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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Obviously, every person's opinion is their own, and valid for their personal canon, but please consider: Kaladin is the only true* Aro character we have in the Cosmere, and some of us feel excluded when people try to say/imply he is somehow flawed for not pursuing a relationship We've already seen him try forming relationships as a method of coping with his depression. It's failed. . . twice Which does not imply that it can't work in the future, but it does seem that at this stage of his development that is not something that will help him Outside the story, some of us think it's just nice to have a Protagonist that isn't shoehorned into a relationship "because leading characters must have a relationship" *Note: As @justice magician said, he may be Demiromantic, or may evolve to that point. Also, please note that I understand nobody is purposefully being exclusionary (and may not even realize that effect is happening), that's why I wanted to point out my thoughts. Thank you very much and have a great day.
  2. F-Tin, storing and using specific senses (without the overload that comes from A-Tin enhancing everything at once) to notice details, look for clues, etc. If anybody has seen the short-lived series "Alphas," one character there is a decent example of using magnified senses in this manner. . .
  3. Elantris Ch 6: Basically, the "Demons" of Shu-Dereth. . .
  4. I really think you are over-estimating this WoB. Brandon really does like misleading verbiage It says "somebody with more power" - not "somebody and all power they can access" Because the former is already false as Sazed is already a Shard and he somebody we have seen I really doubt that he is implying Sazed could not affect plate or blade This WoB is just after Bands of Mourning release - close enough that I doubt Sanderson is implying that you could not use the Bands and be effective, as he would not yet expect most of his audience to have "seen" that in the book yet. All that said, taken literally, it would imply that of the people with access to A-Steel or A-Iron by 2016 (Vin, Kelsier, Rashek, Inquisitors, Wax) none of them could have accomplished it without shenanigans (such as compounding). Unknown if Duralumin was factored in, but I would agree that a Duralumin Push is probably not enough on it's own (though a Duralumin Push by Rashek or an Inquisitor that has Hemalurigically enhanced Steel may do it).
  5. Copy all, that's why you are the boss. As long as you are aware that this is a significant issue for a number of people. Although, I will note that I also think you are under-estimating the effect of having a board with such a name. Once the tagged spoiler threads are moved, social inertia will likely apply and many of the offending threads will just be made in the correct place (like Cosmere Discussion - there used to be far more threads needing to be moved there, but it is now routine for most people to just make their threads in the correct place).
  6. So, it appears we will likely be getting a Canon Prose version of White Sand. WoB (edited): Until then, or even after it releases, I wanted to make a summary of the different versions to clear up any confusion some fans may still have lingering. The Prose version (noncanon) is a free download when you join the Sanderson Newsletter if you already have joined, check the very first "welcome" email for the link. Please see this post (it's not White Sand, but it applies the same) for techniques in converting the document to epub or PM me for conversion assisstance. While some details are not canon, the important bits that are referenced elsewhere (so far) are all present and it is enough to give you a frame of reference You could then read the Coppermind Summary or the threads in this forum that discuss the changes from the noncanon Prose and the Canon GN The Graphic Audiobook is (supposedly - I have not listened to it) the best version because it has both the changes to make it canon, and the description(s) that can be . . . lacking. . . in the Graphic Novel. My friends that dislike the GN tried this and spoke highly of it The three Volume Graphic Novel have become scarce and fallen victim to price gouging and buy-outs. If the problem is GN availability, note that the Omnibus edition re-release is now available. There are more than a few mistakes in the original GN trilogy, enumerated in many threads and WoBs The Graphic Novel Omnibus is now available from Dynamite (Hardcover, Trade Paperback and eBook) and will be soon on other vendors like Amazon. This version: Fixes the mistakes from the three volume Graphic Novel Adds in missing material from the original Three volume Graphic Novel (such as the Khriss Prologue) Re-orders some material to better fit the timeline Adds an "Ars Arcanum" as a series of journal entries intersperced with the story Enforces the Slatrification RetCon (that's not really a RetCon since it was an unpublished piece that was never meant to be in the original Graphic Novel Vol 1 and had already been removed by Volumes 2 and 3) Also, the Coppermind Summary is now based on the Omnibus, so you always have the option of reading the Prose (noncanon) version , then reading this summary to learn all of the changes. If you are wondering why you should read White Sand: Currently it is the first in the Cosmere (Chronologically - at least until Dragonsteel releases) It is the Origin Story of an important Worldhopper (see below) It may have connections or interactions with aspects of Tress of the Emerald Sea Slight Spoilers
  7. This is likely the part I must have been missing - and I would guess "scrolling" issues are Mobile Device scrolling (which is why I wouldn't think of it or notice it)) Thank you. Copy all, that makes sense. Thanks for the write-up If I write up a summary of the different versions of White Sand (well, it's written, I would just need to put it in a separate thread, since it was a answer to questions) could we sticky that in White Sand - just to enumerate Prose, GN, GA for new readers trying to make sense of them? Edit: Posted I still think Cosmere Discussion needs a "Previews Spoilers" subforum that is all Preview Material (not just SP). The volume of SA5, SotD2 and other threads that are untagged and "all about" the previews, or including preview material in to larger theories makes me afraid to check any new threads. I report them when I find them, but I have to spoil things for myself to find and report them - and even then they don't always get a tag. I realize that there is no way to police all of the preview content - but even separating the most egregious offenders would go a long way to not feeling excluded just because I want to avoid spoilers. Thank you all very much for your responsiveness and dedication. Have a great day.
