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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Or, it could be that, at the time of SfSinFoH those rites had not yet been developed, but they eventually figured out how to use rites to prevent a person's cognitive shadow from becoming a Shade by making it a Chorus instead. Silence's grandmother already implies there are ways to ensure at least some measure of memory can remain when a Shade is formed - the Rites might be an extrapolation of that once it was understood.
  2. Well, you also should have noticed a "ghost" in the New Seran Broadsheets (Bands of Mourning). Also, we still have the Nicelle Sauvage (Nicki Savage) story to look forward to (which may or may not have "Ghosts" as her Broadsheet story did)"
  3. Do you mean this WoB? Because that was kind-of my point, 100 million has never been confirmed by Brandon or his team, they are fan generated calculations. The best we get is "it's close," so I thought you might be interested in the threads where those numbers were calculated. I wasn't trying to dispute anything you said, just provide additional info to you (and anybody reading this thread).
  4. You may want to check out these (older) threads: Population of the Final Empire HoA Impact on population (Era 2 spoilers) Scadrian Industrial Revolution Population impacts are discussed
  5. ^This^ He's only mentioned once, in Ch 4 of WoK: Mostly just a name to show how many owners Kaladin had before arriving at the Shattered Plains. Though we don't know under which owner he made his final escape attempt (WOK Ch 43): Though, since we already had Katarotam's name, I feel like if that were the Lighteyes that killed Goshel, it would have been mentioned.
  6. I don't know if this will help, as I cannot personally attest to the quality - but the Wikipedia Gothic (media) page lists:
  7. Glad I could help. Sorry I missed the page you mentioned (I jumped to the Chapter directly, and looked from there - but it's the page before "Book Two - Treatise Metallurgic" so I missed it).
  8. Pun intended? Did you read the WoB that @alder24 posted with that comment? WoB Redux: Yes, TLR could survive a lot. Personally, I think the implication is that there are some things that can only be healed (before death) if you are constantly tapping Health (like Miles does - and Rashek may have done, but we have no data either way) and, being judicious, TLR just spread the rumors to imply he had already survived the things that he didn't want to actually try to survive - just so people didn't try those things. . . Still ?
  9. I'm not sure if there is a translation (I didn't find one in a quick search, but I also am unsure to which passage you refer - pg 267?). However, you may be able to use the Coppermind's Steel Alphabet to make a translation easier.
  10. I feel like this might have been a thing when Sanderson first got published. Hard magic systems were rare (but not unheard-of) 20 years ago. So, I'm not sure who is "saying" Cosmere is different now-a-days, or why they would say such. Also, shared universe also may be rare, but is not unique. Cosmere itself was inspired by Asimov's Galactic Empire which started as two (and-a-half*) disconnected series (and a tonne of short stories - metric "ne" required because there are soooo many), that asimov connected in the 90s with Prelude to Foundation, Forward the Foundation, and Robots and Empire. However, there are plenty of "Hard Magic" Fantasy and SciFan books and series now (Butcher, Weeks, etc.). Well, depends on how you classify and identify the term - Cosmere has Fabrials (Gemstone Fabrials, True-Spren Fabrials, Medallions, AonDor Fabrials, etc.) filling this niche. The main difference I can think of is that the mechanics are better understood - unlike something like Ceur’caelestos (Night Angel Trilogy) where how it came to have the powers it displays is more mysterious (even in a "hard" or "semi-hard" magic system). *Note:
  11. Right, but please do not forget the required plausibility. As per Shai's examples, she considered it "plausible" that a link had been cast incorrectly (weakening it) and that the defect had gone unnoticed. How plausible is it that somebody creates a table, creates legs for the table, but never attaches those legs (and still consideres it to be a "finished" "table"). Far more plausible for a stamp to make a plausible weakening (like the floor under the bed in the finale), so that the Forger can easily break/split the object. As far as we know, forgery cannot move physical objects (other than as required to align with their new stamped nature). So, the window frame "moved" in that the corner un-warped based on the plausible stamp that it had been lovingly restored. But the floor did not cave itself in, it was mearly weakened enough that the floor fell away under stress. In her notional "chain" example, she would have had to exploit the weak link to break the chain, the links could not "disconnect" themselves.
