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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Of course it is affected by his strength, or we could not possibly have scenes like Renarin learning to eat in Plate (little strength, fine motor skills). A small action with little muscular strength does not engage the full strength of the Plate - the enhancement is proportional to the effort involved in the action (and likely influenced by Intent as well - at least subconsciously). Also, reinforced by this scene in WoK (Ch 69): So a gentle touch is still enhanced, but far less so. A powerful swing of the hammer is enhanced to the full strength of the plate. Thinking about it, if the enhancement were not proportional to the effort expended, then Shardbearers would be unable to walk; since every step would propel them in a run at the Plate's full strength. . .
  2. This, at least, was mentioned in HoA. Ch 33: If TenSoon did not store the wolfhound, and the dog bones were stored with hair and nails - then in the implication is that when a body is abandoned and stored, it is habit retain all the "accessories" that go with the bones unless there is a reason to discard them (such as fire damage to the hair). This, too, is implied by Annotations and WoB: Although I think it's more likely that they are not "memorizing" each hair - so much as "human body hair follows <patterns>" and recognizing "this body follows this pattern with <exceptions>. So, if the details for a given set of bones are stored in a specific "lobe" then you don;t need to actively remember that so much as access that lobe when you need to recall that information.
  3. Actually, it was OreSeur that consumed Kell's corpse, not TenSoon. TenSoon just made it up by generalities and remembering the one time he had seen Kelsier while spying for Venture (HoA Ch 52): But your point still stands, a fresh enough body should have fingerprints copied (just as blood type is copied).
  4. Welcome to the Shard. Here are some tips and tricks you may not yet know (as each forum is slightly different): Well, we know that as-of WoK Szeth has been absent from his homeland for seven years (WoK I-4): What we do not know is when Nale recovered his Honorblade, but this exchange with Kal and how Szeth responded to finding out that Ishar has also recovered his blade makes it seem as if he was not aware that any of the Honorblades had been recovered (until Nale tells him at the end of WoR-Ch 88). As @alder24 points out, the scene in OB implies that the Skybreaker Blade disappeared long ago, but we don't know if he knew Nale was the one to recover it before Nale told him. He may have believed it stolen ("disappeared") and therefore "at-large" such that somebody other than a Herald might be using it. But, yes, he is delusional.
  5. Based on this bit from WoK Ch 69, and other clues sprinkled throughout, I think it may be possible - but likely only with Intent, not as a "default yes." So, if even dead plate can transfer things like some senses (but implied to block others - if the Helm does block battlefield smells) then it should be possible for Connection to the Plate with proper Intent to allow some (most|all?) MoIs to work from/inside/through Plate.
  6. Not definitively. Many believe it to be U-Tol, mostly because of the presence of Sho Del and because it was introduced in another secret project. However, since we do not know how many worlds the Sho Del inhabit, we cannot definitively narrow it down yet.
  7. Right, that's the in-world explanation. But for that to be the legend, there must be truth upon which it is based, and the Words of Founding Epigraphs make a point of repeatedly hammering home: Mists are Preservation Beads are Preservation Elend became Mistborn because he ingested the power of Preservation TLR created the first Mistborn (himself) with the power TLR offered the powers of Mistborn to rulers that bent the knee to him So, yes, there is nothing that "says" Mistborn is a double meaning obfuscating the beads - but the implication drips from most of the epigraphs and annotations all through Hero of Ages. Afterall, how could TLR have offered to make somebody "Mistborn" with a bead if he had not already coined the term? Alendi did not know he was an Allomancer (or a Seeker) and they did not have the lexicon to even name those things at the point he travelled to Terris.
  8. Yes, more specifically from the policy: Here are some tools with which you may not yet be aware: Ideally, you would start a new topic and either paste a quote from the old topic to which you are replying (quoted sections include a link to the original post - see above, the small right-arrow-swoosh on the right side of each quote header) - or - Just mention the original thread and add the link (for those that want to go back and read the old topic). In some instances, like this Moash example, you can even add a list of old thread references to help add context. Hope that helps
  9. Don't forget that Tin/Pewter are internal metals, and Zinc/Brass are external metals. So, it is likely that the first pair increase/diminish <something> coming from the spren in the gemstone (heat from the Flamespren in a heating fabrial), while the latter incerase/diminish <something> external to the spren in the gemstone (implied by the term "manifest" in the epigraph).
