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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Right but have any of those been added since the change to the new Forum? The closest I saw in your search was still a month before the change (and that was a likely Spam account - based on 0 posts remaining and the numbers used in the name which are common to the Spam accounts). Just because this wasn't blocked before the change does not mean it isn't blocked now (and I could be totally wrong about it being a Malware mitigation).
  2. I'm still a fan of the theory that (SA Spoilers): This would also have the side effect of refreshing your memory on the topic, since Sazed notes that accessing the same memory multiple times can degrade it. While I am pretty sure those references in TFE were meant as foreshadowing that TLR was Rashek, it would not surprise me at all if something like this was a Resonance for a Copper Twinborn.
  3. If it has been that long, may I ask if you read the Prose or the Graphic Novel Trilogy? Have you considered reading the Omnibus (or the updated White Sand Summary) to familiarize yourself with the changes?
  4. As could the opposite - "My body is not to be used for Awakening. Cremate immediately." Well, there are a lot of considerations: Soldiering is not much like Bodyguarding. They are very different skill sets. WoK Prime did a fairly decent job of noting many dinstinctions, even if they were largely removed from the final WoK/WoR (see below). We don't know who Awakens the Hallendren Lifeless Soldiers or what process they use. However, we do see how Vasher Awakens "bodyguard cloak", and we see how that functions while Awakened - which implies that much can be smoothed over with proper visualization paired with the correct Command. It's likely that the Lifeless Solders' Command visualtions take the place of much of the techniques. Since there are two different Commands that matter*, these can likely be layered for a nuanced result - with a very experienced high-Heighteneing Priest Awakening with Lifeless (making it better able to follow orders), and a Career Soldier implementing the Commands for thier normal operations (for better visualization of military techniques). For being a Soldier (or even Patrolling) it's important to learn: Use of weapons, Hand-to-hand, teamwork, task delegation and back-up (you should not only know your duties in the squad - but know the duties of others well enough to step in if they are wounded - or call out if a step is missed due to task saturation or other CRM items), For being a bodyguard it's important to know: Threat assessments (many different fighting styles - or at least their markers to recognize threats), Situational Awareness (especially if working as a single bodyguard), planning and contingencies, lethal and non-lethal threat mitigation, how to adjust to evolving situations and how to improvise solutions TWoK-P Ch 22: Warbreaker
  5. Into the Breach - Advanced Edition Shandalar - Mana Link update Impossible Creatures
  6. It's not the only religion to be incorporated into a larger page (Ker'reen and Los'seen come to mind, amongst others) but if Sliverism has a page, I'd imaging the Tones could have one. Mostly it is a lot of work to collect all known information (page and chapter references, WoBs, etc.), and present that information in a coherent, unbaised fashion (or as much as possible - there are strict limits and reasons on use and presenting conjecture and assumption). That said, the Coppermind is always looking for volunteers, so if this a poject that speaks to you, then you should make an account on the Commpermind (accounts are not shared with the Forums), and check out the Coppermind Discord (separate from the Shard discord, since it focuses on updating Coppermind). That's what I did for the White Sand Omnibus, and I am working my way through updating every White Sand page on the Coppermind to make sure they reflect the Omnibus changes (such as the finally-updated White Sand Summary).
  7. I can't say for this specific site, but from a base cybersecurity perspective SQL Injection and Cross Site Scripting are both threats that can have mitigation by preventing punctuation and other special characters from being used in forms that are stored to the database*. So, it's possible that using the parentheses is what makes this an invalid user name. *Especially if a given site does not want to try maintaining a blacklist of characters or coding "escape" translations to allow the characters but prevent malicious use.
  8. Related WoB (Mistborn Spoilers): In case you have not seen them, they can be found here: Sanderson's First Law Sanderson's Second Law Sanderson's Third Law
  9. True. WoB: Note, this still happens in modern cultures IRL. It's not just something Brandon made up. WoK Ch 10: It's related to rank (light and dark) and what rights are conferred at which rank. There are so many details, it is easy (almost inevitable) to miss some of the smaller details. I've read WoK 4 times and found something I missed every time (and expect to again on next-year's reread)
  10. Hence my polarizing comment. I've found that when discussing it with friends, it's best to just let them make an informed decision (most people that dislike this do so because of the last 10 minutes - foreshadowed in the opening scene of Phantom). The books are wonderful if you are already a fan of Oz. the way he rewove things without actually contradicting or changing Baum's in-story canon. From Wikipedia:
  11. This is the Warbreaker Forum, please make sure you have spoiler tagged information from other series (as demonstrated above) - or report the thread (using the three-dot menu, top right corner of the first post) and ask an Admin to move it to Cosmere Discussion so that all Cosmere is allowed without spoiler tags (except new and preview material in their spoiler period).
