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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. I discuss Reading order in depth here (and many other reading order threads). But, really the key things to keep in mind is that there is no single "correct" reading order (and the "opinion maxim" applies). It is, in my opinon, far more important to enable people to make informed decisions so they can craft a reading order for themselves that suits their preference(s). Publication order is always a solid choice, but only applicable for people who have not yet started Cosmere (or "accidentally" started with one of the first three). As mentioned elsewhere, I have known people whose first Cosmere was "Thrill" or Sixth of the Dusk (and other "anthology" releases) - when you have already started out-of-order, trying to then follow publication order is less helpful Links: Which book next What Book to Start On "Best" Cosmere Reading Order Reread Order My Reading Order At the risk of quoting myself, here's the most relavent bit:
  2. They are seen working in WoK Interlude 9 No - different mechanism (as mentioned by @Argenti See this Coppermind Page
  3. Copy all, I had not seen that WoB. Though it begs the question - why are other attributes capped at storing about 80%, but F-Iron can store 99%? Just to make sure we are on the same page - do we agree that Storing 80% would be insufficient - but storing over 90% might work (as long as however you manage your footwear does not break surface tension in the act of taking steps)?
  4. ^That's why I mentioned that.^ If you have ever used snowshoes, you can understand how "special shoes" with enough surface area for weight displacement would be difficult to use quickly - and I think even reducing to 30-40% weight would still require "shoes" so large that movement becomes impractical - and I am unconvinced that a skimmer could reduce below 25-30% - not to mention storing F-Iron does nothing to reduce the weight of your clothes and gear. Snowshoes require a very controlled and deliberate pace IME, and I would expect that aspect to be amplified by crossing a liquid medium. I don't think strength helps - and may even make things worse, as pushing too strong while moving will only make it more likely to break the surface tension of the water, not reinforce the surface tension to provide floatation.
  5. I don't think a Skimmer could reduce mass to 10% or less to get a vertical float (and would then probably topple over trying to move). Insect and animals that acheive the feet are doing so through 4 or more points of contact, low weight, distributed across a large "surface area" of water. In the case of the lizards and frogs, it also includes enlarged foot pads that both distribute weight and trap bubbles of air between the water's surface and the bottom of the foot. In the case of the bipedal Basilisk Lizard, it travels at 1.5 m/sec for 2-3 seconds of super-surface travel time before sinking. So, in a human, you would not only require something like the specialized fringes on their feet, the ferring would have to also have F-Steel for speed (analysis): @JustQuestin2004 Maybe on all fours. Crawling - and likely requiring hand and knee pads for larger surface displacement. . .
  6. @Duxredux already covered it, I just wanted to post the WoBs (edited to the relvant bit for length) from which the information comes:
  7. Doubtful. Floating or sinking is not about speed (no matter what the Flash thinks) and only tangentially related to weight - it's about surface tension and water displacement (where more water is displaced for heavier ships). The tread surface of a foot/shoe would never displace water sufficient to float a human body vertically. Even a snowshoe type device is likely to be insufficient, because the size necessary for displacing liquid would preclude function for movement.
  8. WoBs to facilitate discussion: Hope that helps
  9. Here are the WoBs addressing this: Basically, you're right. Nomad has a Torment because he views what is happening based on being a Dawnsliver to be a Torment.
  10. No worries. The SP5 title will be covered by Spoiler Policy and would have to be under a spoiler tag until the book releases anyway (or should be).
  11. Benkinsky likely means SA5 (Winds and Truth - Formerly Knights of Wind and Truth)
  12. Or Big Bean (as the case may be). . .
  13. There has been speculation that this applies to: (White Sand Spoilers) Right, so without a Linchpin, there would only be three spikes total (and therefore no need for a linchpin). Trellium needs to be the source of healing (even if that healing is not F-Gold and Marasi only thought it was). More later - errands to run. . .
  14. I think that is still in doubt, because it is possible he was using an A-Steel Allo Grenade and Wax (having not seen them before this point) did not know how the lack of Intent made it affect everything in a radius. So, he might have been using a bubble like Wax, or Wax might be misinterpreting the situatino due to lack of knowledge.
  15. Welcome to the Shard. The main thing to remember about Warbreaker (and Nalthis) is that the Manifestation of Investiture is warped by Endownment's Intent. WoB: So, even normal Awakening is about "giving capacity" to the Awakened object, just as giving away your breath means it changes Identity to fit the Recipient. This also ties into why breath cannot be reclaimed from Lifeless, as the corse is "close enough" to life that the Breath changes to the Lifeless' Identity and no longer belongs to you.
  16. It is implied that the Trellium Spike was F-Gold. TLM Ch 6: With only four spikes, he should not have required a Linchpin Spike, so the fact that the healing stopped when the Trellium Spike was removed is the clue. It could be some other unknown interaction between mixing normal and Trellium spikes, however since we get no further data.