  10. Right, but in the ontext of the question, I stand by my thoughts that you quoted. TLR had "help" from the Well. Inquisitors had help from TLR, The Set had help from Shardic insight (Autonomy-as-Trell), Kelsier had help from being a Sliver. Even Paal likely had Trellish help to make the Chimrae with Trellium Spikes. So, from the standpoint of an unknown "discovering" Hemalurgy through accidental insights and scientific method without outside assistance. . . very low for a single event to happen and work - near 0% to atually "solve" a majority of bindpoints, metals and how they work and interact. This seems far too much like reation to be somethign Ruin would have pursued while trying to destroy Scadrial. He had all the tools he needed. More than, since there were tools he didn't really use much (Kandra).
  11. This (WoA Ch 54): Those are the only relevant uses of "protect" around the Siege of Luthadel
  12. I think you have that backward. If Moash at any time begins to genuinely feel the remorse that Old Dalinar felt over his actions, he may become worthy of earning a Redemption arc the way that Dalinar did.
  13. The thing is, WoK might have the highest "reread bonus" in the Cosmere - there are just so many small details, chekhov's guns, etc. that I defineitely found some new detail or connection I had previously missed on each reread (current SA counts): That said, another thing I like to do on some re-reads (recently did on my last Mitborn Era 1 reread) if I like to go to the TV Tropes Pages and read the Awesome, Tearjerker, Nightmare Fuel, etc. pages to recap big moments, then find that passage in the text and re-read that. Mistborn Example (spoilers):
  14. Without repeating some great songs mentioned above. . . additions: "Cat's in the Cradle" Harry Chapin (1974) | Ugly Kid Joe (1993) See Below "Last Kiss" J Frank Wilson and the Cavaliers (1964) "The Sacred Bird" - Miss Saigon "Tonight is the Night I Fell Asleep at the Wheel" Barenaked Ladies (2000) - especially the ambiguous ending (see below)
  15. Please see any of these threads where the topic is discussed ad nauseum. Moash (full spoilers) Am I the only one who doesn't hate Moash? Moash Redemption Arc?????? Moash and Vyre (RoW spoiler) Szeth & Moash: They're More Similar Than You Think [Discuss] I hate Moash [Support] Moash and Kaladin [RoW] Moash and Renarin Does anyone still want a Moash redemption arc? Moash should take up Odium... and that should be a good thing Moash, and the fans who hate him (Part 1) and (Part 2)
  16. Did yo umean this section (WoA Ch 52): The closest we get to an official answer is this WoB: So, I would say that M:TFE Ch 1-4 Vin would probably not have become a Windrunner (if anything, Edgedancer maybe - remembering the fogotten), while I agree that WoA and HoA Vin would likely be a good Windrunner Candidate. Also, my take:
  17. The pressure for AonDor was because the Dor has been stuffed into the Cognitive Realm - not a factor for Hemalurgy: However, this concept was atually a plot point to White Sand (ch 5) Spoilers: So, based on how mind-numbingly complex Hemalurgy is (PM for examples) to master, and how difficult it is to get viable hemalurgic constructs (see below) the chances of having a single hemalurgic "event" accidentally may not be too small; but the chances of being able to truly develop an understanding of the complete system based on accidental starts and experiments likely approaches 0%. HoA Ch 44 Epigraph:
  18. Just to be fair, Mistborn was TLR's term because he knew the truth:
  19. Gold compounder heals faster (or, at least faster than a Second Oath Radiant) - both heal fully, similar mechanic. Really, no matter how efficient your Stormlight consumption and use, the fact that a Double Gold can Compress Feruchemical traits means they can heal faster if they want to and have enough health to compress.
  20. Glad you enjoyed the story. Here are WoBs on why Aztlanian has taken so long: Hope that helps.
  21. Note, it's actually only used by two people - the use in Tress and YatNP are both Hoid telling the story and using his own lexicon to do so (as he "translates" it). I agree there is probably something there to be found. It is likely cypher based rather than anagram based. More when I have the time. . .
  22. I was in a similar situation (ordered Feb 2023 - resolved Dec 2023) and realised when I called directly that they were having a problem with their email client and help desk system and had not been receiving any of my messages. The delay ended up being a problem with charging my credit card for the purchase. On the phone they were very helpful and resolved everything in about 30 minutes. My book arrived in less than a week.
  23. The omnibus both corrects mistakes in the original 3 volume GN, and restores/adapts the material that was missing from the original story. Please see this thread about the differences, as well as the White Sand Summary and Ars Arcanum (both updated for the Omnibus - I'm still working through updating the rest of the Coppermind White Sand Material)
  24. Was it at least the Omnibus? Or the three-part originals? (The omnibus fixes a lot)
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