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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Great. Definitely have done similar with toast and Italian bread. Depending on time available, another one we'll occassionally do is biscuit pizza. Take 3-4 pre-made ready-to-bake biscuits out of their package, cut into quartersand place them jigsaw-like in an 8x8 pan, then press lightly to fill the gaps (or add another biscuit). Bake for 2-3 minutes less than package directions, remove from oven and top with preferred pizza toppings. Return to oven for another 12-18 minutes until dough is cooked through and toppings are perfect. The result can be sliced and served, but tends to eat like a hybrid pizza/monkey bread. I'lll see if I can't edit this post with a picture next time we make one.
  2. The Way of Kings ebook was published with much lower resolution images, and (as far as I know) there have been no new versions changing that. For example: WoK Chapter headers: PNG 300x163px - WoR: 1536x818 px WoK Internal Art: (avg) JPG 390x590px - WoR 1360x2050px I actually bought WoK epub back when it was a new release, and bought a new copy about a year ago, hoping it had been updated with higher resolution images now that Sanderson is popular enough to get higher-quality ebooks (and hoping it had maybe been updated for the 10th anniversay), but the new one was the same as the old one. I was able to manually update my epub by editing it in Calibre and changing out each image with the higher resolution downloaded through the Coppermind. However, that still does not fix the chapter headers, because I have not found any place to get better-than-300px versions of those images. I'm not sure if that kind of fix would be viable with a Google book though since I have never used that platform (Kobo e-ink readers for me). Hope that helps.
  3. I noticed the OP hadn't answered yet what they had or had not read, and I thought you were being circumspect for spoiler reasons so I followed suit. Just, overabundance of caution I suppose.
  4. So, 1175.6.3.1 would be (Rosharan) 1 Month and 1 day afterward (if I have that right). Cause Bondsmith StW was: So pointing to the contest seemed plausible.
  5. Probably not connected since SP5 is supposed to be future - but I noted that the Say the Words were all prefaced similarly: But if it is SA5 rather than SP5, could it be the (Rosharan) date of the Contest?
  6. Yes. We have discussed this before. Both valid theories, pending more evidence or WoB.
  7. While not used in that scene, my current theory is that the reason he has his scars and eye-holes marked on his cloak is to assist when he uses an ". . . as if you were me" command (since it more closely mirror's him, it helps that command function more cheaply).
  8. Search - Quiz - Summaries Which Order are you? Regarding the Orders of Knights Radiant An oddity with the Knight Radiant quiz Is there a sorting hat style quiz for Knight Radiant orders? Official Knights Radiant Quiz At the risk of being considered a narcissist, I'll just quote a previous answer: Hope that helps
  9. Please do not double-post. If you have something to add and your post is still the most recent, simply edit your post (information on how to do so was left for you in this thread). Forum policies can be found here. Also Thread Title Tags that apply can be found here (Discuss). Hope that helps I see three interpretations of your question, but am unsure which one you mean: If an object is made from those metals, it can be soulcast into anything else (just like any non-aluminum object - with the same considerations and limitations) If you mean making an object into thos metals, then you would need a Soulcaster attuned to the Kak essence (Metal) and using at least one Amythyst If you mean using them in Fabrial Cages, then Soulcasters do not use the same construct that trapped-spren fabrials do. In fabrials that do use metals to affect the gems and spren, these metals would likely have no affect because they are not one of the 17 known metals which affect investiture 16 Scadrian Metals + Silver (not including God Metals) Hope that helps
  10. Actually, that is not what that WoB is saying. Vin has never burned Lerasium - the WoB means that since she started with Allomantic potential. after 1 bead each she would have more total Alomantic potential. However, the "becomes Mistborn" is not the primary effect of Lerasium. So, a Mistborn that knows Lerasium has a primary effect would get a different result (that is still currently RAFO). So, correct, but incomplete- WoBs:
  11. Unlikely that Preservation's investiture could "heal" a splinter of Endowment.
  12. Welcome to the Shard. be sure to let us know in your profile, or an Intro Thread, what you have (or have not) read (whichever list is shorter) so that we can avoid spoilers if necessary. Also, here are some tips and tricks with which you may not yet be aware (as each forum is slightly different): Basically, we don't really know for sure yet. There are a few theories (see below) but because of the way that Southern Medallions are descibed, most people think it is storing/tapping a Manifestation of Investiture, rather than raw investiture. WoB: Now, if a Nicrosil Ferring will actually be the same - we'll find out in Era 3. Here are some threads on the topic: Compounding Nicrosil F-Nicrosil what the??? F-Nicrosil and Feruchemical Efficiency How do you use Nicrosil
  13. That is not what I got out of that WoB at all. A Drab cannot be an absense of Innate Investiture - they still have to have a Spiritweb so they have to have some level of Innate Investiture. It just happens that what they have is about what we-the-readers have (since most readers should, in theory, have a soul) I only thought he was saying (basically paraphrased) "I used to say 'we' were not Drabs, now, I think we would be roughly equivalent to Drabs, because they share our susceptibility to disease - but a normal Cosmerian is slightly tougher than that." TSM Spoilers:
  14. Thanks for the updated WoB. I knew it was fifty, the "?" was indicative of making sure my "bar napkin" math checked out (if a 10% scadrian needed to be 50%+ for allomancy snapping = X*5, and if a misting were to be "about 10 breaths" invested - then a mistborn would be about 50 (first heightening). Which seems to jibe with the "Scadrian metalborn are on the lower side of innate investiture." I still don't see how your WoB changes my analysis though - since I was not comparing to we-the-readers (being or not being Drabs). It was only based on the WoB that "Drabs < normal Cosmere Denizens < people with 1 breath" (which can probably be extrapolated to Drabs < normal Cosmere Denizens < Nalthians with 1 breath < Non-Nalthians with 1 breath). TSM Spoilers: Good discussion.