  12. Please cite your source for the Inner Sea to be East of T'Telir in the story. Because my whole point is that I do not think the map is North Up - which makes what you are calling East on the map is actually South. Here's what I found for East in-story: I'm not saying you are wrong. I am saying there is not enough definitive information to reliably say what direction the bay lies from T'Telir, and on which shore of the Bright Sea the bay is located. Indications, yes. Likeihoods, yes. Definitive answers, no.
  13. She does indeed, but why does this mean that Hallandren is on the northern shore, The coppermind tells us it’s on the western side, the map of T’Telir also shows us this, though the sea could be shaped a little weird and the map would still work. Two reasons: I was tired and didn;t quite follow all of the branches of logic to their conclusion In that I didn't fully consider NW and NE corners so much as I was trying to mentally map the line of travel South from the mountains, South into the City and Couth onto the Court plateau This section of Ch 4 implies that the T'Telir Map is not oriented North Up:
  14. In a "Roaring 20s" vibe, compelling story (in the dawn of "News crafts Perception") with abosolutely great music and dance. Unlike the movie version, the stage show (at least the one I saw) had minimal staging and sets; but that only emphasized the performance and choreography. How can you have Phantom on the list but not Love Never Dies? I get that it's polarizing, but exchange the Paris Opera house for a Coney Island "Attraction" and you have many of the same reasons to love the performance. Clown Warning (not actual clowns, but may trigger a clown reaction in some people - like my niece) It probably depends on the Tour, but when I saw the Donnie Osmond tour in the 90s, they used local Elementary school choirs for the children that "hear the story" and perform backup vocals. If you can find a touring company like that, it's very worth it. This is actually a book translated to Stage. Gregory Maguire has done re-imaginings of The Cowardly Lion (A Lion Among Men ), Cinderella's Stepsister (Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister), and more. ----- For those that enjoy DVD Musicals between trips to the theater. The classic movie version (1955) is very much worth the time. Frank Sinatra and Marlon Brando (who actually "sings" his own parts - including "Luck be a Lady" - even though they were multiple takes) may not work together well - but the product on screen still plays well. For maximum Cognitive Dissonance, watch the Angela Landsbury as Ms. Lovett version (filmed on-tour in LA) back-to-back with any episode of "Murder, She Wrote." There's a reason Dame Landsbury won a Tony for this performance in 1979, and as great as Helena Bonham Carter did with the role - I think this version makes a larger impact because you just don't expect that level of creepy from Jessica Fletcher. This also meets the DVD criteria. Renee Zellweger may play Roxie, but it's Queen Latifah and Catherine Zeta Jones that make this version pop.
  15. We just got this WoB This is a surprising RAFO to me. I thought this was answered when Taravangian wielded Nightblood at the end of RoW. Is Odium’s golden room not a cognitive realm creation? It’s not Shadesmar, but it’s like a mind palace of sorts like the Visions. Body stays in physical realm but the mind is in the golden room. Well, there are two interpretations of the question. For example (Secret History 1-1 Spoilers): There is a distinct difference between a being in Shadesmar and viewing the Cognitive Aspect of a being in the Physical Realm. Vin, in Shadesmar, would look like Vin - but. as shown above, seeing Vin's Cognitive Aspect is not the same as seeing her. So, at the end of RoW we saw Nightblood brought into a demense (for lack of a better term) and we still do not know if those are in the Cognitive, the Spiritual Realm or the edge of both. That doesn't answer what Nightblood's Cognitive Aspect would look like from Shadesmar while Nightblood is still in the Physical realm. Did you mean this? (OB Ch 108)
