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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Thank you. That's a good one too, but the one i was tryign to find again just more definitively states what I bolded in the one I posted. The Question was something about how Kaladin's stormlight drained in teh dueling ring with Adolin and if Syl was punishing him. The answer was about how what actions constitute fulfilling or breaking oaths isn't up to just the person or the spren - but what they both agree fulfills an oath. The nature of the bond will not allow a surgebinder to use stormlight in a way that violates their oaths.
  2. This may help - there are actually quite a number of ways to quote (and other tips): just keep in mind, it's not just what the Radiant feels is right - it's what the Radiant and their Spren agree are right and inline with the oaths. So you would have to have not just an "insane" Skybreaker, but a bonded Spren sharing the same "insanity" and both agreeing the actions are "correct." WoB: But the oaths are designed to work with neuro divergence. That's much of the point is that the oaths are helping the Radiant deal with and reconcile whatever their individual issue is in a responsible manner. WoBs: Hope that helps
  3. Please hightlight and click quote. Quotebox-less italicized "quotes" make your posts very hard to read. I wasn't talking about the obvious nuclear options, I was talking about your bread example I referenced. Where is teh energy release from changing rocks to grain/bread? Two points here: That's not a "Rod of God", that's an Anvil Drop (it is not moving at orbital velocities in microgravity), possibly a Colony Drop That's not how gravitational lashings work (as shown at the Battle of Narak) - the surgebinder would have to go with since the stormlight is added over time, not all at once. It's not like Kaladin added hundreds of spheres' worth of stormlight at Urithiru without adding any more during the trip to Alethkar. See Oathbringer where they describe how long-distance falling works with objects (people) other than the surgebinder in the scene travelling to Kholinar. You answered your own question - the Oaths are the primary check on this kind of power abuse. Surgebinders cannot use the Surges in ways that do not follow the precepts of their Oaths (which is why Skybreakers cannot access Division until the Third Oath at all, it's too dangerous with lesser Oaths). WoR Ch18 : So, even a subconsious abuse of surgebinding can trigger the checks preventing that abuse.
  4. I have not, but I did get a set as a Christmas Gift for a coworker from Worldbuilder's Market (about page) a non-profit that sells Speculative Fiction merchandise for charity. Tak and related Product Also - BGG's Tak page includes rules summaries (and a pdf rules download available). Excerpt:
  5. Mostly it's just search techniques (though some is looking up similar references repeated, you just memorize by accident. Many repeat questions). Tips: Okay, but how are you planning to release the energy? Why would it matter if there was more or less energy if 50kg of rock becomes 50kg of bread you have. . . bread. Not Bread plus a bunch of energy. Remember that these Manifestations of Investiture draw and return excess energy to/from the Spiritual Realm as investiture. It's why Speed Bubbles don't red/blue shift - the energy necessary to stabalize the change in frame of reference is either drawn from the Spiritual Realm, or pushed into the Spiritual Realm as needed. It's a Required Secondary Powers situation - Cosmere laws in Manifesting Investiture also allow for that ability to be used safely (e. g. F-Iron preventing you from smothering yourself in your own weight, A-Atium [Era 1] also allowing you to process the information coming from the Atium Shadows) Well, I doubt that is possible (as Raboniel mentioned surviving microgravity and vacuum is nearly impossible [unaided] - not to mention that we have no indication that a Windrunner could get to that type of orbital velocity, much less survive the experience). Given a hypothetical use of gravitation in an exo-atmosphere situation and the surgebinder survives, are you implying that the use of the Surge is "creating" potential energy (that then becomes Kinetic once normal planetary gravity re-asserts)? Maybe I'm not enough of a physicist to understand what you are driving toward? Maybe check out @DrPhysics's Steelpush Thread.
  6. Welcome to the Forums. Be sure to let us know in your profile or in an Introductory Post if you have read all published Cosmere works; or, if not, which you have/have not read (the shorter list). However, please do not necro an old thread (it is against policy). If you really must comment, make a new thread to discuss the topic and link/reference the older thread. Policy: That said, kudos on considering other aspects. However: Shardblade state only applies if the Spren was summoned when breaking their Oath (as per Feverstone Keep Vision) Otherwise, even with lost or hidden blades, there should be hundreds more in the physical realm rather than kingdoms numbering their shards in single digits since the Vision at the keep was only a tithe of the number of Radiants breaking Oaths during the Recreance The Bonding Gem likely only applies to Deadeye blades not wielded by their Radiant Testament was not summoned when the Oaths were broken RoW Ch 93 - Shallan is shown in the garden, no blade Shallan gave Kaladin the Testament Blade in the Chasmfiend fight in WoR Shallan is under an illusionary rock near the crevice in which they hid - while - Kaladin is wielding her Blade at the far end of the Chasm - while - An illusory Shallan runs passed to distract the Chasmfield (but, at the time Shallan could only craft moving illusions by anchoring them to Pattern) So, if Pattern is moving the Illusion Shallan, it must be the Testament Blade she gave to Kaladin
  7. @alder24 and @Voidmaker are talking about Storing and tapping compression. You store <attribute> at <percentage> for <time>. When you stop storing, that attribute returns to your normal. You Tap <attribute> at <percentage of storage> for <time>. Then you stop tapping, that attribute returns to your normal. Tapping Compression is where most loss occurs because it uses some of the stored investiture to compress the stored investiture. WoB: Copper is the known exception, because a discrete memory is stored, retrieved, stored again. This also applies to Medallions somehow:
  8. WoBs: Doesn't shed much light. . . but narrows some things.
  9. By the Tukari following them for days and waiting until Notum was alone. Maybe I gave the wrong impression with the word "targetting." I don't think it was Notum specifically as an indivudual as much as it was "go here and take the first unbonded Honorspren you find" and that's what they tried to do until Adolin happened to them.
  10. When you copy and paste from a website, you should see a pop-up (at least on PC - somebody on mobile can confirm there) asking if you want to paste as plain text. Click "paste as plain text" Example: You should even be able to edit your original post - just go to the three dot menu (top right of post) and click edit. For each section, highlight and cut the text, then paste it again and click on that pop-up. As soon as you click anywhere else or press another key, the pop-up will disappear (as if you clicked the "X") Here are some other tips and trick with which you may not yet be familiar: I'll update this post if I have to more to add after reading the content. Edit: A couple things to keep in mind: In the Cosmere, Investiture is a third axis from the matter-energy continuum. So investiture can become energy, plasma, gaseous matter, liquid matter or solid matter. So Investiture changing a physical state isn't going to use traditional E=MC2 equations. Soulcasting uses comparitively little investiture, because what it is doing is rewriting the Spiritweb, and those changes ripple through to the physical realm (which is why in WoK Xkg of rock became Xkg of smoke, filling the tunnel until it could dissipate) With things like Kaladin's use of Gravtitation, normal propulsion equations will not apply, because the Surge is manipulating the person's connection the Gravity - There is no force pushing him in any direction, other than the normal planetary gravity redirected to a different direction. So, the "energy" (work) done by the investiture is in rewriting and maintaining the change(s) - not in lifting a given weight to a specific velocity. WoBs (fission and soulcasting references):
  11. We do not have most of these answers, but we hope to get some in SA5 Unknown. On one hand, Ishar seemed genuinely surprised that Dalinar could form a temporary perpendicularity - so we don't know if he has been doing so withthe honor blade, or if he could "see" what Dalinar had done and only replicated it. It is implied that he has been using his own made perpendicularities to send his "hunters" to gather "specimen." There is no implication either way on how he is trying to form a body for the spren though. Presumaby, like Kalak, he's trying to find a way off world. Since we know the Oathpact "manifests" a body for a Herald returning from Braize, he is likely trying to use similar Connection shenanigans to force a Spren into similar body construct. Unclear, but heavily implied that something like this has never been seen/attempted before (or the Stormfather would have mentioned such) See above As a shardblade. A Cosmere Constant is that shardic investiture in the Physical Realm as a solid state is Metal - and Spren are Splinters. Trying to force them into an organic host will not end well (as mentioned by the Narrator in SP3-YatNP) The Stormfather is not in the Physcial Realm - he influences the Highstorms that are, providing the Connection to the Cognitive adn Spiritual Realms, but you will note that every time he is "seen" during a highstorm (Kaladin, Eshonai, etc) there is tim dilation, because they are not seeing him in the Physical High Storm, they are seeing him in the CR/SR High Storm. Unknown, but heavily implied by the Stormfather's reaction to be as permanent a death as Phendorana's was. Much worse than a deadeye or the SP4 reference. Unlikely, since we know they specifically targetted Notum (a confirmed non-Bonded Honorspren)
  12. Right? Because Sazed Harmony is always so open and completely honest with his friends tools worshippers protagonists. I'm not saying either of us is right or wrong, I'm saying "this is something to consider - pending more information" Which is why I said "at least it might not have always been this way" - Sure, over millenia Odium has become fully invested in Roshar and Voidlight is his "thing" - but before he was fully invested in Roshar, it is possible (if not probable) that Voidlight started as "let me change this Stormlight into something you can use." If pre-Invested OdiumSpren can be purple because his true color wasn't part of Roshar back then - then I think it is worth considering that Voidlight has a similar origin story, and now retains it's "shade" due to how it is perceived (even if it is now pure Odium). Just a consideration to discuss. . .
  13. WoBs: The moon colors are likely references to the Shards, but more in the "worldbuilding" sense than the "Realmatic Importance" sense.