  17. But what is happening with Kaza is the same that happened to Koloss and Chimerae - the Spiritweb is damaged, and that damage reflects through to their physical body in the form of deformities. Kaza started losing pieces of her body to the Nan essence (as expressed in her spiritweb), Koloss had their skin turn into a kind of one-size fits-most unitard they had to grow into (then break when grown beyond it's size), Bleeder's Chimerae deformed into a "primal" state without losing some of their human attributes: Savantism physical changes are not about expressing the magic in the body - they are about expressing the spiritual damage caused by the magic in the bodies. Sometimes (like Kaza) those can be confused.
  18. Interesting analysis. However, a coinshot would never get an allomantic effect without burning - there is no Kinetic investiture to provide the effect. Please note that with Savantism either - <something> is increased while employing the magic, and the same <something> is depressed when not employing the magic - or - <something> is increased where you want, but also increased where you do not want. For example, when Spook was not burning Tin all of his senses were deadened and dulled in proportion to the amount of gained sensitivity while Burning Tin. WIth Kaza, she had increased control and range (amount of material per use) for making things change while using her soulcaster, but increased difficulty in preventing herself from changing too (along with the physical repurcussions of too much Nan essence in her spiritweb).
  19. Close enough. Just keep in mind that for Example type 1, the Spiritweb is not changing at all. The Spiritweb is based on the concept of the Platonic Ideal - so if your Cognitive Identity (filter) is within the range of the Spiritweb's Ideal, then things flow and healing matches the filtered Ideal. It's only when the Cognitive Filter is outside of that Ideal that some method is required to change the Spiritweb. Which is also why Hemalurgic Constructs have such "deformities" (Koloss warped by the damage to their Spiritweb from four Spikes, Chimerae changed by their Trellium spike, etc.) - and also why (most likely) Yumi's situation exists, because now it is her spiritweb connected to Painter's body, also passing through her Cognitive Filter - so the body just changes to match.
  20. I don't think that's how it works. It's more like: Spiritual: I am a human. Cognitive: I view myself as this kind of human. Spiritual: I am this kind of human. - or - Spiritual: I am a human. Cognitive: I view myself as <something other than human>. <Inject investiture to alter spiritweb> (quantity based on type/kind/qty of change) Spiritual: I am <something other than human>. That's why Forgery can change some things, but cannot change other things without outside investiture (because the amount inherent to Forgery is too small for amny changes) So, yes, there is a plausibility range to what can be affected. There are also other factors (such as Returned, being Cognitive Shadows, can more easily change some things than a normal person) - but that plausibility range is also affected by how invested the person/soul is (e. g. Yumi in Painter's body - her Spiritweb was so massively invested that it just overwrote his body while she inhabited it).
  21. Identity is (likely) a component of all three realms - Spiritual, Cognitive, and Physical. This is most easily seen in Warbreaker, because of the nature of BioChroma (but also referenced in Emperor's Soul and seen in the Cognitive Identity of Beads in Roshar's Shadesmar). For Example: You may want to check out this post.
  22. Welcome to the Shard Others have mentioned some considerations, so I won't dupicate that information; I'll just mention something that has not yet been discussed. Don't forget the tech level of that society. Greenhouses, in Europe really began in the 17th century, but didn't progress until the 1800s. Even then, it was a fledgling science. Scadrial may be ahead in its understanding of metalurgy, but it remains significantly behind in the understanding of biology, botany and agriculture (as will become apparant when you continue to Era 2). Even if a greenhouse (maybe built atop tenements) were viable in the situation, they simply did not have the understanding to make them (except maybe the Keepers - who were nearly extinct by this time). Also, keep in mind the ashmounts and mist all filter out light (their sun appears Red due to high-atmospheric ash), so even if you are keeping the mists and ash away from the plants, there would not be enough light getting to the greenhouse. Great lateral thinking though. Thank you.
  23. Welcome to the Shard. Please let us know in your profile (or an Intro Post) what you have or have not read (whichever list is shorter) so that we can avoid spoilers (if necessary). Well, that might depend on your definition of "harm." Have you read Dawnshard? (Spoilers) But "healing" can absolutely cause significant changes to a body. YatNP Spoilers: In fact, it might be better to say that Invested Healing isn't actually healing as applied to oneself, it is simply investiture changing the Physical based on the Spiritual Ideal filtered through the Congnitive Identity. It is implied (but not yet confirmed IIRC) that (Warbreaker Spoilers) Hope that helps
  24. I don't hate any of them enough to do something like that to them. I mean, what would you tell Wax? "Here, please be a tacit accomplice to murder so you can be more powerful. It's not like soul maiming has ever had bad effects, just look at Voldemort TLR Kar The Set Marsh. . . you've met him, he's a great bloke." TLM Spoilers:
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