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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Psstt...I didn't. I said the Divine Breath in a Returned is (likely) above a Herald (even if the Returned can't use it much). What I was trying to convey (poorly) was that A Herald is a Cognitive Shadow that may-or-may-not be invested or bonded to their Honorblade (if no bond, then only investied if they have their Honorblade) - while a Divine Breath is always a Splinter - stong enough to propel the holding CS to Fifth Heightening (amongst other things). Returned are just Cognitive Shadows as well (albeit, ones who die without their bonded Splinter). It's the Divine Breath that is above a Herald (and possibly the Honorblade itself - if it can be considered a non-sapient Splinter); because without those the Herald and Returned are just a Cognitive Shadow. Wording sucks - but I was trying to differentiate between Avatars like Patji and The Sand Lord, compared to Avatars like Telsin-as-Trell. Recommendations? Sorry, I must have missed that in the OP - I thought it was only about investiture levels as relating to closeness to Adonalsium. A Human with a Bond is above a normal non-invested human, no bond, and only possessing innate investiture.
  2. Exactly my point, though they don't have to be Splinters from Adonalsium . Nightwatcher is a Splinter of Cultivation, and also probably "C" on your tier system. The Evil is also, likely, a Splinter and also, likely, a "C." So, the point was Splinters can be at almost any level below Shard, because it depends on how they came to be. I might write that as something like:
  3. To me, it seems like one needs to factor the fact that this is a Speculative Fiction Fantasy story - where simile and metaphor rule. A primary draw of the Genre is to explore things that can't reasonably be explored through more main-line fiction. With that in mind, if a person thinks that "trans" is fundamentally: Biologically <something>, mentally/emotionally <something else>; and working toward making the biology match the mental and emotional framework Then the parallels here seem to make more sense. It's not necessarily about gender - it's about Masaka trying to make her biological, emotional, and psychological framework match - and she wants that internal and external perception to be that she is human. So, she may "feel" like a trans-coded character because, fundamentally, there is a similarity - even if actual gender isn't the primary factor for Masaka.
  4. There are a few assumptions here, such as modern Honorspren may appear humanoid, but that does not mean the earliest ones always were so (Oathbringer Ch 7): Syl could mean old spen that are not Honorspren, but she could also mean the oldest Honorspren themselves. What we know of the timeline so far (which may or may not be entirely correct) indicates: Honor and Cultivation arrive in Roshar Truespren (such as Honorspren) are created They may or may not grant Surges to Dawnsingers at this point Refugee Humans arrive Dawnsingers do something to offend the Truespren This may be before or after the fighting starts between Singers and Humans Some Dawnsingers become Fused Honor creates the Honorblades / Oathpact Truespren "change" to mimic the Honorblades in how surges are granted Which, as above, may mean they granted no surges before; or how they granted Surges changed Since Fused are made from Cognitive Shadows, I would image that each has to be made right after their first death, but before moving Beyond. How many Desolation cycles saw the creation of new Fused is unknown.
  5. You are missing Splinters - but there are more than one "tier" of those. There are also combinations of these that don't quite fit your list. For example, Seons and Spren are Splinters - but Stormfather was an Adonalsium Spren (by current understanding) that also became a Cognitive Shadow of Tanavast as well as a Splinter of Honor - so a merge of three different sources of Investiture, and at a level above other examples in that same category. Returned are Cognitive Shadows with Divine Breath (which is a Splinter of Endowment), so Splinter+CS - combination teir. Returned can absolutely use Awakening (see Vasher) - they just don't use their Divine Breath Splinter to do so - except the one "Healing" use that would kill them (because it expends the Divine Breath to use it).
  6. The only WoB I can find on Purified Dor is this: But I think the representation of multiple Selites in the Ghostbloods implies that they purify it themselves.
  7. Please see @danex's awesome thread: Ultimate Metal Count WoBs:
  8. I chose "Other" because none of my top three were on the list (Vin is missing entirely, too). More to the point, I don't think this kind of poll is realistic, since there is no way to realistically compare many of the options amongst each other. I feel like it needs to be at least three separate poll questions: Favorite Cosmere small fight (1:1 / small group(s)) Favorite Cosmere large fight Favorite non-Cosmere fight (possibly also separate small and large - if there are enough "large" to fill a category) For the record (in no particular order): Not all of those would slot above every entry on the list, but I am reticent to choose from the list when so many favorites are not options at all. . .
