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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Glad to see you back and hope everything is going will with you. You've started a trend, so now we have people doing similar read-blogs on Mistborn Eras 1 and 2 - which you can read and enjoy when/if you get to those stories again. Interesting theory - any reason why? Any thougths on the Alethi Romance Novels?
  2. Those are called epigraphs. For example, since you said you read SA, you can see all of Epigraphs for (SA Spoiler) The Way of Kings here. Or (Mistborn Spoilers in link) when you finish The Final Empire: You seem to be enjoying the book so far. Please make sure to use spoiler tags for references like (SA Spoilers) Don't hesitate to ask if you have questions or need clarification. If possible, please edit your post to remove or spoiler tag the reference mentioned above, and here are my thoughts on that (SA Spoilers): These are good questions, and you will get most of these answers in this book. Also, please try not to double-post. Just edit your post to add the new comments at the bottom if there are no new replies yet.
  3. That depends heavily on how you define the "powerful" and which metrics you apply. For example, have you read Elantris? (minor spoilers) When you have read most of the related Cosmere stories, you may be intereted in @Frustration's Firepower thread - which is dedicated to exactly this kind of analysis and comparison.
  4. Welcome to the Forums. Since you are starting Mistborn, is that also your first Sanderson Book? If yes, then I hope you enjoy the ride, and let us know when you want some more information on related books, series and stories. Minor possible spoilers: Here are some tips and tricks that you may not yet be aware of, since each forum is slightly different:
  5. I think we are talking past each other a bit here -- my point was that Duralumin Taps are not as useful as being able to control the increment and timing. Why would you ever want to use Duralumin to tap "everything now" without controlling how much and how long? Duralumin can't affect or help the compression loss for the usefule increments of 2-3x compression where it would matter. Yeah - Duh Me. That's what I get for posting tired.
  6. Understood. I think we are interpreting the same data differently. You also seem to put far more weight on non-canon off-the-cuff examples than I do. Here's the WoB in full (since only part was quoted before): So, at a Q&A brandon gives an example with random numbers to illustrate the point that Compressed F-Traits expend some of the trait to achieve the multiplicative effects. However, if you run the numbers, the off-the cuff "200% for 25 minutes" does not match what we see with either Sazed in WoA or with Wax in Era 2. So, I do not think thsoe numbers are accurate enough to extrapolate a percentage loss ratio (on what is likely to be a bell curve algorithm). I also cannot convince myself that an uncontrolled reaction of duralumin compressed feruchemy is worth the risk excpet possibly in th emost extreme circumstances. You mention 600% and 800% - but your example for the later would only be 700% (where 60 seconds is 1:1 - the progression of "halves" is 30, 15, 7.5, 3.75, 1.875, 0.9375 - which rounds up to 1 second, which is X^7 where X is the compression of time and trait). Also, what circumstance for which trait would be worth compressing to a handful of seconds - when we already see that many Allomantic uses of Duralumin will kill the user when you don't have compensatory abilities for balance (see the examples here - even if the original premise of the post was jossed). So most Ferring | A-Duralumin twinborn would be crazy to try this if they expect to survive (except maybe the smallest metalminds - then the risk doesn;t seem worth the gain to me). It's okay to disagree. We don't have legitimate numbers yet on the ratio of power lost to ferchemical compression.
  7. Understood last time as well, again, please read my post rather than skimming it. Your WoB, reduced: Duralumin cannot restore the time lost by compression - since you also lose time because you have compressed the effect. Duralumin cannot make the 200% happen for the full 30 minutes it should last because Duralumin is always "everything right now." So, again, how does that differ from what Ferchemists can already accomplish? Maybe (using the WoB example) they get 510% for a few seconds instead of only 500%. . . which circles back to the point above: I understand you really want to explore what other forms of Kinetic investiture Duralumin could effect - I'm simply saying that Feruchemy is not one of the Manifestations of Investiture that can gain much from Duralumin that it cannot already produce. I would expect some surges to be similar (SA Spoilers) Here's another WoB that may apply:
  8. So, this clearly states that Duralumin can affect other Invested Arts, which could theoretically translate to Feruchemy. Understood, but you ignored the final point I worked up to: Feruchemy has no need of Duralumin to accomplish the same effect. Duralumin Tap - release all available power in an instant. Max Compress the storage - release all power in the metal mind in an instant. The effects would be the same, or so similar as to be indistinguishable outside of laboratory testing and measuring. The power loss to Feruchemical compression tapping is exhibitied in less proportionate time. Durlumin compresses all Kinetic investiture into the smallest available time. (they are probably operating on the same fundamental realmatics).
  9. If you need an idea to pursue, here's a thought experiment:
  10. Spoilers for Blinding White: I'm interested to know if you still feel that way when you are done.
  11. Most likely Identity contamination means one spike has an effect, the other three (or more) are wasted and do nothing. Not only will the differing identities cause conflict, but current known information indicates that only one identity would have access through a single bind point. No, the heart has at least four bind points, if your multi-spike were somehow able to pierce all four you might be able to make that work, but it would lamost assuredly count as four spikes, even if only one shows from outside of the body.
