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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Which is why I have said since the beginning that Nightblood is shown as leaking in the Demense (vision, whatever you want to call it) there would be no reason for that leakage to cross realms. Rayse's body likely appeared in the PR as it looked when Szeth sees it (as shown in HoA when we see three different vessels appear) - so the Damage was done in the CR/SR combo Demense, and the mangled corpse showed up in the PR after he was dead. Actually, since we know that Nightblood normally vaporizes the physical form of what he destroys, the fact that there is a corpse at all indicates there was no physical object to turn into smoke (and the leakage all happened in the Demense).
  2. Confirmed, thanks (Ch 114): So, we don't see if/how much was leaked in the house anyway because we have no Szeth Viewpoint and TOdium doesn't mention it.
  3. Go for it (though I quoted that section above - the rest is T taking the power and gloating). Also, I was not comparing Nightblood and Dalinar, I was making references to other times we have seen a Demense (my term until we have one) where SR "Time" is affecting a Cognitive Aspect - because it gives context to the situation. Nightblood's "self" is in the Demense, where he is being wielded. He is leaking in the Demense, because that is where he is being wielded. Why would anything be excreted from a physical shell in normal-physicial-realm time when Nightblood is actively working and leaking somewhere else. For that matter, Nightblood was never even unsheathed in the Physical Realm. We have seen (M:SH, Oathbringer, etc) that a Physical Realm object that is "Manifested" in the CR (and presumably SR) hasn't physically moved at all. I will agree that it seems strange that it's not mentioned, though I would guess the absense is due to narrative reasons, not Realmatic reasons. Here's the sequence: Note that when Lift shows up, she noted the Black Liquid pouring off of the Sword. After that, it's not mentioned again. I doubt he stopped leaking as they walked toward Dalinar, fell, etc (all before the Perpendicularity) so it seems like a case of Sanderson skipping details that would slow the climax, rather than some hidden clue to the secrets of "Nightblood's Realmatic Function"(tm) It could also be that we are in Lift's viewpoint, and she is looking at Szeth's face adn her hands and the Colorless patterns left by the tendrils. She just did not notice (maybe). They recover the sheath quickly (like 11 sentances later), but that's from Dalinar's standpoint. So we don't know if Nightblood was not leaking due to being sated, or if Dalinar just didn't "notice" because he was busy counting Radiants. Technically not correct. The WoB says that he destroys on all three realms. When in the physical he cuts into the Cognitive and Spiritual. I would guess that, for example, if Szeth had also been "pulled in" and Tarvangian had used Nightblood on him, then his physical shell would have turned to smoke, just like the Lifeless in Warbreaker. But Rayse didn't have a physical shell to "evaporate" until after Nigthblood was done with him.
  4. Assuming BoTF means Battle of Thaylen Field - I'm not sure what you mean here. He struck down a Thunderclast, killed some Thrill Controlled Alethis soldiers and, when Dalinar opened the perpendicularity, we was only washed in the initial outpour (that, like the Dor with Raoden's first Aon, was over-pressuruzed by build-up and quickly faded) which was enough to Sate him and stop his feeding on Szeth and Lift. He was never in the perpendicularity, and was not even close enough to collapse it once it stabalized (like he did Ishar's in RoW). But, it does not matter where his physical shell was located, much like Dalinar and his visions, his Cognitive Identity was in a Demense (part CR, part SR - but not in Shadesmar) which also had an altered flow of time (all of the Rayse/Taravangian interaction happens in seconds to Szeth - like the Demense Kaladin entered to meet Tien at the end of RoW - with a different temporal perception due to SR influence). His Command, Sapience and activity were all compressed in that altered state, and he didn't even feed on Taravangian (black smoke from the blade, but no feeding on the wielder and no black veins on his arms). Why would his physcial shell do anything when he was leaking in the Demense, not the house? RoW Ch 113
  5. Clue Because this post made me realize it's been too long since my last viewing
  6. FYSA: Many of the "WoBs" are actually coming from the Warbreaker Annotations (which were sliced up and added to the Arcanum as Words of Brandon). If interested, you can read them free on the website. They are much easier to parse when read as-intended (and much easier to search on the Arcanum). For example, the Annotation to @alder24's quote above: And even that is a small snippet for the entire Annotation for Ch 26. The eBook for Warbreaker actually comes with the annotations as part of the epub. (I had to make some changes for my sanity, whoever organized the file made some questionable choices). It's actually inspired me to edit my Elantris and Mistborn Era 1 epubs to also have the Annotations, so I can review them offline on my Kobo Forma.
