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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Stand-alone single (Content Warning - Possibly uncomfortable content)
  2. I think this is a case of "Colors mean things" but not always the same thing. On Roshar, Gold is predominantly Odium's color (not exclusively, of course). Red is, cosmere-wide, indicative of Corrupted Investiture (in the sense that it has been changed from it's base - not necessarily in the malignant/evil context of "corruption") which is seen in many places such as Sel (red smoke from an essence mark*), Roshar and Scadrial (Red eyes*), plus other examples.* We do not yet know for sure what the color associated with the Shard behind the Scadrial Invasion army is, or if that army is even of that's Shard's creation, or simply co-opted from another source Sanderson likes to use thematic ties - and the Tashikki army may just be a "thematic callback" to "Here is one army associated with these colors, possibly up to no good" - and - "here's another army using similar colors - they might also be up to no good." *Notes: WoBs:
  3. Are there non click-bait chapter titles? At least it's not as bad as some series . . .
  4. Sneaky question - do you mean how many bad alloys did she try before the good alloy - or - how many alloys were tried before she realized what Duralumin does?
  5. Welcome to the Forums May I ask how far you have gotten in RoW? It should be explained in the book (most detail was in Ch 67 I think), but I'll spoiler tag this in case you want to discover it if you have not yet gotten that far. Hope that helps
  6. That's okay - we are allowed to disagree. However, that is not what I said: Either story-impacting - or - more data. A stub that only says "here's this thing that was mentioned but we have no information about it" doesn;t really do anybody any good. But we don't even know for sure that the Hunters and Fallen are even separate nations. When Allik first describes the Hunters and Fallen, he makes it sound like they are a Caste within the Malwish Nation - not separate country of leaders blamed for the Ice Death or a whole Nation of Hunters. The only hints that they might be separate countries is the language barrier mentioned by Allik and Wax's and Jordis' comments calling them nations. BoM: However, "nation" can be used for divisions along cultural and historic lines as well as nationality. So that is inicative but not proscriptive. If they were separate nations instead of castes within the Malwish Nation - then how do the other castes/tribes/nations force the Fallen to wear blank masks? Even if it is a UN style set-up, I find it difficult to beleive that, for example, The UN could force every person in a specific country to dress in a specific way. And all of that is tangential to my point that we simply do not have enough information to say definitively "Hunters is a nickname for peoples of Nation X located at Y" or "The Fallen is a nickname for people of caste X of the Malwish." Neither position has anything more than a couple random comments from unreliable narrators to support the assertion. With Nalthis, we at least know they are definitvely separate countries - with SoScad, we can't even be sure of that. We know a Map is labelled "Malwish Consortium" but that is from an Elendel perspective, and a Northern Name for a southern government - which may or may not be accurate. We do not know if it is an Empire, UN Style Cooperative governemnt or false front to disguise the real situation in the South. We do not kow how many "nations" are down there - or if "nation" is being used as a caste dedignation, cultural devision or actual nationalities of separate governments. We do not know if Jordis' use of the term "nation" was an artifact of the Medallion mis-translating a term because Wax had already erroneously used the term first (or if Wax was right or wrong to use the term Nation for these devisions). In TLM it only becomes more murky. Things that "should" have clarified are written in such a way as to be transparantly misleading (they may be accurate at face value - or they may be presented as they are to deliver a false narrative) I'll just quote: I guess my TLDR point is that it is not as easy a topic as you imply. WIthout specific clarifying WoBs or a Souther Viewpoint explaining how this works, I'm not convinced we really are dealing with disparate governing bodies of discrete territory (rather than one of the other definitions of "nation") - because Nation, in that context, makes no sense with other Masked Southerners forcing all members of one racial/ethnic/national lineage to all wear "blank masks" unless there is more than has been explained to date.
