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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Great theory. Note: This topic was skirted in RoW between Navani and Raboniel - Ch 76: It seems logical that most Ethnicities would have at least some Singer heritage over the thousands of years they have lived on Roshar - even if most don't have enough to have such obvious effects as the Herdazian nails and Unkalaki Jaw bones. Not just Hair color patterns, but Thaylen Eyebrows are more like Singer hairstrands, Babatharnam's shallow vein-patterns, etc.
  2. The way I think of it is: F-Steel makes muscles move faster - Physical Movement, and WoB-Confirmed digestion (which uses abdominal muscles) with some Required Secondary Powers of slightly increased metal burning (WoB) and slightly increased thought (wrt reaction timing requirements - dodge the weapon but not write a Thesis thinking) F-Zinc makes neurons fire faster - Mental thought, reasoning, logic, deduction, inductive reasoning, etc with some minor Required Secondary Powers of slighty increased reaction timing (neurons controlling muscles relay instructions quicker, but the muscles do not move faster).
  3. Is there a reason that the Title of the SP5 spoiler discussion is now a Name spoiler itself?
  4. This reminds me of one of my favorite sections of Codex Alera:
  5. It might be different for each order, but the people we have seen for Windrunners and Skybreakers do need to swear the first oath before they can become Squires. Specifically, Lopen and Szeth are both shown to have Sworn the first oath before becoming a Squire - and Ki specifically tells Szeth in OB Ch 90 that the first oath is required to become a Squire Skybreaker. Lopen also tells both the Windrunner hopefuls (OB Ch 46) and the wounded after the Battle of Thaylenah that you start with the first Oath to become a Squire and hope to attract a Spren. The Squires for whom we don't have confirmation are Shallan's Squires - who do not swear the first Oath on-screen before we see Vathah draw stormlight for the first time in the restaurant.
  6. It's in the text - they fled the Fused. Since there were no Fused during the False Desolation (only Forms of Power - supplied by BAM), the Last Legion had to have left before Aharietiam when Fused were still on Roshar (References WoR I-4, RoW Ch 48).
  7. Reading Reccommendations are in this thread, suggestions in-thread are added to the first three posts for ease of locating.
  8. Fortunately, we actually get to see the difference on-screen - in the Marsh vs Sazed WoA Fight: So, you need F-Zinc to think/compute, but F-Steel will allow you to react.
  9. You should try the omnibus instead (follow the link in that post for more information). I think, generally, "corruption" (which should probably just be called change or modify) is actually less of a thing. Because, even though Odium "corrupted" a lot when he first arrived (hoping to not invest in the system, and therefore be able to leave after doing what he came for) - everything else is already a mix of Honor and Cultivation (even Honorspren are not 100% Honor, nor are CultivationSpren 100% cultivation) - just like we saw no Red indications on Scadrial Era 1 because everything already has some Preservations and some Ruin - so even when they messed with things, it never shoed the Red of "corruption." until Trell (an Outsider) started messing with things. Now, single shardworlds, where any change by anybody else would have the tell-tale Red indications. . .
  10. I think you have the timeline confused. Aharietiam was 4.5k years ago (the Prelude to SA in WoK - showing the Heralds leaving their swords). The False desolation was 2k years ago (which led to the Recreance). The Listeners have (likely) been separated from other Singers since before the events in the WoK Prelude. The linguistics to which that WoB Refers is picking out the "Ado" syllable, based on (Oathbringer Ch 49): Adolin = Born unto Light. We don't have references for Ba (except, maybe, Babatharnam, or possibly some Thaylen prefixes), and the closest we get to Mishram is Mishim (the Moon).
  11. It does not have to be against anybody's will, and the investiture does not have to be unwanted. Shai's "Shaizan" stamp still leaks red smoke, and she does that to herself with her own investiture. It's any change from the normal or any outside adjustment. If, before Tanavast was killed and Honor Splintered, an OdiumSpren asked "I want to be honorable, can you help me?" and he did, it would still be "Red" because it is a change and different, but would not be against Intent to help a Spren become more Honorable. . .
  12. Do you mean Adolin? Kaladin sees her draping the cloak, but not fighting that way. Not that it matters, I (at the time) took it to be that she was keeping it in contact with skin so that she could Awaken it, as/if needed; not that it was already serving some purpose being awkened and draped (although it could be a "Protect me" awakening, as seen in Warbreaker). Oathbringer:
  13. Keep in mind that "corrupt" here means changes to the Spirit web from outside Investiture. So, yes, any shard can "corrupt" something from a different shard. Manifestations of Investiture can also cause corruption (that's what's happeneing with Forgery, and why a soulstamp bleeds off with red "smoke" (as mentinoed in the WoB you posted). The thing about this is, how do you define "spren?" After all, in some ways, a Seon or Skaze can be considered a Spren. But, if you mean "Spren" in the way Brandon mentions in the WoB (Related to Roshar) - then the only known Spren there that are not already associated with Honor and Cultivation are the OdiumSpren that appear Golden/Yellow (the Red/Violet ones are Honor/Cultivation spren Corrupted by Odium). So, which Spen would you think Cultivation might alter? PS: Did you ever finish White Sand? Which version were you reading?
