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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. They already covered everything but I just want to note: If somebody has a Bonded Cryptic, maybe they can analyze the network packets, backtrace the connection and find them. Then we find a way to turn the tables, like Davy (Minor Spoilers)
  2. You should check out the Recommended Reading thread. My suggestions, based on your list (not filtered for age and content - ask if you have questions):
  3. The question was this: My aside was clarifying which was meant to be asked: Sorry I did not come back and answer, but it was four bad alloys before Duralumin (Five total - WoA Ch 5): What is (at least) one of the two Darkside animals mentioned as associated with Starmarks?
  4. Cormac McCarthy? It'll be interesting to hear your thoughts when you finish. In my experience, it's polarizing that way. Slight Spoilers
  5. There are no WoBs that I can find answering this, so the only information we have is that Birth order would still apply. So, for example, my nephew's triplets would be Third of the Dawn, Fourth of the Dawn and Fifth of the Dawn (by traditional naming).
  6. The thing is, the pattern you mention in the OP is just normal grammar. The fact that it reads the way it does is merely an artifact of the fact that you read an "English" version - and the Korean version of Warbreaker reads (lit translation): "Me [object-marker] protect [ongoing action conjugation]." What I am trying to say is that the word order matters only in that "Awakening must use the native language" and word connotation is the larger Command factor (For example: why "protect" and not "defend" - synonyms with a slightly different connotation and one works as a command while the other does not).
  7. I'm going to weigh in on the middle ground. As @alder24 said: WoB: But also as @TheFrugalWizard points out: And in the middle: So, to me: The Command Words matter, and the Intent and Visualization matter - and if either side of that equation is off, the awakening will not work Which is why research for new commands in so important, you need to not-only find the words, but match the intent visualization to go with it. I think grammar is less important than connotation of meaning - like two synonyms that don't quite match exactly.
  8. We are in the Warbreaker section, please edit your post and make sure you use spoiler tags for anything not Nalthis related. The thing to keep in mind is that the Command may be required in many Manifestations of Investiture, but it is not always tied to linguistics. Spoilers (Elantris/Stormlight Archive) So, if you are specializing "Commands as used in Nalthian Awakening" then there does seem to be a pattern, at least for basic Commands. But if you are generalizing for Commands as a component of Investiture throughout the Cosmere, then I think something else is happening. WoB (Sel/Scadrial Spoilers):
  9. You are not letting me down, and you should feel no obligaton or guilt for not continuing if you are not enjoying yourself. We are sorry to hear that and we hope things go well for you. Will you try any other Cosmere books in the mean time (you did seem to enjoy the Secret Projects)? Maybe some of the books that are generally recommended to read before Stormlight Archive? If you have questions you want answered or want recommendations, please let us know. For example: Warbreaker is available free on the website, if you want to try a few or all chapters without monetary investment.
  10. Right, but the Awakened Steelmind does not mean it was awakened with Breath's using Nalthian Awakening. WoB: Awakening will eventually come to mean Sentient through investiture, such that it can follow commands. Most likely, the Awakened Steelmind is a Steelmind with supplementary Nicrosil Investiture allowing it to perform as a rudimentary AI.
  11. It is extremely difficult to Awaken a Spike, and there are likely to be many unintended side effects - WoBs: Remember, a Spike is metal, so you already need to be Ninth Heightening or more, and it would require many more breaths than Nightblood needed, because it is already invested. If you were trying to replicate a spren, then that is even harder.
  12. Finished Hail Mary. Mostly good (for me) but there were a few things that really bugged me. It's a solid 3 on my personal book scale. Spoilers: Scale:
  13. He is very specific with words and wordings, he does not usually correct incorrect assumptions and often uses that to obfuscate his answers. You should be very wary of any WoB with a one or two word answer. In this case, the "Yes" is "Are there other God Metals that any person can burn?" which could mean: Your interpretation (conflicts with other WoBs) Other Godmetals are burnable by other peoples with connection to that Investiture There is at least 1 Godmetal (probably Edglium - Endowment) that can be burned by anybody It is (deliberately?) unclear which meaning is being implied. Example: You are correct that he has never said "Atium is only for Scadrians" but he has repeatedly said that to burn other godmetals "something more" is needed. The WoB I showed above indicated that was Connection.