  7. So, the Sapient Spren that form Nahel Bonds to make Radiants are all a mix of Honor and Cultivation. Some are more of one than the other - the oaths are actually a manifestation of this because, as you note, the progression is likely from Cultivation, and the fact that it takes the form of Oaths is from Honor. However, I don't think the "themes" some from either - they come from the interactions of Surges that are expressed by that type of True Spren. WoB: Pretty sure the OP means Oaths
  8. It feels that way because it is over so a few chapters, and the "Vin gets injured - time passes" happens twice and messes up the timeline. I was also confused before, so I actually dug in and ran the numbers in another thread. Here's what I found: So, it's been three months just going from Ch 6 to Ch 9. Vin did learn faster than Elend, but not that much faster. *Note: BLUF is Bottom Line Up-Front (like a TLDR that comes before the post)
  9. Why is that strange? Please don;t forget, Vin is exceptionally good - Elend is strong but average. Even Kelsier had a problem with 8 Hazekillers in TFE Ch 5. He was a scholar before becoming Mistborn, I would not expect him to become "a fighter" with less than 1/3d the training time Kelsier had, even if Vin was able to do so. No worries, but if it follows the pattern of the other Hunger Games films, it'll only have about 20% content in common (not that that is a bad thing, necessarily - the movies for the original trilogy did a great job of adding material to change the story from first-person to third-person).
  10. A good example are the pages for Kerzta and Lossand on Dayside Taldain, or Elis and Iiaria on Darkside, but the Rim Kingdoms are mentioned on the Taldain Page and we don't even have a nuymber of how many other nations are part of the Dynasty (much less names for those nations). That's interesting, in theory. Do you realize how many nations there are that have no information at all (or just a name and nothing else)? I must admit, the completionist side of me wholehearedly agrees that 1 Nation:1 Page is ideal. The rabid reader and realmatic WoB Hunter in me appreciates having sparse information collected in one location for easy cross referencing without having 12 tabs open to view different connected things. I just think that there is a fine line between leaning forward and bending over; trying to break out a separate page for every country when we are less-than-halfway through the Cosmere seems like it would be an exercise in futility to me. I don't know what the "best answer" would be, but I think that unless there is a story-impacting event (King of Seevis bribing away Sand Masters), or more than two paragraphs of data, it is probably not worth breaking out a separate page at this point.
  11. We only have theories at this point - but it seems more likely that each Manifestation of Investiture is a mix of both Devotion and Dominion; only the ratios change (Stormlight Archive Spoilers): For example: The fact that Aons themselves are tied to the land's shape (even before the Splintering) implies that Dominion was likely involved. One definition of the term is: We also have this nugget from Khriss's Sel Essay in Arcanum Unbounded: Keep in mind that Sanderson has said that most Magic are not intentionally "created" - they are teh "natural" result of Shard+Planet+Inhabitants. WoBs (Cosmere Spoilers): If you are unfamiliar with searching the Coppermind and Arcanum, here are some tips and tricks that may help (beware spoilers, depending on what you may not yet have read):
  12. Well, here's Brandon's annotations on the map (if you have not seen them): Based on that, I think large items are fine (locations) but details are not to be relied upon. If the houses were intentionally stylized, then likely the ships and other things were as well.
  13. Thank you - that's what I get for typing tired. You are correct - it's only implied and what I meant to say was:
  14. Well, AonDor predates the splintering of Skai and Aona. So, we know some form of the Elantrian Magic functioned when thier shards were in the Spiritual Realm. Warbreaker Spoilers Example: An Elantrian could make a Forgery stamp with Aons; and a MaiPon could draw instructions in the air like an Elantrian - but with their native script used in Forgery. WoBs:
  15. Also, should this discussion influence, or be influenced by, Dayside and Darkside for Taldain. It seems a similar situation, in that we have a significant amount of information for one major continent, some (but far less) information for the other continent (which has no direct stories in that setting - yet). I feel that whatever choice is decided upon, we should try to have the two pairs work the same as each other.