  16. No so much "Kill Amaram" as "not save" Amaram, was my impression.
  17. No worries, glad to share your ride on re-read. Likely (but onconfirmed) it's questionable because it was a darkeyed soldier "rattle" about " you killed me" (it could just be him, not Unmade influence) Stormblessed is (was) a common term for calling somebody lucky. So, those incidents are separate, but related. WoB: Note, that this is changing, and Brandon does not show it often in the books to avoid confusion over the generic stormblessed and Kaladin Stormblessed. But he was already Proto-Radiant (my term). WoB and WoR reference: My current thoughts (unconfirmed) is there are two primary types of Radiants - those that attract a Spren naturally because they evoke the Order's Oaths (even if they don't have a bond and have not sworn an Oath yet) - and those who become Squires and attract a Spren because, as a Squire, they are already learning the Oaths and trying to live up to them. Kaladin and Dalinar are both shown on-screen to use stormlight before swaering any Oaths. The WoB notes that the nature of Connection in the Spiritual Realm (where there is no time or place) means that because they will have a Nahel Bond, they sometimes unconciously use Stormlight before they become aware of the bond starting. Kaladin is just the most obvious example of this. This connects to the coming "Starfalls" chapter (19), but is also influenced by the Thrill (until it moves to Jah Kaved in WoR). So, culturally, Alethi were "Watchers at the Rim" (a phrase you are sure to see more than once) that trained in combat for the Desolations - which devilved into a natioinal pre-disposition for fighting wars and skirmishes. Oathbringer flashbacks also shed a lot of light on this. Agreed
  18. Unfortunately there is not likely to be one any time soon. Annotations to Ch 32: There are a few things that can be derived by available information: Siri travels South to reach T'Telir, which curves around a bay on the Bright Sea Which imples that Hallendren is on the North Shore of the Bright Sea. Siri travels at least a week (assuming synchratic time - at least this early. Vivenna, with Fafen in Ch 2 notes it's been a wek since Siri left, Siri arrives in Ch 4) This implies that the "cold and short summers" of Bevalis are a considerable altitude over the T'Telir tropical rainforest environment Tedredel lies "across the Bright Sea" Which implies it is South of Hallendren Which Implies that the continent is a Southern Hemisphere Continent, if Hallendren is to the North (or possibly central) but still equatorial enough to have a rain forest valley. In my mind, the Bright Sea might be something like the Mediterranean, if teh Med we on a Latitiude similar to the Carribean - which would make the Idrian Highlands soemthing similar to the Alps - high enough for a radiacally diferent climate, but situated in the landmass to all lower-lying countries both North and South of Idris. References:
  19. Right, but that's still "currently" and my whole point was: (not to mention that was Design telling Yumi, not Yumi stating the number(s) of YH)
  20. Where please? Here are the references I can find: Also note that Liyun tells Yumi "you are one of 14" (paraphrased) early on that first day, possibily indicating that Father-Machine-through-Liyun tells here this every day. reinforcing the story it wants believed (true or not).
  21. Understood, and I agree with all of that - none of which means it is impossible that there were 16 Yoki-Hijo at the time Father Machine was activate and that two of those sixteen passed beyond before the prisons were created to contain the YH that slipped FM's control (all of which was centuries before Hoid or the events of the story). I am also not saying it is wrong that there were 14 - I am merely trying to point out that the number is not a Fact - it is what we know, from the sources we have and may not be entirely correct. We can only say for certain that there are 14 at the time of the story - and the indications are that it was that way at the time Father Machine was activated. But since Father Machine, though his puppet Shroud constructs, is the source of that information it should be considered likely-but-not-definite.
  22. Okay, now I undestand. When you said "using Stormlight" I misinterpreted that as breathing it in and using it, so I was searching the sections during the attack. Here are the epub quotes: (WoK Prologue) So, this pertains to Stone Shamanism, the religion of the Shin that we still do not know much about. Answers coming in SA5. We know they revere Stone and Stormlight. Possibly due to lingering cultural taboos from the arrival of Humanity on Roshar. They have the luxury of not walking on Stone in Sinovar, because it's the only place on Roshar with actual Soil - since it was set aside and transformed when humanity arrived to be hospitable to the non-native species that humans brough with them. Also note this section from Khissalla's Roshar essay (Arcanum Unbounded - Roshar): So, the Shin do not use Stormlight as a primary means of illumination because of their religious belief that it is sacred - but, just as most of Humanity on Roshar lost the stone-walking taboo because outside Shinovar there is no soil (it's all stone - which is a point Szeth will make later in boook 1 or 2), Humanity lost the sacred feeling of Stormlight and began using it for illumination because fire can be unpredictable in a high oxygen environment.
  23. I would recommend getting a couple of cheap shorter RPG Videogames, preferably different styles so you can compare and find what you do and do not like. Different views/camera angles (for example, I loathe anything first-person), different combat types (turn based, real-time, etc), different focus (story, puzzle, combat, etc.) I prefer Good Old Games (GoG) because there are frequent sales, and most much older games are very cheap even without a sale, so it is easy to find and try a variety without breaking your wallet (and, of course, I loathe Steam - but that's a different story). Games I have enjoyed:
  24. Minor Spoilers, so your choice to read or skip:
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