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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. There are as many "reading order" lists as there are people who have read the cosmere, Please see these posts for much discussion on the topic: What Book to Start On "Best" Cosmere Reading Order Reread Order My Reading Order Really, in my experience, giving a new reader enough information to make an informed decision will usually turn out better than just telling them what order to read (because each of us have different preferences and tolerances). So, with that in mind, here is what I wrote up and turned into an ePub to share with my friends and coworkers: When in doubt, publishing order is usually a good guideline as well. Hope that helps and welcome to the Shard.
  2. Counterargument to what? I was neither agreeing nor disagreeing with your assessment - I was merely showing the book referenecs so they were available for the discussion. Inconclusive. Sazed sees Elend in twilight (it's before sunset when Elend and Spook arrive at the gate), and the candle is still working (if flickering) with Marsh - so without data on how his sight was "enhanced" I would tend to agree with your assessment (tapping sight helps you "see" what you intend to "see"), but the evidence is not definitive to that assessment. Neither "scene" states or implies if he using sight "zoom" or sight "low-light-dilation" or some combination thereof.
  3. It may or may not be as @alder24 theorizes, but I would like to point out that the separation of senses into different storages goes all the way back to the first time "tinmind" is used in the trilogy (WoA ch 12) and continues with each time F-Tin is used in Era 1 (though it could simply be "this is what I was taught" and it works that way because each feruchemist was taught that it worked that way). Examples: Looking these references up did make me consider. . . what about different applications of the same sense? Will those also require separate TinMinds? WoA Ch 12:
  4. Unknown. Midnight Spores do, but while they are related to Midnight Essence the two are not the same: I'd imagine that in the Venn Diagram "Midnight" (Pre-shattering); that Nightmares, Midnight Essence (SA), Midnight Spores (Tress), and Midnight Aether (Presumed), all four would intersect with each other, but none of them would overlap by more than 50% and all four together are not likely to cover more than 60-70% of the "whole" of Midnight. It does not say if Twinsoul sensed it directly or Siljana explained what was there (unless it's mentioned in a later passage) - TLM Ch 45: Ch 47 does have a passage like you describe, though it is unclear if he is using the speech pattern because Siljana is really explaining, or because that's how Twinsoul describes sensing though the Aether: As for the Rosharan Midnight Essence, in OB ch 25, Rock describes the Construct as using a conventional weapon (though it may be an assumption, unclear if he saw an actual knife): But in the Starfalls vision, the Constructs very clearly are able to form sharp claws: Hope that helps
  5. Entry changed, if a Keeper wants to QC my changes.
  6. Right, I was pointing out that it seemed you wrote only from Sharshara's POV. As we learn in SA and ES: I'm not saying you are wrong in any way, I'm just pointing out that there is more than you have accounted for so far. Nightblood wasn;t just influenced by being a sword, the shape of his sword likely mattered (a cutlass has very different "uses" than a broadsword, for example), it likely mattered if he was a newly forged sword or had already been used in combat or to kill something/somebody, etc.
  7. But not just her conception of sapient sword - it is also influenced by the physical and cognitive identity of the oject itself. WoB: I think of it like a recipe. When baking, for example, cookies - Flour, Sugar, Moisture (oil, milk, cream, etc.) are all main required ingredients. But even the salt, baking powder, baking soda - despite being such a small percentage of the whole - can have a huge effect on how the final result turns out. So, your three-item list might be a good start from the perspective of the Awakener, but the result will be influenced by all of these smaller "ingredients."
  8. @alder24 is not saying "two Awakenings" he's saying "Two Steps" - the same way we saw the Squirrel done in Warbreaker Ch 21: So, you give the breath and use a Command to Awaken - Then, separately, you use the security phrase to give the Awakened Entity a Command. (note how it is capilatized in Ch 21)
  9. Well, I was pressed for time, so here are some of the other WoBs: Divine Breath is a Splinter of Endownment - not actually a "breath" at all (that's just the current Hallendren Term for it). It does not work like Breath, but may have uses besides healing: Please note, that comes from the Warbreaker Annotations (Specifically Ch 47) - he references Nightblood, not because Yesteel's experiements will be the same, but because Nightblood was the only example of a Metallic Type 4 Biochromatic Entity known to fans in 2011.
  10. Spoilers are the "eye" icon on the post toolbar (left of the Emoji icon), click it to make a spoiler box where the cursor is, then type in the spoiler box - or - type your text, highlight the applicable section, then click on the "Eye." You can also edit your post by clicking on the three dots (upper right of the post) and selecting edit. To remove the Pagination, place your cursor on the line above the line, and click Delete.
  11. Possibly other effects, but not Resonance for a mistborn. WoB: But yes, especially because a Cadmium bubble's default size is so much larger than a Bendalloy bubble, there are likely many useful ways to use the Venn Diagram bubble cancelling to determine what speeds up and what slows down.
