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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Not entirely correct. Annotations to HoA Ch 38: More likely they would become a Sliver (a person who has been warped by the power but does not currently hold a shard or portion of a shard). It would have to be a Sliver of whatever form was used to stretch their Spiritweb - and Saze could accomplish this much more easily by letting a person draw upon the mists (like Wax). Especially now that there are distinct P and R mists.
  2. I have a coworker friend who has also read The Lost Metal before any Stormlight Archive (though he had read Elantris and TES) - he is on Oathbringer now, but it's been interesting seeing how reading TLM first changes his perception of certain things in WoR and OB. Can't wait for him to reach the "reveal" in RoW to get the perspective of somebody who read TLM first. . . SA Spoilers (slightly obfuscated):
  3. Secret History will, indeed, answer many lingering questions from all six previous books (and make some new questions, as usual). If you have not yet read Stormlight Archive, please be warned that Lost Metal has some spoilers for those books (significant, but not huge) as well as the most references to other books so far (except possibly some Secret Project material), especially Elantris and The Emperor's Soul.
  4. Can anybody confirm: If the "Say the Words" videos have SA5 spoilers (or any unreleased preview spoilers) If there is a text version/transcript somewhere (or are they video-only) THank you very much and have a great day.
  5. I'm guessing you mean this quote from OB Ch 16: This likely references however the Honorblades work in the Oathpact and why the Heralds had to leave them behind at Aharietiam. However, since each Blade is a Splinter of Honor, it's possible that there is some other, unknown, access to Honor's Investiture the Blades may provide.
  6. Welcome to the Shard. Pleae consider posting in your profile or an introductory thread which books you have or have not yet read (whichever list is shorter), so that we can spoiler things appropriately (if needed). Also, here are some tips and tools you may not yet be familiar with, since each online forum is slightly different: You are not losing your mind. WoBs:
  7. Shortly after Alloy of Law released, I found Elantris at the same time a coworker friend found Mistborn The Final Empire. We read, swapped, picked up Well and Hero. . oh, new book Way of Kings - grab that too (lots of time on deployments). We discussed it at work, shared the books with a few other coworkers, noticed Hoid (how cute) - didn't quite put it together. Found Alloy of Law (new-ish) - coworking friend started but never finished (felt it was too different from the original trilogy and did not have the context to know "why" / didn;t adjust well to the changes) gave me his copy. I read it, finished and thought "there has to be a reason this is sooooooooo different." After a few google minutes. . . DING. . . I found this WoB (or one very similar as I specifically recall Fantasy > Urban Fantasy > Space Opera implications): Clue light comes on. . . "it's all connected" moment (with a hint of Nostalgia since, like Brandon, I was one of those eagerly awaiting Prelude to Foundation and Forward the Foundation when those were new in the 80s). Reread everything, tracked down the bits I missed, all that jazz. I don't think I found the 17th Shard for a while after that (join date Jan 2016) - mostly due to bad internet (makes for great reading time), but I was already mired in Realmatic Quicksand by that point.
  8. The most-referenced thread can be found here, though I have discussed my thoughts in quite a few "reading order" threads. It's not so much as "Elantris first" (though that is commonly recommended when the prefered reading order is publishing order) as I generally recommend: I actually "created" an "Intro to Cosmere" epub that I offer to people that are interested that has: Cosmere bibliography (by Shardworld) My "reading order thoughts" and spoiler warnings (as discussed here and the linked thread) Shardworld short summaries (so they know what kind of stories to expect from a given series) The Three Sanderson Law essays (so they understand how and why he goes about magic systems and worldbuilding)
  9. If true, the Maskless could also be "dangerous" because they attempt to spike what few Metalborn the SoScads do have. . .
  10. And which was your entry? Were the Nutella and Fruit Pizzas made to be dessert pizza?
  11. You seem to have enjoyed it so far (though you don't explicitely say that) so I hope that is true. Only a few chapters left. . . then Secret History? The problem is that she showed up late in Bands and was really overacting her "mole" role, so there isn't much actual "Telsin" content yet. I'll refrain from saying more . . . There's a WoB for that (it would have been a spoiler before you got to that scene) that might help explain: If you have read Stormlight Archive, remember (slight spoilers) and if you have not read them yet, then you can watch for it. . .
