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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. H might be finished tomorrow if they get sucked in.
  2. @Quantus and @alder24 Have already answered, but I didn't see one important note - Which version of Elantris did you and your friend read? WoBs: So, what it comes down to is that the original Elantris (2005) did have an error in that scene - Raoden was running south of Kae. That was fixed for the 10th Anniversary edition, where his run now is directly toward the South Gate (that leads to Toa). I marked up my jpg to make this more obvious when I read the Anniversay Edition: In the original version it was described as (Elantris 2005-Ch 61): Since that was wrong, it was fixed for the Anniversary edition (Ch 61): Hope that helps
  3. Do you mean these pages: Brunstell and Wilg? I don't think there is a "common page" yet (like the Rosharan Fabrial page) though they are mentioned on the SoScad #Technology section. The problem is, we don't have enough data to generalize yet. An "Airship" page would be the Brunstell page with the name removed. For example, we know that Allik is Malwish and the Brunstell is an example of a Malwish Airship - but Iyatil is descended from "Hunters" and we don't even know that country's name, much less how their Airships differ from Malwish Airships (other than the crashed one at the Sovereign's Temple was a Hunter Ship). I would imagine that as Era Three kicks off we will start having enough data and WoBs to start fleshing things out - both in Scadrial Fabrials and those seen in various Secret Projects. Also, I would caution against using "technology" for Fabrials (or Magi-tech) as Sanderson has indicated that the reason Fabrial becomes a cosmere-wide/multiple investiture term is to distinguish base technology (automobiles, lights, guns) from investiture technology. WoB:
  4. Have you considered summarizing it for this recommendation thread?
  5. Okay. Please let us know if you have further questions or need clarification. You may also consider perusing this thread where Amira blogged her readings (shw is now on Book 3) and that might help add perspective or answer questsion as you can see how she felt about the same chapters, and what questions she had (and how we answerd them - or not). Since she goes chapter-by-chapter, it's fairly easy to not go too far and spoil something for yourself. Minor Spoiler (but more just something to look forward to if you do continue with Stormlight Archive) Are you familiar with Altered Perceptions? It was a for-charity release in support of Mental Illness Awareness and allowed contributing authors to submit both essays on how Mental Illness affects their lives (and lives of family, friends, etc.) along with content either original to the Anthology or showing drafts/versions of work where known characters made difference choices from the published material. Sanderson's Website: Excerpts from the Forward, Introduction and ToC: Excerpt from Sanderson's Essay on Kaladin in Altered Perceptions:
  6. Welcome to the Forums. may I ask if you have read any other works by Sanderson, or is this your first? Way of Kings (and all of Stormlight Archive) is a long story and a serious time investment, and is often not the best place with which to start if you think Sandseron's other series may also appeal to you. Here are some forum tips and tools you may not yet know (since every forum is slightly different): This is not quite correct - Originally, Kaladin wanted to join the army to become a "hero" - and because Laral wanted him to win a Shardblade and become a Lighteyes. WoK Ch 16: His reaction about "saving" as a soldier was just to counter Lirin's insistence that "as a Surgeon you can save people, but as soldier you can only kill." That idea of his - fighting to protect - was his reaction to his father's arguments. That, coupled with events from Ch 20 (with Miasel) and Tien's fate, all combined to make him the spearleader seen through Cenn's eyes in Ch 1 - one who tried to protect the new soldiers until they are properly trained - which translated to how he tried to protect his fellow slaves and, eventually, what you see in Bridge 4. Kaladin has a high empathy (seen especially in Ch 20 with Maisel) - he does feel for others - but it's not a Supernatural/Magical Empathy. His ability to empathize even becomes very plot relevant in later books (though it's relevant now - just not emphasized) He was also raised in a houshold and taught by his surgeon father that "saving people" was the best thing for a person to do (the crux of Lirin's arguement against joining the army was this), especially a second Nahn family like his who have a duty to help others less fortunate. So his upbringing already reinforced that he should "save people" - then he went to Amaram's army with his brother and failed to save Tien. This pushed him to save others and not fail again. . . This has some tangential connection, but will be discussed near the climax of Way of Kings, and more fully explored in Words of Radiance. Minor Spoilers: Hope that helps.