  9. I feel like we have had this conversation before. But the converse would also be true - if Pewter changed density, then (like F-Iron) it would also have to change mass, and therefore weight. That would affect Pushes and Pulls, but we defintitely do not see that happening anywhere. TFE explicitely states the soft tissue is "enhanced" but does not specify how. However, I doubt the enhancement is based on density - afterall Brandon has already specifically chosen to not use that for F-Iron (which makes more sense to have such a connection) because he does not want the Metallic Arts to allow for being bullet-proof. So, it's more probable that the "tougher" change to skin is something like surface tension and elasticity (making lacerations and abrasions less likely to pierce flesh) and ligaments/tendons are specifically enhanced to withstand the stress of the Allomancer's own strength, rather than defend against impact damage. I don't know if you have read Codex Alera or not (highly recommended, if not) but I think Pewter's effect in this regard is like Metalcrafting. Pewter might not prevent much of the damage from happeneing, but it does allow the Pewterarm to function despite damage and heal from it faster - which is why Sazed said (HoA Epigraph): So, he specifically calls out the danger being that you take wounds and die from damage Pewter allowed you to ignore - not that you would take no damage in the first place. From the same fight scene - we see that Pewter+Duralumin specifically does not prevent damage to soft tissue, or even smaller bones: (WoA Ch 38):
  10. Could you please quote your reference here, because I'm not finding it. AoL: I guess maybe the OP should define what they mean by "invulnerable." If they mean "take no damage" then I don't think any combination of Pewter and Duralumin can manage that from otherwise-lethal attacks. If they mean "survive and heal what would otherwise be lethal" then sure, we have plenty examples of the latter.
  11. Invincible, no. Resilient yes. Keep in mind that while Vin's skull didn't cave in from the damage she did to the thug, she did lose conciousness as soon as the Duralumin Pewter ran out, suffered a concussion, and needed days to recover (granted there were other injuries to heal too). WoA Ch 38 So, she still takes damage, she can just continue to function despite the damage (at least until the Pewter runs out). I also doubt that Duralumin+Petwer would make anybody blade or bullet proof - they would still get cut or shot (possibly taking less damage, and definitely able to function despite the damage).
  12. It was said in RoW Ch 49 that paired surges that are being partially blocked by the Inhibitor have their Stormlight color dimmed:
  13. My apologies for misreading that as "space between systems" (as in, not in the Threnodite system) - such as the proposed reason for Taln's Scar. Here's the full reference (AU Threnody Essay):
  14. You are going to need to cite this, because that contradicts known data. The first clash occurred on Threnody, ripping off chunks from Ambition (and likely Odium). The final Splintering occurred in unoccupied space after Ambition fled Threnody. My theory is that the Evil is a Sentient (Sapient?) Splinter of the combined fragments of Ambition and Odium, as per: Shardic Clash References:
  15. I neither said nor implied they were consistent across definitions. I only said that my personal take on Kelsier included elements of more than one of the options presented (elements from 3 of the 4, to be specific)
  16. Yes, it is likely that at that time, something was going on and he may have been using Voidlight and Stormlight together (or maybe something else). Though, his eyes are not actually Red in that scene (RoW Ch 106): Note: He was not holding Stormlight, nor did he breath any in that we see; but he is moving faster then even Stormlight would account for. So, something was happening, but we don't yet have enough information on exactly what that was. Odium's color, however, is Gold (Red is investiture that has been changed by some other investiture - WoBs - Emperor's Soul Spoilers):
  17. Please see this Coppermind Page Also, please see this thread which shows the process and references used to create the translations.
  18. I chose "other" because I do not find those descriptions to be mutually exclusive. To me, he's a rogue-type protector who chooses his plans, at least subconsciously, based on how they will affect and increase his reputation; a good man, that could have easily become a villain in a different story. I do disagree with with Brandon though - I don't think Kell, as written, would be a true psychopath/sociopath. Instead, I think he adheres to a personal moral code that differs from the norm, and he rejects those he finds that betray his code. If he were a true psychopath/sociopath (antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) and dissocial personality disorder (DPD)) he would be incapable of true friendship - and he is shown to clearly value friendship and possess some level of empathy.
