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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Short answer - probably not. WoBs: From what we have seen so far, they can become things that are contiguous and considered a single "item" (like the WoB above about Bows - but not the "arrows" too, that's two things) - So there is a limit in moth quantity and complexity. Secret Projects spoilers
  2. I am happy to answer any questions I can about the military by PM.
  3. Okay, I don't know how many of you have actually had non-family "roommates;" of those that have, I don't know how many have had multiple different roommates of varying personalities. So, with the voice of experience*, I will say this: Top roommate criteria Clean Courteous Compromising A distant fourth might be non-competing interests. Also, while you can become great friends with a good roommate - rooming with a friend is one of the best ways to destroy a friendship (no matter how much you think you get along - living together is different). *Note: So, for my money it's . . . Steris FTW.
  4. To be fair, it's the re-reads after Edgedancer that count. I don't think we were meant to get that detail before then.
  5. Please do not double-post. Policies: In case you do not know how to edit a post (or other tools that you may not be familiar with) this may help:
  6. So, what happens if you have followers, but then change the "allow users to follow me" setting? Do they get rejected (notified of the cease-follow)? Does the following just stop? I don't want to offend the people that used that feature, but I don't want to feel stalked either (and I was unaware of such a setting before there were followers to "reject"). Is there a feature that I can control what followers are allowed to see, or is it only their choice?
  7. Progress is progress. Congratulations. Mainline books. So probably not all of the short stories? If so, newest Short stories (post Battlegrounds) are Toot-toot POV (Little Things), and Mouse POV (Fugative) If you consume epubs - I collected all of the Year of Dresden free fiction from Butcher's website and crafted by own epub for them so I can have them on-the-go. Since they are free personal use, I can get it to you if you would want it. Feel free to PM if you are interested. Codex Alera is great - and since it is complete, you don't have to add an ongoing series to your reading list (but it's also not going anywhere) - Six books total Well, book 2 finally came out, but I haven't gotten to it yet either (I'll need to reread Book 1 first) Absolutely. Foundation and Robot Series (Bailey and R. Daneel) were my intro to Speculative Fiction (along with Narnia and Michael Crichton) and I love them. This is also on my to-read list. Excerpt from Weir's essay about The Martian (and why I thought you might like it): Finally, somebody else who agrees. I'm glad Audiobooks exist for those that want them, I'm just not one of those people (waiting on Lux Prose). I get it, busy is as busy does. I picked up an e-paper reader so I can read in unproductive situations (waiting in line at the store, waiting at the doctor's office, etc.) There will always be more good books than time to read them. Good luck to you.
  8. You could also do the "hedge my bets" trick and have an internal monologue similar to:
  9. Koloss has a Twinborn Combo Theory Thread that you can mine for ideas. I checked MAG, but that isn't one of the Twinborn named for the rpg (pg 180 of the AoL Supplement). As for a name. Hunter?
  10. Have you read Warbreaker? (Spoilers, if not) Presumably, the real question behind the OP's question is if Nightblood can access Heightenings for all the Investiture it holds. I would guess the answer is: Even if he could, it would only be when drawn - and when drawn Nightblood's cognitive functions are imapired and in that case Nightblood would be unable to use them even if they were available. Annotations to Ch 58:
  11. So, all of those poor souls "following" me are seeing these posts? It's not just Profile posts (or whatever they're called - I don't use them so I'm not sure)
  12. So Community posts count, unless they are in Forum games? And it was just coincidence that the user happened to have 2 Rep and 2 posts outside of FGaRS? Danke mucho
  13. So, I have a stupid question: The Welcome Thread says (emphasis mine): But I can't seem to find anywhere what the definition of "content" is in this context? Is it only for following "profile" stuff or does a follower get notifications of every post in the Forums? PMs? In essense, what "Content" has been "Followed?"
  14. Something I had not noticed before, and didn't see mentioned here (but may have missed), but I noticed for new user WhisperofWit the post count is actually showing the Rep count on their profile (at least it shows 2 posts - but "see activity" shows way more than 2 posts). Is this a thing? Possibly only for new users posting a lot on their first day? Or, maybe, does the post count aggregate and update only once per day? Also, re-mentioning this: So, after more than six weeks, this is still my number one problem. I had hoped I would adjust, but man is it still causing problems e v e r y day. Multiples times per day. I get that different people have different workflows, but please consider at least a 1 second hover delay for this menu (assuming it's possible).
  15. Welcome to the Shard. Here are some tips and tricks you may not yet know, as every forum site is slightly different: Welcome information is found here You can also Introduce yourself here (please include what you have or have not read - whichever list is shorter) Policies and Guidelines can be found here - Spoiler Takeaway: Probably the key thing to keep in mind is this basic organization. If you start at the Forum Main (Forums button on title menu bar) the Blue headers indicate section content: This is the Community section (general non-book discussion, forum games, etc.). This more properly belongs in the Cosmere Section > Cosmere Discussion forum. As mentioned above, this can be reported to ask a Mod/Admin to move the post (I have already done so).