  7. Small quibble - they are not the same power, just one "Misting" can burn both. And TLR likely did know about it, as that is probably how so many inquisitors were able to burn Atium (they only needed a spike to become Electrum Mistings). The method shown (trace amounts with a Jump scare to cause reflexive bruning) would still apply as a way to find these mistings - much easier actually than getting a reflexive Electrum burn. . .
  8. yes, though the time to "safely" wield a food-coma Nightblood is rather small I know some have theorize that way, but I disagree. There may be a very loose (small c) connection in the Realmatics, but Midnight X (essence, aether, spore) is distinctly different and confirmed to be similar/related to each other is a way that just does not apply to consumed/correpted investiture seen here. It seems more likely that the investiture turning black has more to be with being Unsealed and Unkeyed. At least my theory is: Forcibly change a fundamental Property (like identity) and you get Red Corrupted Investiture (such as Odium changing the Fused Souls - hence red eyes) Strip one or more fundamental properties and you get black corrupted investiture (Nightblood can consume anything, and strip it down; some Unmade are black rather than red corruption; Shades seem to be Cognitive Shadows stripped of Identity and are black, not red, etc.)
  9. Just to close the loop on how this thread started: Yes, there is a difference. The Command "My Breath become Yours" (and it's "variants") means you are giving that breath to the recipient and the Breath becomes keyed to their identity. Awakened objects (except Lifeless), however, do not change the Key of the Breath, which is why the breath can be retrieved. So, there were not any actual questions, but have we clarified all points? Awakened with 1000 Breaths and a special Command to Awaken metal Those breaths provide Sentience/Sapience when sheathed, but then enforce his Command "Destroy Evil" when drawn, which is why he does not remember events that happen while unsheathed Awakening requires Fuel. Normal Awakening uses Color as fuel, but Nightblood consumes Investiture (as do Returned - but at a much faster and exponential rate than a Returned) Turning Black timeline is unknown until we have more information May have been after Awakening, or may have happened when he first became supersaturated Leaks Corrupted Investiture Did not Leak until becoming supersaturated Was renamed Nightblood sometime after killing Shashara because he was black and leaked investiture Note: The corrupted investiture is not Red (which is indicative of one Shard's power changing the nature of another Shard's investiture - or - a manifestation of Investiture changing the nature of Innate Investiture (e.g. Emperor's Soul)) Nightblood pierces all three realms, and destroys things on all three realms Divine breaths cannot be used for Awakening (based on current information) but may have other effects (such as the known Healing effect) Ruin's investiture was involved - likely due to the Command used, but unconfirmed and unconfirmable until we get more information Endowment was involved (more than normal, in some way) but how/why is also unconfirmed and unconfirmable until we get more information
  10. SR = Spiritual Realm (CR = Cognitive Realm, PR = Physical Realm) You seem to be hung up on the idea that Nightblood has to "lose" investiture to make space to consume investiture. That does not meet what we have seen. Example: Fill a glass with water. Now put it under the tap on a slow trickle. Water spills out over sides. Increase the tap pressure and the water spills out faster. If or how much has been leaked before he is weilded has little to no bearing on the process. He always leaks some when drawn, If his intake meets his "cap" then he leaks faster. Also, breaths "consumed" from the wielder are powering his Command, not being absorbed into his storage.