  19. That's why my signature has a color code, and I use text highlighting when tone of voice is important to my message (as per the message you quoted). That said, some acknowledgment of what you were quoteing rather than making the same point three times in a row would go a long way to pointing out that the message was received and appreciated. By just saying some variant of the same sentance three times in a row (and without further context), it comes across as: I don't think that is what you meant (now), but that was the tone I received - sans context. More personal example (and please tell me if this is an issue). Your original Quote: There’s a wob somewhere that says that about 100 million people lived in the Final Empire. So yeah… do the math and 200 000 people survived… What I think you may have meant based on neew context: Interesting links. I [did|didn't] know that the fans generated that number. Wasn't there a WoB somewhere about that? So, 200,000 survived - Does my math still hold? Do you see the difference? One example "feels" like it's blowing the comment off to restate the original post (with a side of sarcastic "do the math") The other example acknowledges the information, restates the opinion and asks if we agree or not (with a side of faux-self deprication) Does that make sense to anybody other than me?
  20. You know, it's okay to just say "I don't care about reading old threads" ? No need to quibble semantics (or use sarcastic "do the math" comments) when I was just trying to be thorough and help you find info I thought you might be interested in reading.
  21. This is what I mentioned above. We, the fans, always assumed that was what they were trying to detect - but when you look at M:SH, it does not say that. Brandon is tricksy, and the wording matters. I'll just repost here, so nobody has to check each spoiler above to find the one I mean: Taken in light of the timeline, I now think: The Clash between three shards was a loooonnnggggg time ago Investiture without a vessel will seek Sapience (or at least sentience), but this takes a long time Ire specifically mention "Powers" and "nobody" (possibly meaning a mortal being) and specifically do not say anything about cognitive shadows or shades (Jossed by my stupidity, see below - thanks @alder24) and their device specifically fails to find a cognitive shadow Therefore: I think that at this point The Evil was just beginning to gain sentience, and just beginning to influence the homeland (much like Unmade) The Ire were protecting against mortal agents of the growing threat the Evil represented (especially if I am right about it becoming a Splinter of the combined chuncks torn from both Ambition and Odium) Therefore: Nazh was from Pre-Evil Threnody Which may or may not have already had a Manifestation of Investiture that dealt with Cognitive Shadows (seeking to live beyond death is Ambitious), but did not deal directly with the non-normal-CS that are Hell's Shades Nahz's Shade experience must come after M:SH and before BoM, Possibly returning to Threnody and learning how to adjust his pre-evil "Rites" to affect the Shades of Hell. I hope that makes sense to somebody other than me. . .
  22. To be fair, Ishar is an Unchained Bondsmith. He opened a perpendicularity - but we have no indication that he opened Honor's Perpendicularity. In fact, your own quote implies he did not . . . (RoW Ch 111) The fact that Stormfather could not feel it implies that Ishar is opening a singular perpendicularity (similar to how the surge of Transportation opens a small perpendicularity), not "Honor's Perpendicularity." The fact is, we just don't have enough information. We don;t really know how he pulled spren through, or how he sent his Tukari soldiers through. Until we get more information (SA5 or WoB), it's all conjecture and implication. WoB:
  23. You are going to have to cite a source here, because that is conjecture as far as I can tell. The closest we get is Coppermind: But whoever wrote that actually makes a mistake, because in M:SH, the quote is (Ch 3-2): He says "Shadow" (Presumably Cognitive Shadow") not "Shade" (yes, know they are related, but there are significant differences as well) - So at this point at least, we have no confirmation that he even knows the Simple Rules. You may be right - or - He may have left so long ago, that it was before the Evil and the migration - or - He may actually know Shades post-Silence. My point is, the timeline is very murky. We know (references at bottom): That Silence comes after Era 1: Nazh Meets Kelsier in SH And specifically calls him a Shadow (not a Shade) Kelsier overhears the Ire discussing Threnodites (not Shades) Their "Seeker Fabrial" Failed to find Kell - a Cognitive Shadow By the time of Era 2, he appears to have learned about Shade-based Fabrials So, there is no indication that his understanding of Shades predates the events in Silence that I can find. Here are the references I could find:
  24. Doubtful, since it is implied that the Connection that allows him to do this is that the Mistwraith was given his original skeleton (last seen in HoA when TenSoon took it with him on his trek to Urteau). He is not a Kandra, not inhabiting a Kandra, and removing his bones would probably make the body no longer suitable for hos Cognitive Shadow - so trying to behave like a Kandra would probably have some adverse side effects for him.
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