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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. So, mostly just updating the post so there is a record. I changed the setting yesterday to "Don't allow others to follow me" - Nothing changed. Refreshed page (F5) and the "followers" section was now blank. Then, this morning, as a test, I changed it back to "Allow others to follow me" and, after a page refresh, the list was exactly the same. So, it seems that the setting doesn't actually change the status between accounts, just "turns off" the notifications for those "links"? Anyway, it's off again, and if anybody gets a message from that change, maybe they'll post here about it. No worries. I know it wasn't a function of the recent website change - it's that I only "discovered" the functions because of reports on what was or wasn't working after the update. I also understand that my finding it creepy is. . . abnormal? I'm sure it's partly a generational difference (Gen X), and partly my own brand of neurodiversity. I honestly cannot fathom how/why it is not creepy for everybody - it just doesn't make sense to me*. Besides, isn't the "Profile > See their activity" button just a more active intentional method anyway. If they are thinking "What hijinks has Treamayne been up to" then they can always use that if they haven't stumbled across my posts recently (since it is very unlikely I will ever use any features outside of Forum and PM). *Note:
  2. I always took that to mean: If Tress go this far, then Hoid might too. . . But, reviewing the scene, It seems that it could also mean the growing Connection between Tress and Charlie. Possible, but less likely, she may have been bothered by distractions preventing her from watching Hoid's progress.
  3. It will be explained, but is also readily apparent as soon as you see him on-screen. How closely did you read the The City and Basin Maps? Glad you seem to be enjoying the story.
  4. To me, it's not that it is a good or bad title, it just does not feel like a Stormlight Archive title. But, then, I am also not-a-fan of the KiloWaT title either, which always felt forced into the Ketek pattern to me. I would rather a meaningful title entirely devoid of the ketek pattern, than a partial or forced "acceptable" title just to (almost) fulfill the "title ketek" (which, technically will still have a smaller version in books 2,3,4 - regardless of the Title of SA5). If a "Title ketek" was really needed, I would rather have it exclude "the" than add "and", because who really refers to SA1 as "The Way of Kings" all of the time? WoKWoRORoWKoW would be my preference.
  5. That I can agree with, but then I only like homemade desserts and dark chocolate (I hate fake-fruit anything, gummy anything, etc.) Funny, because most red licorice uses artificial cherry flavor (mixed with other fake fruit). . .
  6. Clarification please. . . Are we talking artificial flavorings only? What about homemade cherry compote? All natural grape juice (effective for headaches)? As far as licorice goes. . . black or red? What about fennel? Jägermeister (if you are old enough)? Actually, we used to joke: Controversial opinions? Disney destroys their competition by buying them out, then ruining the IP (Star Wars, MCU, etc.)
  7. Please spoiler tag preview material - I am purposely avoiding all non-published preview spoilers and I did not want to know this. Doubly spoiler because this is SA forum, not Cosmere Discussion
  8. There are a number of subtle indications, but the most blatent was in HoA Ch 69: Doubtful, because the difficulty has to do with Cognitive Aspects not because they worked together to make Scadrial's population. It's also why emotional Allomancy is what is used to take control in the first place.
  9. I'm sorry you are still bothered by this, but Shardic Future Sight was very much a planned part of the setting, that's how Preservation Batman Gambitted Ruin.
  10. Brandon has said repeatedly that he will not answer that question - it is up for each reader's personal interpretation (on purpose). WoBs:
  11. Right. Poor word choice on my part - I meant "get" as in understand, not receive.
  12. I haven't gone through all the weeds of the conversation so far, but it seems like the main point has been obscured by details. WoB: The Mists, originally, were the power of Preservation seeking a new Vessel. Things Happened (Well becoming full, making them stronger and starting to Snap people) More things happened (Ruin messing with that and changing them into the Deepness) Even More Things Happened (Rashek messing up the world and realizing he could not banish the Mists entirely - or maybe learning that he shouldn't) And so on, and so forth. All those details, changes, and manipulations seem, to me, secondary and tertiary to the original Intent for the Mist to find a new Vessel of Preservation. Trimmed WoB: It's not a lack of direction, or an intent to kill. Mists Snapped people. Snapping, in Era 1, was violent and traumatic. Some people simply could not survive that process.
  13. That's implied, but not certain*. Did you read the WoBs I posted? Often a Manifestation of Investiture is the result of Shard+Being+Planet. My point was that, while Odium's influence is likely part of the cause, it is unlikely that he made a conscious decision like "I'll make Fused and give them one Surge each." In other words, he made Fused and the natural result of that action is what you see now - based on the interactions of all those factors. *Voidbinding and WoBs: It probably comes down to this: (Emphasis mine) We don't know much about Voidbinding, and we are not yet supposed to know much about it.
  14. We do not know why "Voidbinding" is named such, it may not have anything to do with Odium (directly) While Odium may have crafted the Fused, generally speaking Shards do not "make" or "give" manifectations of investiture that way directly The obvious exceptions being things powered by Splinters, like Returned or Honorblades WoBs: Hope that helps
  15. Welcome to the Shard. Be sure to let us know if you introductionthread or profile (or here) which books you have or have not read (whichever list is shorter - seems like you have not read White Sand yet? Anything else?) just in case a thread would delve into spoiler territory. Here's Brandon's WoB on Era 2 snapping: I cannot find any references on how Snapping relates to Feruchemy, or a testing process for new Ferrings/Feruchemists. Hope that helps
  16. I always took that to be his technique for soothing crowds instead of individuals (helps him concentrate on a group of people).