  8. The Cosmere section appears to have been decimated, with everything not Mistborn or Stormlight shoved into a bunch (despite many of them expecting sequels) and losing things like White Sand Prime (which may have been folded into Sanderson Curiosities, or White Sand, but it's hard to tell which). Please tell me this is a "temporary test to judge reactions." Spoiler section is gone (expected, but still sad). I'm not sure why this was done, but I'm guessing it was traffic driven. Except, a well organized layout should trump traffic numbers every time (IMO). So, every Major Shardworld should have a section [e. g. Roshar(Stormlight Archive), Scadrial (Mistborn), Sel (Elantris, Emperor's Soul, etc.), etc.], then feel free to use Other Cosmere as a home for minor shardworlds and other stories. Otherwise, you are just telling new members "we really only care about these two worlds, go somewhere else for that other stuff. . ." At least, that's the impression I get from the new layout.
  9. I think there are two points to consider. Here's the actual quote (OB Ch 7): I don't think that seeing a weapon as "male" would be at all common. At least IRL, males tend to personify weapons (and cars) as female far more often than male. Theorized to do with emotional attachments, so for most people the personification may be influenced by their romantic attachment preferences, though for "traditional" metaphorical assignments (such as Ships) the tradition will usually trump any personal preference My note about weapons is mostly based on personal experience - after over 20 years in, and working with, the military (since 1996), I have yet to hear a male refer to their knife or firearm with a masculine pronoun - though feminine pronouns are common (as are neuter pronouns) The quote seems to imply that it's not about how a specific weapon is personified - but how Spren, as a category, were personified. Most spren imagined by Humans have human-like genders* (see non-binary WoBs), while those old enough to have formed based on Singer imagination display the Singer primary four gender system. So, at least for True Spren, their identified gender is based on how they perceive themselves once they achieve sapience WoBs:
  10. Then I am confused. If you knew there were more than two choices, why phrase it that way (likely or not)? Also, "specifically invested" is the phrase that causes issues (at least for me). Innate investiture exists, and is not "specifically invested" (with some exceptions - like Breath). I never said Dragonsteel was not invested - just that it is not a Godmetal, nor is it a "specifically invested regular metal." We don't know what it is, other than a biological metal (somehow) with special properties (somehow), that is likely related to innate investiture (but that's not the only option). I guess my issue was less with your theory than the polarizing way it was delivered. Unfortunately, we just don't have the answers yet. Even people that have read the unpublished Dragonsteel material (at BYU) won't have much more information as much of it has changed sine those stories were written. WoBs: Hope that helps.
  11. What I was saying was that your reaction won't be any faster (a flinch reaction is a flinch reaction - happening in fractions of a second for both a Zinc Ferring and a non-ferring) but the reaction you do take is more likely to be beneficial/correct. My example you quoted above is more about having multiple seconds to sense/analyze/respond. For example, with F-Zinc then Vin vs Cett's allomancers in the beginning of WoA, she may not have needed Watcher's help in deducing one Coinshot was Mistborn in disguise. Just the extra thinking time to process the cues she was already seeing may have helped her deduce the trap. Though, that's not a great example becuase Vin has so much else already going for her.
  12. False Dichotomy. Those are not the only two options. Dragons (and Dragonsteel) both predate the Shattering (even some Shard Vessels were Dragons) and Dragonsteel is related to the fact that Dragons are a form of Fainlife. It is neither regular metal, nor Godmetal. It is a form of Biological Metal (as far as we know so far - subject to change with the Dragonsteel Series in a decade or two).