  14. Understood about a forum; but if, for example, General Discussion can have both htreads and subforums - why can't Spoiler Zone have both threads (SA5, SP5) and Subforums (TSM Spoiler board, TSM Cosmere Board)? Just trying to "brainstorm" options so, if needed, we have ideas upon which to fall back.
  15. Shameless bump - updated and indexed posts 1-3 on page 1.
  16. Well, we see that Vivenna cannot sense Clod (or Jewels). Right, but is that because of Investiture or because of Sapience? Well, Riino, as an Elantrian Ire, could tell Kaladin was invested - we know he "sensed" Kaladin, but we do not know if that was also how he determined that Kal was invested, nor do we know if Riino's methods were based on BioChroma, related (same principals), or entirely different. Do you have the WoB for this half, because that's the one I said I could not find in my earlier post? Agreed that A-Bronze is "sensing" kinetic investiture rhythms, but I cannot confirm if Life Sense is any Innate Investiture, or Innate Investiture of or bonded to Sapience.
  17. I don't know if we have an answer to this, but I have a set of Alters prepped if I ever get to a signing (unlikely) and I hope to have him sign one for me:
  18. Unclear if it is sensing "invetiture" generally, or Breath specifically. In this WoB (annotation): It's implied that Breath is what specifically being sensed - the increase in "life" - which would imply you could sense anything "Awakened" even if it were not Awakened with BioChroma, but not just general "investiture." Granted that annotation was more about 4th Heightening, not 7th (but there do not appear to be any WoBs on Seventh Heightening, except the one where he is discussing Instinctive Awakening, and cannot remember when answering if that was sixth or seventh (it is Sixth)
  19. The Website was upgraded recently and the base service upon which we function has turned off special characters in names because it is a security risk. Legacy names retain their previous spellings (but will be unable to return to that spelling if changed). Hope that helps
  20. That was certainly my take, and as I recall it was the general concensus in the spoiler period, that Hoid's line there was a reference to Ishar's Experiments
  21. The Prime Forum has both spoilered and spoiler-free discussion on just this topic. My response to just this question can be found here (which includes excerpts from Bradons Essay in Altered Perceptions on why he published those chapters), but I generally recommend Altered Perceptions for people on-the-fence, since it has a few sample chapters from Prime and can give a good idea if you might enjoy the alt-history version. Some of those chapters are also on the website. A Bullet-point style list of "differences" can be found here (Spoilers in link). Prime-Slight Spoilers Some people loved WoK-P (like Frustration), some hated it - but I was middle of the road. I do not have a problem keeping the info separate from Canon, because so much is different (maps, most locations, personalities, etc.)
  22. IIRC, the last time it was mentioned, one of the admins said (paraphrased) that if it happens it has to wait for SP4 spoiler period to end. So, later this year, maybe?
  23. It was discussed more in WoK-Prime - the "big magic knights" inspiration for Roshar was about Dead Shardbearers - just as we see demonstrated by Dalinar and Adolin in WoK and WoR. The Knights Radiant are something else entirely. Prime Spoilers:
  24. Since you said this is a re-read, I'll go spoilers off for published material (SA1-4, Novellas 2.5, 3.5) Not so much "entering" Shadesmar (at least not on purpose) as "looking into" Shadesmar to more easily "work" with the Cognitive Aspects of what is being Soulcast (see WoR Prologue [Jasnah], and WoK Ch 45 [Shallan] for accidentally going too far) - also Willshapers, who share the Surge of Transportation can also "peek" into Shadesmar (see RoW Ch 11 [Venli]) There is a difference between normal Soulcasting and forced Soulcasting, and her doing this was foreshadowing that she was Radiant (a Fabrial Caster could not have done this) and that she was experienced in her Surge She forced a change to their spiritweb, which also seems to consume more light. There is much here (and at the Battle of Thaylenah) that is still not fully explained yet though The stone broke because Jasnah rigged it to do so (see below) It's not that only Elsecallers can travel there - it's that they are considered more closely tied to Shadesmar because both of their surges interact with Shadesmar. Lightweavers can go (accidentally) but can't return to the Physical Realm unaided using only Transformation. Willshapers (presumably) can travel in both directions like an Elsecaller, but cannot Soulcast Hope that helps
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