  12. Exactly. The "Expand" (or at least that is the label on PC) will only expand to current internal length; so if there is a spoiler or collapsed quote in there, then you have to show those first for the "Expand" to correctly display the full contents. If you "expand" first, then open the spoiler or collapsed quote, it will not expand again and the collapsed box will extend below the quote/post/thread. Any elements that have a higher layer order will cover that section of the text. Hope that helps.
  13. Welcome to the forums How big will this plaque be, if you plan to have 20 glyphs, each 7 to 9 in diameter? Or did you mean a 9 in plaque with all twenty glyphs? Will you be using the "double-eye" configuration? @AltonicKeys already linked the Coppermind gallery, I would also mention that you can use Sanderson's website resources as well, like The Order Summary or Stormlight Archive Art. Sometimes (on PC), when I need a slightly higher resolution that the available download, I'll "zoom" in the webpage (usually CTRL and + (Shift or + on the numpad), then use Alt+PrtScn to take a screenshot of the current page, which you can then paste into an editor (like Paint) and crop - this will usually yield a higher resolution image (example - the 500px Gravitation glyph became 900x1000 saved this way). Be sure to know and follow the Fan Art Guidelines - Brandon is very generous to fans, so you really want to follow the few rules he puts forth (which mostly amount to private-use-only). Hope that helps
  14. Thanks. Sounds interesting. If it's a series you recommend, you may consider submitting it to the recommended reading thread.
  15. I acknowledge only two kinds of candy: Dark Chocolate Home baked desserts All else can be filed under rubbish and safely ignored. I really miss the greatest M&M ever, but M&M Dark is an acceptible substitute. I am a fan of Paqui Chips, though.
  16. Not quite. 10 Minutes at half-weight would equal 10 minutes at 150% weight (not double weight). WoB: So, extrapolating from this, A Duralumin Gnat who is also a Ferring may be able to tap their metalmind, then burn A-Duralumin for an enormous burst of instant Feruchemical power. No. Tapping a metal mind is regular feruchemy. The reason why Duralumin can impact Compounding specifically, is because when a twinborn Compounds, they are burning a metalmind Allomantically (not "Tapping" - "Burning") - and Durlumin is able to release all of the potential of an Allomantic source in a single burst. Burning Durlumin would not effect Tapping - and even if they somehow found a way to hack it to effect Tapping a Metalmind, it would be the same as what Feruchemy can already accomplish by compressing the storage to release the entire amount at one time. Hope that helps
  17. Correct they were not full, but neither were they expansive (WoA Ch 50): So, Sazed notes that at the rate he stores (since we never get his "percentages") that it ould take him weeks to fill a ring - and that he stored these attributes for three days. We also know that his "three days'" storage of speed was expended in less than five minutes (probably much less, but I'm rounding up). So, rough math says that (14/3)*4 = roughly 20 minutes or less of feruchemical charge in a ring at the rate Sazed tapped them in that fight. At best. What makes you think that metal poisoning would nto be a factor? Also, one square inch of tattoo is approzimately 1/24th ounce of ink - so even if your ink was 95% metal, it would take at least 25 square inches of tattoo to make 1 ounce of metal for a metalmind. White Sand spoilers:
  18. Precisely, it's been three years, so the topic is moribund. The Applicable section of the linked guidelines is (emphasis mine): So, the OP: Was about if Lerasium stacked as double strength for a Misting becoming a Mistborn via bead (like Vin's double-bronze being a Mistborn with Ha-Bronze). Your comment was about a tangent, that was neither including new information, nor addressing the original post. It's not a huge deal, and you are correct that the Mods don't put a hard time limit on these things (there are so many factors, it's difficult to measure). But it is also an anti-spam measure, since Bots often post to an old-but-not-locked thread as a way to post spam links they hope to go unnoticed by the Admins. I hope you did not think there was any animosity in my previous post - it was only intended to be a friendly reminder that a new thread is generally preferable to posting to old threads unless there is a very specific reason (and even then, it is sometimes better to do something like this post where yo ustart a new thread and reference/quote the original thread) to reply to that specific thread. Hope that helps. Have a great day.
  19. Everybody is so quick to jump to the conclusion that Sigzil broke his Windrunner Oaths. TSM very specifically never says that (see above quote from @alder24, emphasis mine) We also have this WoB: It is possible that Sigzil and his honorspren agreed to end their bond (possibly to make it safe for Sig to become a DawnVessel). Both are possible - breaking oaths and voluntarily ending the bond. My guess is that in the time between leaving the Windrunners and joining the Skybreakers, Sigzil had changed - and something about Aux (especially since it is implied they met in Shadesmar at some point before bonding) drew Sigzil enough to consider a new bond (or circumstances made it such that he felt he needed a new bond).