  13. The ManyWar kinda belies this point. It was fought by many/most nations about Awakening/Lifeless/Breath. Though the cultural taboo is possible (even probable), since I doubt Idrians were the only ones to Tabboo breath transfer after the ManyWar finally ended. Keep in mind that breath "vibrance" decreases with age or illness: Annotations and WoB: As for Breath and Awakening in other countries, we already know that how Returned are treated varies by country - but so does Awakening: Hope that helps.
  14. I would agree that a trained and/or experienced fighter tapping Zinc might be able to read tells from an opponent's attack. I disagree that un untrained fighter would have any chance of correctly interpreting a possible attack from body-language alone - and especially not in time to dodge/parry/block that attack only based on Zinc-assisted reasoning. I don't know if you have any fighting experience or not, but there is a reason that Hollywood needs to over-exaggerate fighting technique movements so the viewer can follow the action. Real fights do not work that way, and only a trained fighter would have a chance of noticing the subtle tells of shifting center-of-gravity; cm or less repositions of joint to line up an attack; etc. Not to montion that significant difference that fighting style may have. For example, a body position change in Boxing will indicate a vastly different attack vector from the same body reposition in Aikido or TaeKwonDo. F-Zinc has already been shown to not affect reaction time, or anything relating to physical capabilities/movement. Sazed, in both WoA and HoA has to tap Zinc, calculate/deduce the situation and tap steel to take action in time to do anything. Now, if you are saying that if they "see it coming" with enough advanced warning for thier normal reaction times to be effect, that may be possible.
  15. I think the Pewter caveat applies to F-Zinc. By this I mean: In TFE (and a bit more in WoA) Ham goes on about how most thugs are only marginally effective because they fail to train their bodies or practice using weapons - IOW - without training and practice, Pewter can only take you so far. With F-Zinc, I feel something similar applies. Without basic knowledge of physics, all the mental speed you tap can't help you calculate a trajectory. Without understanding deductive and inductive reasoning, thinking quickly won't help you understand a situation any faster. I think it's one of those abilities that can be very strong with training, but can only go so far on its own merits and won't always help in a dangerous situation (WoA Ch 58)
  16. There is definitely a difference, I'll try to explain, though it may be easier to read the Coppermind Arcanum entries from Khrissalla's Journal (starting here). White Sand Spoilers:
  17. And I will counterpoint and say that the impression I had from Era 1 is that they can derive Nutrition from the same ranges as most mammals - but require proteins (meat) to create muscle mass. Once the mass exists, then they can dissolve, reform and change the tissues into organs and such. Based on TenSoon's repeated use of "dissolve the muscles and form <organ>" and showing that each time he needs mass he requests an animal to eat to add mass.
  18. Just go to Boot Camp. . . The military are experts in "You don't have to like it, you don't have to want it; you just have to do it anyway"
  19. Cosmere Spoilers Please spoiler tag this, as I do not think Ale has read any of those stories yet. For Ale - you will see the author of the Ars Arcanum in Era 2 and in Mistborn:Secret History, when you get there. Slight Spoilers: End Positive, Neutral and Negative is about whether investiture is gained or lost (or neither) when the magic is used. Feruchemy is not the only end-Neutral art you will see (Warbreaker, for example). So, for the metallic arts its: Allomancy gains investiture from the Spiritual Realm Hemalurgy loses investiture through multiple mechanisms Feruchemy neither gains nor loses investiture (even if some must be spent to Compress a trait - it's not lost, just not spent specifically in expressing the stored trait) WoBs: Hope that helps.
  20. This, at least, was covered in HoA (Ch 2): So, the captive Kandra required water to survive. Also note that they covered the Homeland's basic diet in Ch 20: So, meat was not necessary for survival; just for mimicry or creating more muscle mass.
  21. It may not be Aethers, but is almost definitely a Luhel Bond, so you may also be able to cross reference White Sand (spoilering this since it tends to be the most common "didn't read" Cosmere work at this point):
  22. Device (PC, Mac, Mobile, Tablet)? Browser? Method of search (Search bar only, advanced search, Advanced search with filters(see below))? Have you tried more than one method of search? Have you seen any reduced speed elsewhere (other sites, non-search sections of the Shard)? Thank you very much and have a great day. Advanced Search:
  23. That seems to be a fairly strong assumption for only having seen barely half of the Spores (or less if Bone Spore is not White Sand)
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