  15. Of course, the onle thing I did not double check while reviewing the epub. . . Thanks again.
  16. Well, that's why I said 2d or 3d - though maybe First Heightening might be a better correlation. Technically it's not 600 souls - it's 600 breaths where 1 Breath is a fragment of a soul: So if the innate investiture scale is Drab < Non-Nalthian < person with 1 Breath - then a single breath on it's own is likely < 50% of the amount of innate investiture in a non-Nalthian. We also know that non-mistings (who presuambly have more innate investiture than a drab) are below the 40% threshold for Allomancy - HoA Ch 49 Annotations: So, if a 10% Scadrian cannot be snapped by the mists, but a 30% can be snapped by mists and a 50% can be snapped by normal Era 1 methods (without requiring the extra investiture the mists grant when snapping) - then a singe Breath is unlikely to be more than 40% Innate investiture. So, I would guess a Misting's innate investiture to be around 10 Breaths(?) making Lerasium Mistborn about the same as first heighting(?). It's only bar napkin math, but does that pass the common sense test? Edit: Green (Argent), Red (Chaos), and Blue (LTT) all reading the same thread at the same time. . . summoned by BioChromatic breath?
  17. More like Third Heightening (it was all of Vivenna's storage), and a very complex Command (perfected through practice). Warbreaker Ch 56: I feel like the "fight for me as if you were me" would only be marginally useful to most people (and would need about a century of practicee to perfect), and separate awakenings like Vi does in Ch 53 would generally be more useful and allow a broader application base, as the situation needs:
  18. While I agree that permanent Heighteneings are the most likely result of Burning Edglium, I doubt it would be the same amount as a Divine Breath (a single "bead" is likely less "Sliver" than a full fifth-Heightening Divine Breath "Sliver"). Agelessness would be huge from a single bead. However, I could see second or third heightening as a permanent result from burning Edglium. As a metalmind, maybe it could store whatever quality Color is used to fuel? Hemalurgy - who knows. Maybe the "Giving Investiture" would just fail to be used for theft. . . Edit: My apologies @LewsTherinTelescope, I thought this was Cosmere Discussion. . .
  19. No worries, everybody is new at some point. As shown in the screenshot I posted, if you go to Home > Forums you will see a description under each header about what discussion belongs in that section. For Example, this forum (17th Shard Discussion) is labeled: Discuss all site things, like Shardcast and more, in this forum! Which means it is for discussing things about the forum itself (navigation, how to use forum tools, how reputation works etc.) as well as forum policies. Books themselves may be discussed in the Cosmere section has the forums for different areas in the Casmere (as shown in the screenshot above), the Non-Cosmere Works for other things (Rithmatist, Alcatraz, etc.), and the Spoiler Zone (for new releases - the linked policy above discusses how long new works remain in the Spoiler section). Hope that helps
  20. Please note that this area is spoiler-free and all book discussion belongs in the proper forum. (see below) You can ask an Admin to move the thread by using the report feature on the first post (three dot menu at the top-right of the post). Here are some other tips and tricks of which you may not yet be aware. I've already reported this post to have it moved.
  21. Apologies for being unclear. I meant it the same way @Duxredux explained it, i.e. Plate magnifies input, but top-power of Plate is limited and is not additive with native strength of the user. My post was merely to reply to alder24 as to why Dalinar is tired despite using Plate. No worries. I think it was the "in any way" phrasology that got me (it seemes to imply both the low and high end of the enhancement curve, not just top-end).
  22. Concur. Just like the "shardblades are light" myth that was Jossed in WoR where Zahel had to clarify (paraphrased) "light in respect to somebody who knows how much a broadsword should weigh and expects something much heavier based on size." Novice fighters will think (often subconciously based on film media) "oh, this metal thing means I can hit anything as hard as I want with no bad effects" and subsequently break their carpus/metacarpus/phalanxes. But then there are also many other factors involved like the mechanics of actually punching correctly (much less punching with Knuckles correctly). All weapons (including Plate) are tools, and need training to be used properly (or risk the consequences of using them improperly).
  23. I think we are on the same page. The post to which I was responding seemed to imply any amount of force results in maximum output (e.g. a "swat" like you would a shoo a fly hits just as hard as a full damage-intended slap), and that was what I was trying to point out as not likely to be correct. If I understand your sentence correctly, that's a myth. Brass knuckles do not "let you punch harder" - they simply do more damage to the opponent (or thing) with less damage to you for the same amount of applied force (note, less damage =/= no damage, training injuries with brass knuckles from improper use are not uncommon). Yes, I have hit a force meters (like StrikeMeter) with and without brass knuckles. Yes, downward strikes can benefit (slightly) from the added weight, just as straight or upward strikes are inhibited by the weight (slightly slower strikes, can be mitigated by practice and training). Now, I apologize if by "harder" you only meant more damage, not more applied force.
  24. That's probably a question for @The Bald Brandon: I've read the original trilogy but none of the "added" material (books 4+). I loved Red Rising (the book), but was less enthused by book two and had to force myself to finish book three. But I admit that it's very much a YMMV series; some of the characters just really bothered me, and that made it hard for me to continue.
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