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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. I would also like to note the difference here. Like a Venn Diagram: Ati focused on a circle smaller than "all of Ruin" but entirely contained with the Shard's Intent and was successful Rayse focused on a circle, arguably larger (or merely overlapping) than "all-of-Odium" and tried to shift either the power or others' perception of the power. He failed. I think that is the key take-away. A vessel can narrow focus and be successful, but the only way to widen focus and change the base (that we know of so far) is to hold multiple shards. Even then, Harmony is failiing miserably, likely because the vessel's intent is "I am holding two shards" rather than "I am holding one combined shard of the merged intent <x>." Foreshadowed right there in HoA CH 82: He keeps themseparate, but working together in "Harmony" (tryign to balance three Intents; Ruin, Preservation and the Vessel's Harmony Intent) instead of having claiming the shard with the Intent of merging them into a single power with a single Intent.
  2. I thnk he was saying "no Identity from the Donor" not "No identity from the receiver." This is arguably supported by TenSoon wearing OreSeur's Blessing of Potency. But only in addition to his own Blessing of Presence (not instead of - like ReLuur).
  3. He would have been a Lightweaver. As early as WoK Ch 58 he is seeing Cryptics in the mirror (the same way Shallan was accidentally drawing them in WoK) In WoR he confesses to Kaladin that he "sees shadowy figures" and that was why he thought assassins were after him (ch 80) At the end of Oathbringer Wit finds Design, who was the Cryptic trying to Bond Elhokar, hiding in the palace near the steps where he died. References:
  4. Please see these threads: Taln Never Broke [Theory]Taln wasn't the Herald who broke
  5. You likely mean this WoB: But it's far overshadowed by this one: Both of those were before Oathbringer released Nov 2017. His identity was confirmed by Ash at the Battle of Thaylen Field in Oathbringer.
  6. Yeah, outside of Roshar we are (generally) looking for insect and arachnoid like "cameos."
  7. My point was the other direction. After several millennia, they are just now barely able to try imitating humans - and those are only the Rosharan Swarms. The Swarms that never migrated to Roshar are spiderlike and do not even try to imitate humans (found the second WoB Finally):
  8. Welcome to the Shard. Be sure to let us know what else you have read (Rithmatist and Yumi already mentioned) either here or in your profile, so that if you have questions we can avoid appropriate spoilers.
  9. Welcome to the Shard. Here are some tips and tricks that you may not yet be aware of (as each forum is slightly different): The problem with that idea is that Era 1 of Scadrial is hundreds of years before Stormlight Archive. As of Dawnshard, even Arclo and Nikli have significant troubles impersaniting humans, and most non-Rosharan swarms don't even try. Also, Obligator Tattoos are very specific and only around the eyes and forehead - where Aimians use tattoos (or the appearance thereof) to cover the seams created by the edges of each hordling over their entire body (or at least the esposed parts). Good thought though.
  10. They are Blessings, similar to a Kandra Blessing but different: HoA Epigraph (as quoted above): Also, Ch 36: So if a blessing is made from non-metalborn, and Potency is from stolen human Strength. Then Koloss would either be "double-strong doubled" or "three times normal strength" Note also that Sazed describes the fundamental difference between a Koloss Blessing and Kandra Blessing: Epigraph to Ch 41:
  11. What rules do you think do not apply to Kandra? Yes. Or as sure as we can be without a WoB. Koloss have 2 Blessings of Potency. Each Blessing is comprised of 2 Spikes (by definition). There would have to be a fifth Spike for there to be a Linchpin (since a Linchpin is described as a specific type of Spike* that doesn't grant it's own abiltiies, but coordinates other spikes). But, also note that the Hemalurgy Table specifically states:
  12. It's not about chronology, it's about where the information came from. Many people (like me) are avoiding Preview material that has not yet been published in a book (SotD2, SA5). So, if you are referencing unpublished sources, it needs a spoiler tag. Sunlit Man has been published and is not preview material (though it is still in its spoiler period - more here)
  13. It's certainly hard to tell (M:SH Spoilers)
  14. No Worries. I think I stopped before I got to that "garnet" line. And I don't mind pointing out Spelling and Grammar - but I did want to verify if that was somethign you wanted before I spent a bunch of time on it. Some people like that kind of feedback, and others would just prefer feedback only on content. Also, please not that if you are using any material from unpubliched "previews" or "readings (such as SA 5 previews or the Sixth of the Dusk Sequel reading) then your thread title needs to have a "Preview spoilers" or SA5 spoilers" tag in the name (you can do that by clicking on the three dot menu (top-right) of the first post > click "Edit" and it will also let you edit the thread title. I know they are working on the Spanish Coppermind pages, so you should be able to access those here. So, especially for proper names, if you need to check spelling, translations, or changes you can go to the Spanish version of the page, and click "English" on the left hand menu bar and it will take you to the English page. Hope that helps, and I'll do a read and review once you have verified there are no preview spoilers present and I have some time after work.
  15. I don't think the Stormfather is Honor + Cultivation (that's the Sibling). My take is:
  16. Thanks, no worriess I was just trying to avoid spoilers (you seemed confused by "godmetal" so I worried you had not read Mistborn). By "Ars Arcanum" do you mean Arcanum Unbounded? Does this mean your "unread" list is: I'll verify when I have access, but IIRC Balat draws a normal, simple sidesword to try stabbing Lin (their Father) and hits the hidden soulcaster in his pocket instead.