  11. I'm guessing none of us was clear. Just to verify, are you still implying that Nightblood is consuming "all" of whatever he was stabbed? Because, to me, that is the major point of contention. There are two things happening when Nightblood is drawn: Nighblood directly consumes investiture from his wielder to help power his Command The portion of this that is used in powering the Command likely returns to the Investiture Cycle Nightblood destroys the object in all three realms simultaneously, consuming a portion of the investiture that was in the physical realm Corollaries: The portions of investiture not in the physical realm likely return to the investiture cycle When drawn outside of the Physical Realm (such as the Demense used to consume Rayse), it is likely that a portion is consumed, and the rest returns directly to the Investiture Cycle without becoming a cloud of black smoke (because they are not in the physical realm, where the freefloating investure would manifest as such based on SR events as perceived though the Cognitive lens) The portion of the investiture in the physical realm that was not consumed, turns into black smoke If left alone, that smoke dissipates, and likely returns to the Investiture Cycle If Nightblood is held in the black smoke that results after destroying something, he will continue to consume that free-floating investure and leak it back out as a more viscous liquid smoke. Various References: He also entered a "Food Coma" state when killing Rayse: We also see that as Nightblood's rate of consumption increases, the ratio of liquid to gas increases as well:
  12. WoK Ch 15 (on the way to the hunt) Concur. Jasnah is (so far) in my bottom five "protagonists" for Stormlight Archive. As mentioned here. That may change when we start getting consistent viewpoints from her, but so far. . . Awesome, didn;t realize they had made a stage show version. Out of curiosity, did it use one ending or all three?
  13. Clue - All Star Cast, based on the board game, and (AFAIK) the only movie to be released to theaters with three different endings (which ending you saw was based on which theater you saw the movie in; on the DVD/BR - you get the choice when starting to see a random ending, or see all three in-sequence) Yes, I saw it in the theater. . . yes, I'm old. Examples:
  14. Please, for Ado's sake - if you are going to quote a WoB, use the "Copy " button on the right (it will put the whole WoB and a link in your paste queue) and if you plan to edit that WoB, note that you are not posting the full text. So, here is your referenced Word of Brandon, in Full, which says the opposite of what you are claiming (just in the part that you did not copy). I'm confused (and I'm sorry if this comes off as antagonistic): If nightblood was 'full' and therefore was leaving behind the smoke since he couldnt consume it - why is he still feeding off vasher? But did you read the post you quoted that from? My whole point was that he was not full - and Nightblood is shown to not consume all investiture he touches. That was the point of that example. . . not full, not consuming all of the Lifeless (leaving black smoke where they died). Original point:
  15. How about Rhythm of War (TLM has minor spoilers for RoW) You may get some answers (or indications) when you get there.
  16. Nope, and nope. I started reading the Cosmere around 2011. I'm just a crusty old fan who has rather narrow definitions on what I find humourous. For example: The last scene of WoR Ch 67 is a great example of the type of Hoid scenes I love, the forced "humor" and taunts are examples of the scenes I dislike. And, of course Renarin getting the better of Wit is hilarious: In more pop-culture terms, for example, I thought the movie Clue was funny (mostly) - but I do not think 90% of the films with Adam Sandler or Will Farrell (or their ilk) are funny at all. I hope that makes sense to somebody other than myself.
  17. I'll read and reply more thoroughly later, when I have some time. I just want to point out that he does not (or not always) "suck in and consume" all investiture he touches. He sucks in and consumes a fraction (how large a fraction is debatable), and the rest is recycled as corrupted investiture smoke (this is what I was trying to reference) Examples: So, my point is - example: Even if Nightblood stabbed Susebron (50k+ Breaths and a Divine Breath) Nighblood would not have consumed nearly all of that - most would be lost as the cloud of black smoke that is left in lieu of a corpse - and only some unknown fraction of that would actually be consumed by Nightblood.
