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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Not a fan of Universes Beyond at all* and as much as I love Cosmere, I would not want to see this (especially since I very much doubt that WotC could do any one section of the Cosmere well - much less an amalgam of all of it). Edit: If it were to happen anyway, I would be happier if it was worldbuilding only (e. g. Set in Roshar, maybe pre-Recreance but not specifically Stormlight Archive) rather than characters and stories we know. . . *Note
  2. FInally got around to Project: Hail Mary. Huge fan of The Martian (read it before the movie was released and found it to be in that rare category where the movie and book were both great, for different reasons), but did not care for Artimis much at all - so I was reticent to start this one. So far, I would put it below Martian and above Artemis, but I'm only half-way through. Spoilers:
  3. Keep in Mind the WoI: Also, please see the Oathbringer Glyph Pages Page one shows us Zatalef, which is a glyph in its infancy and therefore the phonemes are "discoverable" inside the glyph; because it hasn't had time to morph yet. Also, the Radiant glyphs, specifically, probably predate the Alethi Glyph system (but may have influenced it's formation). For pronunciation, start in the middle and move right - the left side would be the mirror image. I don't know if this thread is the one you already mentioned having read, but I'm linking it here in case you (or anybody reading this) want's to check out the old discussion (page 9 of the thread was linked in the WoI).
  4. Out of curiosity, were you aware of "why" Sanderson chose to use Hoid's voice as narrator for those? WoB: So, this kind of feedback is the kind of discussion he hopes we have, so he can refine the first-person project discussed in the WoB.
  5. Nonsense - they are waking moments. Skipping sleep to read more though. . .
  6. Actually, I think it is evidence for an "Area" effect. Compare WoA Ch: 58: So, Sazed tapping gold healed the flesh around the object. Miles, the wound was unable to heal "behind" the bullet (Blocked investiture) and the result was the healing flesh pushed it out of him. (note - the time this happens in the tunnels, the shotgun pellets are normal, which was why Wax could use them to push Miles) Though, I would not discount part of that be Intent, and Miles having more experience with being pierced by slmall metal objects. . . A clot induced stroke is not about an obstruction in the brain, it's about an obstruction in the circulatory system that prevents blood from reaching the brain (which therefore starves for oxygen, nutrients, etc.). IRL brainobstructions show that, with time, the braoin will forge new neural pathways that circumvent the damaged area - so a Bloodmaker that healed with a foreign body in their brain should still heal new neural paths the same way.
  7. I feel like you are stretching the boundries of Confirmation Bias (interpreting data only in ways that support your theory). Brandon has confirmed that Tress mentions Iriali. He has confirmed he used their name on purpose and that the timing with Xisis is also purposeful. Can you elaborate on your point, please? Are you trying to "prove" they were not on Lumar? The Timing? The "translation" aspect has never applied to proper nouns (that I know of) - it's there as a feature to help spot worldhoppers when they use terms and phrases that do not match the setting (Galladon-Friend / Zahel-Colors / Hoid-Bunnies (and so so so many others)). WoBs:
  8. Inconclusive. Here's the section (Prelude to the Stormlight Archive - WoK): No mention of hair color or other nationality markers. The only references to Iriali in WoK that I can find are in Axies the Collector's Interlude, the Stablemaster in the Saddle investigation (WoK Ch 18), and Kaladin riding the Storm (Ch 46):
  9. It does not work quite that way. WoBs: However, you might be able to do interesting things with other lines on differing mediums. WoB: Refraction, reflection, and deflection should all apply (at least to some Lines).
  10. Yes, they were specifically called Iriali on Lumar:
  11. There is no need to post this in multiple places (and probably the more correct place would have been the General Sanderson section) Anyway - Sep 2024, as per the Secret Project Four release video (about 2:50 in).
  12. Please note that the linked post is not only fake, but over two years old.
  13. Please do not double post: Here are some tips and tricks of which you may not yet be aware:
  14. There is a long running thread for this discussion, here.
  15. Sounds great - I'll have to try the refried beans version. . . We sometimes do similar, but we use a picante/salsa as the sauce and a sautee of fajita chicken, bellpeppers, chilis and onion rather than a ground beef/taco mix.
  16. It was in the quoted section. . . She did attach the illusions to Pattern, she's trying to rewrite the memory here and trying to reconcile the disparity of her in one place, the illusions in a second place and the shardblade in a third place (what really happens and is seen on-screen). It's one of the most blatent unreliable narrator scenes in the first two books.
  17. TestamentBlade isn't a normal dead Shardblade, we see her glowing with the Lightweaver colors when Shallan loans the blade to Kaladin in the Chasm. WoR Ch 72: So, Shallan is in an illusion of darkness next to the boulder, hiding from the Chasmfiend. An illusion of Shallan is on the opposite side of the chasm, without passing Kaladin, and the only way Shallan knows how to make her Illusions move is attached to Pattern. Kaladin still has the Shardblade. The only way we can have a moving Illusion and a Shardblade is if Pattern is controlling the Shallan illusion and the Blade is Testament. Also note that Shallan's mind enters a fugue state (just like her flashbacks) when she contemplates how "Pattern" was in two places at once And since that Blade is glowing, there may be broken Oaths, but it's not the same as a fully dead Shardblade either.
  18. Miles was shot with multiple aluminum bullets (Marasi and the aluminum rifle). He can heal that. The healing flesh pushes the bullet out of the wound track (and is key to Wax using Allomancy on him in the tunnels - AoL Ch 19)
  19. I/m sorry for any confusion, that line was only meant as a generalization about Speculative fiction, not with regards to Masaka's case specifically. For example, the Cosmere deals heavily with the ramifications of what may happen when mortals acquire immortality and/or divine power. I agree that I don't think there was any intentional correlation meant by Sanderson, I was only trying to extrapolate a theory on why some people may see a connection after-the-fact (because of the underlying non-gender-based similarity).
  20. That's what I get for getting my color code. Jokes die.
  21. Does anybody besides Hoid worship Hoid?
  22. I believe the Admins have said (after SP1) they may consider updating the Reputation titles - but not until sometime after all Secret Projects are out of their Spoiler Period. (Rep titles cannot be Spoilers, and it's a huge process to attempt multiple times/year)
  23. This is answered, at least in part, in the Secret projects.
  24. Don't forget Pull's armor (AoL Ch 18): Awakening might help, but based on the possible speeds of projectiles I would think you would want to Command your construct to deflect projectiles rather than attempt to catch them.
  25. No WoBs that I can find, but the "salt" in sweat is mostly inflated by urban legend (possibly because people associate a salty taste to sweat). Assuming, of course, that the reason that Salt kills Aether Spores is because of it's dehydrating properties (Wikipedia) : So, sweat does have a very small concentration of sodium (Na), but little to no actual Sodium Chloride (NaCl), and most eccrine salts are reabsorbed before the moisture is excreted by the sweat glands. At those concentrations, I would imagine that the moisture a Spore received from the sweat is far greater than the moisture it loses through salt contact. Hope that helps
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