  17. Can you please confirm if English is your native language? If this is supposedly Era 4, why is your protagonist not using correct Realmatic Terminology? Sibling is a Splinter (specifically a Splinter of both Honor and Cultivation) SPAG: Urithiru, Heliodor The Sibling is not "in" any gemstone - They are the tower. And the Crystal Pillar through which Raboniel and Navani interface with them is made up of all Polestones, not just Ruby. The Crystal veins through which they communicate elsewhere are Garnet, not Ruby as well. I'll stop here, in case some of these issues are simply translation problems.
  18. Trading for freedom was the bolded part. The curse had (at least) three known conditions (key words bolded - known Hoid changes italicized): Bring your loved one to the Sorceress's home Trade that person to the Sorceress For the express purpose of being cursed We do not know what, if any changes were made to the "trade for freedom" part of the curse. We also do not know the exact wording of the curse, just paraphrased fragments. So, it may be possible that Intent could be used to interpret the Island as the Sorceress' home, and anybody could do the curse. It is equally possible that those options were non-viable for causes we do not know, just as Hoid mentioned that it was possible for the Sorceress to remove the curse herself (had she been more skilled). Tress Ch 64:
  19. Humans need a linchpin for more than 4 spikes. Koloss also have four spikes (2 Blessings of Potency with 2 spikes per Blessing) and also do not use a linchpin. HoA Epigraph to Ch 40:
  20. Some measure of change would still be needed because, even if the other clause was not mentioned in the Epilogue, those could not have been the only two changes. Tress Ch 61: Also, keep in mind that Hoid is an unreliable narrator (at least to some degree) so, in the Epilogue, he describes using rhyme and puns as his solution - but the "curse" would actually have been phrases in AonDor (where that kind of rhyme change would not work) so the story can't be literally "true" so much as an example told in the best narritive humor Hoid could devise as a metaphor for how things may have really happened.
  21. Glad you enjoyed it (though I'm not sure why you don;t just have 1 "Era 2" thread and put all the reactions in one spot) Kep in mind that, yes, there was some DEM in how Ruin was handled in HoA; but there were things that needed to be foreshadowed there - not just for Mistborn Era 2, but for the Cosmere overall. Ruin was a Chessmaster - it was shown (and foreshadowed) in books 1 and 2 very well (and quite the hidden reread bonus). Spoilerish Cosmere RAFO in Mistborn: Secret History (which has spoilers for Bands of Mourning)
  22. Also note the description from RoW Ch 22: So, if a Flamespren, trapped in a gemstone can make a heating fabrial, it's possible that a Flamespren, manifested as metal, can also make a heating fabrial. When combined with Navani's description (RoW) And it seems possible (likely?) that The Sibling isn't necessarily "all the fabrials" but the housing containing and coordinating each manifested fabrial. If a manfested RadiantSpren makes a fabrial for one of their Surges (like the <probable> inkspren Navani mentions*) and if manifested emotion and physical spren make fabrials of the same/similar type to their "captured spren" conterparts, then Sibling is more like a network coordinating the towers fabrials than many separate-yet-synced fabrials. So a Manifested Flamespren working as a heating fabrial in a Sibling Housing, so it is connected to, and managed by, the Sibling and their Radiant. Also note (Cosmere Spoilers - Mistborn, White Sand, Warbreaker, etc.)
  23. May I ask what other Cosmere books you have or have not read (whichever list is shorter)? Spoilers for Mistborn and other Cosmere works: Well, WoK starts with a broken Soulcaster for Shallan's arc, and in WoR we see how it becomes broken. If it is the same metal as a Shardblade, then it should not have been damaged as it was (in theory). Granted, anything from Shallan's PoV is "unreliable narrator," at best.
  24. Yes, but that does not mean they are not a godmetal with additions (just as the housing for a Stone in a Shardbalde was an addition around a century after the Recreance), and we don't know when the housings for stormlight gems were added to plate to help power and repair it (when living plate would just work of off the Radiant's Light). Basically, we do not know enough about these types of Fabrials yet (but hopefully SA 5 will have some info about them).
  25. Well, I mentioned two above. Really, most of the John Maxwell books are generally well received in business ( I read 21 Laws for a leadership workshop for my company). Lincoln on Leadship (Donald Phillips) I read while in the military. Principle-centered Leadership (Stephen Covey) is also generally well received, but I have not yet read that one. I've also read a few non-fiction "military event/story" books because, even if they are not "about leadership," the well-written ones will discuss why and how leadership was conducted and decisions made and cover what went right and what went wrong (and why) - such as: The Guts to Try (Col James Kyle - Iranian Hostage rescue), Killer Angels (Michael Shaara - novelization of the Battle of Gettysberg), The Raid (Ben Schemmer - about the attempt to rescue POWs from N Vietnam) Theres a whole thread about Book Recommendations Here - but not many non-fiction books have been suggested for addition yet. Also, most military professional reading lists are available online, such as the USAF Chief of Staff Reading list - and they will usually have a "Leadership" section. Hope that helps
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