  12. Minor quibble, but "Axi" is already plural - the singular is Axon (SA/RoW Spoilers): Though, I'm not quite sure they really are atoms - at least the way the term has been used in books so far makes it seem they use it for molecules (even if, in WoB, Brandon has called them atom equivalents). So, at best, I think we can say that Axi could refer to molecules or atoms. The thing to keep in mind is that investiture is what is allowing a person to see metal lines. In a normal allomancer, you are not channelling investiture unless you are burning a metal (and only burning iron or steel shows these (possible) connections). However, in Hemalurgy, there is a constant source of investiture allowing MetalSight - the spike's own Charge. I think it's a combination of spike placement, physiological adaptation to the Hemalurgy, and the constant presence of the Investiture Charge that allows a hemalurgist access to MetalSight. Also note, that when we get to see the MetalSight from first person POV, it's specifically noted that because a Steel/Iron line's thickness is dependant upon the source - and seeing axi is such a small source that the lines themselves are difficult to see - just the result of everything outlined in blue is obvious. Era 1:
  13. I thought it was a decent story, and it did still feel like a middle draft. A polished version might be interesting. That said, the end (to me) felt a little unfinished. He solved not only his primary "case" but also the related mutliple mass shootings and the case that the Paisley had wanted him to investigate - but there wasn't even a one-sentance nod to closing that subplot (also no mention of him getting paid for the job - it reads like she takes off with all of the money and he got nothing). I guess it might be implied by Jack taking unnamed lab coat to Paisley, but that was about closing the Stasis Sickness mass shootings, and he hadn't confirmed the Mob death at that point. Good story, but awkward at the end. Liked how the title played into the resolution.
  14. Welcome to the forums. Which version were you trying to download? What browser(s) are you trying to use? Did you try both mirrors (there are two separate links for each version)? Do you use Calibre? If yes, do you need help using that program to convert the book if you need to download a version other than your preferred version? I don't think we can legally redistribute the book, but if you have the backerkit link for downloads, we can try helping you solve why the downloads are failing.
  15. This may help: Well, we don't know if Calamity ever came to Babailar, we only know that Regalia seemed to have a way to contact him. As for Regalia, Dawnslight was one of the first Epics anywhere and while she kept him safe (hostage), we have no reason to believe she ever had a way to communicate with He Who Dreams. How would she even know he never had a Rending, much less how that may or may not affect his power access? She's only been in Babilar a comparitively short time since she did not have her own rending there, and spent time with Prof and Tia before moving the New York to challenge the reigning epics there. Also keep in mind that this is one conversation where David triggers her weakness - so she may have been overstating her position a bit due to power-induced-hubris, which was then extra-shocking because not only did he not display powers, but his weakness was triggered (which affects the emotion of the scene, I think).
  16. While it is not explicitely stated, it is implied that because Dawnslight was in a coma long before the rise of Calamity, he did not ever have the Rending (just as David never had a Rending), and therefore never experienced the Darkness inherited from Calamity. He also rarely used his powers conciously, since they manifest more as a way of making his coma dreams a reality (based on the posters seen near his room - FF Ch 49):
  17. Does that mean that you have already finished The Lost Metal? Or are you re-reading to prepare to read TLM? Unlikely - The Lost Metal Spoilers and WoBs:
  18. Why not just "Scadrian Airships" which allows it to cover for possible Basin Airships in Era 3? I think the most searched term might just be "Airship" since that's the term from the book, so maybe a Keeper can set a redirect for whatever the final page name becomes.
  19. Just remembered this WoB: Since Rothfuss never did finish Kingkiller Chronicles book three (and is unlikely to release it in 2024) it would be awesome if Sanderson went back to the original Stones Unhallowed title. . .
  20. As I sit here, not sleeping (after the pups asked to go out at midnight), I have to admit that I'm with the author on this one. WoB: As much as I love F-Copper, if I only get one Ferchemical ability. . . it's got to be F-Bronze. While Cadmium and Bendalloy both seem interesting, I wouldn't mind A-Bronze either and compounding Sleep is just more of a great thing. Double Bronze - always feeling well-rested is just too good to pass up.
  21. Here's the WoB: And here are the references to Nightblood being heavy in the original ebook (so you can compare to your leatherbound): Keep in mind there are two things possibly affecting this (which may also relate to any changes): Nightblood was patterned after Shardblades, which are themselves, heavy, but described as light for their size (See below): Nightblood's influence can affect its weilder's perceptions of him - so "feeling heavy" might also be a heaviness of the mind as Nightblood influences the person WoR Ch :44 Hope that helps
  22. Indirectly, yes. The Cosmere Bibliography has all of the books, while each page linked there, like Elantris, has the book's page and word counts (in this case Page Count: 592, Word Count: 201,372) How about the Reckoners? Also, feel free to check out the Recommended Reading thread. Note: Beware Rithmatist - it's great, but we've been waiting on the sequel for over a decade. . .
  23. I think we should leave them as-is for now, but agree we should absolutley start the discussion on the fundamental realmatic properties of each metal. Example: RoW Epigraphs: These indicate that the realmatic property of each is "attraction" and "strengthen" (respectively). I think once we have confirmation that this indication is, in fact, a Realmatic property, then I think we can start revising the metal pages. Then the blurb at the top can be about the realmatic property, and the sections below can be adjusted to "fabrials" and "Manifestations of Investiture" with appropriate subheadings in each primary section. Things like how TLR withheld metals should not be on the metal page anyway, they belong on the appropriate story, person and (possibly) location pages.
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