  12. Welcome to the Shard. Here are some tips and tricks that you may not yet know (as each forum is slightly different): And more on searching information from the Coppermind and Arcanum Yes, here it is: Hope that helps
  13. This would seem to indicate to me that Nightblood was leaking from the moment of his creation. I would argue that the 1000 he started off with would be part of consumed breaths. Please read that WoB again (emphasis added) - Nightblood did not leak until after Vasher used it to kill Shashara. He wasn't even named Nightblood when created (because, no leaks) and was renamed after he consumed Shashara, her Divine Breath and all of the normal breaths she had remaining (likely, at least 8th Heightening or more in qty). It's not in a WoB, because it's said outright in the book and annotations (which are part of the eBook as well):
  14. Welcome to the Shard. I just tested this, and the newsletter is still the correct way to receive White Sand (Prose). The link will be in the "Subscription Confirmed" email, at the top (see below): It is not legal for other members to send it to you directly. If you are having problems with the link in the newsletter, please send a message to Dragonsteel though the Contact Us form on the website. Hope that helps
  15. With the caveat that extreme emotional states also prevent the Control. So, it seems likely to me that it's less about "emotional stress" than it is "permanent emotional/cognitive damage." Which is why I said my opinion was unlikely - no matter how much distress the Goldshadows cause in the moment, the likelihood of permanent damage is low (as mentioned above). Could it happen? Probably. Especially if somebody was making that their goal on purpose. Is it likely to happen to the average Auger? Doubtful.
  16. My guess is that it would depend on the Manifestation of Investiture. In Spook we saw that the Savantism Soul Deformation meant that without Tin burning he was nearly numb and senses far lower than normal. In Miles, he also lost the ability to feel pain (and fear to some extent) which made it easier to be injured or push things too far (not much of an issue for double-gold). SA Spoilers So, I would guess it is less "a Savant thing" and more of a "Miles thing."
  17. SPAG = Spelling and Grammar (in the context of edits and fixes) BLUF = Bottom Line Up Front (a TL;DR that comes before the post) a/o = As of (usually a date) TOW = The Other Wiki (a.k.a. Wikipedia - nickname borrowed from TVTropes) IAW = in accordance with (following a rule, regulation or other objective guidance) FYSA = For Your Situational Awareness (Something to know, but not necessarily required to take action) IOW = In other words i.e. and e.g. are not synonyms. i.e. = id est = “that is” - providing clarification (synonyms, rewording, or other means of clarifying meaning) e.g. = exemplī grātiā = “for the sake of an example” - supplying an example of a given set also et cetera = etc. (not ect.) = meaning "and more (related) things" and is used for things. For people, please use et alii = et al. = and other people "Man" was originally gender-neutral - which may be why it forms the basis of so many species terms. The gendered pronouns from old English/Saxon (where all three derive) are: Wer = Man, Husband (modern derivitive examples: werewolf, wergild, etc.) Wyf = Woman, Wife (modern derivitive example: wife)
  18. I beleive it is there until we know how they factor into events after Secret History
  19. Well, Medallions (though we don't know much about that yet). Hemalurgy also causes cracks. Much larger cracks actually, which is why The Flaw is more pronounced in Hemalurgic constructs. It was in the WoB I posted, but more explicitely stated here:
  20. Have you read White Sand? The Omnibus and Ars Arcanum? I think if you are looking to make connectsion to other Manifestations of Investiture for what little is known of Aethers, you will find the most relevant similarities there. Spoilers:
  21. If the person is an Auger - they already have cracks. That's what Snapping is - there is no Allomancy without cracks in the spiritweb (that is then filled by the power of Preservation - making you an Allomancer). (SA Spoilers) I'm not sure what point the OP is trying to drive toward with Spiritual cracks. Maybe I could answer in more detail if I understood why it matters if cognitive dissonance in an Auger causes additional "cracks" or mental issues. . .
  22. It would appear that the Breath does allow the stone some flexibility, based on this WoB (SA Spoilers): So, if that works and allows movement, then likely Kalad's Phantoms were also solid stone around a framework skeleton held together with their Lifeless Breath (WoB and Annotations on Warbreaker):
  23. Please note this WoB: So, it would seem that lingering investiture in his Spiritweb from Compounding enough to become a Feruchemical Savant is why his execution went as it did.
  24. This is also covered in Stormlight Archive, and is a feature of how healing in the Cosmere works across all worlds. It's only a Minor Spoiler, but I'll still tag it in case you want to RAFO: You will get a reason why. . . Minor Spoilers Very Minor Spoilers, and I don't recall if the answer ever came up in the story, it was answered in a WoB only: What makes you say this?
  25. Doubtful. We see Miles burn it in AoL, and he mentions he burns it, if not frequently, then certainly routinely (AoL ch 15): We see Vin burn it, and while it was unsettling enough that she vowed to never burn gold again, it was not nearly as damaging as her encounter with Straff in WoA. SHe was unsettled, and moved on (without ever even having a call-back to the experiece in the rest of the trilogy). For comparison-Straff, after the Duralumin Soothing, has repeated flashbacks and shudders over the event (which seem much more indicative of emotional damage from Allomancy): Probably the most reliable reason it would not cause permanent damage comes from the HoA Annotations to Ch 26: I find it difficult to beleive that if all Allomantic Metals enhance the Allomancer to make them able to use the power, that Gold would somehow be able to damage the Allomancer instead. It might be uncomfortable or disturbing*, but not damaging. . .
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