  7. Concur. While I would never underestimate the ability of Sanderson to have multiple meanings for one phrase - the implied one here was (at least indirectly) causing Kredik Shaw to become unoccupied. While the Pits could work as a perpendicularity, trade and travel was possible on Scadrial. Once the Pits were wrecked, using Preservation's Perpendicularity was dangerous, not just because of Ati's prison, but because it was guarded by TLR, Inquisitors, and normal guards. Even if you transitioned from Shadesmar into Kredik Shaw - there was almost no way to exit the Storage Cavern. From the Physical Realm, no way to enter the Storage Cavern (without a Manifestation of Investiture that would be detectible to all those Inquisitors burning Bronze). Hoid wanted the Lerasium even before the Pits were wrecked. Kelsier's Rebellion causing KS to be (nearly*) empty gave Hoid the opportunity he needed (plus allowing him to return after whatever errand took him away from Luthadel after the events of TFE Ch 19). *I don't think we know if this was before or after Marsh took up residence in KS during WoA.
  8. Welcome to the forums. Please note that this thread is old and was based entirely on the preview material. Content for after the book's release can be found in the Spoiler Section here. Note: New book spoiler period is goverened by the Spoiler Policy here (summarized below): Hope that helps.
  9. Yeah, that's why in my first post (this topic, this thread) I presented what I said as if it were "fact." It never occured to me until your response to the post that this was in contention - it seemed so obvious the cloak had been ripped to match his body that I never considered your interpretation. Sorry to portray opinion-as-fact. I can see why you interpret it the way you do, though.
  10. Exactly, I feel if he was scarred in that form, it would have been in the description (both Siri and Vivenna should have noted scars showing on a Returned) and the lack of their mention implied (at least to me) that the scars only show with the ivine breath surpressed (because he feels he should have scars - just as he feels he should be unshaven - at least subconciously). Or, the hood is not big enough to represent a nose and mouth. Ears may be less a hole than a protusion, and may be neglected for that. Or, it may be that the state of the cloak is "as cheap as it gets." Without a WoB, we don't have enough data - and it is fine if we disagree (like so many other topics upon which we agree to disagree). To me, the combination of: Specific wording - "marked with rips that matched the scars on Vasher’s body" - implies the scars came first and the cloak was "marked" to match Scar rips noted in conjunction with Eye Holes No Scars in Returned form Also unlikely a Returned would scar at all (supressed DBreath or not), unless the scars were part of their supressed Cognitive Identity We see the Cloak catch swords and arrows without ripping or being pierced Any one or two of those and I might have discounted it as coincidence, but Sanderson is a tricksy Hobbit, and taken all together it implies to me that the cloaks rips are deliberate and meant to aid in that specific Awakening (if not in general).
  11. Yeah, I was thinking of something like the Manywar Subtitle - just enough information for a casual reader, with an easy link to the page with much more information.
  12. I think the key take-away for that WoB is not the "secret agent with amnesia" trope - just the "Character discovers themselves with the reader" facet that Sanderson discussed. (Un)Fortunately, Bourne happens to be the currently most recognizable example of this trope (though I prefer the Novels - which have almost nothing in common with the movies), and I think that is why he referenced Bourne. For example, he could have referenced Corwin (Chronicles in Amber), but I doubt as many people would make the connection.
  13. If that were the case, why describe them as "rips matching scars" as opposed to "scarred where the cloak was ripped" (or similar). The rips matching his scars (which are no longer there when he releases his divine breath) seems too deliberate a phrasing, especially when coupled with the "Holes in the hood to match his eyes." At least, that was my take-away from the passage.
  14. I would say that the three subtitles (Founding, Vo, Expansion) can be combined into a short blurb (there whould be some mention - especially Vo and the Cult of Returned, as they influenced the Iridescent Tones religion) under a single sub title and given a "For more info see Hanald" tag (in the same way that the Manywar and Pahn Kal Rebellion are tagged).
  15. It's more than both the hair and the shape, Vasher's cloak is specifically crafted to assist his Awakening (Warbreaker Prologue): Like using the "Fight for me, as if you were me" Command - the "Protect me" cloak is designed to mimic Vasher himself - just facing backward when worn.