  16. I would suggest that we base on Realmatics (I'm not sure if that solves the page name issue or not) - since we see that Awakened Fabrials are similar (whether Awakened by Breath, or other mechanisms) - SP 1,3,4 Spoilers: Then there is the (theoretical) Bondsmithing Fabrial that is Elantris, the Elsecalling Fabrials Galladon mentions to Raoden about how Aon Tia was used before the Reod. Obviously there are at least two types of Spren Fabrials - captured in a Gemheart or True Spren Fabrials (SP Spoilers) And you have the (theoretical) Hemalurgy Fabrials of Medallions crafted with excisors - which are then also used in conjunction with Allomancy and Feruchemy (Wax powering a Primer cube with A-Steel to fly, and the other F-Medallions - Weight, Connection, Heat). Though we don't know if the Primer CUbes themselves are in the same class, or different, but are shown to be Allomantic Fabrials (especially how Marasi uses them as A-Cadmium Grenades). We also saw the A-Bronze Seeker fabrial in Sixth of the Dusk, used to find the Aviar - which seems related to Vstim's Alerter Fabrial they used in Shinovar. In fact, Navani's notes about Metal use in Rosharan Spren Fabrials may indicate that Metallic arts may be less about having Allomantic or Ferchemical fabrials, than their metal's influence of a broader range of Realmatic fabrials (SP4 Spoiler): Not an easy topic to pick apart. . .
  17. So much we cannot say, but thanks for this. You are noticing important things and asking good questions.
  18. I can't speak for others, but I would not expect you to. I was refraining from being negative myself because I did not want to influence your opinion. So, I'll just say this in a tag, and you can decide if you want to check it out (spoiler-free biased opinion):
  19. I think it depends on the Aviar and their ability. AFAIK, A-Chromium and A-Nicrosil only affect Kinetic investiture. WoB: So, an ability like Kokerli's is (based on current understanding) a passive connection-based ability and is unlikely to be affected. However, an ability like Sak's seems to be Active (Dusk even has Sak "show her" and bestow the ability on Vathi) - so maybe it could be blocked like the Shardblade scenario (probably not the Aviar sensing danger - but the Aviar showing that danger to the bonded human)?
  20. There is an entire thread for that here. People are encouraged to submit recommendations in the thread and I add them to the top of page 1*, indexed by genre with MG/YA separated. First post includes the information I need to keep all entries "uniform." Example (one per copied examples): I could probably populate another score of books and series easily, but I'm holding myself back because I do not want this to be "Treamayne's list" - I want this to be a list generated by the Shard for the Shard. Though I did add a few to start off, so many of my entries are the first in their section. *Note: Page 1 post 1 = Instructions and index. Post 2 = Speculative Fiction, Post 3 = Other Genres and MG/YA friendly entries.
  21. I'm not sure that is true (discussed here and here). Harmony holds two shards - but only outside observers sometimes consider Harmony to be a single Shard (WoB below), and we don't know if Harmony was a name Sazed gave to himself, or if the survivors of the Catacendre just started calling him that and he accepted the name: Sazed himself does continue to refer to them as separate. More importantly, he explicitly used the Intent when taking them up that they should be two separate powers, working together (HoA Ch 82):
  22. Not Denth This was explained in the Annotations (Ch 31A): So, the watch captain didn't order his Lifeless to attack the violent ones because he also authorized lethal force - the "Broken" Lifeless just had a much shorter "trigger" and once that was set off - all of the Lifeless became violent. Well, keep in mind that, unlike type 3 entities, Lifeless can not only interpret orders, but they have layers of Commands allowing different types of orders: Well, Lifeless interpretation of Commands is at least partially dependant on how they were made Lifeless to begin with (moreso than the orders they are given on the battlefield, at least); so, presumably, the Lifeless Soldiers are made by Hallendren's best Awakeners. (Ch 21A) My current theory is that (Elantris Spoilers): That is certainly part of it, but war is not always engaged with unifomed soldiers. Since Bluefinger's Broken Lifeless could interpret "Idrian" as a valid target, there are likely layers of orders on what makes a target valid or invalid.
  23. Navani? It says "The Sibling" in your sig - but that could be misdirection. . .
  24. It's been a while, so probably time to reset the game (IAW OP) So, the previous was: Awakening, Fabrial, Bondsmithing (Elsecalling, Soulcasting, Lightweaving, etc.) WoBs: New Question - On which minor Shardworld does the story Sixth of the Dusk take place?
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