  14. It's that you increase connection to that shard. All Scadrian's already have a Connection to both Preservatoin and Ruin. That's why I included the WoB. God Metals each have Allomantic, Ferchemical, and Hemalurgic Properties (as well as separate specific properties - like Raysium moving Light) - but a person would still have to have access to the Allomantic Manifestation of Investiture (naturally, hemalurgic, medallion, something else) and a Connection to the investiture in question (possibly except Endowment, since her Investiture is about "giving with no strings attached"). Hoid, for example, could probably burn them all, since he is a Lerasium Mistborn and has Connectoins to all of the original Shard's vessels.
  15. This is not entirely accurate. Scadrian Godmetals are burnable by any Scadrian - because they have both a Connection to their Shards and a Connection to the Metalic Arts that allow accessing Shardic investiture through Allomantic Burning. Scadrians should be able to burn Godmetals from other Shards, but would need to find a way to establish a Connection. Non-Scadrians may have a Connection to their Shards, but no way to access Allomancy to burn them (but if they gain a method - say through Hemalurgy - then it should be possible) Others have answered this, but also keep in mind that E1Atium was the only accessible source for Atium. Not only was there no naturally occuring source for Pure Atium, TLR was actively supporting Preservation's plan for containing Ruin (which is why Leras set up the Pits in the first place) This sounds like you have not yet read "The Eleventh Metal" (printed in Arcanum Unbounded) - spoilers GodMetalMinds are not accessible by anyone unless you take the same steps as needed for making Unkeyed and Unsealed Metalminds. Otherwise, Identity would still be an issue.
  16. I'm sure you did, but those random comments can be really hard to find unless they are in the user's Profile or the first post of their "Introductory" thread (if they even made one). I cannot speak for others; but, if I know I have asked and can't remember the answer off-hand, I check those two spots rathat than spend an hour searching random posts. If I don't find anything, I just ask again. Better to play it safe.
  17. You will get more information on both of these in Shadows of Self Have you read any Cosmere other than Mistborn? (slight Spoilers)
  18. Really, the only indications are that Bajerden lived and ruled late enough that people have already switched to calling the Singers "Voidbringers" and Radiants have already occupied Urithiru - but early enough that it does not seem like all surgebinders identify as Knights Radiant - since a key event of the first vision was that a rogue Surgebinder, Alakavish, caused a large war right before a Desolation. We do not know which Epoch that would be, so your headcanon is as valid as any until we get more information.
  19. When you have arguments about the use of a/an with words that start with 'h.' And what conclusions did you reach?
  20. The Mishim Story (OB Ch 67), assuming any real facts can be gleamed from one of Hoid's "tales", implies (to me) that the racial intermixture spread late in the Epochs, but before the fall of the Natanatan Silver Kingdom: So, it seems that it needs to be late enough in the cycles for humanity to cover the continent, and for Natanatan to have crafted a reputation for culture and elegance. I wonder if the notional Queen Tsa was a Stoneward, using Tension and Cohesion to "design" the towers, since by then the level of technology had fallen fairly far, but time to learn and master the Surges would have been high. Alternatively, it could be after Aharietiam (if Natanatan fell in the Era of Solitude) but I find it unlikely to be too early in the Epochs, since Humanity would have needed time to spread that far. . . Starfalls Village may imply that Humans were fairly new to that region in the Eighth Epoch.
  21. Please see this thread for some speculation. Personally, I'm not entirely convinced every shard/pair will have a "Light' since Light is so integral to Roshar, but not every form of Investiture manifests as a "Light." Also, it's possible that White Sand and Yumi kinda break pattern (spoilers):
  22. Well, as @alder24 said - they are Heraldric Epochs. To me, pending new data, my headcannon is this: Obviously low on hard data and evidence; but supported, I think, by a lot of circumstancial data. Sorry for the tangent, OP.
  23. You will get this answer - (Slight Spoilers) Glad to see you made it back to the book and hope things are going well for you.
  24. It was implied in the Starfalls vision (WoK Ch 19) that each "epoch" was the span between desolations: So, that date should be the 31st year after the end of the Sixth Desolation. Well before Aharietiam. We don't know how many there were total, just a range. WoB: Hope that helps
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