  18. I doubt it is scoring the Plate due to being invested (especially invested enough to resist a Blade), since we also see rocks and tree limbs damage plate with enough force; it's more likely meant as an indication of the strength they can wield. If the "skins" could be pierced by a hearth poker, then I doubt they resist a shardblade much (and the Radiants in the vision don't show any resistance when fighting). The Essense created by Re-Shaphir in the tower was not described with the scent, so it seems likely to me that it was due to whatever person/mechanism created and released the creatures in the Starfalls vision. It's also possible, I guess, that it could be a cumulative effect - that there were so many creatures the odor became detectible. Also possible that Honor added the scent to the vision to enhance/re-inforce the experience (since, presumably, the people experiencing the vision would not know what they were encountering).
  19. I split the difference. To me, Hoid, as Hoid (Nalthis, Sel, Scadrial 1 and 2), is pretty great. Hoid as Wit is, for me, very hit or miss (I dislike most of the humor and like most of the non-humor / with exceptions to both subcategories). Hoid as Narrator (SP1 and 3) is a work in progress and I have hope that his Narration of his own story (Dragonsteel) will be better than either of those two attempts.
  20. Are you certain you mean Innate Investiture? That is (and was) 1000 breaths, what was used to Awaken the sword. Do you perhaps mean consumed investiture? Here's a WoB: So, part of what he consumes just re-enters the "investiture cycle" in the spiritual realm (likely while sheathed, since it can no-longer leak and has to go somewhere); and, while unsheathed, he constantly "eats" and constantly "leaks" the excess. So, Awakened with 1000 Breaths did not his his "threshold" - but after consuming Shashara he did hit that threshold and began leaking excess. At least that is how I interpret the information we have avaliable.
  21. Wecome to the Shard. It is a feature of Vorin Languages (see below) that Symmetry is "holy" but being truely symmetrical can be blasphemous. So, in the Alethi Women's Script, the letter "h" is a symmetrical placeholder that is written as the letter to which it is paired, but with a diacritic mark showing that it is pronounced as an "H." Words of Radiance Ch 47: So, written in the Women's Script, it would look symmetrical (except the diacritic). For more on how the Women's Script was decoded by fans, please see this (very long) thread.
  22. I feel like a person's opinion of over or under-rated for both of these series is mostly dependant upon their expectations and context when they pick them up. Lord of the Rings: If you go into this knowing how old the series (1930s-40s) is and you understand the context and social mores that have changed since this was first published (1954) then the stories can be enjoyable - just realize that fantasy was only a few decades old and not very codified yet, so conventions like handling subplots and character arcs were much looser than modern novels. Personal Opinion: This series both has too much detail and not enough detail for my taste. I'm glad to have read it once, but I doubt I would read it again. There is a ton of worldbuilding minutae detail on non-plot relevant matters, but then plot relevant topics get very sparse (nearly DEM-level) detail that inhibits my ability to really enjoy the stories. Harry Potter: This is very much a Bildungsroman Middle Grade story. If you go into the story expecting adult themes and plots, you will likley be disappointed. If you go into the story realizing it is meant to be read by people the same age as the protagonists, then it makes much more sense. Also, if you know before reading that Ms. Rowling's (debatably) greatest strength is Foreshadowing (some Chekhov's Guns prepped in book one do not "go off" until book 7, and every book has at least one thing forshadowed for the book after it) and that her (debatably) greatest weakness is internal consistency and character developement; then you can enjoy the series much more because you know why more time was spent on <this>, rather than <that>. Also, anybody who has seen the films, but not yet read the books, should be warned about how much was changed to meet the film media requirements (timing, budget, etc) before they try to read the stories. Personal Opinion: I've read this series more than once, and I can enjoy it - but there are many parts where I just have to remind myself of the intended audience to enjoy what I can and ignore what I find annoyingly plot-driven (rather than story/character consistent).
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