  17. Why would you multiply by 8 family members, if you are calculating wage? The $20/$26.36 was based on a loaf of bread, but a loaf of bread feeds more than one person in a day. So, it would either not multiply by any number of family members (one source of income feeding 8 people) or it would multiply by some fraction of 8 (if you assume two or three loaves of bread to feed a family of 8 for a day).
  18. In reverse order: There is no such thing as "equal strength" Even if they somehow added the exact same amount of muscle mass, their strength will not be equal because there are too many factors involved (number of fibers activated, muscle flexibility, fiber capacity, etc.), not to mention the technique of how you use your strength matters in many situations (lift technique, balance technique, punch technique, etc.) It's not about mass distributed across length, it's about mass movement and interference (see below): So the "taller/longer" just has more length "balling up" into the joint, so it's about ratios. Therefore, 5 ft or 6ft, the ratio of muscle length to bone length to joint movement doesn't change. That ratio is what will determine when a muscle's mass losses internal flexibility and suppleness, or when the two muscles on either side of a joint will interfere with range of motion. Possible, but unlikely to be as much as you are thinking. For example, the primary concern for muscle separation (a muscle contraction so strong and violent that it detaches from the joint) is the tendons themselves, not the bone density. And if the muscle tendons and such are influenced with the muscle itself (which pretty much has to happen) then scenarios like caving in the Koloss' face would mean the increased muscle and tendon mass of the fingers made an effective soft-tissue "brass knuckle" padding for the finger bones. Sure, there has to be some impact at the bone level, but I don't think it would be nearly as important as it is in F-Iron.
  19. Yeah, it was great. The colors and fonts always changed to match the most recent release. Everything was easy to find. I, too, am much more of a "function over form" kinda person, but the old site was not very mobile friendly because it was too old. I do wish they could have updated the back end without making the skin look so cheesey. Examples from WBM (Wayback Machine):
  20. I do, and as I said above, I don't think there is any malicious intent. But that doesn't change the fact that, even if only one person had "all notifications" turned on, it creeps me out that I do not have the control of what I share (it should be both or neither - not only one person of the two). For example, I should be able to select: Followers receive notification for posts in: <list> Where "List" functions just like the Advanced search, where you set everything, or a curated list of topics, SUs, Articles, etc. The result would be: No Notification is I don't share that area No Notification if they chose not to receive that area Notification sent, only if both I choose to share, and they choose to recieve I'm the type that does not have Facebook, LinkedIn or any other social network because I don't approve of how much data is used in ways the person cannot control. I have not yet pulled the trigger, because I'm hoping for an answer on what, if any, notification occurs when I (anybody) selects "don't let users follow me" after they already have followers. Are they forceably "unfollowed?" Are they notified "Treamayne rejected you" (not in those words), does nothing change, but new Followers are blocked? I'll probably change the setting next week even if I don;t get an answer, but I was hoping for an answer before I chose to thange that setting. . .
  21. Specifically they re talking about The Author's homepage change back in 2019. I still prefer the old site. . . if for no other reason than search actually found things, and returned actual results rather than stupid tiles that only might be relevant.
  22. Well, a punch to the abdomen is about soft tissue, not bone (and usually in hand-to-hand, the point is to compress the abdomen and cause the opponent to lose their breath). As far as protecting bone, there is likely some residual effect. While not stated directly in WoA, Sazed fouhgt Koloss with F-Pewter for a while and none of his bones were broken by his wounds. Though, also consider that increased muscle mass means more padding and dispersed force rather than direct force applied to the bone. Joints would likely still be quite vulnerable. Height is not the important factor here (shoulders, knees, hips, etc - all move in the same ways, regardless of height). Being musclebound is a layman term for a medical condition that just means that there is too much mass compared to the joints, tendons, and ligaments they work with; and cause a decrease in flexibility and range-of-motion. The simplest metaphor I can think of to visualize is: Imagine a door. The hinge is the joint and normally you could open the door fully, until it was nearly flat against the wall. But, if you add a door stop at the hinge, the door no longer opens fully, as the increased mass prevents that range of motion. So, excessive pewter would make the hinge difficult to move, and limit its range of motion.
  23. Don't forget that you need the genetic capacity, the Connection to Preservation (Frue), and to be Snapped. If they didn't know about Allomancy before, then even if someone Snapped they would not know that did or meant anything. The Sovereign probably just taught them about Snapping and the metal tables.
  24. Thanks. Also, sorry if I was unclear - I don't think anybody is actually "stalking." I meant the feeling that, potentially, a crowd of people may get notified about everything I post feels like being stalked to me. I know the posts themselves are public - it's not the posts, but the notification of posts and the loss of choice. For example - it would not feel nearly as creepy if I controlled the setting that set "followers get notified for <this> but not <that>" because then it feels more like they are saying "I want to know more about you" and I am offering what I want to share. They would still have their current settings to "say" what they want to know more about. Choice on both sides. However, in this incarnation it's like those location tracking apps - if a person found out their <Parent/Spouse/Other> received a notification for each location they went and the tracked person had no choice but to delete the app and lose other functionality (rather than the app only being used to locate a missing phone only or having the choice of what was shared from the app) I can't imagine, barring health or other reasons, that would be acceptable. Honestly, I can't understand why anybody would want to Follow or be Followed. Topics, maybe - people, creepy.
  25. Maybe. WoB: Don't forget that Shards don't cut living flesh, so impact damage won't necessarily get to a point where they damage the soul. We do not yet know how/if this kind of thing would work with limbs (severing a limb is cutting off the soul of the from the main body) since a bullet strike to, for example, the thigh may not cut enough of the limb's connection to the rest of the body to actually sever that limb's soul off. Also, so don't know how small a spren can get, so it may not be possible to get to the size of a rifle or pistol round. Now, a sufficiently good marksman making textbook head/heart shot - that should still kill (again, size dependant).
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