  12. I first read Warbreaker free on the website and, since the annotations (also free on the website) are crosslinked there, I was reading the annotations and chapters side-by-side - so I never really expected Lightsong to be other than he was, but then the annotations gave a great reason for why he was so flippant about The Iridescent Tones - Annotations to Ch 52:
  13. Based on Oathbringer Ch 65, each Soulcaster has one-to-three attuned essences. Gems are swapped when depleted or cracked:
  14. I think AonDor and Forgery are not very different, and that neither are really meant to be combat arts. Sure, we see Raoden (and company) use a few basic Aons for defense in the climax, but AonDor (like Forgery) shines when a person who has studied and practiced applies their art in a meticulous fashion to achieve a specific effect. Both are based on classical Chinese (see below), and both require a huge investment of time and effort to become proficient, with Elantris noting that momy Elantrians didn't even bother learning AonDor (except maybe a few basic Aons) Also note that there likely is or was a way to access AonDor without undergoing the Shaod (like "was" and that changed with the Splintering of Aona and Skai) because the City could not have been built without the use of Aondor, but people did not undergo the Shaod before Elantris was built. WoBs: Spoilers for Tress, SA and Mistborn: I would also like to note that writing an Aon in the air isn't considered much different than it would be to write an Aon on a canvas (or Whiteboard, chalkboard, or other vertical surface) and Calligraphy is a real world concept as well. As far as complexity, consider long-form Chinese. For example: Writing Aons then becomes like crafting Stamps - the knowledge pool may be a bit different, but you still have to learn the base forms, the modifiers, how they combine to achieve an effect, etc.
  15. Also note, that while not a direct connection, this WoB: Implies that Pre-Rashek Scadrial may have had more interactions with worldhoppers.
  16. Dox's story makes it sound much more like a "Not unheard of, but not common" event. . . And far more likely for established House Leader functions than the "balls our children throw" events.
  17. Welcome to the Shard. Most of Honor is still in the Spiritual Realm. When Odium pushed Devotion and Dominion into the Cognitive (resulting in the Dor) he was trying (the hard way) to prevent the Shards from gaining Sapience on their own without a Vessel. It was a huge mistake, and he learned his lesson and found a better way with Honor. WoBs: Don't forget, if Honor's Investiture were not in the spiritual realm, then Dalinar's perpendicularities could not recharge spheres. . . Not "everything else" - Stormfather is the largest Sapiant splinter on Honor's Invesititure, not the bulk of all of Shard of Honor.
  18. If you have not yet done so, you should read Rithmatist (it was not mentioned) - Minor Spoilers: So, while you may see some similarities in Reckonersverse to Cosmere (mainly because of how Brandon crafts his magic systems according to Sanderson's Three Laws) you can see even more direct parallels in The Rithmatist.
  19. Unfortunately we have almost no information about this. The mention in TFE Ch 6 was mostly as a means of foreshadowing (see below), but from the way he acts during the climax of TFE we can guess that he likley attended sporadically (mostly to keep the Noble houses guessing) and likely stayed mostly aloof (like the higher-ranked Obligators) But, that is just supposition. TFE Annotations to Ch 6: We do have indications that he did interact with (at least) the heads of the Great Houses, based on Straff's talking at Elend (TFE Ch 36): This implies that House Venture reports directly to TLR about its Atium contract and the Pits of Hathsin. Hope that helps
  20. Metal poisoning is mentioned in the books, but not shown in the books - mostly because heavy metal poisoning takes a long time. There is a combination of things happening here though: In the Cosmere, Manifestations of Investiture (Allomancy, Feruchemy, Surgebinding, etc) tend to have required secondary powers that allow the user to make use of the power (Atium expanding the mind so that the Allomancer can process the information from Atium Shadows, F-Iron strengthening the body so it isn't crushed by tapping too much weight, etc). In this case, there is some resistance to Metal Poisoning for Allomancers. In the Cosmere, matter energy and investiture are the same thing (fundamentally - like matter and energy IRL) so when a metal is "burned" it is being changed from physical matter into Investiture (including the minute traces absorbed into the bloodstream) and since it is no longer a metal, it will no longer cause poisoning. WoBs:
  21. Well, it specifically says that Jasnah left her a note at each stop about what the next location was going to be. Not hard to follow that trail (WoK Ch 3,5): It only seems that way because those are the stories we have read so far - but there are only 24 Sleepless on Roshar, only 20 of those follow the First Swarm and it's mentioned often that most are not good at impersonating humans (especially to the point that we see Tozbek - when Arclo has to stay mostly covered and Nikli has to use tattoos to cover the seams). . . now that does not mean that Sleepless Hordelings aren't on many ships (just disguised as normal cremlings).
  22. This passage from BoM chapter 22: I thought that might be it - I just did not take that to imply radar. If they had weather radar, he would not be hunting airstreams by adjusting altitude. If they had terrain radar he would nto be referencing maps. I just took that to mean some sextant-like navigational device, but you could be right (just not enough description to tell).
  23. Glad you are still enjoying Era 2 (very minor reverse M:SH spoilers): Terris? I'll just remind you of this quote from SoS Ch 7: What makes you say that?
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