  14. I think Trellium =/= Bavadinium. I think it is more likely that "Trellium" is a Bavadinium alloy (maybe with Atium) and whatever the second metal is - the Bavadinium is changing it's nature (hence the corruption spots and red-heavy spectrum). If it were to be an Atium (Pure Atium) alloy, then that might explain the "Trellium seems to steal more than one quadrant - while also hiding from Harmony" thing; but would have required Autonomy's agents to have "stockpiled" some Atium before the events of TFE (back when the Pits were a thriving Shadesmar market for things like TLR's canned food). Somebody should ask Felt what else was smuggled through the Pits before the Kelsinado struck. We don't know this for sure (at least it might not have always been this way). It is possible that Voidlight is "purplish" because it was from before Odium was (fully) invested in the Rosharan System. After all, if he (Red) Corrupted Stormlight (Blue) to serve his purposes way back in the early desolations - Red+Blue=Purple (Physical media | as light Red + Blue = Magenta) which is also "influenced" by the Stygian nature of Odius colors.
  15. Likely it'll be titled "Jaddeth" or something similar, based on: So, if Dakhor is about the return of Jaddeth - then book 3 will likely be the resolution of that arc and be titled accodingly. Alternatively, it could be a teaser title that introduces the (potential) third continent:
  16. I would imagine it has to be, at least based on the fact that Vasher specifically called it a (capital C) Command Phrase (see above).
  17. Here's the reference. Rithmatist Ch 12: I'll try tackling this one, since it seems like a fusion of one of my favorite Korean dishes - Japchae - with Spaghetti (much like in Okinawa where they loved fusion on the base; with things like Taco Rice). For those unaware of Japchae (also Chapchae, Japjae - which uses a sweet potato "clear" noodle): So a Stir Fried Spaghetti might be something like: Prep: (All the stuff that can be made in advance or done early in the day, so there is less to cook directly before eating) Putting it all together: Stir Fry: Note: Quantities are approximate based on other recipes I make often, but will need testing/refinement to pin down exactly.
  18. Please let us know (preferably in an Introductory post or your user profile) what, if any Cosmere works you have not yet read, so we can avoid appropriate spoilers. Preservation can hear all thoughts because all people have a piece of Preservation inside them. Inserting thoughts requires: Significant Connection (Vin talking to Elend to lead him to the Homeland) Cracked Spiritweb (Vin's mother being Schizophrenic) Pierced by Invested Metal (shown primarily to be Hemalurgically Charged Spikes, but implied that Feruchemical Metalminds that Pierce the body - like Earrings - are also sufficient) Implied that having snapped (allomancy) or becoming a Feruchmist also require cracks in the spiritweb - that then become "filled" with the manifestation of investiture (MoI). So an investiture charged Metal Piercing allowed Ruin to have some influence (easier with Hemalurgy, because that was Ruin's MoI) - with more spikes or piercings increasing the influence or sending thoughts. Resources: This was Preservation's Plan - to alter the Metallic Arts to include Atium and Malatium and have teh Pits of Hathsin become a natural outlet for turning Ruin's Power into physical Era 1 Atium (which is not pure atium - but an Atium Electrum Alloy) keeping it bound in the physical realm to "balance" Ruin against Preservation (since he expended more of his power in creating Humans on Scadrial). TLR became aware of Preservation's plan while holding the power of the Well, and created the Trust (guarded by the Kandra) to ensure that most of the Atium was never burned - as using the Atium allowed it to return to the Spiritual Realm and re-enter the Investiture Cycle. By Elend and his Seers burning the atium, it prevented Ruin from being able to access the power immediately, as it takes time for the expended Investiture to re-enter the cycle and become available to the Shard again. WoBs and References: Mostly it's about how much they know and understand, scientifically, and some of it is a presumed limitation that may not be technically true (like in Book 1 we see Vin already challenging the "Copper protects from emotional influence" and "Bronze cannot piece a Coppercloud" rules). Here's the WoB on that (so far): In Era 1 and 2, they do not yet scientifically understand Electromagnetic Bonds and atoms (Axi in the Cosmere)/molecular theory. They push on metals, because they have always known they can push metals - without ever realizing how trace metals or metallic (electromagnetic) molecular bonds are part of the "why metals" question. Also note (Tress and Stormlight Archive Spoilers) Hope that helps
  19. Here is the list I put together to do something similar: Hope that helps
  20. Yes, I discussed parts of this "theory" here (Rhythm of Harmony) and here (Harmony and Lights) And I am willing to continue discussion in a new thread or one of the established threads.
  21. Or, at least, he created his own problems (unintentionally, maybe subconsciously, I think he still is the cause of his own issues)
  22. The OP theorized that the Ghostbloods wanted Instant Noodles because Kelsier likes normal noodles. My counter consideration was that it might not be the Ghostbloods pushing for Instant Noodles on Scadrial, it is Trell using Kell's love of noodles to push Taldain Instant Noodles as a mechanism for converting and controlling the Scadrial population through food.
  23. Really? I kinda thought (Warbreaker Spoilers): That was the most important Command Phrase for the book. If I told you it wouldn't be secret anymore. . .
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