresses.
  17. Also, please don't forget we have a Birthday Thread
  18. Keep in mind that part of that specific example is similar to what we see in Tress (spoilers for both):
  19. Nope. it's like the Dalinar quote - What's the most important step - The Next One. My Favorite is the one that I am anticipating (and hoping to avoid spoilers about). Discussed here (don't want to take the thread off-topic)
  20. Oathbringer is my least favorite in SA so far. On most re-reads I have to skip as many Shallan chapters as possible Warbreaker is great (especially with the annotations). Very underrated (as are White Sand and Elantris, IMO). The next one. . .
  21. Copy all, you might update the first post to clarify ":These are things I read and enjoyed, and I would like to see if others have also read or enjoyed them" or something to that effect. But can you see the confusion? The top says "Mark the books you have read. (Even if it is just one in a series)" - PJatO and HoO are both in Riorden's extended Mythologyverse. So, as you explained, some see them as separate series - while others see them as 2 parts of 1 series (that also includes Gods of Asgard, Cane Chronicles, etc. - Just as the Cosmere can be considered a Series comprised of other series). I have no problem with the choice(s) you made, I just wanted to understand them (since there seemed to be discrepancies - e. g. Ender's Game). Also, have you seen the "What are you reading" and "Reading Recommendations" threads?
  22. You have Percy Jackson on there twice (Percy [and the Olympians] and Heroes of Olympus). You mention only Ender's Game, but not the wider Enderverse (see picture at that post), and you mention Carrie but not other Stephen King books. Does "Legend" refer to "I Am Legend?" Also does HHGttG only mean book one, or the series? And you mention Lord of the Flies but not other classics like 1984, Animal Farm, Watership Down or Catcher in the Rye - or even Classic Speculative Fiction like Asimov, H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, etc. This list seems confusing and incomplete. Can you elaborate on what you chose to list and why?
  23. Fortunately, we have a (partial) answer to this already. WoB: I think that this, particularly, would heavily factor on a case-by-case basis. For example, was the individual born sighted or not? How recently has the blindness occurred? etc. The five sense concept is a fallacy (or at least incomplete reasoning) and they would also be able to engage proprioception, equilobrioception, etc. In fact, for some applications, this may even make them more effective, especially if they are adept at providing multiple "senses" as part of their "visualization" (Mistborn Spoilers):
  24. I was referencing a different part of the same Scene (Ch 46): Which, to me, seemed the difference between it snagging the thin end of a bough (low enough and far enough out to be close to Vi's hand) vs the other two examples that were larger branches. But, I agree that awakenings can be strong, I was only trying to show how different examples from teh same person seemed to show slightly different tensile strengths in the Awakening based on how well the Command and Visualization were executed.
  25. Especially if you learned them through the Tom Lehrer Song.
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