  20. Not all tattoo inks carry metals, there were centuries of plant-based inks as tattoos before the first mass-market metal-based coloring was developed or used. Also, since Sazed's Rings in WoA were barely able to hold a few minutes of Feruchemical charge, and the amount of metal in tattoo ink is not only mixed (and therefore a non-viable alloy) but also many many fractions less, I doubt that even if you were able to consider it as a metal mind (assuming only one metal was used and it matched your ability) you would get more than a second or three of charge out of a full sleeve tattoo. Maybe up to 30 seconds charge if you tattto your whole body. And that's a whole lot of mental and physical hoops to jump through for a tiny portion of metal to use as a metalmind.
  21. Welcome to the Forums. That is actually not correct. The first Mistborn came from Rashek giving out the beads of Lerasium he found at the well. Allomancers were being Snapped by the Deepness before they travelled to the well. Alendi, in fact, was a Seeker (which is why he could hear the pulses of the Well - like Vin). As far as origins of the Metallic arts - few-to-none of the Arts (on any Shardworld) came about because a Shard specifically said "I'm creating this Magic, with these rules." Rather, the vasrious manifestations of investiture all derive from a unique combination of the Shard(s) investiture, the location, the people and the environment. WoBs: So, Feruchemy is the result of Ruin and Preservation working together to create the planet and its people - where the expression of their work together created a base Manifestion of Investiture (MoI) that was also part of each (but slightly more Preservation, just as people themselves are slightly more Preservation). Which is why it was also the first MoI to naturally develop and be explored and understood by its practitioners. Hope that helps.
  22. Exactly. My personal headcanon, since there is a derth of detail in those scenes, is this: When Sazed struck Marsh with the candelabra, he was specifically using F-Iron and F-Pewter to strengthen himself for a blow with increased speed When Sazed used the Kandra hammer, he was only using F-Iron, but he also does not say how much he sped up - a basic 50% increase would still be a huge boost to a weapon as heavy as a sledgehammer without adding enough impac damage to hurt his wrist (since the lever simple-machine concept placing his hand at the fulcrum means the amout of force felt at the fulcrum is a fraction of what would be imparted at the hammer's head) - and he was using F-Iron so there is some resilience When Bleeder slit throats with the knife, I imagine she was using the "standard" motion that would derive all the benfitis of speed but without the problem of velocity based damage to herself - from behind and drawing the knife in a "cease" motion (if right handed, then from behind - left to right - across the front of the throat) This would place the friction at the cutting edge but without pushing force into the hand weilding the knife Another book series (Seven Kennings) highlights this problem well and shows it on-screen repeatedly. Blight of Blackwings, Seven Kennings Book 2, by Kevin Hearne - Spoiler(ish):
  23. I think that if a ferring sped up and hit something at 3x (or more) speed, the steelrunner would crush their hand, break their arm and/or dislocate joints. I think there is a reason we haven't seen a steelrunner use their feruchemy this way, and that's because they already know this. For example (WoA Ch 58): If just striking with increased speed wouldn't hurt the feruchemist as well, why didn't Sazed just strike Marsh quickly (he could have followed with the Pull, and used both sources of increased momentum), instead he balanced the Speed with Iron and Pewter to make sure he wasn't hurt by striking with his own increased speed. Even in HoA when we see Sazed strike with F-Steel (but no pewter) he still uses F-Iron to baalnce it out (Ch 78) And in SoS, Bleeder only uses speed with knife-based slashing attacks or when shooting. I don't think it does increase strength, or at least not appreciably - the WoB says there is a slight mental component (similar to Zinc) because at-speed you have to sense and react to the environment quickly (which he compares to the strength component of F-Iron). Increased metal burn is simply a by-product of speed increasing everything about your body - metabolism included (which may imply a similar F-Bendalloy reduced food need when storing speed because of the decreased metabolism and decreased calorie usage).
  24. Here are the Night of Sorrows references: So, the Chapter 18 and 61 references seem to be Dalinar remembering the vision we see for the first time in Ch 75. That makes three distinct references (as shown in he Coppermind link above): Two make it seem like "Nigth of Sorrows" might just be another name for the events of the WoR climax, and the summoning of the Everstorm (which could feasibly be the Listener Term for that night, since it marked the death of 90% of their remaining population). One reference uses "and" which may imply that it is something different-but-connected. The fact that two of the references have nothing to do with Shadesmar imply that the Sun in the third reference is not important, except as a metaphor for "twilight" and entering a "dark time." I very much doubt that it would have anything to do with a literal twilight or tidally locked planet (since Brandon aslready has White Sand to explore the ramifications of tidally locked planets and how that effects culture, ecology and geology). It seems much more like a purple prose name for a single event than a description of a continuing "period" of time. Since all three terms are always seen together, my nerpretation (pening more evidence) is: The Everstorm is summoned on the Night of Sorrows, ushering in the True Desolation
  25. This most likely depends upon Cognitive Identity. Example When one looks at a Stainless Steel workbench, people will see it as one thing - a workbench - and it likely sees itself the same. It doesn't matter at all that the legs were welded onto the frame or that the frame was welded to the top. It is what it is seen as being - a workbench. So, if you weld a small ball to the top of a Spike - you have . . . a small ball welded to a sharp object. A handle? A really Really large map pin? You see my point? A welded object likely cannot function as "one" until and unless people see it (and it sees itself) as one thing, rather than two connected things.
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