  16. I do like baking with some fruit - my favorite being Pumpkin (as seen here)
  17. Here's the WoB (I also went into SP2 blind, and only found this after-the-fact):
  18. Concur - Blueberry is a VoidFruit and any goods made with them is automatically tainted.
  19. Denth and Vasher (separately) explained this in the book (obliquely). Ch 46: So, the Phantoms, to work the way they do, have to be Lifeless Skeletons in order to receive orders and commands after the initial Awakening - then the Stone around the Phantoms is Awakened separately, to provide mobility to the Lifeless encased within - but also to allow the breath animating the stone to be withdrawn when they are not in use. Also, please note the comment here about 50-100 breaths just to make the Skeleton Lifeless (and that does not include awakening the Stone around the Phantoms) - so in an efficiency analysis: Phantoms were successful in a 40:1 combat against regular lifeless - but at a non-retrievable Breath cost of at least 50:1 as compared to mundane Lifeless. Seems like they might have been a "bargain" before the one-breath Command - but not as efficient afterward. It was explicit in the Command he used for Awakening (though, it is possible that a Memory was stored in the breath used for that Awakening). Ch 56:
  20. That would depend on your definition of "effiiciency" - since that Breath can never be recovered. Is a one-breath Lifeless (that will require a lot of maintenance time and money - special thread, replacement ichor-alcohol, etc.) really more efficient that temporary Type 3 constructs. In the long view - given 50 breaths (first heightening) you could have 49 lifeless that will last a few years (less if you fight often, more if you invest significant time and money to maintenance) - or - You could awaken a temprary constuct for what you need, when you need it, and reclaim the breaths when done. Your only monetary investment is sources of color (assuming you don't want to risk a lack of such in the environment) and your only time investment is practicing Commands. And you could potentially continue to do that for as long as you live and retain Breath. Wel, we have some basis for this number. Less than 1000 Phantoms destroyed 40,000 Lifeless - and only took a few casualties. Warbreaker Annotations-Epilogue:
  21. In Well of Acension specifically, it'll probably be Watcher (whom you will get a real name for soon). Minor Spoilers If you are asking about Era 1 - probably Straff Venture. He's not meant to be liked - but many Sanderson Villains are "good" villains - Straff doesn't even have that distinction, he's just a monster who <Spoilers> Not nearly as contentious as that one. Well, that character was a problem from Book 1 on - not just Book 3. Moreso in the movie adaptations.
  22. Are you on a standard QWERTY keyboard, or are you using a non-standard /multi-lingual keyboard? There might be some confustion because on a standard QWERTY keyboard the ' key (next to Enter/Return) is standard as the straight single quote - and an editor has to jump through some hoops to even find the curly quote (single or double). However, it sounds like your keyboard has the curly quote as its default - or has a key for both versions and you just habitually use the other key. @Chaos or another admin might be able to redirect both spellings to the same page, but you can also use the [[T'Telir|T’Telir]] construction if you want to display T’Telir but link to T'Telir.
  23. What I normally do is start with what might link to the new page. For example, on the Idrian page - under Economics - it mentions petitioning the king for relief funds. You could add a sentence or two on how some peasants living far from Bevalis feel forced to emigrate to Hallendren to work because their families might not survive the weeks it would take to travel to Bevalis to petition the crown. You can then follow that by mentioning Stormrunning as one high-risk occupation the immigrant Idrians will pursue (use the [[Stormrunner|stormrunning]] format if you use that conjugation but want to retain "Stormrunner" as the page name). This link will now appear red when you save the page and will take you to a blank space where you can create the [[Stormrunner]] page.
  24. Right - because laymen don't realize there is a difference between "Damascus pattern" and "Damascus steel" - where a pattern is any two or more steel variants layered in a such a way as to produce patterns - however a Damascus steel is smelted and forged from hypereutectoid crucible steel. Links: Damascus Steel Wootz Steel (Hypereutectoid) Crucible steel Pattern Steel Or, you could just watch a few episodes of "Forged in Fire" (any given episode probably has a 1 in 3 chance of features Damascus patterns) There are even episodes about specific techniques and/or patterns, like Canister, Bar, Ladder, Raindrop, etc. Whether the Spike is "one thing" or not - the different metals would likely need to be harvested from different bind points, so you still can't harvest two metals from one bind point (even if they share a quadrant). Also - more about alloys than pattern forging, but here's a WoB:
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