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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. It's under 17k words, so fairly short - but having the Durzo POV really makes some of his . . . ideosyncracies. . . finally make sense (as well as a certain relationship). I guess that's why I say polarizing - I. too, had heard a bunch of negatives; but I liked it (and I think I've only talked to one other that liked it). No story spoilers, but discussing tone a bit:
  2. Did you already read Perfect Shadow as well (I did not see it mentioned in the last few pages)? Book 3 can be . . . polarizing (much like Lightbringer Book 5), but I liked it.
  3. Not only that, but some of us are avoiding preview material (SA5 previews/SP5 previews) because we do not want spoilers before publication. It makes me very wary of checking out any communications, just in case.
  4. I hope they help Awesome - hope you enjoy the ride. On a side note: The consideration that is re-read dependant is due to secret history. I'll post in a spoiler so you can come back and check it after you get that far:
  5. It's not so much about wanting to be "better informed" (I do think there are too many "streams") as it is that information should have more than one vehicle, and should be up-front about if the content is spoilery or not. In my "happy place" there would be less total "announcements" but each would have multiple methods of access to reach a greater audience per item. . .
  6. That was not apparant to me, it sounded more like a correction than a concurrence. My Apologies
  7. You both are saying the same thing as far as I can tell. From a fertility standpoint, we have no indication that any forms are infertile. We do know that forms with the Malen and Femalen genders tend to be Asexual and tend to not experience sexual or romantic attraction. Forms with the Male and Female genders may have any sexual orientation, the full range of atttraction, as well as being fertile (and are therefore more likely to reproduce).
  8. Breath does not heal disease - it helps your immune system fight disease, and if you have enough BioChroma, prevents you from contracting it in the first place. Warbreaker Annotations to Ch 41: Note: Lemex Annotations (Spoilers):
  9. So, does that mean this will be a first-time read for everything outside of Stormlight Archive? Or is this a re-read for Mistborn as well? Considerations:
  10. Unpopular Opinions. . . . . . Too many "streams." It used to be that each communication (blog, newsletter, Q&A or stream) was special. Now, it just seems like there are too many to keep track of, and no way to know what is safe and what is spoilery - not to mention the lack of text-based transcripts for the video events (which effectively says "if you can't stream, we don't care about keeping you informed").
  11. BLUF: The "Heart" (formerly up arrow) in the bottom right of a post is how you award Reputation for a post you like. Reputation earns ranks, which display under your name (usually - mobile varies) For more info, Please see: Site Info - Reputation New Reputation Levels What does Reputation mean to you These Stupid Ranks PS: BLUF = Bottom Line Up Front (like a TLDR that comes at the beginning)
  12. White Sand: Did you check the image showing where to find the link? I also found in the FAQ that you can use the "Contact us" form to request a copy of White Sand Prose. Aether of Night: The request section was moved when the forums updated, please find it here. Hope that helps. For reference, here is the "confirmation" email tested on 27 Mar 2024. Note the email title, and it shows the top and bottom (traditional places for the White Sand Link) is missing the previous "welcome" message with the Prose White Sand link: The bulk of the message was a SP5 preview.
  13. But Adolin's hair isn't only because he's part Riran (who, themselves, are only part Iriali) - we just hear about him the most because: Primary Charachter Some Alethi are obsessed with "purity" (Cosmere Death Eaters) WoBs: Ialai reportedly has mixed hair and uses dye to cover it (WoK Ch 54): Borodin is also mentioned to have "dark" (but not Black) hair. Renarin, with the same parents, has Alethi Black hair, with only a few locks of Riran yellow. Inkima (Jakamav's Date) has mixed hair, but dyes it black; while Danlan has mostly auburn hair with some Alethi black and does not dye it. Laral has mixed yellow and black hair, but started dying it when Roshone came. One of the unnamed soldiers in Kal's squad was mixed blond and black hair (WoK Ch 1 - Cenn POV), Teshev has streaks of blonde in her Alethi Black hair, with Violet eyes. That's from searching WoK and WoR, but I can search the other texts if needed. There's also this from the Axies interlude (I-5): Hope that helps
  14. Silver Kingdoms are a different map (linked) but the Oathgate cities would show on both (maps linked).
  15. I must be missing whatever you are trying to point out - all of those dots look the same to me. If Kholinar were meant to portray the capital of Alethkar, I would expect either a different color or different shape. However, I like the map as-is, I was just replying to @1561awe2151151 PS: If you really want to add something, maybe something to signify the 10 Oathgate Locations?
  16. I'll just point out that the primary piece of medallion tech we still have no information on is "Excisor" which certainly sounds like using Hemalurgy to remove an ability (but unlikely to be giving that ability to a person) - possibly making a Hemalurgically charged "device" which is then used, somehow, in the creation of medallions.
  17. Great work, as always. Thank you again. Welcome to the Shard. Aren't the known capitals already on there (Kholinar, Thaylen City, etc.)? Or do you mean changing the "dot" to make them stand out?
  18. You can too - it's just a matter of time and practice. Here's the Tips and Tricks we wrote for searching up references: For example - WoBs that Reference Silverlight (51) vs WoBs Tagged #Silverlight (24)
  19. I'm sorry, I was going by last week the thread was started as "SP5" and this week, it's renamed to the title (which did not seem to match how SPs 1-4 were handled). Admins and Mods rock and I'll shut up now.
  20. He's still locked in the Arcanum hunting Unmade WoBs.
  21. Copy all, I just found it slightly humorous that we used SP1, SP4, etc. for so long, but abandoned SP5 after about a week.
  22. Welcome to the Forums. Be sure to let us know in your profile, or an Intro Post, what Cosmere works oyu have (or have not) read (whichever list is shorter) so that we can avoid spoilers, as necessary. Also, here are some tools and tips of which you may not yet be aware (since each forumis slightly different): From the translation aspect, normally a word like that translates into a phrase or clause (in Korean, for example, the "ju" pronoun is for <something> that is distant from both the speaker and listener - so "ju cha" would the "that car that is over there away from both of us"). I think a mono-linguistic person would not be able to describe or visualize something they did not have vocabulary for, or would have to craft similar phrases to describe that Command (for example, anachronistic comedy that has the "historic person" describing use of a car as "riding and manuevering the metal box" because they don't know the words "drive" or "car" ). I also think that if there was a word for that action, then the Command would probably fail unless the Command were known. If a polylinguist were trying to take something from a learned language and restructure into their native language, then they would have to find the closest word or phrase with a similar connotation to make it work.
  23. I think you missed the point I was trying to make: I was not trying to imply that Kandra "thinking" is better than F-Zinc I was trying to show that it's possible that: F-Steel affects muscles > Kandra "Lobes" are part of their muscles > It's possible that Bleeder saw effects from F-Steel that a human would not experience due to this interaction
  24. It's not about hotwiring Neural paths, it's that Kandra do not have a central nervous system at all - so their "thinking" is more like WAN distributed processing, and the "brain" moving each muscle or muscle group is actually part of that muscle/group. WoB:
  25. If they replaced "cilantro" with KimChi, this might be like something I could find when I lived in Seoul.
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