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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. The first five are right (and I only asked for five) but . . .
  2. Not sure where you found that. The Sorceress' tower was the ship she arrived (and departed) in. She wasn't doing any trading at all, she went to Lumar specifically because she thought nothing and nobody there could threaten her, and she robbed the nations of the world to live (hence the prolonged wars against her). Tress: Also, all mentions of worldhoppers say "they came from the stars" Tress: So, while we cannot say there is no perpendicularity, we can say that there is no mention of one in the story or in any WoBs about the story.
  3. Just to be clear, are you looking for Non-Fiction Leadership books with similar leadership concepts (Lincoln on Leadership, 21 Laws of Leadership, etc.) or are you looking for Speculative Fiction with similar Leadership messages?
  4. That scene does exist, but (I thought) it was havily implied that was not Venli using Cohesion (though that may have been part of it) - it was something different (maybe an interaction with the Singer Conection to the land). Also, just a note to think upon - we don't really know that soulasting a Perfect Gem is not possible. We know that (current) Rosharan understanding is that this is not possible, but current Rosharan understanding doesn't even really understand why there is a difference between perfect gems and normal gems.
  5. Glad you enjoyed the story and the ending. So, we know that you have read Elantris (Intro thread). What else in the Cosmere have you read or not read (whichever list is shorter)? Also, just a precaution (minor spoilers)
  6. Please see the Coppermind here and here. For me, it's easier to just think of them in series context (Era 2 already shows that not only can a planned "standalone" turn into a trilogy, but a planned trilogy can turn into a quadrilogy). In no particular order (other than Mistborn 4 last, because we know it is last):
  7. While I would not say that this is impossible (not enough information) I will say that you are implying they can manipulate molecular structure with their hands - and that seems unlikely. From what we have seen for both Tension and Cohesion (Dalinar and his Visions in OB; Venli in RoW) it requires manual manipulation to move the stone or other substance. Maybe, once science reaches the point that they understand Axi better then somebody, with the right intent, might be able to manipulate the crystal structure in such a way. Brandon did have a magic system designed to manilpulate molecular structure and axi (atoms) directly. It was called Microkinesis and was in Dragonsteel Prime. We know that the version from that story is no longer Canon, but we do not know how the version (if any) that will be Canon will function. WoBs:
  8. Luthadel Statlin City Urteau Vetitan Fadrex The Homeland Fen, Lestrell, Mastrell (also Underfen, Diemfen, Underlestrell and Undermastrell) Sixth of the Dusk's planet is First of the Sun Without Spoilers: Harmony Devotion Dominion Preservation Ruin Endowment Honor Cultivation Odium Autonomy Ambition Whimsey Mercy Valor Invention Virtuosity [Redacted] Name at least five Manifestations of Investiture from Sel.
  9. Taldain has had instant noodles for a while, so it's probably Trell that wants them:
  10. It might be easier to get action if you mentioned this on the Coppermind Discord. Sorry I can't help, but the Tones redirect already points to the Hallendren page, so I think a Keeper needs to change that and make the new page blank, then you would be able to cut/paste your content.
  11. From Rhythm of War (Ch 76): Humans are notoriously bad at hearing the tones and rhythms of investiture, except when the Investiture is specifically built for it (Mistborn and SA Spoilers)
  12. I think that all the colors are similar enough that shades can be misconstrued. Especially if the Eye Shade is a reduced K-value of the true order shade (IIRC by Rhythm of War Kaladin's blue shade is described as a lighter shade of blue than it was back in WoK/WoR). This is true in real life as well, for example - what one person calls Puce another would call Mauve. That's why the Pantone pallettes are so heavily used in the Sign industry (I grew up working in a sign shop). Here's one of the "violet" Pantone pallettes, to illustrate: All of those are shades of Voilet (steps in the K value) - of which Amethyst is included. So, for example, Lightweavers might be somewhere on this chart (best I could find in a quick search - shades of purple with the red value stepped - note PMS = Pantone (color) Match System) So, it could be as simple as (made up example) Lightweavers being PMS 2582 and Willshapers being B880FF - but people just call both shades "violet."