  16. Thank you for this site, this thread, and for sparing some time when you have it or just need to do something different to rest some brain cells. How are the book(s) coming (besides slowly)? Do you intend to try getting published when complete, or just writing for yourself, family and friends? You mentioned Butcher a few pages back, is that Dresden Files, Codex Alera and/or Cinderspires? Do you have a preference amongst them? Have you also tried Kevin Hearne (since similarities abound - Dresden/Iron Druid | Codex Alera/Seven Kennings)? Any other non-Sanderson Speculative Fiction you recommend to friends? Have you seen the Shard's Recommended Reading? Did you read The Martian (Weir)? If yes, what did you think of the math and physics, as written? Thank you very much and have a great day.
  17. Yes-ish. I originally typed Stormlight, but changed it because that is Honor's Light - but we also have (at least) Lifelight, Voidlight, Warlight, Towerlight, and (unnamed) Life+Void Light. I was trying to encompass them all. There is probably no effect; but it would be interesting if Light that passes through a strong Biochromatic Aura while being breathed-in is somehow "enhanced" for the shift in its "brightness." Wonder if that has something to do with how Vasher converts light for consumption to fuel his Divine Breath?
  18. Draining an object of color is a change to the object to fuel the art. Changing a color with Biochromatic Aura is changing the perception of the color, not the object. Until we have evidence or WoBs, my Headcanon is that the auras (brighten and deeepen) "add" <something> to the light reflected from the object before that light is viewed by others. Which, of course, begs the question of how a strong enough Biochromatic Aura might effect Shardic Light. . .
  19. I doubt this is possible. A Divine Breath is a Splinter of Endowment. Compound all you want, Preservation's SR investiture is not going to become a Splinter of Endowment. I doubt it could even become a Splinter or Preservation without the Shard's assistance. Edit: In fact, I would not be surprised if the compounder lost the Divine Breath by trying that. After all, you would have to store the Divine Breath in a Metal Mind - then burn that Metal Mind. The Nature of Divine Breaths are to return to Endowment when expended - so now you have Compounded Preservation Investiture that is niether Breath nor Divine Breath - and would have to be changed somehow to make it work like Breath again.
  20. Leechers can only leech a metalmind the same way that Ruin changed the prophesies - Metalmind Investiture is Kinetic while being stored and tapped. So, they couldn;t empty a full metalmind itself, but they could take that trait while you are trying to Tap the metalmind. . . Old WoB frmo before "Kinetic investiture" was a known thing - but the theory should hold.
  21. Yes - it was implied by the back cover of Way of Kings and Oathbringer: Since we now know all of the back-cover synopses were written by Sleepless. Also, confirmed by WoB: Well, location would matter, since we see that even a Radiant must have their Spren nearby to maintain the bond. So, if both "bodies" were close to each other, it probably depends on the Swarm and their Spren and if they think it should work that way. If one "body" is not near the Spren, than it may not be able to access the bond, like a Radiant separated from their Spren.
  22. I think Blessings work on the same principal as all other Hemalurgy - "Spiritweb now has <Attribute>" So, if a Leecher/Nicroburst could not remove the ability to burn Steel from an H-Coinshot (as opposed to removing just the current available steel) Then a Leecher/Nicroburst can not remove or affect whatever attribute is granted by a Blessing.
  23. AFAIK, this was the last we have heard so far:
  24. Welcome to the Shard. You may consider letting us know which books/series you have or have not read (whichever list is shorter), preferably in an introductory post or in your profile. That way we can avoid spoilers, if necessary. Also, here are some tools and tips you may not yet be aware of, since each Forum is slightly different: Since this is more of a discussion point (for which you already have a theory), than a Q&A question, it probably belongs in Cosmere Discussion (preferably with a Discuss Tag). You can ask for it to be moved by an Admin using the report tool described above, or may just consider making a thread there and referencing this thread in that post. That said, Sandseron has confirmed that Friction is involved (see WoBs below), but what kind is the crux. From Wikipedia: So the "Friction" in an opposed Steelpush/Ironpull is likely similar to how Time Bubbles use investiture from the Spiritual Realm as a physical force to prevent red/blue shift. A non-physical investiture-based version of Dry Friction comprised of two different vectors of force acting on the same object, is my theory. It has also been discussed in many threads, such as this one mentioned in the WoB, and this recent thread by @DrPhysics (which covers a lot of ground on Allomantic physics) WoBs: Hope that helps.
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