  13. Keep in mind that unreliable narrator is in play. WoB (edited to relavant bits, it's long): So, it's more like the Singers writing that in Dawnchant are saying "they manipulated investiture and accidentally destroyed their own world" but with the only vocabulary they had available. It has been theorized (but not confirmed) that Odium influenced Ishar to experiemnt in a way that did end with the cataclysm on Ashyn, but it is (mostly) jossed that Odium gave them the ability to do so. WoB: Odium did not Invest in the Rosharan system until after being bound by Honor and having no choice because he was stuck.
  14. @Szeth's Facepalm @Morningtide and anybody else that may find this useful: Youth Reading and adult success (links and a small extract for research papers): Also, a person posting here has had PM discussions with me (I'll leave it to them to self-identify if they so chose) and if anybody wants to ask a question for an adult perspective, without recrimination, please feel free to PM me. I can't guarantee that you will like my answers (context and many other factors), but I can say that I will be honest and fair in discourse. And, in the context of the OP (though I am old) I'll share this story from the 90's.
  15. Lightweavers have already been shown that thier Radiant Eye Shade is Violet: It could be as simple as "Garnet" having multiple versions because the pole-stone does - or it could be that the Shardblade color is the "true" garnet and the (light)eyes are the "light" version (that edges toward the violet). Which then imples that Dustbringers (Ruby), as an eye shade might "lighten" to pink or rose (or a similar shade) - both of which allow for a very difinitive difference from Voidbringer Red.
  16. Harmonium is the God Metal of Harmony. WoB:
  17. The Pits no longer grow anything, because Harmony removed E1Atium and Malatium from Allomancy and restored the proper metals. Had the Final Empire not ended (Vin took the power instead of releasing it), then the Pits might have started making more Atium after a few centuries.
  18. No worries. Way of Kings has a huge "reread bonus" level because there are so many details that only become clear with hindsight and information from Oathbringer and RoW. Kinda like Harry Potter:
  19. It didn't take them that long. Kabsal was a Ghostblood assassin impersonating an Ardent. It is unlikely he was the only Ghostblood operating an Kharbranth at the time. One or more of the remaining member's of his cell likely reported "Jasnah left on the Wind's Pleasure" and that's when Mraize contracted Tyn to get agents onto the boat and try killing her at sea.
  20. Please don't necro an old thread, especially to ask a question that is only tangentially related. There is little definitive discussion in the text. However, based on the Lines of Vigor interior art (see link or below), the tail stays where it was drawn, the front proceeds until it stops at something it can damage (rather than reflect) - then the whole line goes away since it is done (that's based on multiple times they point out that lines of vigor pass through or sweep away chalk left behind by destroyed Lines of Making - but never mention chalk left behind by Lines of Vigor). @Pineap-spider Also, note this section from Ch 1 during the duel:
  21. Firesouls store heat in Brass. What six locations sheltered humanity in the north during the catacendre?
  22. Glad you are enjoying it. By "Ch 20" do you mean that you are about to start Ch 20, or you just finished Ch 20? (minor Spoilers)
  23. They are weaker. Stated explicitely in SoS (Ch 13): Which is also why Era 1 Koloss had two blessings (four spikes) for TLR to maintain control (HoA Ch 40 Epigraph): Humans needed at least four, Kandra only needed two (which also allowed them to have a resistance to control, which allowed them to have and act upon the Resolution). They were built that way on purpose. Annotations to HoA:
  24. FYSA: I don't know what device you are using (I use a PC, not mobile), but you can add a "quote" to a post edit by clicking quote, going to the editor and using "cut" to snip that quote, click edit on your post, go to the end and "paste" the quote box. It will even still send the notification that a quote was posted. I don't know if maybe we were both typing a post at the same time, but I addressed the Oathbringer Climax here:
  25. You are likely correct, the damage to the Spiritweb happens on first insertion of the Spike. After that, it seems to be like a wired internet connection (at least that is how my brain parses it) either the spike is out ("cable unplugged" - hole in spiritweb) or the spike is in (connection established). Also, MeLaan gave Wax his earring, and while it is not explicitely said, it's implied that she pierced his ear with it (to get the correct bind point). SoS Ch 13:
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